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以谷子品种大金苗为研究对象,采用遮雨棚控水的大田试验方法,比较孕穗开花期和灌浆期水分胁迫/复水对叶片光合特性及产量影响,分析光合速率的限制因素,阐述光合速率、水分利用效率与产量的协同关系。结果表明:水分胁迫会导致谷子光合速率和产量下降,水分利用效率提高,随胁迫增强和持续时间延长,光合速率和产量下降幅度增大;水分胁迫后复水后,光合性能有所恢复,光合作用可产生补偿效应,水分胁迫越强和持续时间越长,补偿效应越低;轻度和持续时间短的水分胁迫,光合速率降低主要由气孔因素决定,随胁迫增强和持续时间延长,非气孔限制逐渐成为光合速率下降的主要原因;与孕穗开花期相比较,灌浆期水分胁迫对光合速率的影响更大且复水后光合性能恢复能力更低,光合速率与产量的协同关系更明显,产量对灌浆期水分胁迫更敏感。  相似文献   
利用常规资料、地面加密自动观测资料、NCEP/NCAR的1°×1°每6h再分析资料及多普勒雷达资料,对2011年6月16日(简称6.16过程)及2008年7月31日(简称7.31过程)发生在粤东南两次副高边缘特大暴雨进行对比分析。结果表明:6.16过程主要是受高空短波槽和偏南风急流共同影响而产生的,较厚的暖云层、深厚的湿层等使该过程降水范围更广;7.31过程主要是受对流中层扰动诱发产生的,为局地性强降水。雷达回波均表现为强的反射率因子,回波发展迅速且移动缓慢;6.16过程回波图上出现有界弱回波区(BWER)等超级单体风暴特征。  相似文献   
In this paper, a data assimilation scheme based on the adjoint free Four-Dimensional Variational(4DVar) method is applied to an existing storm surge model of the German North Sea. To avoid the need of an adjoint model, an ensemble-like method to explicitly represent the linear tangent equation is adopted. Results of twin experiments have shown that the method is able to recover the contaminated low dimension model parameters to their true values. The data assimilation scheme was applied to a severe storm surge event which occurred in the North Sea in December 5, 2013. By adjusting wind drag coefficient, the predictive ability of the model increased significantly. Preliminary experiments have shown that an increase in the predictive ability is attained by narrowing the data assimilation time window.  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONVeningMeinesz(1941)usedearlieranapproximatesolu-tionfortheequationofbendingofelasticthinplatestocalcu-latethevari...  相似文献   
By using continuous helium flow during the crushing of calcite speleothem samples, we are able to recover liberated inclusion waters without isotopic fractionation. A paleotemperature record for the Jacklah Jill Cave locality, Vancouver Island, BC, was obtained from a 30-cm tall stalagmite that grew 10.3-6.3 Ka ago, using δ18O values of the crushed calcite and of the inclusion water as inferred from its δD. It is found that the locality experienced mean annual temperature variations up to 11 °C over a 4-Ka period in the early Holocene. At the beginning of the period, local temperature quickly increased from a minimum of ∼1 °C to around 10 °C, but this early climate optimum, about 3 °C warmer than today, only lasted for ∼1200 years. About 8.6 Ka ago, temperature had declined to ∼7 °C, approximately the same as the modern cave temperature. Since then, the study area has experienced only minor temperature fluctuations, but there was a brief fall to ∼4 °C at around 7 Ka ago, which might be caused by a short lived expansion of local alpine glaciers. The long-term T-dependence of δD was 1.47‰/°C, identical to the value in modern precipitation.  相似文献   
In this study we analyzed runoff and sediment yield from land under various traditional and current land uses in Mediterranean mountain areas, using long‐term data from an experimental station in the Aísa Valley, Central Spanish Pyrenees. Monitoring at this station has provided 20 years of data that can help explain the hydrological and geomorphological changes that have been observed at larger spatial scales, and also the changes that have occurred to some of the most characteristic landscapes of the Mediterranean middle mountains. In spite of the problems associated with the use of small experimental plots, the results obtained are consistent with other studies in the Mediterranean region, and confirm the strong influence of land use changes on runoff generation and sediment yield. The results indicate that: (i) cereal cultivation on steep slopes (both alternating cereal cultivation and fallow on sloping fields and shifting agriculture on the steepest slopes) represents a major problem for soil conservation. This explains the occurrence throughout the Mediterranean mountains of many degraded hillslopes, which show evidence of sheet wash erosion, rilling, gullying and shallow landsliding; (ii) farmland abandonment has led to a marked reduction in runoff and sediment yield as a consequence of rapid plant recolonization, particularly by dense shrubs; (iii) the natural transformation of abandoned fields into grazing meadows has reduced runoff and sediment yield. Land use trends in the Mediterranean mountains are mainly characterized by generalized farmland abandonment and a decrease in livestock pressure. From a hydrological and geomorphological point of view the main consequences have been a reduction in overland flow from the hillslopes, and a reduction in sediment sources, with differences up to one order of magnitude in sediment yield from dense shrub cover and grazing meadow areas compared with areas under shifting agriculture. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
蒋家沟砾石土的特性及其对斜坡失稳的意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王志兵  汪稔  胡明鉴  陈中学 《岩土力学》2010,31(Z2):206-211
云南蒋家沟是世界上著名的由降雨导致泥石流、浅层滑坡频发的沟谷之一。组成蒋家沟斜坡表层的砾石土具有孔隙度高、级配宽、不均匀系数大等特点,级配曲线为上凹型或双峰型,为内在不稳定性土。X射线衍射分析表明,粒径小于1 mm 的细粒部分主要由绿泥石和伊利石等黏土矿物及次生石英组成,黏土矿物会影响砾石土的物理力学性质。在环境电镜扫描中观测了砾石土的微观结构,发现一种特殊的“桥式”胶结结构,并在遇水条件下发生断裂,不仅降低了微弱黏聚力,而且土颗粒容易分离成粒径为数十微米的散微粒。这与砾石土中黏性部分具有高分散性有关。此外这些散微粒在自滤过程中会能发生运移,并在孔喉等处积聚而堵塞孔隙,会降低砾石土的渗透性以及有利于斜坡中暂态上层滞水的积聚。  相似文献   
歧口凹陷侏罗系火成岩主要以中-酸性的流纹岩、粗面岩和粗面安山岩为主,白垩系主要为中-基性的粗面玄武岩和玄武质粗面安山岩,第三系火成岩以粗面玄武岩、碱性玄武岩及辉绿岩为主。同位素定年结果获得白垩系玄武岩的年龄为133±20 Ma,安山岩和粗安岩年龄分别为111.8±0.9 Ma和122.1±3.1 Ma,第三系辉绿岩年龄为16.57±0.23 Ma。地球化学特征显示,侏罗系火成岩相对低钛、高碱和钠、低铁镁,轻重稀土元素强烈分馏、微量元素相对富集LILE、贫化HFSE、亏损Nb和Ti、P,部分高Sr、低Yb,总体指示为挤压环境下加厚地壳物质的熔融产物,白垩系火成岩中等钛和碱的含量,高钠、铁和镁,稀土和微量元素显示其来自于伸展背景的富集地幔源,但受到陆壳物质的混染,第三系火成岩高钛含量、中等碱含量但变化大、高钠、富铁镁,轻重稀土元素分馏弱到中等、微量元素富集LILE和HFSE,同样来自板内伸展环境的富集地幔源的产物。表明歧口凹陷构造转换发生在晚侏罗世和早白垩世之间。  相似文献   
自动与人工观测的气压差异分析   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
利用陕西省97个气象站2004—2007年间自动与人工平行观测期间的资料,分析了陕西和陕西不同地域人工与自动观测气压的差异并对气压月、年平均值进行了显著性检验。结果表明:人工观测比自动观测日平均气压平均偏高0.21 hPa,标准差为0.30 hPa;气压差值有明显的地域特征;气压对比差值的日、月变化规律明显;DYYZ和CAWS系列测压仪的性能没有明显差异;自动与人工观测时间不同步对定时值有一定影响,但对气候分析没有影响;校准值随时间漂移是气压传感器的主要误差源之一;自动站所测气压可与人工站气压连续使用。  相似文献   
The dynamic energy budget (DEB) theory assumes that the feeding of an organism in relation to food density follows the type-II functional response when food consists of purely digestible organic matter. However when faced with a food source high in inorganic content, an organism needs to adapt physiologically to maximise organic extraction. Indeed filter-feeding marine bivalves inhabiting turbid coastal waters cope with large fluctuations in food quality by selectively ingesting and pseudofaeces production. Data from feeding experiments with the New Zealand greenshell mussel Perna canaliculus have demonstrated that inorganic particles contribute some uncertainty to the estimate of the half-saturation coefficient. Incorporating inorganic matter into the functional response would improve the prediction of energy uptake.  相似文献   
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