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趋磁细菌依靠其体内生物合成的磁小体颗粒沿地球磁场定向排列和游动,称为趋磁性。沿磁场的定向排列被认为可以使磁菌更有效地到达最佳生存环境,即趋磁性对磁菌的优势所在。目前对趋磁性优势的研究大多数集中在水环境或培养液环境下,而对于自然沉积物中趋磁性优势的理解还停留在假说阶段。越来越多的研究显示,磁菌在沉积物中的行为方式与水环境中所观测到的现象差别很大,因此,对趋磁性优势的研究也需要在沉积物环境中进行。本文我们通过对比在地磁场、近零磁场和反转磁场条件下两种磁菌:球菌和杆菌(Candidatus Magnetobacterium bavaricum)的时空变化,揭示在沉积物中趋磁性对趋磁细菌的作用。结果显示趋磁性对两种磁菌存在不同的作用,M. bavaricum 在近零磁场条件下数量明显下降而在地磁场下又重新恢复,说明趋磁性优势对M. bavaricum 的积极作用,然而球菌在近零磁磁场条件下的数量和分布与地磁场条件下相似,可能说明球菌在利用趋化性和行为方式上与M. bavaricum 有很大不同。M. bavaricum 在反转磁场条件下数量减少,而球菌则接近消失,说明球菌受极向趋磁性的影响比M. bavaricum大。两种磁菌因受沉积物环境和自身趋化性的影响在趋磁性上表现不同,可能M. bavaricum存在不同的趋磁性特点。本文实验结果说明对趋磁性的理解需要立足于复杂的沉积物环境。  相似文献   
The paper aims at finding an RCM configuration that facilitates studies devoted to quantifying RCM response to parameter modification. When using short integration times, the response of the time-averaged variables to RCM modification tend to be blurred by the noise originating in the lack of predictability of the instantaneous atmospheric states. Two ways of enhancing the signal-to-noise ratio are studied in this work: spectral nudging and reduction of the computational domain size. The approach followed consists in the analysis of the sensitivity of RCM-simulated seasonal averages to perturbations of two parameters controlling deep convection and stratiform condensation, perturbed one at a time. Sensitivity is analyzed within different simulation configurations obtained by varying domain size and using the spectral nudging option. For each combination of these factors multiple members of identical simulations that differ exclusively in initial conditions are also generated to provide robust estimates of the sensitivities (the signal) and sample the noise. Results show that the noise magnitude is decreased both by reduction of domain size and the spectral nudging. However, the reduction of domain size alters some sensitivity signals. When spectral nudging is used significant alterations of the signal are not found.  相似文献   
The continuous background seismic activity contains information on the internal state of a volcanic system. Here, we report the influence of major regional tectonic earthquakes (M > 5 in most cases) on such state, reflected as changes in the spectral and dynamical parameters of the volcano continuous seismic data. Although changes do not always occur, analysis of five cases of earthquake-induced variations in the signals recorded at Popocatépetl volcano in central México reveal significant fluctuations following the tectonic earthquakes. External visible volcanic activity, such as small to moderate explosions and ash emissions, were related to those fluctuations. We briefly discuss possible causes of the variations. We conclude that recognition of fluctuations in the dynamical parameters in volcano monitoring seismic signals after tectonic earthquakes, even those located in the far field, hundreds of kilometers away, may provide an additional criterion for eruption forecasting, and for decision making in the definition of volcanic alert levels.  相似文献   
Future climate projections of extreme events can help forewarn society of high-impact events and allow the development of better adaptation strategies. In this study a non-stationary model for Generalized Extreme Value (GEV) distributions is used to analyze the trend in extreme temperatures in the context of a changing climate and compare it with the trend in average temperatures.

The analysis is performed using the climate projections of the Canadian Regional Climate Model (CRCM), under an IPCC SRES A2 greenhouse gas emissions scenario, over North America. Annual extremes in daily minimum and maximum temperatures are analyzed. Significant positive trends for the location parameter of the GEV distribution are found, indicating an expected increase in extreme temperature values. The scale parameter of the GEV distribution, on the other hand, reveals a decrease in the variability of temperature extremes in some continental regions. Trends in the annual minimum and maximum temperatures are compared with trends in average winter and summer temperatures, respectively. In some regions, extreme temperatures exhibit a significantly larger increase than the seasonal average temperatures.

The CRCM projections are compared with those of its driving model and framed in the context of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project, phase 3 (CMIP3) Global Climate Model projections. This enables us to establish the CRCM position within the CMIP3 climate projection uncertainty range. The CRCM is validated against the HadEX2 dataset in order to assess the CRCM representation of temperature extremes in the present climate. The validation is also framed in the context of CMIP3 validation results. The CRCM cold extremes validate better and are closer to the driving model and CMIP3 projections than the hot extremes.  相似文献   

The correlations angular momentaL to massesM are studied for different types of spectroscopic binaries. The functionsL=AM b have the coefficientb with the values expected from a Keplerian mechanics, but the valuesA(q, T), A(q, a), A(q, v), associated tob=5/3, 3/2, and 2, respectively, are given (statistically speaking) by multiples or submultiples of discrete values of: the mass ratiosq, the semi-major axesa, periodsT, and velocitiesv of the reduced mass. This indicates the existence of a discrete unit of actionL=(1/2)×potential energy xperiod. Postulates about equivalent states of angular momenta for different orbital parameters are introduced, being this coherent with the analysis of the up-to-date data. Among other examples of the application of such equivalence postulates, we haveL(M) (W-type of the WUMa systems)L(M) (main group of the Algol binaries). The quantum units of action seen here are equivalent to those seen in the solar system in one of our previous works. From comparisons with galaxies and single stars, it is evidence that there is not an unique universal functionL=AM b, when the fine structure of the relation is analysed: each type of object has its own coefficients,A, b. It sems to be that there are an upper and a lower limit for all the possible functions. The upper limit isL=A gM5/3, withA g1 associated to periodsT Hubble time, and the lower limit isL=GM 2/c, with 1. The existence of the upper limit can be investigated with studies of pairs of galaxies, and the lower limit can be tested with analysis of single G, K, M stars. The quantical hypothesis introduced here can be checked definitely, when available larger samples of data with low errors, with similar quality as the selected list of almost 80 eclipsing binaries (mainly detached systems) analysed here.  相似文献   
A pilot‐scale zero valent iron (ZVI) Permeable Reactive Barrier (PRB) was installed using an azimuth‐controlled ‐vertical hydrofracturing at an industrial facility to treat a chlorinated Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) plume. Following ZVI injection, no significant reduction in concentration was observed to occur with the exception of some multilevel monitoring wells, which also showed high levels of total organic carbon (TOC). These patterns suggested that the zero valent iron was not well distributed in the PRB creating leaky conditions. The geochemical data indicated reducing conditions in these areas where VOC reduction was observed, suggesting that biotic processes, associated to the guar used in the injection of the iron, could be a major mechanism of VOC degradation. Compound‐Specific Isotope Analysis (CSIA) using both carbon and chlorine stable isotopes were used as a complementary tool for evaluating the contribution of abiotic and biotic processes to VOC trends in the vicinity of the PRB. The isotopic data showed enriched isotope values around the PRB compared to the isotope composition of the VOC source confirming that VOC degradation is occurring along the PRB. A batch experiment using site groundwater collected near the VOC source and the ZVI used in the PRB was performed to evaluate the site‐specific abiotic isotopic fractionation patterns. Field isotopic trends, typical of biodegradations were observed at the site and were different from those obtained during the batch abiotic experiment. These differences in isotopic trends combined with changes in VOC concentrations and redox parameters suggested that biotic processes are the predominant pathways involved in the degradation of VOCs in the vicinity of the PRB.  相似文献   
The organic carbon cycle of slowly permeable, clayey glacial till deposits in the Western Interior Great Plains, southern Alberta, was investigated by examining the relationship between solid organic matter (SOM) in the till sediments and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in the till porewaters. Geochemically, the tills can be divided into two distinct zones: an upper oxidized (low SOM) till zone, and a lower unoxidized (high SOM) till zone. Till porewaters in both zones are characterized by high DOC contents. Radiocarbon dating and comparison of SOM and DOC fractions suggest DOC in the deep unoxidized zone originated during deglaciation, and is probably representative of groundwater ages in this till zone. In the oxidized zone, DOC originates from variable mixtures of soluble organic matter emplaced during deglaciation, and Cretaceous age coal fragments in this till zone. SOM in the upper till zone was mainly oxidized to CO2 gas during lowered water table conditions of the Altithermal climatic period. The subsurface production of fossil CO2 gas has serious implications for using the conventional dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) 14C groundwater dating method in these clayey till porewaters.  相似文献   
Climate signal in varve thickness: Lake La Cruz (Spain), a case study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Lake La Cruz is a meromictic, karstic lake with annually laminated sediment formed by summer pulses of calcite deposition. The aim of this study was to explore the potential use of the laminated sediment from Lake La Cruz as a quantitative climate proxy, by calibrating lamina thickness against instrumental climate data. Statistical analysis of the relation between lamina thickness and the meteorological dataset indicated a high correlation between calcium carbonate lamina thickness and rainfall from December to March ( = 0.725, P < 0.01, n = 35). Winter rainfall anomalies in the area are, in turn, highly negatively correlated with the North Atlantic Oscillation index (NAO, r = 0.832; P < 0.01; n = 53). We propose a regression model to infer past winter rainfall from calcium carbonate laminae thickness. These results highlight new possibilities for paleoenvironmental research using calcite laminated sediment records as climate proxies, especially to study past rainfall variability.  相似文献   
Groundwater dominance has important effects on the hydrological and geomorphological characteristics of river systems. Low suspended sediment concentrations and high water clarity are expected because significant inputs of sediment-free spring water dilute the suspended sediment generated by storms. However, in many Mediterranean rivers, groundwater dominance is characterised by seasonal alternations of influent and effluent discharge involving significant variability on the sediment transport regimes. Such areas are often subject to soil and water conservation practices over the centuries that have reduced the sediment contribution from agricultural fields and favour subsurface flow to rivers. Moreover, urbanisation during the twentieth century has changed the catchment hydrology and altered basic river processes due to its ‘flashy’ regime. In this context, we monitored suspended sediment fluxes during a two-year period in the Na Borges River, a lowland agricultural catchment (319 km2) on the island of Mallorca (Balearic Islands). The suspended sediment concentration (SSC) was lower when the base flow index (i.e., relative proportion of baseflow compared to stormflow, BFI) was higher. Therefore, strong seasonal contrasts explain the high SSC coefficient of variation, which is clearly related to dilution effects associated with different groundwater and surface water seasonal interactions. A lack of correlation in the Q-SSC rating curves shows that factors other than discharge control sediment transport. As a result, at the event scale, multiple regressions illustrate that groundwater and surface water interactions are involved in the sedimentary response of flood events. In the winter, the stability of baseflow driven by groundwater contributions and agricultural and urban spills causes hydraulic variables (i.e., maximum discharge) to exert the most important control on events, whereas in the summer, it is necessary to accumulate important volumes of rainfall, creating a minimum of wet conditions in the catchment to activate hydrological pathways and deliver sediment to the drainage network. The BFI is also related to sediment delivery processes, as the loads are higher with lower BFI, corroborating the fact that most sediment movement is caused by stormflow and its related factors. Overall, suspended sediment yields were very low (i.e., < 1 t km− 2 yr− 1) at all measuring sites. Such values are the consequence of the limited sediment delivery attributable to soil conservation practices, low surface runoff coefficients and specific geomorphic features of groundwater-dominated rivers, such as low drainage density, low gradient, steep valley walls and flat valley floors.  相似文献   
Two isolated kilns of unknown age and three well‐dated artifacts from Tunisia have been investigated using archaeomagnetic techniques. Dating has been attempted for the kilns and archaeomagnetic intensities have been obtained for the artifacts. The kilns lack datable artifacts although one of them (Sidi Zahruni) could be related to a nearby late Roman site. Comparison with the SCHA.DIF.3K regional geomagnetic model suggests for both kilns two possible periods of last use, either Roman or Medieval. Three archaeomagnetic intensities were obtained for the well‐dated ceramic artifacts adding to scarce archaeomagnetic data from Africa. The new data along with recently published archaeointensities from other Tunisian sites have been compared with the regional model SCHA.DIF.3K, its updated version, and the global ARCH3k.1 geomagnetic model. The models show relatively good agreement with the new archaeointensities and with previously published intensities. The uncertainty of the experimental data tends to increase for older artifacts, and their agreement with the geomagnetic models diminishes. The observed trend of the intensity models to underestimate values in the Tunisian area for the Roman period could be overcome by adding new data from well‐dated artifacts from North African, particularly from pre‐Roman and Roman sites.  相似文献   
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