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渔子溪流域水文过程影响因素的特征时间尺度分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用渔子溪流域三期遥感影像(1986、1994和2002年)获取该区域的土地利用/覆被资料,并结合实际调查数据、采用斑块驱动模型模拟得到该流域1986~2004年间逐年土地利用变化数据;然后根据该模拟数据以及渔子溪流域不同时间尺度的气象和径流资料,采用逐步线性回归和多元非线性回归方法,对渔子溪流域不同时间尺度下降雨-土地利用-径流系统及其内部各元素之间的关系进行了统计分析,结果表明:(1)不同时间尺度下径流量与降雨量的相关关系具有明显差别,土地利用变化对降雨-径流关系有重要影响,在年尺度上,降雨量对径流量的影响要大于气温对径流的影响,而在月尺度上则相反。(2)不同时间尺度下非线性回归的模拟误差要比线性模拟误差下降1.18%~23.8%,且不同影响因子在不同时间尺度上的非线性程度各不相同。  相似文献   
Alluvial fans that are in the process of development always show complex geomorphic features due to natural modification. Accordingly, analyzing these fans whether to be influenced by tectonic deformation is one of the technique difficulties in active tectonic studies. Complex alluvial fans are the focus of the study of active tectonics such as fracture mapping and activity behavior analysis, for they have often retained important structural information. Traditional measurement methods, such as satellite remote sensing, RTK GPS and Lidar, are difficult to meet the demand for the study of micro tectonic deformation because of the reason of accuracy or cost performance. The recent UAV photogrammetry technology, due to its many advantages such as low cost, high resolution, and efficiency of exporting DEM and DOM data, has been widely used in three-dimensional modeling, ground mapping and other fields. In the quantitative study of active tectonics, this technology fills up the deficiency in the research of the micro structure of the traditional measurement. Through detailed field investigations and paleoseismic trenching, we further used this technology to obtain the topographic data of a complex alluvial fan located at the southern marginal fault of Barkol Basin, Xinjiang. Pointing at the alluvial fans that are in the process of development, and on the basis of topographic analysis and image processing for DEM, we take the research method of secondary partitions of the geomorphic surface and cut the alluvial fans longitudinally according to the difference of its age. Through the establishment of profile cluster within each partition, separate analysis and data contrast with the adjacent partitions, we acquired the tectonic activity information during the development of alluvial fan. The tectonic vertical deformation of this alluvial fan is about 2.5m.  相似文献   
吸光光度法测定卤水、油田水中微量碘的研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
研究了利用亚硝酸钠为氧化剂,在酸性条件下将碘离子氧化为游离的碘,游离的碘遇淀粉形成蓝色化合物,采用分光光度法测定微量碘。试验结果表明:碘含量在4~18μg/mL范围符合朗伯比耳定律,标准偏差S=0.068%,平均回收率可达90%。利用该法对卤水、油田水中微量碘的测定结果满意。该方法简便、快速、准确。  相似文献   
沂沭断裂带晚白垩世地层中保留大量的左行压剪的几何学与运动证据,左行活动时限为晚白垩世—古近纪。取自4条主断层的不同部位断层泥及断层碎裂岩的磷灰石裂变径迹年龄,远小于周围未发生变形的地层年龄,构造活动使得断层带物质的磷灰石裂变径迹完全退火。通过相关软件对不同磷灰石裂变径迹数据模拟,显示在70~60Ma前及约10Ma开始出现快速抬升(冷却)。综合分析认为,沂沭断裂在70~60Ma经历过较大规模左行挤压活动。约10Ma的快速抬升事件,具有区域性,可能与青藏高原约10Ma的快速伸展有关。  相似文献   
Analysis of 2 D seismic data over 4 500 km in length from the Madura Strait Basin in the East Java Sea reveals seismic re?ection characteristics of reefs and associated sedimentary bodies, including asymmetrical or symmetrical dome re?ections, slope progradational re?ections, chaotic re?ections and discontinuous strong re?ections inside the reef, which onlap the ?ank of the reef. It is concluded that the developmental paleo-environment of most reefs is mainly conducive to shallow marine carbonate platform facies and platform margin facies, based on well core data, variations in seismic facies and strata thickness.The formation and evolution of all reefs are primarily in?uenced by the tectonic framework of the Madura Strait Basin. Platform margin reefs are principally controlled by two types of structures: one is a series of E-W trending Paleogene normal faults, and the other is an E-W trending Neogene inversion structures. In addition, wave actions, tidal currents and other ocean currents play an accelerated role in sorting, rounding and redeposition for the accumulation and evolution of reefs. Tertiary reefs in the MSB can be divided into four types: 1) an open platform coral reef of Late Oligocene to Early Miocene, 2) a platform margin coral reef controlled by normal faults in Late Oligocene to Early Miocene, 3) a platform margin Globigerina moundreef controlled by a "hidden" inversion structure in Early Pliocene, and 4) a platform margin Globigerina mound-reef controlled by thrust faults in the early Pliocene. Patterns of the formation and evolution of reefs are also suggested.  相似文献   
西藏斯弄多银多金属矿床产于陆相林子宗群火山岩内,是冈底斯成矿带发现的首例浅成低温热液矿床.矿床具有热液脉型银铅锌矿体、隐爆角砾岩型矿体和独立银矿体"三位一体"的矿体组合形式.热液角砾岩作为矿区主要矿(化)体,目前尚未开展详细研究工作.文章以斯弄多矿区热液角砾岩为研究对象,通过钻孔岩芯编录和岩相学研究,总结了不同类型热液...  相似文献   
昌平-丰南断裂构造浅层地震勘探新证据   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
昌平-丰南断裂是根据卫星遥感图像解译发现的一条隐伏活动断层,是NWW向张家口-蓬莱断裂带中规模最大的断裂,为进一步调查确认断裂的存在、空间位置、性质和断裂构造特征,并重新厘定其活动性,在卫星遥感影像解译断裂大体空间位置的基础上,布设了2条浅层地震勘探测线,对昌平-丰南断裂进行了高分辨率地震勘探,获得了测线控制范围内地下结构和断裂构造的清晰成像。结果表明,昌平-丰南断是一条倾向S、走向NWW的走滑正断层,浅层地震剖面揭示断层上断点埋深80~100 m,断错了上更新统底界,结合测线附近钻孔资料推测其最新活动时代为晚更新世。  相似文献   
Distribution of Landslides in Baoshan City, Yunnan Province, China   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Using Google Earth software as a platform, this study has established an integrated database of both old and new landslides in Baoshan City, Yunnan Province, China, and analyzed their development characteristics together with distribution rules, respectively. Based on the results, a total of 2 427 landslides occurred in the study area, including 2 144 new landslides and 283 old landslides, with a total area of about 104.8 km2. The new landslides are mostly in small-scales with an area less than 10 000 m2, while the area of individual old landslide is mostly larger than 10 000 m2. By analyzing the relationship between the two types of landslides and eight impact factors (i.e., elevation, slope angle, slope aspect, slope position, lithology, fault, regional Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA), and average annual rainfall), the different individual influencing factors, distribution regularities and mechanisms of the two types of landslides are revealed. In detail, the main influencing factors of new landslides are elevation, slope angle, slope aspect, slope position, lithology, regional PGA and average annual rainfall, while the influencing factors of old landslides are mainly elevation, slope angle, and lithology. This study provides basic data and support for landslide assessment and further disaster reduction in Baoshan City. Besides, it also provides new constraints in deeply understanding the effect of different topographic and geological conditions, historical earthquakes, rainfall and other factors on the occurrence mechanisms of both new landslides and old landslides.  相似文献   
知识经济是相对于传统经济的、新型的、富有生命力的经济类型它以知识创新、转化和利用为特征,能带来巨大的经济效益,利于提高社会、生态效益,协调人与自然的关系。它既是人类知识进步和发达国家或地区生产力高度发展的结果,又为发展中国家或地区的生产组织的选择指明了方向。文章结合知识经济,内涵,讨论了发展中国家或地区在知识经济时代的生产组织选择的重点和方向问题。  相似文献   
柯坪推覆构造系是西南天山前陆推覆构造的重要组成部分。文中试图通过对柯坪推覆构造区的影像解译和野外观察、断错地貌的实测和探槽开挖,探讨柯坪塔格山前断裂东段晚第四纪以来的古地震活动。在三岔口以西的五道班—三间房一带和三岔口以东的大山口道班一带,除现代洪积扇外,明显可见2期保存较完整的洪积扇被断错。五道班—三间房地段的3个探槽揭露出了晚更新世末期以来该破裂段发生的4次事件,其参考年代为:距今22、14、6·5和4·4ka;重复间隔时间约为:8、7和2ka左右。间隔时间长的事件垂直位移量约1~1·2m,缩短量约1·3~1·4m;间隔时间短的事件,垂直位移量0·20~0·30m,缩短量0·6~0·7m。大山口道班段探槽揭露出了晚更新世末期以来的2次事件,分别发生在稍早于距今13ka和稍晚于距今6ka。重复间隔时间约7ka。同震垂直位移量约50cm,缩短量130cm左右  相似文献   
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