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秦蕴珊,男,山东掖县人,1933年6月生,1956年毕业于北京地质学院。秦蕴珊研究员是我国著名的海洋地质学家。现任中国科学院海洋研究所所长,中国海洋湖沼学会理事长,中国海洋研究委员会主席。《海洋与湖沼》学报主编。他为我国海洋地质学科的创立和发展做出了重要贡献。他对中国陆架沉积作用和海底沉积物的类型、分布及物质组成进行了大量的调查和深入研究,不但从宏观上阐明了沉积物分布的空间格局,而且划分出两种不同时代和不同成因的内陆架和外陆架沉积,并编绘了完整的中国海陆架沉积类型图,建立了中国陆架的海底沉积模式。被国内…  相似文献   
Hafnium (Hf) and zirconium (Zr) concentrations measured in over 4100 agricultural soil samples from Europe were assessed with the focus on their relationship to the distribution of aeolian deposits, such as loess and coversands. Comparison of extractable (aqua regia; ICP‐MS) and total (XRFS) concentrations shows that only 1.0 to 1.7% of the total Hf and Zr is chemically extractable because of the resistant nature of their host minerals. Resistate minerals, such as zircon, are commonly found in the predominantly silty fraction of loess deposits. In this study a statistical analysis of total Hf and Zr soil data from areas with and without loess was carried out to derive threshold values of 10 mg kg?1 (Hf) and 318 mg kg?1 (Zr). These values were subsequently applied across the project area in an attempt to indicate the presence of aeolian deposits. The spatial distribution of above‐threshold concentrations suggests a more extensive and coherent loess belt across central and eastern Europe, providing additional evidence of loess across Brittany, Aquitaine and near the Vosges mountains in France as well as in the basins of central and northern Spain. Above‐threshold concentrations were also detected in loess regardless of its thickness, emphasising the importance of the abundance of zircon in the upper part of the soil profile rather than the actual thickness of the deposit. Soil data however, failed to indicate various loess facies within most of the Pannonian Basin, suggesting that this approach only works where deposits contain a sufficient amount of zircon. This may also explain why the extensive coversands across northern Germany and Poland were largely undetected. This study demonstrates that continental‐scale soil geochemical data can help identify and map the distribution of zircon‐rich loess and coversand, and subsequently enhance and improve current knowledge of the extent of these deposits.  相似文献   
于升松,教授,男,于1941年10月出生,山东文登人,汉族,1965年毕业于北京地质学院水文地质及工程地质系;1986-1988年作为访问学者赴美国迈阿密大学学习和研究两年。在这期间曾赴南极洲一个月,研究了干谷地区盐湖痕量元素地球化学;1990-1993年先后赴美国、俄罗斯和西班牙等国科学考察和学术交流;现为中国科学院盐湖研究所地球化学研究室主任,研究员,中国地质大学兼职教授,博士导师。于升松同志自1965年参加工作以来,主要从事盐湖地球化学及多学科交叉的盐湖学领域的研究,先后主持和参加了国家科技攻关、国际合作、国家自然科学…  相似文献   
为了实现科技期刊编辑、出版发行工作的电子化,推进科技信息交流的网络化进程,我刊现已入网"万方数据(ChinaInfo)系统科技期刊群",所以,向本刊投稿并录用的稿件文章,将一律由编辑部统一纳入万方数据(ChinaInfo)系统,进入因特网提供信息服务.凡有不同意者,请另投它刊.本刊所付稿酬包含刊物内容上网服务报酬,不再另付.  相似文献   
—Effective stress analysis is performed to evaluate the residual displacement of a caissonquaywall during 1994 Hokkaido-Toho-Oki Earthquake and 1993 Kushiro-Oki Earthquake.Theconstitutive model used in this study is a multiple shear mechanism type defined in strain space and cantake into account the effect of rotation of principal stress axis.The earthquake accelerations recorded atthe outcropping rock during the earthquake are used as input bedrock motion.The results of finite ele-ment analysis are in good agreement with the observed behaviour of the quaywall.The analysis also indi-cates that liquefaction and high excess pore water pressure have a significant effect on the deformation ofthe caisson.Soil improvement is speculated as the most reliable measures against liquefaction.The influ-ence of soil improvement and the reasonable improved area are discussed in the paper.  相似文献   
<正> 南平林业技术开发试验示范区是在1990年5月南平市政府(原地区行署)与中国林科院签订了长期友好合作,共建技术开发试验区协议的基础上,于1992年8月林业部正式批准成立的。 南平林业技术开发试验示范区的范围为南平市所辖10个县(市、区)行政区域,总面积26031平方公里(263.18万公顷),总人口300万人。山地面积217.28万公顷,有林地  相似文献   
Geodatabase版本控制原理剖析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
随着地理信息系统的发展及其应用的不断扩大,多用户并发操作、长事务处理以及历史数据回溯管理成为大型空间数据库的基本要求,ESRI在面向对象地理模型(Geodatabase数据模型)中通过版本控制为空间数据库的上述要求提供了有效的解决方案。本文详细分析了Geodatabase版本控制基本原理,为建立、管理大型空间数据库以及研究开发全新面向对象空间数据库管理系统提供参考。  相似文献   
香港地区活动断裂的初步探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
香港地区的断裂构造颇为发育,主要有北东、北东东和北西向三组断裂。在现今构造应力场作用之下,北东东和北西向断裂组成共轭断裂系统。由于本地区地震活动水平不高,尚难确定哪组断裂与地震活动密切相关。断层泥的热释光资料表明,断裂的最新活动应在晚更新世,断裂的复发周期应在10万年左右。目前尚不能肯定哪条断裂为活动断裂。  相似文献   
The Sanmenxia Project completed in 1960 is a multi-purpose hydro project with emphasis on flood control. After the expounding, serious deposition occurs in the upstream part of the reservoir and the Weihe River. The project has to be rebuilt twice in the period from 1964 to 1978. Thus the discharge capacity is greatly enlarged by excavating two side tunnels on the left bank, converting three penstocks into sluice conduits and reopening & bottom outlets formerly used for di- version. By changing the operational mode from storing water year round to stor- ing clear water during the dry season and sluicing sediment during the flood season, the sediment problem of the reservoir is largely solved and multi-purpose benefits of the project are partially retained. But the heavy sediment load still caused serious abrasion on bottom outlets and turbines, particularly on the inlet gate slot, the service gate slot and the floor. Much effort has been made to clarify the mechanism of the damage and to choose abrasion-resistant material for repair. The repair of the bottom outlets has been going on since 1980. This paper describes the abrasion on the bottom outlets in details and the subsequent repair effected.  相似文献   
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