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The present study proposes a methodology for predicting the vertical light nonaqueous-phase liquids (LNAPLs) distribution within an aquifer by considering the influence of water table fluctuations. The LNAPL distribution is predicted by combining (1) information on air/LNAPL and LNAPL/water interface elevations with (2) the initial elevation of the water table without LNAPL effect. Data used in the present study were collected during groundwater monitoring undertaken over a period of 4 months at a LNAPL-impacted observation well. In this study, the water table fluctuations raised the free LNAPL in the subsurface to an elevation of 206.63 m, while the lowest elevation was 205.70 m, forming a thickness of 0.93 m of LNAPL-impacted soil. Results show that the apparent LNAPL thickness in the observation well is found to be three times greater than the actual free LNAPL thickness in soil; a finding that agrees with previous studies reporting that apparent LNAPL thickness in observation wells typically exceeds the free LNAPL thickness within soil by a factor estimated to range between 2 and 10. The present study provides insights concerning the transient variation of LNAPL distribution within the subsurface and highlights the capability of the proposed methodology to mathematically predict the actual LNAPL thickness in the subsurface, without the need to conduct laborious field tests. Practitioners can use the proposed methodology to determine by how much the water table should be lowered, through pumping, to isolate the LNAPL-impacted soil within the unsaturated zone, which can then be subjected to in situ vadose zone remedial treatment.  相似文献   
We explore the controls of the litho‐tectonic architecture on the erosional flux in the 370‐km2 Glogn basin (European Alps). In this basin, the bedding and schistosity of the bedrock dip parallel to the topographic slope on the NW valley flank, leading to a non‐dip slope situation on the opposite SE valley side. While the dip slope condition has promoted the occurrence of landslides (e.g. the c. 30‐km2 deep‐seated Lumnezia landslide), the opposite non‐dip slope side of the valley hosts >100‐m‐deeply incised tributary streams. 10Be concentrations of stream sediments yield catchment‐averaged denudation rates that vary between 0.27 ± 0.03 and 2.19 ± 0.37 mm a?1, while the spatially averaged denudation rate of the entire basin is 1.99 ± 0.34 mm a?1. Our 10Be‐based approach reveals that the Lumnezia landslide front contributes c. 30–65% of the entire sediment budget, although it covers <5% of the Glogn basin. This suggests a primary control of the bedrock bedding on erosion rates and processes.  相似文献   
In order to understand and manage a hydrological region, one usually needs to comprehensively characterize the watersheds (basins) and their river networks. This usually and primarily involves analysis of hydrological and geomorphological properties of the watershed derived from the digital terrain model (DTM), but this approach neglects the information content of the associated river networks. In this study, we used a combination of traditional DTM and original river network‐related indices to the watersheds of an understudied region, Haiti. We also used Monte Carlo simulations to estimate index confidence levels of these indices. Compared to commonly used indices, the network indices provided valuable information that could then be used in statistical analyses as a way to identify the dominant features of the country's watershed morphology. On this basis, we identified four watershed groups in Haiti: (i) high, elongated watersheds, (ii) lowlands, with sinuous networks and relatively slow runoff, (iii) high watersheds with dendritic networks, and (iv) lowlands with high downstream–upstream contrast in properties and rapid runoffs. We argue that river network features provide complementary information in terms of flow topology, highly relevant to characterize contrasting relief countries, such as Haiti. Hence, more exhaustive characterization of watersheds would predictably benefit from the approach outlined in this paper. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
褶皱逆冲带的几何学研究是造山带研究的热点,但是无论是传统构造地质学方法还是地球物理学方法都在研究褶皱逆冲带几何特征时存在多解性.为了制约这种多解性,本文以天山北麓的呼图壁河剖面为列,介绍一种地质与地球物理相结合的研究方法.该方法首先沿呼图壁河剖面进行详细的地表观测,获取地表的构造地质数据形成初步的地质模型,其次结合地表构造和钻井分层数据,对收集到的石油地震剖面进行重新解释.然而,地震反射数据只分布在盆地内部,在盆山结合带缺失或者不清晰,因此对该剖面进行了重力测量并计算出布格重力异常.结合盆地各沉积地层和基底密度值,用重力正演方法模拟呼图壁河剖面的密度结构.研究结果显示沿呼图壁河剖面并不存在天山北缘断裂,盆地的沉积盖层可以从准噶尔盆地连续过度到天山内部并不整合覆盖在天山古生代基底之上.这一结果与西段金钩河剖面的天山基底逆冲到准噶尔盆地显然不同,说明了天山北缘盆山结合带构造的多样性.利用平衡剖面技术,恢复的呼图壁河平衡剖面缩短量约为4.8 km,对比前人研究,说明了天山北缘的缩短量沿东西方向存在显著的不均一性.本研究也说明这种构造地质与地震及非震地球物理相结合的方法可以广泛地被应用于褶皱逆冲带.  相似文献   
Seasonal signals of stable isotopes in precipitation, combined with measurements of isotope ratios in soil water, can be used for quantitative estimation of groundwater recharge rates. This study investigates the applicability of using the piston flow principle and the peak shift displacement method to estimate actual groundwater recharge rates in a humid Nordic region located in the province of Quebec, Canada. Two different sites with and without vegetation (C1 and C2) in an unconfined aquifer were tested by measuring soil water isotope ratios (18O/16O and 2H/1H) and volumetric pore water content. Core samples were obtained along the vadose zone down to the groundwater table at the two sites (2.45 m for Site C1 and 4.15 m for Site C2). The peak shift method to estimate groundwater recharge rates was shown to be accurate only in certain specific conditions inherent to the soil properties and the topographical situation of the investigated sites. Indeed, at Site C2, recharge from the snowmelt could not be estimated because of heterogeneity in the lower part of the vadose zone. At this same site the later recharge after the snowmelt (in the period from late spring to early autumn) could be estimated accurately because the upper part of the vadose zone was homogeneous. Furthermore, at site C1, runoff/runon phenomena hampered calculations of actual infiltration and thus produced inaccurate results for recharge. These two different site effects (heterogeneity in the first site and runoff/runon in the other site) were identified as being limiting factors in the accurate assessment of actual recharge. This study therefore recommends the use of the peak shift method for (1) humid Nordic regions, (2) homogeneous and thick vadose zones, and (3) areas with few or limited site effects (runoff/runon).  相似文献   
Clay mineral assemblages of the Neogene Himalayan foreland basin are studied to decipher their significance with respect to tectonic and climate processes. Fluvial deposits of the Siwalik Group (west‐central Nepal), and sediment of the Ganga River drainage system were analysed for clay mineralogy. The observed clay mineral assemblages are mainly composed of illite (dominant), chlorite, smectite and kaolinite. Illite and chlorite are chiefly of detrital origin, derived from Himalayan sources. Kaolinite and smectite are authigenic, and mainly developed within pore space and as coating of detrital particles. With increasing burial, diagenetic processes affected the original clay mineral signature. Illitisation of smectite and kaolinite occurred below 2500 and 3500 m depth, respectively. Therefore, illite in the lower parts of the Siwalik Group consists of a mixture of inherited illite and illitised smectite and kaolinite, as suggested by illite crystallinity. Detrital grains that make up the framework of the Siwalik Group sandstones mainly consist of quartz, feldspar and lithic fragments, which are principally of sedimentary and metamorphic origin. Lithoclast content increases over time at the expense of quartz and K‐feldspar in response to uplift and erosion of the Lesser Himalaya Series since about 11–10 Ma. Despite mainly felsic source rocks, dominantly physical erosion processes in the Himalayan belt, and high‐energy fluvial depositional systems, smectite is abundant in the <7 Ma Siwalik Group deposits. Analyses of the Siwalik deposits and comparison with the clay mineralogy of the modern drainage system suggest that smectite preferentially formed in floodplains and intermontane valleys during early diagenesis because of downward percolating fluids rich in cations from weathering and soil development. In general, increasing seasonality and aridity linked to variability of the Asian monsoon from about 8 Ma enhanced clay mineral formation and development of authigenic smectite in paleo‐plains on the southern side of the Himalaya.  相似文献   
The present study examines the geoarchaeological history of an oasis in Kharga Depression in central Egypt. El‐Deir is renowned for its Ptolemaic temple and Roman fortress on the road from former Hibis (Kharga) to the Nile Valley. During the survey, spring mounds and irrigation soils belonging to an ancient agricultural zone were discovered, and further documented by ceramics found on the site. Our methodology combines the geomorphological interpretation of landforms (especially yardangs) with ceramics and 14C‐dated charcoal to distinguish and date former agricultural areas in El‐Deir. The results show that the oasis experienced several phases of soil accretion and destruction through time. Playa sediments were deposited in the humid early Holocene and severely eroded by deflation before the onset of irrigated agriculture between Pharaonic and Persian times. Very fast vertical soil accretion occurred in the Ptolemaic period, but irrigation soils were later destroyed during the Roman period by a combination of wind deflation and flash floods (second to fourth century A.D.), suggesting a period of climate instability. The case of El‐Deir invites reevaluation of constructive agencies for the development of irrigated land and destructive agencies as limiting factors for the sustainability of agricultural practices in late antiquity.  相似文献   
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