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The objective of the R&D project CLAIRE was to prove the principle of a gamma-ray lens for nuclear astrophysics. CLAIRE's Laue diffraction lens has a diameter of 45 cm and a focal length of 277 cm; 556 germanium-silicon crystals are tuned to focus 170 keV photons onto a 1.5 cm diameter focal spot. Laboratory measurements of the individual crystals and the entire lens have been used to validate a numerical model that we use to estimate the lens performance for a source at infinity. During a stratospheric balloon flight on 2001 June 14, CLAIRE was directed at the Crab nebula by a pointing system able to stabilize the lens to within a few arcseconds of the target. In 72 min of valid pointing time, 33 photons from the Crab were detected in the 3 keV bandpass of the lens: CLAIRE's first light! The performance of CLAIRE's gamma-ray lens, namely the peak reflectivity for a polychromatic source (9±1%), has been confirmed by ground data obtained on a 205 meter long test range. CLAIRE's measured performance validates the principle of a Laue lens for nuclear astrophysics, opening the way for a space-borne gamma-ray lens telescope that will achieve one to two orders of magnitude improvement in sensitivity over present technologies.  相似文献   
As part of an extensive radio–IR–optical–X-ray study of ROSAT clusters of galaxies in the Hydra region we have observed the bimodal Abell cluster A3528, located in the core of the Shapley Supercluster ( z  ≃ 0.053), with the Molonglo Observatory Synthesis Telescope at 843 MHz and the Australia Telescope Compact Array at 1.4 and 2.4 GHz. This is part I in a series of papers which looks at the relationship between the radio and X-ray emission in samples of ROSAT selected clusters.   The radio source characteristics — tailed morphologies and steep spectra — are consistent with the effects of a dense intracluster medium and the pre-merging environment of A3528. In particular, we present evidence that the minor member of the radio-loud dumbbell galaxy located at the centre of the northern component of A3528 is on a plunging orbit. We speculate that this orbit may have been induced by the tidal interactions between the merging components of A3528. In addition, the radio source associated with the dominant member of the dumbbell galaxy exhibits many of the characteristics of compact steep spectrum sources. We argue that the radio emission from this source was triggered ∼ 106 yr ago by tidal interactions between the two members of the dumbbell galaxy, strengthening the argument that compact steep spectrum (CSS) sources are young.   Re-analysis of archive pointed Position Sensitive Proportional Counter (PSPC) data using multiresolution filtering suggests the presence of an AGN and/or a cooling flow in the southern component of A3528.  相似文献   
Aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons in coastal Caspian Sea sediments   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
This investigation represents the first extensive study of the spatial distribution and sources of aliphatic (n-alkanes and unresolved complex mixture of fossil hydrocarbons) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in coastal sediments from the Caspian Sea. PAH concentrations, n-alkanes and biomarker profiles all suggested that there was limited petrogenic contamination in the shallow North Caspian Sea sediments, which are coarse with a low total organic carbon content. In contrast, moderate to high petrogenic contamination was found in the South Caspian Sea, in particular in the offshore oil fields near Baku, Azerbaijan. Contaminant patterns indicated that the PAHs were mainly from fossil sources, with higher contributions of pyrolytic only near industrialized and urban areas. A high contribution of perylene, a geochemically derived PAH, to the total PAHs was found in the west and south at sites influenced by the Kura, Safid Rud, Terek, Sulak and Samur Rivers.  相似文献   
The immediate environmental effects of tephra emission   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Earth’s history is punctuated by large explosive eruptions that eject large quantities of magma and silicate rock fragments into the atmosphere. These tephra particles can sometimes be dispersed across millions of square kilometres or even entire continents. The interaction of tephra with or in receiving environments may induce an array of physical, chemical and biological effects. The consequences for affected systems and any dependent communities may be chronic and localised in the event of frequent, small eruptions, while larger and rarer events may have acute, regional-scale impacts. It is, therefore, necessary to document the range of possible impacts that tephra may induce in receiving environments and any resulting effects in interconnected systems. We collate results from many studies to offer a detailed multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary review of the immediate post-eruptive effects of tephra emission into the atmosphere, onto vegetation, soil or ice/snow surfaces and in aquatic systems. We further consider the repercussions that may be induced in the weeks to years afterwards. In the atmosphere, tephra can influence cloud properties and air chemistry by acting as ice nuclei (IN) or by offering sites for heterogeneous reactions, respectively. Tephra on vegetation causes physical damage, and sustained coverage may elicit longer-term physiological responses. Tephra deposits on soils may alter their capacity to exchange gas, water and heat with the atmosphere or may have a specific chemical effect, such as nutrient input or acidification, on sensitive soils. Tephra deposition onto snow or ice may affect ablation rates. Rivers and lakes may experience turbidity increases and changes in their morphology as a result of fallout and prolonged (months or years) erosion from the tephra-covered catchment. In the first weeks after deposition, tephra leaching may affect river chemistry. The abundance and speciation of phytoplankton populations in lakes may be altered by tephra-induced changes in water chemistry or sediment–water nutrient cycling. In the oceans, tephra deposition may fertilise Fe-limited waters, with potential impacts on the global carbon cycle. Embracing the full complexity of environmental effects caused by tephra fall demands a renewed investigative effort drawing on interdisciplinary field and laboratory studies, combined with consideration of the interconnectivity of induced impacts within and between different receiving environments.  相似文献   
A generation procedure of Ritz vectors to control the inclusion of static effect and the number of vectors in mode superposition dynamic analysis is presented. The original algorithm of the Ritz vectors15 is modified to improve stability in the generation procedure and to include the use of static residual. To reject unimportant Ritz vectors, cut-off criteria, which are based on the participation of mass distribution and spatial load distribution, are proposed. Numerical examples are presented to illustrate the effectiveness of the derived Ritz vectors over the eigenvectors and the performance of the cutoff criteria in the mode superposition dynamic analysis.  相似文献   
Streambed colmation by fine sediment, e.g. the deposition, accumulation and storage of fines in the substrate, is a major environmental concern throughout the world. Nevertheless, the ecological effects of streambed colmation on both benthic and hyporheic invertebrate assemblages have rarely been considered simultaneously. We studied a continuum of a naturally increasing percentage of fine sediment in three temperate rivers and hypothesized that the increasing percentage of fine sediment would decrease both benthic and hyporheic invertebrate densities and diversities, and reduce the similarities between them. To test these hypotheses, we first compared heavily, moderately and lightly clogged reaches located in downwelling areas and sampled invertebrates in the benthic zone and at 3 different depths (10, 30 and 50 cm) in the hyporheic zone. Secondly, we modified the sediment grain size distribution experimentally by increasing the percentage of fine sediment and using artificial substrates. The increasing colmation halved the hyporheic taxonomic richness and reduced benthic and hyporheic densities to a third. Some taxa were found in both zones, mainly in high colmation (e.g. Baetidae) or low colmation contexts (e.g. Orthocladiinae, Cyclopoida and Harpacticoida). The dissimilarity between benthic and hyporheic fauna (only at ?50 cm) was significantly higher in heavily clogged reaches than in moderately and lightly clogged ones, suggesting reduced vertical exchange of invertebrates or differential impacts between zones. The total abundance, taxonomic richness, percentage of EPT taxa and densities of most organisms observed using the artificial substrates decreased linearly with the increasing percentage of fine sediment in the experiment. Only the Ephemeroptera Caenis spp. and Heptageniidae disappeared above 30 and 50 % of fine sediment, respectively, suggesting that the response to increasing colmation are strongly taxon-specific. High amount of fine sediments within the substrate significantly decreased habitat quality for benthic and hyporheic invertebrates and thus limit the production of streams and their capacity to recover after disturbance. Moreover, the use of hyporheic invertebrates seems more relevant than benthic invertebrates to assess the effect of colmation and thus could be tested in future research as indicators.  相似文献   
In the linear model of coregionalization (LMC), when applicable to the experimental direct variograms and the experimental cross variogram computed for two random functions, the variability of and relationships between the random functions are modeled with the same basis functions. In particular, structural correlations can be defined from entries of sill matrices (coregionalization matrices) under second-order stationarity. In this article, modified t-tests are proposed for assessing the statistical significance of estimated structural correlations. Their specific aspects and fundamental differences, compared with an existing modified t-test for global correlation analysis with spatial data, are discussed via estimated effective sample sizes, in relation to the superimposition of random structural components, the range of autocorrelation, the presence of correlation at another structure, and the sampling scheme. Accordingly, simulation results are presented for one structure versus two structures (one without and the other with autocorrelation). The performance of tests is shown to be related to the uncertainty associated with the estimation of variogram model parameters (range, sill matrix entries), because these are involved in the test statistic and the degrees of freedom of the associated t-distribution through the estimated effective sample size. Under the second-order stationarity and LMC assumptions, the proposed tests are generally valid.  相似文献   
In order to confirm the tentative structure of a dithiane sulfide with a bicyclic squalene hydrocarbon skeleton representing the predominant alkyl sulfide in Shell Beach samples from the Monterey Formation (Miocene, CA) and also occurring in various immature sulphur-rich sediments [Schouten, S., Sinninghe Damsté, J.S., de Leeuw, J.W., 1995. A novel triterpenoid carbon skeleton in immature sulphur-rich sediments. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 59, 953–958], synthesis of a reference compound bearing two thiochromane moieties has been carried out. The product was obtained as a diastereomeric mixture appearing in the form of five peaks (partly) resolved in gas chromatography (GC). This is in sharp contrast with the geochemical compound, which appears as a single broad peak in GC. Co-elution experiments showed that none of the peaks from the synthetic mixture coelute in GC with that of the geochemical sulfide. Furthermore, the different synthetic isomers have identical mass spectra, which are clearly distinct from that of the naturally-occurring compound. The results unambiguously indicate that the natural compound is not the dithiane triterpenoid originally envisaged. Instead, we propose that the compound has a structure of a bicyclic squalene derivative bearing two “S-spiro”-type moieties as is the case for other sulfides related to regular polycyclic polyprenoids and hopanoids in Monterey sediments.  相似文献   
Landscape differences induced by urbanization have prompted hydrologists to define a fuzzy boundary between rural- and urban-specific hydrological models. We addressed the validity of establishing this boundary, by testing two rural models on a large sample of 175 French and United States (US) urbanized catchments, and their 175 rural neighbours. The impact of urbanization on the hydrological behaviour was checked using four metrics. Using a split-sample test, we have compared the performances, parameter distributions, and internal fluxes of GR4H and IHACRES, two conceptual and continuous models running at the hourly time step. Both model structures are based on soil moisture accounting reservoirs (infiltration, runoff, and actual evapotranspiration) and quick flow/slow flow routing components, with no consideration of any specific feature related to urbanization. Results showed: (a) Except for the ratio of streamflow flashiness to precipitation flashiness, the range of hydrological signature metrics in rural catchments encompassed the specificities of urbanized ones. Overall, the urbanized catchments showed higher ratios of mean streamflow to mean precipitation (median values: 0.39 vs. 0.27) and streamflow flashiness to precipitation flashiness (0.13 vs. 0.03), besides lower baseflow index (0.42 vs. 0.62) and shorter characteristic response time (3 vs. 14 hr). (b) The performances of GR4H revealed no significant distinction between rural and urbanized catchments in terms of Kling–Gupta Efficiency (KGE), whereas IHACRES better simulated urbanized catchments, especially during summer. (c) With respect to differences in urbanization level, the GR4H and IHACRES parameters showed different distributions. The differences in parameters were consistent with the differences in hydrological behaviour, which is promising for a model-based assessment of the impact of urbanization. (d) The models agreed less in reproducing the internal fluxes over the urbanized catchments than over the rural ones. These results demonstrate the flexibility of conceptual models to handle the specificities of urbanized catchments.  相似文献   
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