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Changes in the water regime of the caspian sea   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The article deals with issues of structure and dynamics of the Caspian Sea water balance. On the base of historical, paleogeomorphological and other data the evolution history of the Caspian Sea and its basin has been observed for different time intervals down to 400 thous. years ago. Presented are computerized data on water balance components in the current centenary obtained from instrumental observations, revealed are causes of the sea-level fluctuations within that time interval and anthropogenic factor contribution to this process. Based on the analysis of this material, an attempt has been undertaken to present a scenarion of a possible sea-level position of the Caspian Sea with the expected versions of climatic changes at the end of the XX and beginning of the XXI centuries.  相似文献   
The rotational properties of sunspots during the time interval 1977–1986 (solar cycle 21) are studied; only sunspot groups older than 4 days have been the object of this research. We have looked systematically for any kind of anomaly or fine structure in the differential rotation latitudinal profile and any significant change occurring during the course of the solar cycle.Some latitudinal bands are found where the angular rotation rate, rather than decreases according to its overall tendency, increases or is constant with the latitude. The differential rotation profile is, therefore, finely structured. The whole fine-structure pattern is affected by a slow equatorward shift. It is suggested that these fine structure features are due to the Coriolis forces acting on the meridional motions associated with giant toroidal convective cells. Some of the properties of such cells are inferred.Moreover, while the spot zone shifts equatorward, it is found to expand poleward; this expansion occurs by the addition of new belts of activity on the poleward side of the pre-existing active zone. The active zone is therefore found to consist, at the maximum activity epoch, of three different belts of spot production, each of them being centered around a local maximum-activity latitude; each of these centroids of activity is hypothesized to lie where a couple of meridional streams - associated with giant cells - converge. The activity belts are independent of each other as far as their activation, maximum, and end time, as well as their lifetime and level of activity are concerned. The angular rotation rate is correlated, in each belt, with the local level of activity.  相似文献   
Suevites are impact breccias with a montmorillonitic matrix that contains shocked and unshocked mineral and rock fragments from the crystalline basement, glass inclusions and a small amount of sedimentary clasts. Data are given of the modal composition of fall-out suevites (deposited at isolated points around the crater) and crater suevite (forming a layer below post-impact lake sediments in the crater cavity). Fall-out suevites contain aerodynamically shaped bombs which are absent in crater suevite. Taking into account not only large glass fragments and bombs, but also the finer fractions, the glass content of fall-out and crater suevites amounts to 47 and 29 vol%, respectively. Crystalline clasts in suevites consist of all igneous and metamorphic rock types that constitute the local basement which consists of an upper layer of igneous rocks (mainly granites) and a lower series of gneisses and amphibolite. Based on a collection of 1 200 clasts from 13 suevite occurrences the average crystalline clast population of suevites was determined. Suevites contain on the average 46 % igneous and 54 % metamorphic clasts. In constrast, weakly shocked and unshocked crystalline ejecta of the Ries structure consist of 82 % igneous and 18 % metamorphic rocks. From 138 analyses of crystalline rock samples average compositions of the major rock types were calculated. Comparison of these averages with the average glass composition leads to the conclusion that suevite glasses were formed by shock melting of gneisses in deeper levels of the basement. Suevite matrices consist in most cases of 80 to 90 % montmorillonite, in special cases of celadonite. Chemical analyses are given of some matrices and montmorillonite formulas calculated. It is supposed that montmorillonite was formed by early hydrothermal alteration of rock flour or fine glass particles. In the latter case the original glass content of suevites was higher than at present. Of all ejecta from the Ries crater only crystalline rocks contained in suevites occur in all stages of shock metamorphism up to complete fusion. The overwhelming majority of the ejecta from the sedimentary sequence (about 580 m) show no indications of shock pressures above 10 GPa. The same holds true for crystalline megablocks and breccias around the crater which consist mainly of granites from upper levels of the basement. We assume that the Ries impact can be approximated by a deep-burst model: The projectile penetrated through the sedimentary cover into the basement in such a way that the highest pressures and temperatures developed within the gneiss complex below the upper, predominately granitic layer and that rocks of the sedimentary sequence experienced weak shock compression. Numerical data are given for such a model of the Ries impact on transient crater geometry and volumes of vaporized, melted, shocked and excavated rocks. Fall-out suevites are supposed to have been lifted from the central zone by an expanding plume of vaporized rocks and deposited as fluidized turbulent masses outside the crater whereas the main mass of crater suevite was not removed from the crater cavity.  相似文献   
Some peak PM10 episodes, occurred during PM monitoring campaigns performed on October 2005 and February and June 2006 in Bari town, have been characterized. Moreover back trajectories of air masses and Principal Component Analyses were applied. Three of the peak PM10 episodes investigated were related to local emissions of primary pollutants during poor atmospheric dispersion conditions. The other two peak PM10 episodes considered are related with long range transport air masses toward Apulia region: in one case the chemical characterization and the back trajectories analysis indicate that high PM10 value detected is due to the Saharan dust advection in the Apulia region; in the other case air masses with different origin give rise to high PM10 value.Moreover PM10 daily mean concentrations, presented in this paper collected from January 2005 to August 2007 and obtained by automatic device in six stations of air quality monitoring networks in Bari territory, do not show a seasonal trend for PM10 concentrations, contrary to the PM10 trend shown in the towns of North Italy. This can be explained mostly considering that our region presents generally meteo-climatic conditions that favour pollutants dispersion.  相似文献   
Summary The refined lattice parameters of beryllonite are:a=8.178 (3) Å,b=7.818 (2) Å,c=14.114 (6) Å, =90.00° (2); space groupP21/n,Z=12. Integrated Weissenberg photographs were taken by using CuK radiation and multiple film packs. The anisotropic refinement of the crystal structure by means of least-square methods gave a finalR value of 0.063 for the 1388 observed reflections. In the crystal structure PO4 and BeO4 tetrahedra, linked by shared oxygen atoms in a three-dimensional network, form pseudo-ditrigonal rings perpendicular to theb axis. The independent Na atoms lying in the channels formed by the rings are coordinated as an irregular nine-cornered polyhedron and as distorted octahedra.
Verfeinerung der Kristallstruktur des Beryllonits,NaBePO 4
Zusammenfassung Verfeinerte Gitterkonstanten des Beryllonits lauten:a=8,178 (3) Å,b=7,818 (2) Å,c=14,114 (6) Å, =90,00 (2)°; Raumgruppe:P21/n,Z=12. Integrierte Weissenbergaufnahmen wurden mit CuK-Strahlung und multiplen Filmpaketen aufgenommen. Die anisotrope Verfeinerung der Kristallstruktur nach der Methode der kleinsten Quadrate ergab für 1388 beob. Reflexe einen abschließendenR-Wert von 0,063. In der Kristallstruktur bilden PO4-und BeO4-Tetraeder, die über gemeinsame Sauerstoffe zu einem dreidimensionalen Gerüst verknüpft sind, pseudo-ditrigonale Ringe senkrecht zurb-Achse. Die kristallographisch unabhängigen Arten von Na-Atomen, welche in den aus Ringen gebildeten Kanälen liegen, sind in der Form eines unregelmäßigen neuneckigen Polyeders bzw. in der Form verzerrter Oktaeder koordiniert.

With 2 Figures  相似文献   
More than 60 samples from 5 coal seams and adjacent siltstones and sandstones were selected from a well through Westphalian B sediments from Northern Germany in order to study bitumen generation and migration. The cores were drilled between 1200 und 1530 metres depth. In this interval, vitrinite reflectance (Rr) is increasing from 0.70 to 0.92%. Results reveal high hydrocarbon generation potentials for all coal samples, but not for adjacent clastic rocks, although maceral compositions of both are quite similar. Yields and compositions of thermal extracts from the coals depend on maceral compositions and rank. However, the bulk of the already generated bitumen has not been removed during natural coalification and is not easily releasable by thermovaporisation. A mass balance based on elemental composition of dull coals indicates that in the rather narrow rank interval (0.70–0.92% Rr) a total mass loss of 20% may have occurred by migration. This is evidenced by a loss of about 20% of the original hydrogen, the rest being stored in the coals.
Zusammenfassung Um die Entstehung und Migration von Bitumen zu untersuchen wurden in Norddeutschland mehr als 60 Proben aus 5 Kohleflözen und benachbarten Silt- und Sandsteinen aus einer Bohrung durch Westphal B-Sedimente bearbeitet. Die Entnahmetiefe der Bohrkerne liegt zwischen 1200 und 1530 Metern. Innerhalb dieses Intervales steigt die Vitrinit-Reflexion (Rr) von 0,70 auf 0,92%. Für alle Proben aus den Flözen ergeben sich hohe Kohlenwasserstoff-Bildungspotentiale, nicht aber für die benachbarten klastischen Gesteine, obwohl die Mazeral-Zusammensetzungen in beiden ähnlich sind. Die Ausbeute und Zusammensetzung thermaler Extrakte aus den Flözen hängen von Mazeral-Zusammensetzung und Reife ab. Allerdings wurden weder während der Inkohlung größere Mengen des Bitumens abtransportiert, noch ist dieses durch Thermovaporisation leicht freisetzbar. Eine Massenbalanzierung auf der Basis der Elementzusammensetzung ergibt für das relativ schmale Interval von C,70-0,92% Rr ein Massenverlust von 20% durch Migration. Diese Angabe basiert auf einer 20%igen Reduzierung der ursprünglichen Wasserstoffmenge, wobei die restlichen 80% in der Kohle gespeichert bleiben.

Résumé Dans un forage pratiqué à travers le Westphalien B du nord de l'Allemagne, on a sélectionné plus de 60 échantillons provenant de 5 couches de charbon ainsi que des siltites et grès adjacents, dans le but d'étudier la formation et la migration du bitume. Les carottes proviennent de profondeurs situées entre 1200 et 1530 m. Dans cet intervalle, le pouvoir réflecteur de la vitrinite (Rr) passe de 0,70 à 0,92%. L'étude révèle des potentiels élevés en hydrocarbure pour tous les échantillons de charbon, mais pas pour les roches détritiques voisines, bien que les compositions «macérales» soient analogues dans les deux cas. L'importance et la composition des extrait athermiques des charbons dépendent de la composition «macérale» et du degré d'évolution. Toutefois, la plus grande partie du bitume engendré est restée sur place au cours de la houillification naturelle et elle est difficile à extraire avex la methode de thermovaporisation. Une balance des masses d'éléments indique pour cet intervalle relativement étroit (0,7–0,92% Rr) une perte totale de masse de 20% due à la migration. Ce résultat correspond à une perte d'environ 20% de l'hydrogène originel, les 80% restants étant demeurés dans le charbon.

60 5 , , . 1200 1530 . /Rr/ 0,7 0,92. , , . , , . , , . , , 20% 0,7 0,92 %. 20%; , 80%, .
We propose a zero-point photometric calibration of the data from the Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) Wide Field Channel (WFC) on board the Hubble Space Telescope , based on a spectrum of Vega and the most up-to-date in-flight transmission curves of the camera. This calibration is accurate at the level of a few hundredths of a magnitude. The main purpose of this effort is to transform the entire set of evolutionary models into a simple observational photometric system for ACS/WFC data, and to make them available to the astronomical community. We provide the zero-points for the most used ACS/WFC bands, and give basic recipes for calibrating both the observed data and the models. We also present the colour–magnitude diagram from ACS data of five Galactic globular clusters, spanning the metallicity range  −2.2 <[Fe/H] < −0.04  , and we provide fiducial points representing their sequences from several magnitudes below the turn-off to the red giant branch tip. The observed sequences are compared with the models in the newly defined photometric system.  相似文献   
We present a comprehensive analysis of the ability of current stellar population models to reproduce the optical ( ugriz ) and near-infrared ( JHK ) colours of a small sample of well-studied nearby elliptical and S0 galaxies. We find broad agreement between the ages and metallicities derived using different population models, although different models show different systematic deviations from the measured broad-band fluxes. Although it is possible to constrain simple stellar population models to a well-defined area in age–metallicity space, there is a clear degeneracy between these parameters even with such a full range of precise colours. The precision to which age and metallicity can be determined independently, using only broad-band photometry with realistic errors, is  Δ[Fe/H]≃ 0.18  and  Δlog Age ≃ 0.25  . To constrain the populations and therefore the star formation history further, it will be necessary to combine broad-band optical–IR photometry with either spectral line indices, or else photometry at wavelengths outside this range.  相似文献   
The possible effects of trace-gas induced climatic changes on Pyramid and Yellowstone Lakes are assessed using a model of lake temperature. The model is driven by years of hourly meteorological data obtained directly from the output of double-CO2 experiments (2 × CO2) conducted with a regional climate model nested in a general circulation model. The regional atmospheric model is the climate version of the National Center for Atmospheric Research/Pennsylvania State University mesoscale model, MM4.Average annual surface temperature of Pyramid Lake for the 2 × CO2 climate is 15.5 ± 5.4°C (±1 σ), 2.8°C higher than the control. Annual overturn of the lake ceases as a result of these higher temperatures for the 2 × CO2 climate. Evaporation increases from 1400 mm yr−1 in the control to 1595 mm yr−1 in the 2 × CO2 simulation, but net water supplied to the Pyramid Lake basin increases from −6 mm yr−1 in the control to +27 mm yr−1 in the 2 × CO2 simulation due to increased precipitation.For the open water periods, the average annual surface temperature of Yellowstone Lake is 13.2 ± 5.1°C for the 2 × CO2 climate, a temperature 1.6°C higher than the control. The annual duration of ice cover on the lake is 152 days in the 2 × CO2 simulation, a reduction of 44 days relative to the control. Warming of the lake for the 2 × CO2 climate is mostly confined to the near-surface. Simulated spring overturn for the 2 × CO2 climate occurs earlier in the year and fall overturn later than in the control. Evaporation increases from 544 mm yr−1 to 600 mm yr−1 in the 2 × CO2 simulation, but net water supplied to the Yellowstone Lake basin increases from +373 mm yr−1 in the control to +619 mm yr−1 due to increased precipitation. The effects of these climatic changes suggest possible deterioration of water quality and productivity in Pyramid Lake and possible enhancement of productivity in Yellowstone Lake.  相似文献   
It is shown how the generalized Laplace coefficients can be employed to deduce explicit formulas for ordinary and Newcomb derivatives of the Laplace coefficients.   相似文献   
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