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Kenner  Robert  Gischig  Valentin  Gojcic  Zan  Qu&#;au  Yvain  Kienholz  Christian  Figi  Daniel  Th&#;ny  Reto  Bonanomi  Yves 《Landslides》2022,19(6):1357-1377
Landslides - Lidar measurements and UAV photogrammetry provide high-resolution point clouds well suited for the investigation of slope deformations. Today, however, the information contained in...  相似文献   
Probabilistic climate projections based on two SRES scenarios, an IMAGE reference scenario and five IMAGE mitigation scenarios (all of them multi-gas scenarios) using the Bern2.5D climate model are calculated. Probability distributions of climate model parameters that are constrained by observations are employed as input for the climate model. The sensitivity of the resulting distributions with respect to prior assumptions on climate sensitivity is then assessed. Due to system inertia, prior assumptions on climate sensitivity play a minor role in the case of temperature projections for the first half of the 21st century, but these assumptions have a considerable influence on the distributions of the projected temperature increase in the year 2100. Upper and lower probabilities for exceeding 2°C by the year 2100 are calculated for the different scenarios. Only the most stringent mitigation measures lead to low probabilities for exceeding the 2°C threshold. This finding is robust with respect to our prior assumptions on climate sensitivity. Further, probability distributions of total present-value damages over the period 2000–2100 for the different scenarios are calculated assuming a wide range of damage cost functions, and the sensitivity of these distributions with respect to the assumed discount rate is investigated. Absolute values of damage costs depend heavily on the chosen damage cost function and discount rate. Nevertheless, some robust conclusions are possible.  相似文献   
Climate change and high magnitude mass wasting events pose adverse societal effects and hazards, especially in alpine regions. Quantification of such geomorphic processes and their rates is therefore critical but is often hampered by the lack of appropriate techniques and the various spatiotemporal scales involved in these studies. Here we exploit both in situ cosmogenic beryllium-10 (10Be) and carbon-14 (14C) nuclide concentrations for deducing exposure ages and tracing of sediment through small alpine debris flow catchments in central Switzerland. The sediment cascade and modern processes we track from the source areas, through debris flow torrents to their final export out into sink regions with cosmogenic nuclides over an unprecedented five-year time series with seasonal resolution. Data from a seismic survey and a 90 m core revealed a glacially overdeepened basin, filled with glacial and paraglacial sediments. Surface exposure dating of fan boulders and radiocarbon ages constrain the valley fill from the last deglaciation until the Holocene and show that most of the fan existed in early Holocene times already. Current fan processes are controlled by episodic debris flow activity, snow (firn) and rock avalanches. Field investigations, digital elevation models (DEMs) of difference and geomorphic analysis agree with sediment fingerprinting with cosmogenic nuclides, highlighting that the bulk of material exported today at the outlet of the subcatchments derives from the lower fans. Cosmogenic nuclide concentrations steadily decrease from headwater sources to distal fan channels due to the incorporation of material with lower nuclide concentrations. Further downstream the admixture of sediment from catchments with less frequent debris flow activity can dilute the cosmogenic nuclide signals from debris flow dominated catchments but may also reach thresholds where buffering is limited. Consequently, careful assessment of boundary conditions and driving forces is required when apparent denudation rates derived from cosmogenic nuclide analysis are upscaled to larger regions. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
We examine the sensitivity of 10Be concentrations (and derived denudation rates), to debris-flow and anthropogenic perturbations in steep settings of the Eastern Alps, and explore possible relations with structural geomorphic connectivity. Using cosmogenic 10Be as a tracer for functional geomorphic connectivity, we conduct sampling replications across four seasons in Gadria, Strimm and Allitz Creek. Sampling sites encompass a range of structural connectivity configurations, including the conditioning of a sackung, all assessed through a geomorphometric index (IC). By combining information on contemporary depth of erosion and sediment yield, disturbance history and post-LGM (Last Glacial Maximum) sedimentation rates, we constrain the effects of debris-flow disturbance on 10Be concentrations at the Gadria sites. Here, we argue that bedrock weakening imparted by the sackung promotes high depth of erosion. Consequently, debris flows recruit sediment beyond the critical depth of spallogenic production (e.g., >3 m), which in turn, episodically, due to predominantly muogenic production pathways, lowers 10Be concentration by a factor of 4, for at least 2 years. In contrast, steady erosion in Strimm Creek yields very stable 10Be concentrations through time. In Allitz Creek, we observe two- to fourfold seasonal fluctuations in 10Be concentrations, which we explain as the combined effects of water diversion and hydraulic structures on sediment mixing. We further show that 10Be concentration correlates inversely with the IC index, where sub-basins characterized by high concentrations (long residence times) exhibit low IC values (structurally disconnected) and vice versa, implying that, over millennial time scales a direct relation exists between functional and structural connectivity, and that the IC index performed as a suitable metric for structural connectivity. The index performs comparably better than other metrics (i.e., mean slope and mean normalized channel steepness index) previously used to assess topographic controls on denudation rates in active unglaciated ranges. In terms of landscape evolution, we argue that the sackung, by favouring intense debris-flow activity across the Holocene, has aided rapid postglacial reshaping of the Gadria basin, which currently exhibits a topographic signature characteristic of unglaciated debris-flow systems. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Detailed study of a localised saline discharge zone in southeastern Australia shows that the salinisation is mostly due to the shallow water table (<1–2 m from the surface). Direct evaporation, particularly in summer, leads to extremely high soil–water salinities at the surface, even though the underlying groundwater is moderately fresh. Groundwater discharge is localised at a break of slope, where the water table intersects the surface, and where the transition from permeable sands to clay-rich sediments inhibits lateral groundwater flow. Higher salt concentrations build up in the clays because of the long residence times during which soil-waters are exposed to evapotranspiration and the reduced potential for salts to be flushed from the sediments. As a result the saline discharge area does not correspond to the part of the site with the largest salt store. Results of the study demonstrate that for dryland salinisation to occur, the groundwater beneath the discharge zone need not be saline, and the presence of a large salt store does not necessarily lead to problems of dryland salinisation if, as in the clay-rich sediments at the site, the salt lies below the pasture root zone. Furthermore, mobilisation of salt stores within low permeability sediments by rising groundwater may be minor.
Résumé L’étude détaillée d’une zone localisée d’émergence salée au sud-est de l’Australie montre que la salinisation est surtout due à la nappe phréatique (<1–2 m sous la surface). L’évaporation directe, particulièrement durant l’été, conduit à des salinités de l’eau du sol extrêmement élevées à la surface, même si l’eau souterraine sous-jacente est modérément douce. L’émergence de l’eau souterraine est localisée à la rupture de pente, là où la nappe phréatique rencontre la surface du sol et où la transition entre sables perméables et sédiments riches en argiles inhibe les écoulements d’eau souterraine latéraux. Les plus fortes concentrations en sel s’accumulent dans les argiles du fait de temps de résidence élevés, durant lesquels les eaux du sol sont exposées à l’évapotranspiration et à un lessivage réduit des sédiments. Il en résulte que l’aire d’émergence des eaux salées ne correspond pas à la partie du site rencontrant la réserve de sel la plus importante. Les résultats de l’étude démontrent que pour que la salinisation d’une zone aride devienne effective, l’eau souterraine sous la zone ne doit pas être forcément salée, et la présence d’une zone étendue de réserve de sel ne conduit pas forcément à des problèmes de salinisation de zones arides si, comme dans les sédiments argileux du site, le sel ne repose pas sous la zone de pature. De plus, la mobilisation des réserves de sel dans les sédiments peu perméables par la montée du niveau de l’eau souterraine devrait être mineure.

Resumen El estudio detallado de una zona local de descarga salina en el sudeste de Australia, muestra que la salinización es principalmente debido a un nivel freático poco profundo (<1–2 m de la superficie). La evaporación Directa, particularmente en verano, conlleva a salinidades de suelo-agua sumamente altas en la superficie, aunque el agua subterránea subyacente es moderadamente dulce. La descarga de Agua subterránea se localiza en una interrupción de la ladera, dónde el nivel freático intercepta la superficie, y donde la transición de las arenas permeables a los sedimentos ricos en arcilla inhibe el flujo lateral del agua subterránea. Las concentraciones de sal más altas se forman en las arcillas debido a los tiempos de residencia largos durante los cuales se exponen el conjunto suelo-agua a la evapotranspiración y también por el potencial reducido para las sales de ser expulsadas de los sedimentos. Como resultado el área de la descarga salina no corresponde a la parte del sitio con el contenido de sal más grande. Los resultados del estudio demuestran que para que ocurra la salinización en terrenos secos, el agua subterránea bajo la de zona de descarga no necesita ser salina, y que la presencia de un almacenamiento de sal grande, no necesariamente lleva a los problemas de salinización en terrenos secos si, como en los sedimentos ricos en arcilla del sitio, la sal yace debajo de la zona de raíz de la pastura. Además, la movilidad de depósitos de sal dentro de los sedimentos de permeabilidad baja pueden ser menores, por causa del agua subterránea ascendente.
In September 2007 Föllmi and coauthors requested the approval of four lithostratigraphic terms of the Swiss Committee of Stratigraphy (SCS). These terms were to be used in their publication on the Cretaceous in the Helvetic realm (Föllmi et al. 2007). At its meeting on October 18, 2007, the SCS decided the following: The Tierwis Formation (replacing the Drusberg Formation) was accepted, with the reserve that a section at Tierwis should be published in the near future. For the former “Lower Orbitolina Beds” the term Rawil Member was accepted, but here too a better type section than the one at Rawil Pass should be published. The term Rohrbachstein bed should not be used as a formal unit because it describes only a minor lithologic variation within the Grünten Member. The term Plaine Morte bed for a thin condensed horizon can not be accepted due to the fact that its definition is based mainly on biostratigraphy. Furthermore, the duplication a locality term which is in use for a previously established lithostratigraphic unit should be avoided.  相似文献   
The petrographic and geochemical features of two zoisite–celsian gneiss outcrops from the Berisal Complex, characterised by a syn-kinematic mineral assemblage that contains celsian and barium white micas and a maximum whole-rock BaO content of 8.36 wt%, are described. The outcrops are enclosed in a larger body of garnet-bearing two-mica augen-gneiss, which has intrusive contacts with the surrounding garnet–biotite–muscovite paragneiss, and also contains small outcrops of two-mica clinozoisite gneiss. The zoisite–celsian gneisses are strongly enriched in all alkaline-earth elements, are depleted in the alkali elements, and have high Zr/Hf and Nb/Ta ratios compared with the surrounding gneisses. The zoisite–celsian, two-mica clinozoisite, and garnet-bearing two-mica augen-gneisses have Al/CNK molar ratios >1, and the zoisite–celsian gneisses are also enriched in Zr, Y, and Nb. Chondrite-normalised patterns for the rare earth elements (REE) show light REE enrichment, with a negative Eu anomaly. On the basis of field and geochemical data it is argued that the barium anomalies in the Berisal complex are the result of igneous fractionation of barium into anorthosite-dominated cognate inclusions within a larger volume of calc-alkaline peraluminous melt. On the basis of U–Pb zircon ages, a conservative estimate for the age of magma crystallisation is placed at 460 ± 10 Ma, and thus was related to significant late Ordovician granitoid magmatism in Gondwana-derived microcontinents during collision between Avalonia-Cadomia and Gondwana.  相似文献   
Relict fluvial and lacustrine deposits in the interior of Oman near Saiwan consist of waterlain breccias with pebble imbrications and current ripples, covered by algal laminites containing calcified reeds and charcoal pieces. Geomorphological evidence suggests that the palaeolake covered a maximum surface of 1400 km2 and had a maximum depth of about 25 m. Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) and thermally transferred OSL dating indicate that this palaeolake existed sometime between 132 and 104 ka. The rich archaeological evidence in the area suggests substantial human occupation, possibly at the time when Palaeolake Saiwan existed. Interestingly, the lithic traditions of the archaeological material show no clear relation to coeval findings from neighbouring areas, putting a question mark on the origin of the culture found at Saiwan. This finding raises questions concerning the origin of the population inhabiting Saiwan, as the site lies along one possible route for the dispersal of anatomically modern humans out‐of‐Africa. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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