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再谈重庆高温干旱   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
梁凤荣 《四川气象》2007,27(3):18-20
针对2006年重庆地区发生的百年不遇的高温干旱,从气象的角度分析了此次高温干旱的特点及其形成原因,进而提出了一些应对方法和措施,以供今后借鉴和参考。  相似文献   
近年来,随着气象科技的迅猛发展、9210工程的完善以及各种预报产品的增多,"12121"语音答询系统的人工录入更加繁重。为了有效减轻工作量,保证"12121"语音录入的及时性,使气象信息在第一时间通过"12121"语音答询系统及时传播给广大听众,我们利用现有的9210报文和伍豪"12121"答询系统的定时模板功能,实现了"12121"语音的自动录入。  相似文献   
Through an Australia-China climate change bilateral project, we analyzed results of 51-year global offline simulations over China using the Australian community atmosphere biosphere land exchange (CABLE) model, focusing on integrated studies of its surface energy, water and carbon cycle at seasonal, interannual and longer time-scales. In addition to the similar features in surface climatology between the CABLE simulation and those derived from the global land-surface data assimilation system, comparison of surface fluxes at a CEOP reference site in northeast China also suggested that the seasonal cycles of surface evaporation and CO2 flux are reasonably simulated by the model. We further assessed temporal variations of model soil moisture with the observed variations at a number of locations in China. Observations show a soil moisture recharge–discharge mechanism on a seasonal time scale in central-east China, with soil moisture being recharged during its summer wet season, retained in its winter due to low evaporation demand, and depleted during early spring when the land warms up. Such a seasonal cycle is shown at both 50- and 100-cm soil depths in observations while the model only shows a similar feature in its lower soil layers with its upper layer soil moisture varying tightly with rainfall seasonal cycle. In the analysis of the model carbon cycle, the net primary productivity (NPP) has similar spatial patterns as the ones derived from an ecosystem model with remote sensing. The simulated interannual variations of NPP by CABLE are consistent with the results derived from remote sensing-based and process-based studies over the period of 1981–2000. Nevertheless an upward trend from observations is not presented in the model results. The model shows a downward trend primarily due to the constant CO2 concentration used in the experiment and a large increase of autotrophic respiration caused by an upward trend in surface temperature forcing data. Furthermore, we have compared river discharge data from the model experiments with observations in the Yangtze and Yellow River basins in China. In the Yangtze River basin, while the observed interannual variability is reasonably captured, the model significantly underestimates its river discharge, which is consist with its overestimation of evaporation in the region. In the Yellow River basin, the magnitudes of the river discharge is similar between modeled and observed but its variations are less skillfully captured as seen in the Yangtze River region.  相似文献   
王亮  朱仲元  刘轩晓  何桥 《高原气象》2012,31(4):1158-1165
为了解近50年滦河上游气温和降水气候的变化特征、趋势及其对该流域径流量的影响,利用1956-2009年滦河上游的实测气温、降水量和径流深资料,分析了该流域气温、降水和径流深的年均和季度变化的时间序列,并建立了该流域气候变化对径流影响的复相关回归模型。结果表明,年径流深随着年降水量的减少而减少,随着年平均气温的升高而减少;春、夏和秋季的径流深随着同期降水量和气温的变化趋势与年际变化趋势基本一致,但冬季径流深则相反,而且其变化幅度非常小。  相似文献   
颜娇珑  张武  单云鹏  柳丹 《高原气象》2016,(4):1073-1086
利用常规地面观测资料和CALIOP/CALIPSO卫星遥感资料统计分析了中国西北东部霾的多年变化以及霾事件期间气溶胶光学特性的垂直空间分布特征,并以2013年3月和11月发生在西北东部的霾天气为例分析了霾发生时大气气溶胶粒子的形状及大小的垂直分布特征、对应的天气形势和气象要素的变化。结果表明:西北东部霾日出现频率由20世纪80年代至90年代末逐渐减小,但21世纪起又明显增加;霾事件主要发生在11、12和1月。霾发生时,在对流层内霾影响最严重的区域在距地面2~4 km范围,垂直方向气溶胶后向散射系数的范围集中于0.8×10-3~2.5×10-3km-1·sr-1,且随高度增加而增大;气溶胶的体积退偏比大部分20%,气溶胶较为规则,不规则的多分布在地表向上4 km以下,随着高度的增加气溶胶不规则性减弱。色比数值大部分0.8,8~12 km气层中主要是色比为0.0~0.4的粒子。当高空受高压系统控制,地面为均压场,近地面出现逆温层时易产生霾。  相似文献   
Interaction between basaltic melts and peridotites has played an important role in modifying the lithospheric and asthenospheric mantle during magma genesis in a number of tectonic settings. Compositions of basaltic melts vary considerably and may play an important role in controlling the kinetics of melt–peridotite interaction. To better understand the effect of melt composition on melt–peridotite interaction, we conducted spinel lherzolite dissolution experiments at 2 GPa and 1,425 °C using the dissolution couple method. The reacting melts include a basaltic andesite, a ferro-basalt, and an alkali basalt. Dissolution of lherzolite in the basaltic andesite and the ferro-basalt produced harzburgite–lherzolite sequences with a thin orthopyroxenite layer at the melt–harzburgite interface, whereas dissolution of lherzolite in the alkali basalt produced a dunite–harzburgite–lherzolite sequence. Systematic variations in mineral compositions across the lithological units are observed. These mineral compositional variations are attributed to grain-scale processes that involve dissolution, precipitation, and reprecipitation and depend strongly on reacting melt composition. Comparison of mineral compositional variations across the dissolution couples with those observed in mantle xenoliths from the North China Craton (NCC) helps to assess the spatial and temporal variations in the extent of siliceous melt and peridotite interaction in modifying the lithospheric mantle beneath the NCC. We found that such melt–rock interaction mainly took place in Early Cretaceous, and is responsible for the enrichment of pyroxene in the lithospheric mantle. Spatially, siliceous melt–peridotite interaction took place in the ancient orogens with thickened lower crust.  相似文献   
吴亮  谢忠  陈占龙  马丽娜 《地球科学》2010,35(3):362-368
为了提高分布式环境下海量空间数据的空间运算的效率,解决空间分析处理模块在设计上与底层的数据库服务协议、空间数据模型等透明一致的设计问题.分析了分布式空间运算具备的基本特征,从空间运算任务分解和分布式空间数据的划分方法、共享数据复制策略、基于负载的数据划分策略和空间运算框架的缓存机制等几个方面讨论分布式空间信息的运算技术体系,并提出现阶段可行的实现框架.基于本框架开发的系统用于实际应用中,较好地解决了分布式环境下的大规模复杂空间数据运算的效率问题.以分布式环境下的经典空间运算为例进行的试验表明:该框架设计新颖,提高了空间运算效率.   相似文献   
王梁 《地质与勘探》2015,51(3):422-431
后石花金矿是华北克拉通北缘一小型石英脉型金矿床。对矿体5件辉钼矿样品的ReOs同位素分析,获得了介于280.3±3.8~283.0±3.9Ma,加权平均为282.0±1.8Ma(MSWD=0.28)的同位素模式年龄,以及一个相关性很好的等时线年龄281.9±1.8Ma(MSWD=0.57),表明矿床形成于早二叠世,推测是海西晚期古亚洲洋俯冲体制下陆缘弧背景中构造-热液成矿事件产物。综合区域资料认为,华北北缘中段在海西晚期曾发生过重要成矿作用,但多在后期被剥蚀破坏。华北北缘中段大陆弧范围内,叠加在前寒武纪结晶基底韧性剪切带之上的脆性断裂构造带,以及华北北缘早古生代增生带内部,是形成海西晚期金、钼矿床的有利部位。  相似文献   
人工鱼礁工程的风险评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对台风暴潮影响下的嵊泗海域人工鱼礁工程做了风险评估,考虑了台风暴潮中出现的大浪和风暴潮减水对鱼礁联合作用的危害。风险评估分为危险灾害识别、失效概率计算、失效后果评估、风险准则评定和风险管理决策几个主要的步骤。在失效概率的计算中采用基于应用设计点的重点抽样法随机模拟的技术,这一随机模拟技术可以广泛的应用与海洋工程结构的风险评估当中。  相似文献   
深海钻探通常采用无隔水管开路钻进,当更换钻头或钻具,测井、处理孔内事故等情况时,需要起下钻后重新进入原钻孔,此过程称为重入钻孔。由于钻探船与海底孔口有数千米的水体相隔,受海浪和洋流作用,钻探船动荡不稳,钻杆柱摇摆不定,要想重新进入原钻孔并非易事。本文通过广泛调研,对海底基盘、声呐重入系统、水下电视重入系统及无人遥控潜水器(ROV)等目前几种常见的重入钻孔技术进行了详细介绍,对各种技术的优缺点进行了综合对比,优选了水下电视重入系统作为我国深海钻探重入钻孔技术方案,初步提出了技术设计思路,为样机研发和工艺制定奠定了基础。  相似文献   
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