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Abstract– We carried out shock experiments on macroscopic spherical samples of the L4 ordinary chondrite Saratov (natural shock stages S2–S3), using explosively generated spherical shock waves with maximum peak pressures of 400 GPa and shock‐induced temperatures >800 °C (up to several thousands °C). The evolution of shock metamorphism within a radius of the spherical samples was investigated using optical and scanning electron microscopy, microprobe and magnetic analyses as well as Mössbauer spectroscopy and X‐ray diffraction techniques. Petrographic analyses revealed a shock‐induced formation of three different concentric petrographic zones within the shocked samples: zone of total melting (I), zone of partial melting (II), and zone of solid‐state shock features (III). We found a progressive pressure‐induced oxidation of Fe‐Ni metal, whose degree increased with increasing shock peak pressure. The amount of FeO within zone I increased the factor of 1.4 with respect to its amount in the unshocked Saratov sample. This suggests that within zone I about 70 wt% of the initial metallic iron was oxidized, whereas magnetic analyses showed that about 10 wt% of it remained intact. This strongly supports the hypothesis that, in addition to oxidation, a migration of metallic iron from the central heavily shocked zone I toward less shocked peripheral zone took place as well (likely through shock veins where metallic droplets were observed). Magnetic analyses also showed a shock‐induced transformation of tetrataenite to taenite within all shocked subsamples, resulting in magnetic softening of these subsamples (decrease in remanent coercivity). These results have important implications for extraterrestrial paleomagnetism suggesting that due to natural impact processes, the buried crustal rocks of heavily cratered solid solar system bodies can have stronger remanent magnetism than the corresponding surface rocks.  相似文献   
Several Gigantopithecus faunas associated with taxonomically undetermined hominoid fossils and/or stone artifacts are known from southern China. These faunas are particularly important for the study of the evolution of humans and other mammals in Asia. However, the geochronology of the Gigantopithecus faunas remains uncertain. In order to solve this problem, a program of geochronological studies of Gigantopithecus faunas in Guangxi Province was recently initiated. Chuifeng Cave is the first studied site, which yielded 92 Gigantopithecus blacki teeth associated with numerous other mammalian fossils. We carried out combined ESR/U-series dating of fossil teeth and sediment paleomagnetic studies. Our ESR results suggest that the lower layers at this cave can be dated to 1.92 ± 0.14 Ma and the upper layers can be dated to older than 1.38 ± 0.17 Ma. Correlation of the recognized magnetozones to the geomagnetic polarity timescale was achieved by combining magnetostratigraphic, biostratigraphic and ESR data. The combined chronologies establish an Olduvai subchron (1.945–1.778 Ma) for the lowermost Chuifeng Cave sediments. We also analyzed the enamel δ13C values of the Gigantopithecus faunas. Our results show that southern China was dominated by C3 plants during the early Pleistocene and that the Gigantopithecus faunas lived in a woodland-forest ecosystem.  相似文献   
DUAL will study the origin and evolution of the elements and explores new frontiers of physics: extreme energies that drive powerful stellar explosions and accelerate particles to macroscopic energies; extreme densities that modify the laws of physics around the most compact objects known; and extreme fields that influence matter in a way that is unknown on Earth. The variability of these extreme objects requires continuous all-sky coverage, while detailed study demands an improvement in sensitivity over previous technologies by at least an order of magnitude. The DUAL payload is composed of an All-Sky Compton Imager (ASCI), and two optical modules, the Laue-Lens Optic (LLO) and the Coded-Mask Optic (CMO). The ASCI serves dual roles simultaneously, both as an optimal focal-plane sensor for deep observations with the optical modules and as a sensitive true all-sky telescope in its own right for all-sky surveys and monitoring. While the optical modules are located on the main satellite, the All-Sky Compton Imager is situated on a deployable structure at a distance of 30?m from the satellite. This configuration not only permits to maintain the less massive payload at the focal distance, it also greatly reduces the spacecraft-induced detector background, and, above all it provides ASCI with a continuous all-sky exposure.  相似文献   
Mössbauer studies of micas on the polylithionite-side-rophyllite join show the existence of a relation between the quadrupole splitting (ΔE Q) values of Fe2+ high spin doublets and both cationic and anionic composition of micas. This linear relation is positive as Li2O content increases and negative as F content increases. In the lithium iron micas, the inner ferrous quadrupole doublet is assigned to the cis-site M(2), while the outer doublet is assigned to the trans-site M(1). A random distribution of Fe2+ is observed in fluorine-rich compositions, while slight enrichment of the M(1) site is noticed in hydroxyl compositions, perhaps due to a more sensitive oxidation in situ in M(2) than M(1) sites. The Mössbauer spectrum of siderophyllite K2(Fe 4 2+ Al2)(Si4Al4)O20(OH)4 shows the presence of only one ferrous doublet, which is assigned to M(2) sites. Hence from Mössbauer data we must consider a clintonite (“xanthophyllite”) structure for this mica. The ordered octahedral layer has two distorted ferrous cis-sites and one, more symmetrical, aluminum trans-site.  相似文献   
Lithostratigraphic and structural framework, chronology and geochemistry of the Tertiary calc-alkaline volcanism of Cap-d'Ail (French Maritime Alps) are specified according to the new data collected during the earthworks of the recent railway tunnel built between Cap-d'Ail and Monaco. Two different magmatic events were dated: the first one, to Palaeogene, the other one, to Neogene. To cite this article: J.-P. Ivaldi et al., C. R. Geoscience 335 (2003).  相似文献   
The Jacobina — Contendas Mirante belt represents a Transamazonian (2 Ga), N-S, 500-km long, elongated orogenic domain in the central part of the São Francisco craton, Bahia state. Numerous syntectonic to post-tectonic peraluminous leucogranites were emplaced along the major structures of the belt. Their mineralogical and geochemical and some of their metallogenetic characteristics are very similar to their Hercynian and Himalayan equivalents. However, their average peraluminous index varies from one granitic pluton to another and biotite is, on average, slightly more magnesian in the Transamazonian leucogranites. Higher oxygen fugacity is indicated by the general occurrence of magnetite, the stability of allanite and sometimes epidote in most of the plutons and by biotite chemistry. The peraluminous magmatism of the Jacobina-Contendas Mirante belt results from crustal partial melting during a continental collision event at 2 Ga.Trace-element geochemistry implies variable source composition and/or melting conditions for the different granitic plutons and some different facies within the same plutonic unit. The scarcity of ilmenite, the general occurrence of magnetite, and the relatively low peraluminous index of some of these granites suggest that graphite-beating sediments are not a significantly source material. From their mineralogical and geochemical characteristics, acid meta-igneous rocks such as the Sete Voltas TTG suite of presumed Archaean age, seem to represent a suitable source for these granites.Sn, W, Li, F and Be enrichment of most Transamazonian leucogranites is much weaker than in the mineralized Variscan equivalents. The Caetano-Aliança and Riacho das Pedras granites represent the most specialized granitic bodies. Beryl (emerald), molybdenite and scheelite mineralizations are related to some of these granites which intrude ultrabasic formations: the Campo Formoso and the Carnaiba granites. In many of these granites, uranium content is comparable to values measured in mineralized Hercynian leucogranites. The occurrence of hexavalent uranium minerals, mineralization and episyenitic alteration are favourable criteria for finding Variscan-type uranium ore deposits.  相似文献   

Present global climate models (GCMs) are unable to provide reliable projections of physical oceanographic properties on the continental shelf off Newfoundland and Labrador. Here we first establish linear statistical relationships between oceanographic properties and coastal air temperature based on historical observations. We then use these relationships to project future states of oceanographic conditions under different emission scenarios, based on projected coastal air temperatures from global (Canadian Earth System Model, version 2 (CanESM2), Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory's Earth System Model, version 2M (GFDL-ESM2M)) and regional (Canadian Regional Climate Model (CRCM)) climate models. Estimates based on CanESM2 agree reasonably well with observed trends, but the trends based on two other models result in substantial underestimates. Projected trends are closer to observations under a high emission scenario than under median-level emission scenarios. Over the next 50 years, the increases in projected sea surface temperature off eastern Newfoundland (Station 27) range from 0.4° to 2.2°C. The increases in bottom ocean temperature over the Newfoundland and Labrador Shelves range from 0.4° to 2.1°C. The area of the cold intermediate layer (<0°C) on the Flemish Cap (47°N) section is projected to decrease by 9–35% of the 1981–2010 average. The decline in sea-ice extent off Newfoundland and Labrador ranges from 20 to 77% of the average (0.4–1.5?×?105?km2), and the reduction in the number of icebergs at 48°N off Newfoundland ranges from 30% to nearly 100% of the norm at this latitude. Despite differences among the models and scenarios, statistical projections indicate that conditions in this region will reach or exceed their maxima (sea surface temperature, bottom ocean temperature) and reach or fall below their minima (sea-ice extent, number of icebergs) that were observed during the course of monitoring activities over the past 30–60 years, possibly as early as 2040. We note, however, that the statistical relationships based on historical data may not hold in the future because of the changing influence of input from Arctic waters and because of large uncertainties in projected air temperatures from GCMs.  相似文献   
Blooms of drifting green algae often develop in shallow coastal zones that receive significant nutrient inputs. Each spring and summer, some fifty bays and coves in Brittany (France) are affected in this way. Until now, in this region, only the algae present in the surf zone or stranded ashore, constituting an intertidal stock, have been taken into account. Another stock of algae, which was subtidal and of the same species (Ulva spp.), was found in the Bay of Douarnenez, one of the ten areas most affected by these algal blooms. This subtidal Ulva stock was located beyond the surf zone, at depths reaching 15 m. It was about the same size as the intertidal stock, viz., a few thousand tons on average. Subtidal Ulva stocks were generally found lying on the sandy bottom in a distribution showing no particular pattern. Biomass ranged from almost zero to 1.547 kg m−2 of fresh and spun-dried algae. However, at depths from 3 to 7 m they were often arranged in strips a few dm wide, due to the swell's effect. The bottom conditions of temperature, salinity, irradiance and dissolved inorganic nitrogen measured during spring and summer are suitable for the growth of Ulva in the subtidal zone. Both intertidal and subtidal drifting Ulva stocks are mobile and capable of exchanging material. In spring, the intertidal stock's inoculum is likely to come from the subtidal. Later in the season, the subtidal stock could be supplied, at least partially, by the intertidal.  相似文献   
Gaseous nitrogen compounds (NO x , NO y , NH3, N2O) were measured at ground level in smoke plumes of prescribed savanna fires in Lamto, in the southern Ivory Coast, during the FOS/DECAFE experiment in January 1991. During the flaming phase, the linear regression between [NO x ] and [CO2] (differences in concentration between smoke plumes and atmosheric background) results volumic emission ratio [NO x ]/[CO2]=1.37×10–3 with only slight differences between heading and backing fires. Nearly 90% of the nitrogen oxides are emitted as NO. Average emission ratios of other compounds are: 1.91, 0.047, and 0.145×10–3 for NO y , NH3 and N2O, respectively. The emission ratios obtained during this field experiment are compred with corresponding values measured during former experiments with the same plant species in combustion chambers. An accurate determination of both the biomass actually burned and of the plant nitrogen content, allows an assessment of emission fluxes of N-compounds from Guinean savanna burns. Preliminary results dealing with the influence of fire on biogenic emissions from soils are also reported.  相似文献   
A set of high‐fidelity simulated asteroid materials, or simulants, was developed based on the mineralogy of carbonaceous chondrite meteorites. Three varieties of simulant were developed based on CI1 chondrites (typified by Orgueil), CM2 chondrites (typified by Murchison), and CR2/3 chondrites (multiple samples). The simulants were designed to replicate the mineralogy and physical properties of the corresponding meteorites and anticipated asteroid surface materials as closely as is reasonably possible for bulk amounts. The simulants can be made in different physical forms ranging from larger cobbles to fine‐grained regolith. We analyzed simulant prototypes using scanning electron microscopy, X‐ray fluorescence, reflectance spectroscopy at ambient conditions and in vacuum, thermal emission spectroscopy in a simulated asteroid environment chamber, and combined thermogravimetry and evolved gas analysis. Most measured properties compare favorably to the reference meteorites and therefore to predicted volatile‐rich asteroid surface materials, including boulders, cobbles, and fine‐grained soils. However, there were also discrepancies, and mistakes were made in the original mineral formulations that will be updated in the future. The asteroid simulants are available to the community from the nonprofit Exolith Lab at UCF, and the mineral recipes are freely published for other groups to reproduce and modify as they see fit.  相似文献   
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