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早石炭亚纪冰川性海平面变化及黔桂盆地独特的古地理位置控制着盆地中的地球生物学过程,决 定了生烃母质生物的生产力和有机质的保存条件,进而影响了盆地相烃源岩的形成与分布。通过对广西巴平剖 面地球生物相分析,探讨下石炭亚系盆地相烃源岩形成的地球生物学过程,结果表明:汤粑沟期早期、旧司期 中晚期生境型以Ⅵb ( 台间深海盆地生境相)为主,盆地中生产力水平较低,但盆地中水体较深,古氧相为厌氧 相,有机质埋藏效率高,形成了下石炭亚系的优质烃源岩。汤粑沟中期生境型为Ⅵb,生产力水平低,古氧相为 贫氧-厌氧相,由于沉积速率过慢,发生了大量的Mn /Fe氧化还原反应,降低了有机质的埋藏效率,仅形成了 一套非烃源岩。早旧司期及上司期生境型为Ⅳ1 ( 范围为风暴浪击面至真光层下界面) 、Ⅳ2 ( 范围为真光层下界 面至大陆架坡折处) ,生产力水平低-中,古氧相为准厌氧相-贫氧相,形成了一套非烃源岩-一般烃源岩。上 司期末期-罗苏期生境型主要为Ⅲ2 ( 范围为强光合作用面至风暴浪基面) ,局部为Ⅳ1,生产力水平中-高,古 氧相为常氧相-贫氧相,有机质埋藏效率低,形成了一套非烃源岩-差烃源岩。  相似文献   
平凉冰雹云回波特征分析   总被引:27,自引:2,他引:27  
用大量实测冰雹云过程回波资料,根据地面降雹大小和灾情统计资料,分析了200多例不同冰雹云的回波顶高、回波面积随反射率Ze变化的回波特征参量和各高度层反射率强度分布结构模型。表明在不同的冰雹云过程中,Ze≥30dBz的回波特征参量有明显差别,用这些强回波特征参量对认识强对流云的演变过程和识别冰雹有较大优势。  相似文献   
Electrical characteristics of an isolated supercell storm observed on 13 June 2014 over Beijing were investigated using lightning data obtained from the Beijing Lightning Network, radar reflectivity, and hydrometeor retrievals during the 6-h lifetime. Positive cloud-to-ground(+CG) lightning took a high percentage of CG lightning. Before and during a hail event,+CG lightning was more frequent than negative cloud-to-ground(-CG) lightning, except that +CG lightning took a high percentage at the beg...  相似文献   
确定流变岩体的参数及地应力的位移反分析法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
在隧道设计和施工中,工程师需要确定岩体的力学参数和地应力场。对于软弱地层,我们还将遇到流变问题。具体地说,我们在作工程设计前就需要确定地应力分量、岩体的弹性模量以及反映岩体流变特性的粘滞系数等重要参数。一般而言,这需要在野外作相应的岩体力学试验来确定。  相似文献   
A review of atmospheric electricity research in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The importance of atmospheric electricity research has been increasingly recognized in recent decades. Research on atmospheric electricity has been actively conducted since the 1980 s in China. Lightning physics and its effects, as important branches of atmospheric electricity, have received more attention because of their significance both in scientific research and lightning protection applications. This paper reviews atmospheric electricity research based primarily on ground-based field experiments at different regions in China in the last decade. The results described in this review include physics and effects of lightning, rocket-triggered lightning and its physical processes of discharge, thunderstorm electricity on the Tibetan Plateau and its surrounding areas, lightning activity associated with severe convective storms, the effect and response of lightning to climate change, numerical simulation of thunderstorm electrification and lightning discharge, lightning detection and location techniques, and transient luminous events above thunderstorms.  相似文献   
北京城区相继多次降雹的一次强雷暴的闪电特征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
受东北冷涡和低层暖湿气流影响,2016年6月10日北京午后爆发了相继5次降冰雹的一次强雷暴天气过程。利用国家“973”项目“雷电重大灾害天气系统的动力—微物理—电过程和成灾机理(雷暴973)”2016年夏季协同观测期间获得的闪电全闪三维定位和多普勒天气雷达等资料,详细分析了此次雹暴的闪电活动和雷达回波特征。此次雹暴过程包括三个孤立的单体相继发展、并合,所分析的4次降雹过程中,总闪电频数在降雹期间都有明显增多,最高可达179 flashes min?1。云闪占全部闪电的80%以上,其中3次降雹前出现正地闪突增,其比例升高,占全部地闪的比例最高达58%。降雹时雷达回波>45 dBZ的面积增大,顶高超过13 km。整个雹暴过程,闪电辐射源主要分布在6~10 km的高度区域,与强回波具有一致性。所分析的4次降雹过程均出现明显的总闪频数跃增,并通过2σ阈值检验,其中3次提前时间为8~18 min,说明总闪频数对于降雹过程有一定的预警能力。  相似文献   
利用地面地闪定位资料、多普勒天气雷达和常规气象资料, 分析了一次具有前部对流线和后部大范围层状云降水(LLTS)的典型中尺度对流系统(MCS)的闪电活动演变特征。整个MCS生命史中负地闪占主导地位, 正地闪则表现不活跃。观测得到MCS消散阶段云闪与地闪的比例为2∶1, 地闪主要分布在地面相对位温和对流不稳定能量均达到高值的区域; 负地闪主要密集地分布在大于40 dBZ的回波范围内; 正地闪则稀疏地分布在30~40 dBZ的回波范围内。在低于-40℃的温度区域内地闪分布较多, 而密集的地闪分布在温度梯度大的区域内。结合单多普勒雷达的水平风场反演, 发现地闪集中出现在气流表现为气旋性切变或水平风呈现切变的区域。该区域与MCS的强回波区相对应, 并且地闪易发生在上升气流达到最大并开始出现下沉气流的阶段。  相似文献   
The analyses of spatial and temporal characteristics of positive cloud-to-ground(CG) lightning for four mesoscale convective systems and two severe local convective systems in 1989 and 1990 show that positive CG flash rate usually has two peak values.The major peak occurs during the developing stage of the storm and most of the positive CG flashes originate at the lower part of the storm.The minor occurs during the dissipative stage of the storm and most of the positive CG flashes originate at the upper part of the storm,especially in the region of the wind divergence in the storm anvil.The positive CG flash rate is almost an order of magnitude larger in the developing stage than in the dissipative stage.The appearing time of the peak of negative CG flash rate is in accordance with that of the valley of positive CG flash rate.The higher the intensity of the radar echo,the higher the positive CG flash rate.Most of the positive CG flashes occur when the weak echo area is larger,and mostly originate in the region where the radar echo intensity is about 10dBz and in the back region of the moving storms.The spatial distribution of the positive CG flashes is much more dispersive than that of the negative.The mesoscale analysis reveals a bipolar lightning pattern.The mean bipole-length reaches its minimum during the mature stage of the storm and reaches the maximum during the developing stage of the storm.The vertical distribution of the charge density is calculated by a one-dimensional charging model.Then,we discuss the producing condition of the positive CG lightning and forming cause of charge structure mentioned above.  相似文献   
地闪定向仪(DF)的测站定向误差及应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
由于地闪定向仪(DF)网络已广泛使用,而国内目前又无方便有效的定向误差估计方法,本文试图用气象台站资料寻找一种方便可行的定性判断方法,并给出测站可能的定向误差分布图。同时,我们还用DF网络的资料作了包括其工作范围内的雷暴日和落雷密度在内的统计分析,得到的落雷密度在考虑实际情况后与用其它方法得到的结果相吻合。  相似文献   
雷暴下的电流密度测量和准稳态特性讨论   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
郄秀书  张广庶 《高原气象》1996,15(2):221-228
利用电场和麦克斯韦电流密度的同时测量,对雷暴下闪电间的麦克斯韦电流密度的准稳态特性进行了验证,并利用实验观测和模式计算相结合的方法,对传导电流、位移电流和电晕电流的相对重要性作了估计。  相似文献   
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