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The intracloud (IC) discharge is closely related to the charge structure of thunderstorms. The location, charge moment and polarity of intracloud discharges have been analyzed by using the electric field changes from a 7-site network of slow antennas synchronized by GPS with 1 μs time resolution in the area of Zhongchuan in the Chinese Inland Plateau. Ten IC flashes, from a storm on August 20, 2004, have been fitted by using the non-linear least-square solution. The results show that five IC flashes occurred between the main negative charge region and the lower positive charge region and other five between the main negative charge region and the upper positive charge region during the mature stage of the thunderstorm. The centers of discharge were 3.2–5.6 km and 6.8–7.7 km above sea level. The neutralized moments were about 4.56–61.0 C km and 1.06–15.9 C km. It suggests that the charge structure related to the lightning discharge can be represented by a tripole but with a strong positive charge region in the lower part of the thunderstorm, with the lower positive charge region taking an active role in the discharge.  相似文献   
From June 30 to September 14,1989,about 2000 cloud-to-ground lightning location data have been collected by a three-direction-finder network in Beijing.These data have been used to study the spatial distribution of lightning including thunderstorm day,thunder density and thunderstorm hour.As a result of the terrain elevation,a clearly identifiable influence from the underlying topography was found.The lightning activity was mainly concentrated on the sunny side of the mountain,i.e.,the east slope of Taihang Mountain,then eastward along the south side of Yanshan Mountain.The comparison analysis of lightning data and radar echoes from several mesoscale convective systems in 1989 and 1990 suggests that lightning data can be used to determine the convective activity,its development probability and intensity.It can also be used to identify the different stages of a storm.The grid lightning data may be used in regional forecasting of storm.Case analysis shows that it is possible to forecast the position of active echo 30 minutes to an hour after lightning occurrence by using grid lightning data.  相似文献   
正地闪和负地闪预击穿脉冲序列的统计分析与对比   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
2009~2010年夏季,在大兴安岭林区利用闪电快、慢电场变化测量仪组成的网络对自然闪电进行了多站同步观测。本文选取2010年夏季3次过境雷暴过程中具有4站以上同步的资料,同时对表现出明显预击穿过程的37次正地闪和56次负地闪的预击穿脉冲序列进行了统计分析。统计的主要参数包括:脉冲序列的总持续时间(Total Duration),脉冲序列和首次回击之间的时间间隔(PB-RS Separation),预击穿过程到首次回击的时间间隔(Pre-RS Interval),单个脉冲持续时间(Individual Pulse Duration),相邻脉冲时间间隔(Interpulse Interval)等。对于负地闪,相应参数的算术平均值为4.1 ms、55.4 ms、56.0 ms、8.8 μs和111.0 μs,几何平均值为3.7 ms、35.6 ms、36.5 ms、7.4 μs和98.2 μs;对于正地闪,相应参数的算术平均值为4.5 ms、75.6 ms、77.3 ms、11.5 μs和297.3 μs,几何平均值为3.0 ms、57.8 ms、60.0 ms、10.0 μs和217.9 μs。对比发现,正地闪预击穿脉冲序列相对负地闪预击穿脉冲序列持续时间更长,和首次回击的时间间隔更大,其单个脉冲更宽,在整个序列中排列更稀疏。计算了正、负地闪最大预击穿脉冲幅值和首次回击幅值的比值(PB/RS,PB代表最大预击穿脉冲幅值,RS代表首次回击幅值),通过和其他研究结果的对比,发现负地闪有PB/RS随纬度增大而增大的趋势,而正地闪没有。另外,检验了首次回击前地闪电场波形与BIL模型(Breakdown Intermediate Leader, BIL)的符合情况,发现只有很小比例的电场波形符合BIL模型。  相似文献   
地闪与对流性天气系统中降水关系的分析   总被引:34,自引:0,他引:34  
利用1997年夏季在中国科学院兰州高原大气物理所平凉雷电与暴雹实验站设置的3站闪电定位系统所取得的地闪资料与雷达、降水及探空等资料进行了对比分析,发现地闪与对流性天气中的降水有较好的相关性,这种相关性用来对一般性对流天气中降水进行估测是可行的。通过非线性回归近似拟合得到平均雨强与对应时段内的地闪数回归方程为R=1.692lnF-0.273,相关系数r为0.8641。同时地闪频数与层结最大不稳定能量一样能够指示对流性天气的发生和发展。  相似文献   
中国大陆科学钻探(CCSD)岩心中存在大量石英脉和长英质脉体,关于其成因目前存在板块折返过程中的减压和流体释放以及后期流体穿插等不同成因观点。本文利用高真空气相质谱系统分析了CCSD石英脉和东海水晶流体包裹体中惰性气体同位素组成,其He-Ar、Xe和Ne同位素体系均清楚显示它们主要由地壳变质流体和大气饱和水组成,而基本不含深源地幔流体。在CCSD900~1500m深度的石英脉流体包裹体出现^40Ar/^36Ar和δ^18O同步下降,且与前人对CCSD中HP-UHP岩石的矿物原位δ^18O测定结果变化趋势相似,说明该段原岩在板块俯冲前曾与大气降水发生较为充分的水/岩反应,石英脉继承了围岩的同位素组成特征。流体包裹体惰性气体同位素组成显示CCSD中石英脉和东海水晶可能具有相似的成因,它们均主要形成于HP-UHP岩石在板块折返到地壳中的压力降低和流体释放过程。CCSD HP-UHP岩石及其石英脉中基本不合地幔流体的原因在于本区印支期快速的俯冲和折返过程,被俯冲地壳物质无法与地幔进行充分的同位素交换。此外,退变质作用及其伴生的地壳流体也进一步减弱了HP-UHP岩石中的地幔流体信息。  相似文献   
甘肃中川地区雷暴的地闪特征   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:21  
利用在甘肃中川地区一次雷暴过程的5站电场变化同步观测资料,对1996年8月12日的4次地闪过程分析发现甘肃中川地区负地闪回击所中和的负电荷离地高度为2.74~5.41km(对应环境温度为-2.0~-15.0℃),而正地闪回击所中和的正电荷离地高度低于2.0km(对应环境温度为±5.0℃)。正地闪放电过程较负地闪中和的电荷量要大7倍左右。在雷暴初期及活跃期前期,地闪回击发生之前有持续170~300ms的云内放电过程,它发生在云下部正电荷区和主负电荷区。与雷达回波的对比发现,负地闪发生在雷暴大于20dBz的强回波区或40dBz强回波边缘而正地闪却发生在相对较弱的回波区域。  相似文献   
利用2015年夏季北京闪电综合探测(BLNET)总闪辐射源定位、多普勒天气雷达、地面自动气象站和探空资料等多种协同观测资料,详细分析了2015年8月7日北京一次强飑线过程不同阶段的闪电特征,并探讨了闪电与对流区域和地面热力条件之间的关系。飑线过程整体上以云闪为主,根据雷达回波和闪电频数可以将飑线过程分为发展、增强及减弱三个阶段。发展阶段表现为多个孤立的γ中尺度对流降水单体,随着北京城区降水单体的迅速发展,强回波顶高延伸到-20℃温度层高度,闪电辐射源高度也逐步增加,闪电明显增多,但总闪电频数整体低于80次/min。增强阶段单体合并,闪电频数快速增长,0℃层以上及以下的强回波(>40 dBZ)体积明显增大,飑线形成后,总闪和地闪均达到峰值,分别约248次/min和18次/min,负地闪占总地闪比例为90%,辐射源主要分布在线状对流降水区内,辐射源数量峰值出现在5~9 km高度层。减弱阶段飑线主体下降到0℃以下并迅速衰减,辐射源分布明显向后部层云降水区倾斜。95%的闪电发生在对流线附近10 km范围内,即对流云区和过渡区。在系统发展和增强阶段,对流云区与层云区辐射源的活跃时段基本一致;系统减弱阶段,对流降水云区辐射源数量迅速减少。在系统的不同发展阶段,闪电活跃区域对应于冷池出流同平原暖湿气流在近地面形成的相当位温强梯度带内。  相似文献   
早石炭亚纪冰川性海平面变化及黔桂盆地独特的古地理位置控制着盆地中的地球生物学过程,决 定了生烃母质生物的生产力和有机质的保存条件,进而影响了盆地相烃源岩的形成与分布。通过对广西巴平剖 面地球生物相分析,探讨下石炭亚系盆地相烃源岩形成的地球生物学过程,结果表明:汤粑沟期早期、旧司期 中晚期生境型以Ⅵb ( 台间深海盆地生境相)为主,盆地中生产力水平较低,但盆地中水体较深,古氧相为厌氧 相,有机质埋藏效率高,形成了下石炭亚系的优质烃源岩。汤粑沟中期生境型为Ⅵb,生产力水平低,古氧相为 贫氧-厌氧相,由于沉积速率过慢,发生了大量的Mn /Fe氧化还原反应,降低了有机质的埋藏效率,仅形成了 一套非烃源岩。早旧司期及上司期生境型为Ⅳ1 ( 范围为风暴浪击面至真光层下界面) 、Ⅳ2 ( 范围为真光层下界 面至大陆架坡折处) ,生产力水平低-中,古氧相为准厌氧相-贫氧相,形成了一套非烃源岩-一般烃源岩。上 司期末期-罗苏期生境型主要为Ⅲ2 ( 范围为强光合作用面至风暴浪基面) ,局部为Ⅳ1,生产力水平中-高,古 氧相为常氧相-贫氧相,有机质埋藏效率低,形成了一套非烃源岩-差烃源岩。  相似文献   
Since the summer of 1996, scientists from China and Japan have conducted a joint observation of natural cloud-to-ground lightning discharges in the Zhongchuan area that is located close to Qinghai-Xizang (Tibet) Plateau, China. It has been found that the long-duration of intracloud discharge processes, just before the first return stroke, lasted more than 120 ms for 85% of cloud-to-ground flashes in this area, with a mean duration of 189.7 ms and a maximum of 300 ms. We present the results of charge sources neutralized by four ground flashes and two intracloud discharge processes, just before the first return stroke, by using the data from a 5-site slow antenna network synchronized by GPS with 1 s time resolution. The result shows that the altitudes of the neutralized negative charge for three negative ground flashes were between 2.7 to 5.4 km above the ground, while that of neutralized positive charges for one positive ground flash and one continuing current process were at about 2.0 km above the ground. The comparison with radar echo showed that the negative discharges initiated in the region greater than 20 dBZ or near the edge of the region with intense echoes greater than 40 dBZ, while positive discharge initiated in the weak echo region.  相似文献   
By using a high-speed video camera system (1000 frames s− 1) in correlation with fast and slow antenna systems, the negative cloud-to-ground (CG) flashes that struck the ground with more than one termination have been analyzed. This kind of stroke, named as multiple-ground terminations stroke (MGTS), was produced by different branches of the same stepped leader during quite a short time. Based on optical images, the 2D progression speed of leader branches was estimated to be in the range (0.9–2.0) × 105 m s− 1. The distance between adjacent striking points of MGTS was from 0.2 km to 1.9 km. The percentage of flashes with multiple-ground terminations occupied about 15% (9 out of 59) of the total negative CG flashes, with a range of 11%–20% in different areas in China. The time intervals between the two adjacent peaks ranged from 4 μs to 486 μs based on the E-field change caused by the MGTS. The flashes which had multiple striking points on the ground during quite a short time may be a common phenomenon in the lightning discharge process. It might produce more serious damage to facilities on the ground and should not be neglected in the design of lightning protection.  相似文献   
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