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Recent modeling of the meteorological conditions during and following times of high obliquity suggests that an icy mantle could have been emplaced in western Utopia Planitia by atmospheric deposition during the late Amazonian period [Costard, F.M., Forget, F., Madeleine, J.B., Soare, R.J., Kargel, J.S., 2008. Lunar Planet. Sci. 39. Abstract 1274; Madeleine, B., Forget, F., Head, J.W., Levrard, B., Montmessin, F., 2007. Lunar Planet. Sci. 38. Abstract 1778]. Astapus Colles (ABa) is a late Amazonian geological unit — located in this hypothesized area of accumulation — that comprises an icy mantle tens of meters thick [Tanaka, K.L., Skinner, J.A., Hare, T.M., 2005. US Geol. Surv. Sci. Invest., Map 2888]. For the most part, this unit drapes the early Amazonian Vastitas Borealis interior unit (ABvi); to a lesser degree it overlies the early Amazonian Vastitas Borealis marginal unit (ABvm) and the early to late Hesperian UP plains unit HBu2 [Tanaka, K.L., Skinner, J.A., Hare, T.M., 2005. US Geol. Surv. Sci. Invest., Map 2888]. Landscapes possibly modified by late-Amazonian periglacial processes [Costard, F.M., Kargel, J.S., 1995. Icarus 114, 93-112; McBride, S.A., Allen, C.C., Bell, M.S., 2005. Lunar Planet. Sci. 36. Abstract 1090; Morgenstern, A., Hauber, E., Reiss, D., van Gasselt, S., Grosse, G., Schirrmeister, L., 2007. J. Geophys. Res. 112, doi:10.1029/2006JE002869. E06010; Seibert, N.M., Kargel, J.S., 2001. Geophys. Res. Lett. 28, 899-902; Soare, R.J., Kargel, J.S., Osinski, G.R., Costard, F., 2007. Icarus 191, 95-112; Soare, R.J., Osinski, G.R., Roehm, C.L., 2008. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 272, 382-393] and glacial processes [Milliken, R.E., Mustard, J.F., Goldsby, D.L., 2003. J. Geophys. Res. 108 (E6), doi:10.1029/2002JE002005. 5057; Mustard, J.F., Cooper, C.D., Rifkin, M.K., 2001. Nature 412, 411-414; Tanaka, K.L., Skinner, J.A., Hare, T.M., 2005. US Geol. Surv. Sci. Invest., Map 2888] have been reported within the region. Researchers have assumed that the periglacial and glacial landscapes occur within the same geological unit, the ABa [i.e., Morgenstern, A., Hauber, E., Reiss, D., van Gasselt, S., Grosse, G., Schirrmeister, L., 2007. J. Geophys. Res. 112; doi:10.1029/2006JE002869. E06010; Tanaka, K.L., Skinner, J.A., Hare, T.M., 2005. US Geol. Surv. Sci. Invest., Map 2888]. In this study we use HiRISE (High Resolution Image Science Experiment, Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter) imagery to identify the stratigraphical separation of the two landscapes and show that periglacial landscape modification has occurred in the geological units that underlie the ABa, not in the ABa itself. Moreover, we suggest that the periglacial landscape extends well beyond the perimeter of the ABa and could be the product of “wet” cold-climate processes. These processes involve freeze-thaw cycles and intermittently stable liquid-water at or near the surface. By contrast, we propose that the ABa is a very recent late-Amazonian geological unit formed principally by “dry” cold-climate processes. These processes comprise accumulation (by atmospheric deposition) and ablation (by sublimation).  相似文献   
R.J. Soare  J.S. Kargel  F. Costard 《Icarus》2007,191(1):95-112
We have identified a number of gullies that could be aqueous in origin near or at the rim of several impact craters in Utopia Planitia and western Elysium Planitia (30.0°-59.0° N; 241.0°-291.0° W). Based on the sharpness of their incisions and the general absence of superposed craters, we ascribe a relatively recent origin to the gullies. Scalloped depressions are commonplace throughout the region, as well as on the crater walls, rims and floors near the areas of gully issuance. Occasionally, the depressions cross-cut the gully debris-aprons, suggesting that the formation of some depressions is even more recent than that of the gullies. Previous research has proposed that the depressions are collapse basins formed by thermokarst processes. On Earth, thermokarst landforms occur in areas of low gradient topography where the permanently frozen ground (permafrost) is ice rich and has undergone a change in thermal equilibrium. This change can be triggered by long-term or episodic/cyclic climate change and accompanying rises in mean temperatures towards ∼0 °C as well as by rises in seasonally sustained summer temperatures well above ∼0 °C. In order to explain the origin of the rim or near-rim gullies we invoke high obliquity and the possibility that this region of Mars experienced obliquity-driven rises in temperature, atmospheric pressure and humidity sufficient to keep surface water and near-surface ground-ice stable for extended periods of time. We propose that gully formation is closely related to local freeze-thaw processes that, in turn, generate a thermokarst landscape (of which the gullies are a part). This geological and climatological scenario comprises the following steps:
An inundation of meltwater at high obliquity (due to the thawing of an atmospherically-deposited snowpack or ice-sheet) and the subsequent saturation of the underlying regolith to tens of metres of depth.
Loss of water on the surface, perhaps as obliquity decreases slightly, followed by the progressive freezing of the saturated regolith; this creates an aggrading mass of ice-rich regolith.
Obliquity-induced temperature rises that engender the thaw, drainage and partial evaporation of the near-surface, ice-rich regolith.
Localised formation of thermokarst collapse-basins (alases), as water is evacuated from these basins.
Formation of gullies near, or at, some impact-crater rims as the result of meltwater migration from nearby alases through the thawed regolith to the areas of gully issuance.
Although the plains' materials in this region are in part very old (possibly Hesperian or even Noachian), the mantling deposits and their deformation by thermokarst processes appears to be relatively young. This suggests that recent climatic conditions could have been episodically warmer and wetter than had been previously thought.  相似文献   
Gerardo Herrera  Rosa María Mateos  Juan Carlos García-Davalillo  Gilles Grandjean  Eleftheria Poyiadji  Raluca Maftei  Tatiana-Constantina Filipciuc  Mateja Jemec Auflič  Jernej Jež  Laszlo Podolszki  Alessandro Trigila  Carla Iadanza  Hugo Raetzo  Arben Kociu  Maria Przyłucka  Marcin Kułak  Michael Sheehy  Xavier M. Pellicer  Charise McKeown  Graham Ryan  Veronika Kopačková  Michaela Frei  Dirk Kuhn  Reginald L. Hermanns  Niki Koulermou  Colby A. Smith  Mats Engdahl  Pere Buxó  Marta Gonzalez  Claire Dashwood  Helen Reeves  Francesca Cigna  Pavel Liščák  Peter Pauditš  Vidas Mikulėnas  Vedad Demir  Margus Raha  Lídia Quental  Cvjetko Sandić  Balazs Fusi  Odd Are Jensen 《Landslides》2018,15(2):359-379
Landslides are one of the most widespread geohazards in Europe, producing significant social and economic impacts. Rapid population growth in urban areas throughout many countries in Europe and extreme climatic scenarios can considerably increase landslide risk in the near future. Variability exists between European countries in both the statutory treatment of landslide risk and the use of official assessment guidelines. This suggests that a European Landslides Directive that provides a common legal framework for dealing with landslides is necessary. With this long-term goal in mind, this work analyzes the landslide databases from the Geological Surveys of Europe focusing on their interoperability and completeness. The same landslide classification could be used for the 849,543 landslide records from the Geological Surveys, from which 36% are slides, 10% are falls, 20% are flows, 11% are complex slides, and 24% either remain unclassified or correspond to another typology. Most of them are mapped with the same symbol at a scale of 1:25,000 or greater, providing the necessary information to elaborate European-scale susceptibility maps for each landslide type. A landslide density map was produced for the available records from the Geological Surveys (LANDEN map) showing, for the first time, 210,544 km2 landslide-prone areas and 23,681 administrative areas where the Geological Surveys from Europe have recorded landslides. The comparison of this map with the European landslide susceptibility map (ELSUS 1000 v1) is successful for most of the territory (69.7%) showing certain variability between countries. This comparison also permitted the identification of 0.98 Mkm2 (28.9%) of landslide-susceptible areas without records from the Geological Surveys, which have been used to evaluate the landslide database completeness. The estimated completeness of the landslide databases (LDBs) from the Geological Surveys is 17%, varying between 1 and 55%. This variability is due to the different landslide strategies adopted by each country. In some of them, landslide mapping is systematic; others only record damaging landslides, whereas in others, landslide maps are only available for certain regions or local areas. Moreover, in most of the countries, LDBs from the Geological Surveys co-exist with others owned by a variety of public institutions producing LDBs at variable scales and formats. Hence, a greater coordination effort should be made by all the institutions working in landslide mapping to increase data integration and harmonization.  相似文献   
The history of water is fundamental to understanding the geological evolution of Mars and to questions concerning the possible development of life on the Red Planet. Today, Mars is cold and dry; its regolith is permanently frozen and except under highly localised and transient conditions, liquid water is unstable at the surface. Intriguingly, we have identified geological features that could be markers of very late-Amazonian “wet” or ice-rich periglacial processes in Utopia and western Elysium Planitiae: 1. rimless, flat-floored and lobate, sometimes scalloped, depressions that are suggestive of terrestrial alases (evaporated/drained thermokarst lakes); 2. small-sized polygonal patterned-ground (perhaps formed by thermal-contraction cracking and possibly underlain by ice wedges); and, 3. circular/near-circular raised-rim depressions (consistent in morphology and scale with pingo-scars) that are nested in rimless depressions. In terrestrial cold-climate, non-glacial environments, landscape assemblages of this type occur only in the presence of ice-rich permafrost.Commenting upon the origin of the putative periglacial features on Mars, most workers have suggested that sublimation and not evaporation has been the dominant process. By contrast, we propose that two key characteristics of the rimless depressions – inner terraces and orthogonally-oriented polygons – are markers of stable, ponded water and its slow loss by evaporation or drainage. If the raised-rim landforms are pingo scars, then this also points to boundary conditions that are supportive of stable liquid water.With regard to the relative age of the features described above, previous work identified some lobate depressions superposed on crater-rim gullies in the region (Soare et al., 2007). Gullies could be amongst the youngest geological features on Mars; superposed depressions point to an origin that is more youthful than the gullies. In turn, as some raised-rim landforms are superposed on rimless depressions, this is indicative of an origin that is even more recent than that of the depressions. Together with the geological evidence showing that the rimless depressions could have been formed by ponded water, the stratigraphy of the putative periglacial-landscape in this region suggests that the very late Amazonian period could have been warmer and wetter than had been thought hitherto.  相似文献   
Utopia Planitia, one of the great northern plains of the Mars, is a region where landscape modification by cold-climate processes, i.e. glacial and periglacial, is thought to be widespread. In the middle latitudes of this region a metres-thick mantle, possibly comprising an ice-dust admixture, has been reported; the occurrence of putative periglacial landforms such as flat-floored (thermokarst-like) depressions, small-sized (possibly thermal-contraction) polygons and polygon trough/junction pits also has been noted. Recently, some workers have suggested that the location of the putative periglacial landforms in mid Utopia Planitia is synonymous with that of the mantle and that the former evolve as the latter degrades. By contrast, preliminary work by others has proposed that this synonymy is misperceived, for two reasons: first, the putative periglacial landforms often are observed in areas of Utopia Planitia where the mantle is absent; second, in areas where the two landscape types are observed concurrently, the putative periglacial landforms either underlie the mantle and, stratigraphically, must predate the mantle, or they are adjacent to the mantle and at a lower datum of elevation. If the geological evolution of Utopia Planitia is to be constrained properly, then each of these hypotheses must be explored.Towards this end, we have mapped the location and distribution of the mantle and putative periglacial landforms across a broad latitudinal and longitudinal swath of the Utopia Planitia and its margins (~55°–125°E and ~30°–60°N). This map incorporates all the relevant images of these features and provides a regional scale of analysis. Previous discussions and/or maps of cold-climate landscapes in Utopia Planitia have been much narrower in latitudinal and longitudinal focus. An evaluation of high-resolution images containing the mantle material and putative periglacial landforms, underpinned by the MOLA-based topographic profiles, comprises a local scale of analysis. This too has not been developed fully in earlier work.Using the map, high-resolution photogeological evidence and the MOLA topographic profiles, we show three things. First, in mid Utopia Planitia the reach of the putative periglacial landforms extends well beyond the location of the possible dust-ice mantle. Second, the latter overprints the former in all observed instances and, consequently, the former cannot be a product of the latter. Third, perhaps the origin and evolution of the putative periglacial landscapes in mid Utopia Planitia is not as recent as some workers have proposed.  相似文献   
We describe and interpret a series of previously unidentified glacial-like lobes (34-43°N; 107-125°E) that were discovered as part of a survey of large (D > 5 km) impact craters in Utopia Planitia, one of the great northern plains of Mars. The lobes have characteristics that are consistent with a glacial origin. Evidence includes curvilinearity of form, lineations and ridges, and surface textures that are thought to form by the sublimation of near-surface volatiles. The lobes display morphologies that range from wedge-shaped to near-circular to elongate. The flow directions are towards the northern walls in the case of craters with large single lobes, and in all directions in the case of the largest (D > 30 km) craters. Concentric crater fill is also interspersed within craters of our study region, with such craters having much higher filling rates than those with flow lobes. We suggest that the impact crater population in south-west Utopia Planitia demonstrates a spectrum of glacial modifications, from low levels of filling in the case of craters with elongate lobes at one extreme, to concentric crater fill in highly-filled craters at the other.  相似文献   
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