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The Beijing meteorological tower is located in an area of Beijing, China, which has developed from a suburban to an inner city setting over the past 30 years. The impacts of this urbanization process on both the vertical profile and diurnal cycles of air temperature are investigated using hourly data collected from a series of monitoring levels (up to 325 m high) on the Beijing meteorological tower since 1984. We find that the inter-decadal temperature has increased gradually, and that a more significant increase occurred during the 1980s and 1990s due to the effects of urbanization. A well-defined change in temperature stratification was also observed over this period. The height of the temperature inversion layer decreased from the 1980s to the 2000s. A well-defined nighttime temperature inversion developed below 50 m during the summer in the 1980s, but this near-surface inversion is not seen in data from the 1990s and 2000s. This change can be related to an increase in turbulent mixing caused by urban roughness and surface heat storage that disturbs the near-surface temperature inversion layer. In addition, the diurnal change in temperature in the city in summer shows a maximum increase from sunrise to the early afternoon, which is mainly caused by the nature variability and global warming in both the summer and winter. The urbanization mainly contributes to the temperature increase in the afternoon and nighttime. Moreover the urbanization dominates the increase in daily mean near-surface temperature.  相似文献   
In the Hetai goldfield, Guangdong Province, China, samples including rocks, soils and leaves of four plants (Pinus massoniana, Rhodomyrms tomenlosa, D. linearis var. dichotoma and Embelia laeta) collected from the gold mineralization zone and the background area were analyzed for Au, Ag, Cu, Pb, Zn, Hg, As and physiological parameters. The objective of this investigation is to study the geochemical and biogeochemical characteristics of studied plants, aiming at biogeochemical methods in Au exploration. The goldfield region shows geochemical and biogeochemical anomalies. Abundances of Au in rocks, soils, plants and the leaf pigments in the mineralized area are much higher than those in the surrounding region. The plants display unhealthy physiological and ecological characteristics in the Hetai goldfield area. The cell structures of the goldfield plants were anomalous and aberrant, and there were many nano-metal particles diffused in mitochondria and chloroplasts. Macro- and microscopic evidences of the vegetation in the goldfield areas are distinctly different from the background regions. The strongly anomalies in responses to Au are profound in further geochemical and botanic exploration studies.  相似文献   
本文利用中日黑潮联合调查研究期间1986年5—6月和1989年7—8月航次水文与生物的同步取样资料,分析了东海测区内水系组成与浮游甲藻类及浮游桡足类等分布之间的对应关系。指出了不同生态类型的生物需要不同的物理海洋环境条件。同时,某些指示生物的分布又为区分水系、了解流系情况提供了良好的示性指标,并且从某些生物数量的变化还可以判断出水系混合与变性的程度。  相似文献   
东海黑潮热输送及其与黄淮平原区汛期降水的关系   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
根据日本气象厅1956—1990年PN(G)断面观测资料分析东海黑潮热输送的变异特征,并探讨其冬季热输送与黄淮平原区汛期(6-8月)降水的关系。结果表明,黑潮通过PN(G)断面多年平均的热输送达15.74×1014W,其中冬季热输送的年际和长期变化特别明显;冬季热输送年际变化的周期主要为对.23.4a、3.5a、和2.6a,长期变化总趋势是70年代末以前各年热输送距平均为负值,对年代末接近多年平均值,进入80年代各年距平值不仅为正且逐年增大;东海黑潮冬季热输送与黄淮平原区汛期降水具有相近的长期变化趋势,两者间存在较好的负相关关系。  相似文献   
南京56年来冬季气温变化特征   总被引:20,自引:2,他引:20       下载免费PDF全文
利用南京市1951年1月—2007年4月逐日气温观测资料, 分析讨论了南京56年冬季平均气温、极端最低气温、冷积温和低温日数的变化趋势和特征, 探讨了南京冬季气温的年代变化和冷冬、暖冬的分布。结果表明: 56年来南京冬季平均气温是明显上升的, 而极端低温和冷积温上升更为显著; 南京20世纪50年代和60年代为冬季低温期, 冷冬皆分布在80年代以前, 90年代以后没有冷冬, 多为暖冬, 近10年为两年一遇, 80年代以来南京冬季明显升温, 90年代以来的南京冬季出现了持续的偏暖异常。  相似文献   
以大连市内四区为例,将城镇地籍调查数据与互联网房产数据相结合作为基础数据,通过ArcGIS软件生成住宅小区点数据的空间分布图,对大连市住宅小区容积率的时间演变和空间分布进行研究,并利用锡尔指数计算住宅小区容积率的空间差异量化测度指数,最后阐述住宅小区容积率空间差异的机制。结果表明:① 1992~2016年大连市住宅小区的数量在持续发展时期最多,平均容积率展现出波动上涨的趋势。② 区:大尺度包括冷炳荣住宅小区容积率整体上呈现出不均匀性和破碎性,局部又呈现出混乱性和复杂性,东部地区小区容积率分异比西部大。③ 中山区空间差异量化测度指数最高为0.831,甘井子区最低为0.125,西岗区与四区整体格局最为相近。极低等级容积率空间分异指数最高,容积率分异指数由两极向中间递减。大连市住宅小区容积率空间差异主要体现在区域内,其对研究区容积率空间分异影响较大。④ 住宅小区容积率空间差异的主要原因为下垫面性质对住宅小区建设的限制、区位的优良性对住宅类型的指向、城市规划对土地利用的导向、极差地租与容积率的相关性、小区建设成本对容积率的影响。  相似文献   
类胰岛素样生长因子结合蛋白(IGFBP)在调节IGF的生物学功能上起着重要的作用,利用简并引物扩增及RACE克隆技术,首次克隆得到大菱鲆IGFBP-1,-2基因cDNA全长序列。两个基因氨基酸序列都分为保守的N端和C端以及高度特异的L区域3个部分,其中N端和C端共包含18个半胱氨酸残基,N端存在一段保守的(GCGCCXXC)结构,C端存在一段保守的(CWCV)结构,这些结构在与IGF相互作用以及调节与IGF结合的亲和性和稳定性起重要作用。组织表达分析表明,igfbp-1主要在肝脏及脾中大量表达,在其他组织中表达量较少,igfbp-2除在肌肉中没有检测到表达外,在其他组织中均有表达,其中肝脏脑、心、肾、肠中表达量较高。广泛的组织表达模式表明IGFBP是通过自分泌和旁分泌来调节IGF的功能。对于胚胎发育期表达分析表明,igfbp-1在整个发育期均检测到表达,igfbp-2在胚体期开始有表达,结果表明igfbp-1和igfbp-2在胚胎发育过程中的细胞生长以及组织器官分化都起着重要的生理学作用。  相似文献   
The Sulawesi Sea and Sulawesi Island are located in the western Pacific area where volcanic activity,plate subduction,and seismic activity are very active.The Sulawesi basin formed during the Middle Eocene-Late Eocene and nearly half of the Eocene oceanic crust has subducted below the North Sulawesi Trench.The Sulawesi Island was spliced and finalized in the Early Pliocene-Pleistocene during volcanic activity and is recently very active.This area is an optimal location to study volcanic geothermal conditions and subduction initiation mechanisms in the southern part of the western Pacific plate margin,which are important in geothermal and geodynamic research.In this study,we combined 133 heat flow data with gravity and magnetic data to calculate the Moho structure and Curie point depth of the Sulawesi Sea and periphery of the Sulawesi Island,and analyze the distribution characteristics of the geothermal gradient and thermal conductivity.The results show that the average depths of the Moho and Curie surfaces in this area are 18.4 and 14.3 km,respectively,which is consistent with the crustal velocity layer structure in the Sulawesi Basin previously determined by seismic refraction.The average geothermal gradient is 4.96°C(100 m)-1.The oceanic area shows a high geothermal gradient and low thermal conductivity,whereas the land area shows a low geothermal gradient and high thermal conductivity,both of which are consistent with statistical results of the geothermal gradient at the measured heat flow points.The highest geothermal gradient zone occurs in the transition zone from the Sulawesi Sea to Sulawesi Island,corresponding to the spreading ridge of the southward-moving Sulawesi Basin.Comprehensive gravity,magnetic,and geothermal studies have shown a high crustal geothermal gradient in the study area,which is conducive to the subduction initiation.The northern part of the Palu-koro fault on the western side of Sulawesi is likely the location where subduction initiation is occurring.During the process of moving northwest,the northern and eastern branches of Sulawesi Island have different speeds;the former is slow and the latter is fast.These branches also show different deep tectonic dynamic directions;the northern branch tilts north-up and the eastern branch tilts north-down.  相似文献   
太原地区主要污染物污染的气象特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
选用2002年太原地区6个环境监测站主要污染物逐时浓度监测资料和山西省观象台逐时的气象观测资料,系统的统计分析了太原地区主要污染物浓度的时空分布特征,其中包括SO2和可吸入颗粒物PM10平均浓度的逐月变化、采暖期和非采暖期平均浓度的逐时变化,以及主要污染物浓度与地面常规气象要素的相关性。揭示了各代表站主要污染物污染的年、日变化趋势、采暖期和非采暖期日变化的差异,并分析了春季大风天气时PM10与SO2污染浓度的变化特征。  相似文献   
Due to the Tibetan Plateau's unique high altitude and low temperature climate conditions,the region's alpine steppe ecosystem is highly fragile and is suffering from severe degradation under the stress of increasing population,overgrazing,and climate change.The soil stoichiometry,a crucial part of ecological stoichiometry,provides a fundamental approach for understanding ecosystem processes by examining the relative proportions and balance of the three elements.Understanding the impact of degradation on the soil stoichiometry is vital for conservation and management in the alpine steppe on the Tibetan Plateau.This study aims to examine the response of soil stoichiometry to degradation and explore the underlying biotic and abiotic mechanisms in the alpine steppe.We conducted a field survey in a sequent degraded alpine steppe with seven levels inNorthern Tibet.The plant species,aboveground biomass,and physical and chemical soil properties such as the moisture content,temperature,pH,compactness,total carbon(C),total nitrogen(N),and total phosphorus(P)were measured and recorded.The results showed that the contents of soil C/N,C/P,and N/P consistently decreased along intensifying degradation gradients.Using regression analysis and a structural equation model(SEM),we found that the C/N,C/P,and N/P ratios were positively affected by the soil compactness,soil moisture content and species richness of graminoids but negatively affected by soil pH and the proportion of aboveground biomass of forbs.The soil temperature had a negative effect on the C/N ratio but showed positive effect on the C/P and N/P ratios.The current study shows that degradation-induced changes in abiotic and biotic conditions such as soil warming and drying,which accelerated the soil organic carbon mineralization,as well as the increase in the proportion of forbs,whichwere difficult to decompose and input less organic carbon into soil,resulted in the decreases in soil C/N,C/P,and N/P contents to a great extent.Our results provide a sound basis for sustainable conservation and management of the alpine steppe.  相似文献   
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