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The potential health impact of As in drinking water supply systems in the Mississippi River Valley alluvial aquifer in the state of Arkansas, USA is significant. In this context it is important to understand the occurrence, distribution and mobilization of As in the Mississippi River Valley alluvial aquifer. Application of surface complexation models (SCMs) to predict the sorption behavior of As and hydrous Fe oxides (HFO) in the laboratory has increased in the last decade. However, the application of SCMs to predict the sorption of As in natural sediments has not often been reported, and such applications are greatly constrained by the lack of site-specific model parameters. Attempts have been made to use SCMs considering a component additivity (CA) approach which accounts for relative abundances of pure phases in natural sediments, followed by the addition of SCM parameters individually for each phase. Although few reliable and internally consistent sorption databases related to HFO exist, the use of SCMs using laboratory-derived sorption databases to predict the mobility of As in natural sediments has increased. This study is an attempt to evaluate the ability of the SCMs using the geochemical code PHREEQC to predict solid phase As in the sediments of the Mississippi River Valley alluvial aquifer in Arkansas. The SCM option of the double-layer model (DLM) was simulated using ferrihydrite and goethite as sorbents quantified from chemical extractions, calculated surface-site densities, published surface properties, and published laboratory-derived sorption constants for the sorbents. The model results are satisfactory for shallow wells (10.6 m below ground surface), where the redox condition is relatively oxic or mildly suboxic. However, for the deep alluvial aquifer (21-36.6 m below ground surface) where the redox condition is suboxic to anoxic, the model results are unsatisfactory.  相似文献   
Abstract— Micrometeorites collected from the bottom of the South Pole water well (SPWW) may represent a complete, well‐preserved sample of the cosmic dust that accreted on Earth from 1100–1500 A.D. We classified 1588 cosmic spherules in the size range 50–800 μm. The collection has 41% barred olivine spherules, 17% glass spheres, 12% cryptocrystalline spherules, 11% porphyritic olivine spherules, 12% relicgrain‐bearing spherules, 3% scoriaceous spherules, 2% I‐type spherules, 1% Ca‐AI‐Ti‐rich (CAT) spherules, and 1% G‐type spherules. We also found bubbly glass spherules, spherules with glass caps, and ones with sulfide coatings—particles that are absent from other collections. A classification sequence of the stony spherules (scoriaceous, relic‐grain‐bearing, porphyritic, barred olivine, cryptocrystalline, glass, and CAT) is consistent with progressive heating and evaporation of Fe from chondritic materials. The modern‐day accretion rate and size distribution measured at the SPWW can account for the stony spherules present in deep‐sea collection through preferential dissolution of glass and small stony spherules. However, weathering alone cannot account for the high accretion rate of I‐type spherules determined for two deep‐sea collections. The SPWW collection provides data to constrain models of atmospheric‐entry heating and to assess the effects of terrestrial weathering.  相似文献   
We present similarity solutions for the mean boundary-layer profiles under an axisymmetric vortex that is in gradient wind balance; the similarity model includes the nonlinear momentum advection and curvature terms. These solutions are a generalization of the Ekman layer mean flow, which is the canonical boundary-layer basic state under a uniform, geostrophically-balanced flow. Near-surface properties such as inflow angle, surface wind factor, diffusive transport of kinetic energy into the surface layer and dissipational heating are calculated and shown to be sensitive to the choice of turbulence parameterization.  相似文献   
Models of the chemical evolution of our Galaxy are extended to include radial migration of stars and flow of gas through the disc. The models track the production of both iron and α-elements. A model is chosen that provides an excellent fit to the metallicity distribution of stars in the Geneva–Copenhagen survey (GCS) of the solar neighbourhood and a good fit to the local Hess diagram. The model provides a good fit to the distribution of GCS stars in the age–metallicity plane, although this plane was not used in the fitting process. Although this model's star formation rate is monotonically declining, its disc naturally splits into an α-enhanced thick disc and a normal thin disc. In particular, the model's distribution of stars in the ([O/Fe], [Fe/H]) plane resembles that of Galactic stars in displaying a ridge line for each disc. The thin-disc's ridge line is entirely due to stellar migration, and there is the characteristic variation of stellar angular momentum along it that has been noted by Haywood in survey data. Radial mixing of stellar populations with high  σ z   from inner regions of the disc to the solar neighbourhood provides a natural explanation of why measurements yield a steeper increase of  σ z   with age than predicted by theory. The metallicity gradient in the interstellar medium is predicted to be steeper than in earlier models, but appears to be in good agreement with data for both our Galaxy and external galaxies. The models are inconsistent with a cut-off in the star formation rate at low gas surface densities. The absolute magnitude of the disc is given as a function of time in several photometric bands, and radial colour profiles are plotted for representative times.  相似文献   
On low-pass digital filters in oceanography   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
-Two types of filters are widely used to remove semidirunal and diurnal tidal signals and other high frequency noises in oceanography. The first type of filters uses moving average with weights in time domain, and can be easily operated. Some data will be lost at each end of the time series, especially for the low low-pass filters. The second type of filters uses the discrete Fourier transform filter (DFTF) which operates in the frequency domain, and there are no data loss at the ends for the forward transform. However, owing to the Gibbs phenomenon and the discrete sampling (Nyquist effect) , ringing appears in the inverse transformed data, which is especially serious at each end. Thus some data at the ends are also discarded. The present study tries to find out what causes the ringing and then to seek for methods to overcome the ringing. We have found that there are two kinds of ringings, one is the Gibbs phenomenon, as defined before. The other is the "Nyquist"ringing due to sampling Nyquist critical  相似文献   
We show how the Yarkovsky effect can be understood as a heat engine. The output of the engine, manifested in the rate of change in semimajor axis of the body, has a maximum at an intermediate heat capacity, depending on the rotation rate of the body. This maximum arises because the work output depends on the product of the solar heat absorbed by the body and transported from its morning to evening side (this am-pm heat flux increases with heat capacity) and the Carnot efficiency (which declines with heat capacity).  相似文献   
A coding error in the s-Coordinate Primitive Equation Model (SPEM) has led to misleading statements about the behaviour of the Mellor–Yamada level 2 parameterization of vertical mixing. It has been claimed that the scheme removes static instability only very slowly and preserves statically unstable stratifications for an unrealistic long time. This note corrects this statement by demonstrating that the Mellor–Yamada mixing scheme, if implemented correctly, tends to overestimate rather than underestimate vertical mixing in seasonally ice-covered seas. Similar to other mixing schemes with the same behaviour, this leads to spurious open ocean deep convection, an unrealistic homogenization of the water column, and a significant reduction of sea ice volume.  相似文献   
Water level observations from tide stations and current observations from current-meter moorings in South San Francisco Bay (South Bay), California have been harmonically analysed. At each tide station, 13 harmonic constituents have been computed by a least-squares regression without inference. Tides in South Bay are typically mixed; there is a phase lag of approximately 1 h and an amplification of 1·5 from north to south for a mean semi-diurnal tide. Because most of the current-meter records are between 14 and 29 days, only the five most important harmonics have been solved for east-west and north-south velocity components. The eccentricity of tidal-current ellipse is generally very small, which indicates that the tidal current in South Bay is strongly bidirectional. The analyses further show that the principal direction and the magnitude of tidal current are well correlated with the basin bathymetry. Patterns of Eulerian residual circulation deduced from the current-meter data show an anticlockwise gyre to the west and a clockwise gyre to the east of the main channel in the summer months due to the prevailing westerly wind. Opposite trends have been observed during winter when the wind was variable.  相似文献   
We describe for the first time the generation and measurement of capillary waves in a water surface in a wind tunnel running with air at pressures of 15-1000 mbar. These experiments suggest a stronger dependence of wave generation on atmospheric density than the simple proportionality that might be expected from energy transfer arguments. Additionally, airflow over a nonaqueous fluid (kerosene) was found to produce waves of higher amplitude than for water under the same conditions. These preliminary results may indicate different efficiencies of wave generation on other planets, for which empirical terrestrial relations therefore do not apply, and thus may have a bearing on the lack of strong shoreline features on Mars and the possibility of specular glints from hydrocarbon lakes on Titan.  相似文献   
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