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During the Second World War, the Allied invasion of the French coast of Normandy on D‐Day, 6 June 1944, was the greatest amphibious assault in world history. An article in Geology Today (v.11, for 1995, pp.58–63) marked the 50th anniversary of the end of the war in Europe, on 8 May 1945, by describing how British military geologists had participated in planning for D‐Day and in the NW Europe campaign that followed it. The work of these geologists provides a classic case history, revealing that ‘military geology’ has many potential applications. Geological factors influenced site selection for temporary airfields, predictions of trafficability for the Normandy beaches, the development of potable water supplies, and quarrying for road metal—and more besides. This new article helps to mark the 75th anniversary of D‐Day by further details of how geologists and geology contributed to Allied victory.  相似文献   
The molecular connectivity index developed by Randic as a numerical expression characterizes the position and bond of atoms in the molecular structure. Since significant correlations between the molar refraction as well as electron polarizability and ecotoxicologically relevant parameters of substances were determined in the preceding investigations, such connections are investigated also for this index and sorption coefficients, bioconcentration factors and toxicity data. By the example of 56 differentiated organic substances, significant regression relations are demonstrated between bioconcentration factors, sorption coefficients and toxicity data as well as the valency molecular connectivity indices. By these regressions it is possible to determine essential distribution and action parameters of chemical substances from the structure for assesing an ecotoxicological risk. The possibilities resulting from this for predicting ecotoxicologically relevant parameters of substances are discussed.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Für eine Reihe von Atmosphärenmodellen, die untereinander gleiche Temperaturschichtung und konstante relative Feuchtigkeit, aber verschieden hohe Temperatur und Feuchtigkeit im festen Niveau haben, wird der NettostrahlungsstromE in 400 mb und am Boden durch Berechnungen in den bekannten Strahlungsdiagrammen bestimmt. Es läßt sich zeigen, daßE 400 (E B ) als Funktion der Temperaturt 400 (t B ) und der Feuchtigkeit bzw. des Taupunktes 400 ( B ) dargestellt werden kann [Abb. 1 und 3, Gl. (1) und (3)], ählich, wie das für die effektive Strahlung des BodensE B bereits früher durch die Formeln vonÅngström, Brunt u. a. geschehen ist. Wolkenschichten können durch Korrektionsfaktoren berücksichtigt werden. Die Abweichungen zwischen den so gewonnenen Strahlungssummen und den durch Planimetrieren im Strahlungsdiagramm berechneten sind im Durchschnitt kleiner als 3,5% (11%), für die Differenz E=E 400E B sind sie kleiner als 6%.
Summary For a series of model atmospheres which have the same stratification of temperature and constant relative humidity but different temperatures and humidities at a fixed level, the net radiation fluxE at 400 mb and at the surface are determined by computations in the well known radiation charts. It is shown thatE 400 (E B ) can be represented as a function of the temperaturet 400 (t B ) and humidity resp. dew point 400 ( B ) [Fig. 1 and 3, formula (1) and (3)], in a similar manner as the outgoing radiationE B is already approximated by the formulae ofÅngström, Brunt, a. o. Cloud layers may be accounted for by correction factors. The differences between the radiation fluxes found in this way and those computed by integration in a radiation chart are in the average smaller than 3.5% (11%); with E=E 400E B , the differences are smaller than 6%.

Résumé Pour plusieurs modèles de l'atmosphère qui ont la même structure par rapport à la température et une humidité relative constante, mais à un niveau fixe des températures et humidités différentes, on calcule à l'aide de diagrammes de radiation connus le flux net de radiationE pour 400 mb et au sol. On peut montrer queE 400 (E B ) peut être représenté comme fonction de la températuret 400 (t B ) et de l'humidité, resp. du point de rosée 400 ( B ) [Fig. 1 et 3, formules (1) et (3)], tout comme cela a déjà été fait pour la radiation effective au solE B grâce aux formules d'Ångström, deBrunt et d'autres. Par un facteur de correction on tient compte des couches de nuages. Les écarts entre les sommes de radiation ainsi obtenues et celles calculées à l'aide des diagrammes de radiation sont en moyenne plus petits que 3,5% (11%), la différence E=E 400E B ne dépasse pas 6%.

Mit 4 Textabbildungen.  相似文献   
A comparison of soft X-ray pictures of the Sun (S-054 experiment of Skylab) with K-line spectroheliograms (Mount Wilson) shows that the X-ray bright points tend to emerge randomly throughout the Ca network pattern. However, all those bright points that developed into active regions emerged at the boundaries of network cells. This suggests that the magnetic flux of active regions comes from greater depths in the convection zone than the shallow flux that gives rise to the random emergence of bright points.Also Physics Department, C-011, University of California at San Diego, La Jolla, Calif., U.S.A.  相似文献   
Energetic solar electrons in the interplanetary medium   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
R. P. Lin 《Solar physics》1985,100(1-2):537-561
ISEE-3 measurements extending down to 2 keV energy have provided a new perspective on energetic solar electrons in the interplanetary medium. Impulsive solar electron events are observed, on average, several times a day near solar maximum, with 40% detected only below 15 keV. The electron energy spectra have a nearly power-law shape extending smoothly down to 2 keV, indicating that the origin of these events is high in the corona. These coronal flare-like events often produced 3He-rich particle events.In large solar flares which accelerate electrons and ions to relativistic energies, the electron spectrum appears to be modified by a second acceleration which results in a double power-law shape above 10 keV with a break near 100 keV and flattening from 10–100 keV. Large flares result in long-lived (many days) streams of outflowing electrons which dominate the interplanetary fluxes at low energies. Even in the absence of solar activity, significant fluxes of low energy electrons flow out from the Sun.Solar type-III radio bursts are produced by the escaping 2–102 keV electrons through a beam-plasma instability. The detailed ISEE-3 measurements show that electron plasma waves are generated by the bump-on-tail distribution created by the faster electrons running ahead of the slower ones. These plasma waves appear to be converted into radio emission by nonlinear wave-wave interactions.  相似文献   
The newly independent country of Timor Leste is located in the eastern half of Timor Island (Indonesian archipelago). Geological studies of the country’s mineral resources and extractive activities are practically non-existent. There is evidence of the exploitation of ceramic raw materials at outcrop level and two small brick kilns, nowadays inactive, in the Dili and Aileu areas. Near Aileu, there are light-coloured silt-rich deposits, interpreted as overbank deposits, interbedded with ancient river terraces (post-Pliocene) overlying metamorphic bedrock. These sediments are the subject of this study, which encompassed geological mapping and preliminary characterisation. Tectonically, the area is a graben, preserving alluvium and colluvium deposits. Five channel samples representative of the silt-rich deposits were collected. Semi-quantitative mineralogical analysis shows that the samples are made of illite, quartz and kaolinite clays, with accessory illite/vermiculite interstratified minerals and K-feldspar. The chemical data show agreement with the estimated mineralogical composition. The grain size distribution points to a silt-dominated assemblage. Most samples have a satisfactory extrudability but deficient moulding properties. After firing, the sampled raw materials form a final product with possible ceramic capability for whiteware production.  相似文献   
第三纪的板块运动驱动着澳大利亚的气候和植被进行演化。广布的湿润森林区是澳大利亚老第三纪的特征。一直到始新世 ,生物多样性都在不断地提高。毫无疑问 ,这是澳大利亚由高南纬区向北部中纬区运移的结果。从始新世到上新世 ,澳大利亚的气候总体上要比现在湿润 ,但降水量季节性变化的增强推动了中新世以后硬叶植物和旱生植物的发展。上新世晚期似乎与第四纪一样 ,都出现过周期性干旱。这种干旱与冰期条件有关 ,至少由南澳大利亚晚第四纪的记录可以认识到这一点 ,澳大利亚的这段历史与东亚的气候变迁是同步发生的。在东亚 ,印—澳板块的运动致使青藏高原抬升 ,从而引发了区内乃至全球气候的巨变。穿越赤道区的季风和信风的环流格局 ,致使新第三纪和第四纪中国与澳大利亚的气候系统的相关性更强。  相似文献   
The Late Precambrian–Early Paleozoic metamorphic basement forms a volumetrically important part of the Andean crust. We investigated its evolution in order to subdivide the area between 18 and 26°S into crustal domains by means of petrological and age data (Sm–Nd isochrons, K–Ar). The metamorphic crystallization ages and tDM ages are not consistent with growth of the Pacific margin north of the Argentine Precordillera by accretion of exotic terranes, but favor a model of a mobile belt of the Pampean Cycle. Peak metamorphic conditions in all scattered outcrop areas between 18 and 26°S are similar and reached the upper amphibolite facies conditions indicated by mineral paragensis and the occurrence of migmatite. Sm–Nd mineral isochrons yielded 525±10, 505±6 and 509±1 Ma for the Chilean Coast Range, the Chilean Precordillera and the Argentine Puna, and 442±9 and 412±18 Ma for the Sierras Pampeanas. Conventional K–Ar cooling age data of amphibole and mica cluster around 400 Ma, but are frequently reset by Late Paleozoic and Jurassic magmatism. Final exhumation of the Early Paleozoic orogen is confirmed by Devonian erosional unconformities. Sm–Nd depleted mantle model ages of felsic rocks from the metamorphic basement range from 1.4 to 2.2 Ga, in northern Chile the average is 1.65±0.16 Ga (1σ; n=12), average tDM of both gneiss and metabasite in NW Argentina is 1.76±0.4 Ga (1σ; n=22), and the isotopic composition excludes major addition of juvenile mantle derived material during the Early Paleozoic metamorphic and magmatic cycle. These new data indicate a largely similar development of the metamorphic basement south of the Arequipa Massif at 18°S and north of the Argentine Precordillera at 28°S. Variations of metamorphic grade and of ages of peak metamorphism are of local importance. The protolith was derived from Early to Middle Proterozoic cratonic areas, similar to the Proterozoic rocks from the Arequipa Massif, which had undergone Grenvillian metamorphism at ca. 1.0 Ga.  相似文献   
A polymetamorphic complex in the Arunta Block, Central Australia, which has undergone metasomatism involving introduction of Rb and loss of Sr has been investigated by 40Ar/ 39Ar step and total-degassing techniques in an attempt to date five metamorphic events (M1–M5) identified microstructurally. The complex isotopic data and apparent age spectra obtained have been interpreted in the light of constraints provided by an associated tectonometamorphic study, together with independent geochronological controls from the immediate study area and elsewhere in the Arunta Block. This has led to the delineation of ages of 1,780–1,820 M.y. for M1, 1,690–1,720 M.y. for M2, 1,450–1,500 M.y. for M3, 1,030–1,060 M.y. for M4 and 370–510 for M5. The polyphase M5 event is correlated with the Alice Springs Orogeny, previously accorded younger age limits of 330–370 M.y. The latter are interpreted to reflect closure of mica K/Ar systems as uplift continued subsequent to the close of the event, possibly culminating in minor high-level brittle deformation and the development of pseudotachylytes in the study area.Apparent age spectra recorded in this study do not all conform with generally accepted patterns of behaviour of mineral systems which have undergone polythermal histories. Two hornblendes have survived subsequent high temperature metasomatic reheating without loss of argon or resetting of their ages. Their resistance to argon loss may be attributable to low water contents, due to their growth under anhydrous granulite facies conditions, and may reflect a relationship between argon loss from hornblende and the water content of hornblende, which decreases with increasing metamorphic grade (Kostyuk and Sobolev 1969). Other samples display false plateaux in their apparent age spectra and in three cases the spectra are indistinguishable from those of undisturbed spectra.The age data recorded in this study suggest that during basement reactivation loss of argon is mainly confined to the vicinity of shear zones, implying that diffusion of argon from minerals in the deep crust may be dependent more on deformation than on reheating. However, thermal activity may also be associated with active shear zones, through the medium of superheated fluids streaming up the shear zones from below. The wide spread of K/Ar and 40Ar/39Ar ages (330–510 M.y.), recorded for the Alice Springs Orogeny in the Arunta basement, may reflect such controls.  相似文献   
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