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Walter MR  Des Marais DJ 《Icarus》1993,101(1):129-143
Current interpretations of the early history of Mars suggest many similarities with the early Earth and therefore raise the possibility that the Archean and Proterozoic history of life on Earth could have a counterpart on Mars. Terrestrial experience suggests that, with techniques that can be employed remotely, ancient springs, including thermal springs, could well yield important information. By delivering water and various dissolved species to the sunlit surface of Mars, springs very likely created an environment suitable for life, which could have been difficult, if not impossible, to attain elsewhere. The chemical and temperature gradients associated with thermal springs sort organisms into sharply delineated, distinctive and different communities, and so diverse organisms are concentrated into relatively small areas in a predictable and informative fashion. A wide range of metabolic strategies are concentrated into small areas, thus furnishing a useful and representative sampling of the existing biota. Mineral-charged springwaters frequently deposit chemical precipitates of silica and/or carbonate which incorporate microorganisms and preserve them as fossils. The juxtaposition of stream valley headwaters with volcanoes and impact craters on Mars strongly implies that subsurface heating of groundwater created thermal springs. On Earth, thermal springs create distinctive geomorphic features and chemical signatures which can be detected by remote sensing. Spring deposits can be quite different chemically from adjacent rocks. Individual springs can be hundreds of meters wide, and complexes of springs occupy areas up to several kilometers wide. Benthic microbial mats and the resultant stromatolites occupy a large fraction of the available area. The relatively high densities of fossils and microbial mat fabrics within these deposits make them highly prospective in any search for morphological evidence of life, and there are examples of microbial fossils in spring deposits as old as 300 Myr.  相似文献   
A search and estimation of the statistical significance of the quasi-periodical structures (QPS) has been carried out: for the luminosity function of the galaxies in a few rich clusters; for the integrated mass function of galaxies in the superclusters identified via = 21 cm observations. Some statistically significant QPS have been revealed. The periods for these structures are in agreement between each other, at this basis the hypothesis has been proposed that an effect of the QPS at the level of galaxies has some universal character. Frequency doubling has been discovered for these QPS.  相似文献   
The present work deals with spectrophotometric studies of two Be stars ( Leo and 17 Tau) using 74 telescope at Kottamia observatory.The results obtained revealed the presence of variations in the general shape and the equivalent width of the profiles of hydrogen lines in the spectrum of both stars within short period interval.  相似文献   
Earlier results concerning sympathetic flares - physically related flares occurring in different active regions practically in the same time - and time-correlated radio bursts are compared with magnetic situation in active regions with related flaring and with the history and dynamics of its development. We found observational evidence abou the reality of sympathetic flares, demonstrating also that active regions in which they appear are physically related through common dynamical elements in which the evolution of their magnetic fields goes parallel. Such a process may sometimes occupy a very large volume of the photosphere and we believe that it might be related to the large-scale convective motions.  相似文献   
In this work 13 Planetary Nebulae have been classified as Type I according to Peimbert's criteria (Peimbert, 1978). These objects have been added to a previous sample (Maciel and Faúndez-Abans, 1985) and diagrams of O/H versus N/H, S/H, Ne/H and Ar/H, as well as N/H versus S/H, Ne/H and Ar/H have been drawn. All of them exhibit a tendency for linear correlation; moreover, the behavior of O and N versus Ar and S are very similar, with approximately the same slope. When the excitation class parameter was included in the diagrams, no clear tendency can be discerned, for any class.  相似文献   
Varela  M. E.  Bjerg  E. A.  Clocchiatti  R.  Labudia  C. H.  Kurat  G. 《Mineralogy and Petrology》1997,60(3-4):145-164
Summary Three generations of fluid inclusions can be recognized in upper mantle xenoliths from alkali basalts of the Somoncura Massif, Northern Patagonia, Argentina. The first (early, primary) one consists of dense CO2 inclusions which were trapped in the mantle-crust boundary zone (22–36 km minimum trapping depth). Their co-genetic relationship with silicate melt inclusions enables us to constrain their minimum trapping temperature at 1200°C, indicating a high temperature event in a cooler environment. The late (pseudosecondary and secondary) generations of fluid inclusions were classified in accordance with their homogenization temperature to liquid CO2 (L1) and vapor CO2 (L2) phase. The minimum trapping depth for the first of the late inclusions (L1) is about 16 km. In spite of the uncertainties related to this value, L1 inclusions indicate that the upper mantle rocks, of which samples were delivered by the basalts, had some residence time in the middle crust where they experienced a metasomatic event. The fact that this event did not destroy the earlier inclusions, places severe constraints on its duration. The second late inclusions (L2) are low-pressure CO2 inclusions with a minimum trapping depth of only 2 km, presumably a shallow magma chamber of the host basalts. The succession of fluid inclusions strongly points toward a fairly fast uprising upper mantle underneath Northern Patagonia. The petrology and mineral chemistry of the peridotitic xenoliths support this view. Extensive partial melting and loss of these melts is indicated by the preponderance of harzburgites in the upper mantle underneath Northern Patagonia, a fairly unusual feature for a continental upper mantle. That depletion event as well as several metasomatic events — including those which left traces of fluid inclusions — are possibly related to a high-speed diapiric uprise of the upper mantle in this area. The path can be traced from the garnet peridotite stability field into the middle crust, a journey which must have been unusually fast. Differences in rock, mineral, and fluid inclusion properties between geographic locations suggest a diffuse and differential type of diapirism. Future studies will hopefully help to map the full extent and the highs and lows of this diapir and elucidate questions related to its origin and future.
Fluid-Einschlüsse in Erdmantel-Xenolithen von Nord-Patagonien: Evidenz für einen Diapir im oberen Erdmantel
Zusammenfassung Erdmantel - Xenolithe in Alkali-Basalten des Somoncure Massivs, Nord-Patagonien, Argentinien, führen drei Generationen von Fluid-Einschlüssen. Die erste (frühe, primäre) Generation besteht aus dichten CO2-Einschlüssen, welche offenbar in der Mantel-Kruste Grenzzone (22–36 km Minimum-Tiefe) eingeschlossen wurden. CO2-Einschlüsse sind kogenetisch mit Silikat-Schmelzeinschlüssen. Dies erlaubt die Abschätzung der Einschließ-Temperatur mit minimal 1200°C, was auf ein Hochtemperatur-Ereignis in einer deutlich kühleren Umgebung hinweist. Die späten (pseudosekundäre und sekundäre) CO2- Fluid-Einschlüsse bilden zwei Generationen von denen die eine in die flüssige (L1), die andere in die Dampfphase (L2) homogenisieren. Die minimale Einschließ-Tiefe für die L1 Generation ist etwa 16 km. Dies bedeutet - auch bei Berücksichtigung der mit diesem Wert verbundenen Ungenauigkeit - daß diese Erdmantel-Gesteine einige Zeit in der mittleren Erdkruste verbrachten und ein metasomatisches Ereignis erlebten, bevor sie von den Basalten zur Erdoberfläche gebracht wurden. Die Tatsache, daß dieses Ereignis die frühen Einschlüsse nicht zerstörte, kann nur bedeuten, daß es von kurzer Dauer war. Die L2-Generation besteht aus Niedrigdruck CO2-Einschlüssen mit einer Minimum-Einschließtiefe von nur 2 km. Dies könnte in einer seichten Magmakammer des Wirt Basaltes geschehen sein.Die Abfolge von Fluid-Einschlüssen deutet auf einen relativ schnell aufsteigenden oberen Erdmantel unterhalb von Patagonien hin. Die Petrologie und Mineralchemie der peridotitischen Xenolithe unterstützen das. Die Vorherrschaft von Harzburgiten im Erdmantel unterhalb von Nord-Patagonien deutet auf umfangreiche Bildung partieller Schmelzen und deren Abfuhr hin — eine für einen kontinentalen Mantel ungewöhnliche Situation. Sowohl die Verarmungsereignisse, als auch die metasomatischen Veränderungen (einschließlich jene, welche Spuren in Form von Fluid Einschlüssen hinterließen) machen das Vorhandensein eines schnell aufsteigenden Daipirs im oberen Erdmantel dieser Gegend wahrscheinlich. Der Aufstieg kann vom Stabilitätsbereich der Granat-Peridotite bis in die mittlere Kruste verfolgt werden und muß daher relativ schnell erfolgt sein. Unterschiede in Gesteins-, Mineral und Fluid-Eigenschaften zwischen verschiedenen Lokalitäten legen einen diffusen und differenziellen Diapirismus nahe. Zukünftige Studien sollten es ermöglichen, das Gesamtausmaß und die unterschiedlichen Aufstiegshöhen des Diapirs zu kartieren und Hinweise auf seine Entstehung und zukünftige Entwicklung zu erhalten.

With 5 Figures  相似文献   
 The Tyrrhenian resort of S. Marinella (central Italy) is subjected to significant anthropogenic pressures during the summer vacation period, a common situation all along the Italian coast. Located 65 km NW of Rome on the southern slopes of the Tolfa Mountains, S. Marinella is built on a gently sloping, E–W trending belt which is cut by 14 N–S oriented ephemeral streams that discharge into the Tyrrhenian Sea. The low to medium permeability turbiditic sandstones which outcrop along this belt belong to the Late Cretaceous Pietraforte unit. Three environmental problems are addressed in this study. The first problem is related to the high water supply demand during the summer months which has forced local residents to dig a large number of wells. Extensive pumping from these wells has caused salt-water intrusion into the Pietraforte, thus compromising the domestic use of the groundwater. The second problem consists of the illegal dumping of urban solid waste, material that represents a hazard during significant rain events as well as a possible cause of groundwater contamination. The final issue addressed concerns the flooding potential of the 14 ephemeral streams that cross the inhabited area of S. Marinella, a risk which is highlighted by the disastrous flood which occurred on 2 October 1981 and during the period of the Roman Emperor Settimio Severo (205 A.D.). Some suggestions are proposed to mitigate and contain the effects of these problems. Received: 7 November 1995 / Accepted: 5 December 1996  相似文献   
Geluk  M.C.  Röhling  H.-G. 《Geologie en Mijnbouw》1997,76(3):227-246
Detailed log correlations of the largely fluvio-lacustrine Lower Triassic Buntsandstein (Late Permian-Early Anisian), carried out on 80 wells in the Dutch onshore and offshore areas, can be linked to northwest-German high-resolution sequence stratigraphy. The correlations show that cyclic sedimentation occurred in large parts of the basin. Seven 1st-order sequences are recognised, namely the Main Claystone, Rogenstein, Volpriehausen, Detfurth, Hardegsen, Solling and Lower Röt Sequences. They are overlain by the lower part of the Upper Röt–Lower Muschelkalk Sequence. Distinct sequence boundaries have been identified at the bases of four sequences: Volpriehausen, Detfurth, Solling and Upper Röt. The higher-order sequences consist of fining-upwards cycles with a thickness of up to tens of metres. The sequences are laterally persistent and have a characteristic expression on gamma-ray and sonic logs. In the Lower Buntsandstein, they display a uniform character throughout most of the area, with only minor differences in thickness or lithology. NNE-oriented lows and swells were formed during deposition of the Volpriehausen, Detfurth and Hardegsen Sequences. Uplift prior to the deposition of the Solling Sequence caused deep erosion on the swells in the basin and minor erosion in the lows. The high-resolution sequences probably represent alternating, relatively wet and dry climatic periods, with a periodicity of about 100 000 years. An analysis of the sequences suggests that their reduced thickness on the swells is mainly the effect of erosion. This is supported by analyses of the accumulation patterns and rates.  相似文献   
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