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Field experiments were conducted to investigate the refraction and propagation of ocean waves across two coral reef platforms in the Maldives, central Indian Ocean. A total of seven pressure sensors were deployed on each reef to quantify temporal and spatial variations in wave characteristics across the platform surfaces. Directional wave properties were calculated from high frequency (2 Hz) wave and current records obtained at two locations on each reef and corroborate theoretically predicted propagation pathways derived from an analytical wave refraction model. Results demonstrate that reef geometry critically controls the refraction and propagation behaviour of incident swell across the reef structures. Differences in the magnitude of refraction (approximately 57° and 14°) observed on each reef can be attributed to variations in platform shape and orientation to incident waves. Results demonstrate that reef flat wave patterns define the segmentation of platform surfaces into distinctive high and low wave energy zones. Furthermore, wave focussing has been identified as a major mechanism controlling the transformation of wave energy across the reefs. Results provide the first field‐based validation of wave refraction and convergence on coral reefs and have significant implications for sedimentation processes and the formation of platform deposits. Reef configurations which promote marked wave convergence are more likely to retain sediment on the reef surface, whereas platforms that induce less refraction and changes in the direction of incident waves have a higher potential for the off‐reef evacuation of sediment over leeward reef margins. Results of wave measurements substantiate such projections and provide a first order explanation for the existence and absence of a coral cay on the two study reefs. The study presents empirical evidence of wave refraction and convergence on coral reefs and establishes a baseline for future investigations of hydrodynamic process controls on platform sedimentation and island formation. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The Upper Pleistocene geoarchives in the south-eastern Carpathian Basin are represented predominantly by loess–palaeosol records. In 2015, a 10 m sediment core composed of clay-rich lacustrine sediments was recovered by vibracoring a dry lake basin located between the Vršac Mountains (Serbia) and the Banat Sands in the south-eastern Carpathian Basin; a location relevant for placing regional archaeological results in a palaeoenvironmental context. Here, we present results from geoelectrical prospection and a lithostratigraphic interpretation of this sequence supported by a detailed granulometric study supplemented by ostracod analysis. An age model based on luminescence dating is discussed against sedimentological proxy data and its implication for palaeoenvironmental change. The cores show a stratigraphy of lighter ochre-coloured and darker greyish sediment, related to the deposition of clay and silt trapped in an aquatic environment. Geophysical measurements show ~20 m thick lacustrine sediments. The grain-size distributions including the variability in fine clay are indicative of a lacustrine environment. Fine particles were brought into the depositional environments by aquatic input and settled from suspension; also, direct dust input is constrained by grain-size results. Riverine input and aeolian dust input interplayed at the locality.  相似文献   
The study examines two methods for classification of daily pressure-pattern sequences (extended PCA and extended cluster analysis) and evaluates whether sequence classification is more suitable to describe surface air-temperature conditions in Europe. For this purpose, sequences of daily sea-level pressure fields are classified for each month of the year using a wide range of class numbers (2–40) and sequence lengths from 1 to 6 days. In each case, the classification is used to reconstruct temperature variability in 5°×5° grid-boxes throughout Europe for the period 1850–2003 in order to compare the circulation type based reconstruction to monthly observations for skill estimation. Results show that extended PCA leads to more dynamic pattern sequences for subordinated classes, but also that it is limited in skill, because classes of very low frequencies are generated. In contrast, extended cluster analysis offers higher skill levels for temperature downscaling. However, both methods can benefit from using sequences instead of single days for classification, especially for continental regions.  相似文献   
Geochemistry of Peruvian near-surface sediments   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Sixteen short sediment cores were recovered from the upper edge (UEO), within (WO) and below (BO) the oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) off Peru during cruise 147 of R/V Sonne. Solids were analyzed for major/trace elements, total organic carbon, total inorganic carbon, total sulfur, the stable sulfur isotope composition (δ34S) of pyrite, and sulfate reduction rates (SRR). Pore waters were analyzed for dissolved sulfate/sulfide and δ34S of sulfate. In all cores highest SRR were observed in the top 5 cm where pore water sulfate concentrations varied little due to resupply of sulfate by sulfide oxidation and/or diffusion of sulfate from bottom water. δ34S of dissolved sulfate showed only minor downcore increases. Strong 32S enrichments in sedimentary pyrite (to −48‰ vs. V-CDT) are due to processes in the oxidative part of the sulfur cycle in addition to sulfate reduction. Manganese and Co are significantly depleted in Peruvian upwelling sediments most likely due to mobilization from particles settling through the OMZ, whereas release of both elements from reducing sediments only seems to occur in near-coastal sites. Cadmium, Mo and Re are exceptionally enriched in WO sediments (<600 m water depth). High Re and moderate Cd and Mo enrichments are seen in BO sediments (>600 m water depth). Re/Mo ratios indicate anoxic and suboxic conditions for WO and BO sediments, respectively. Cadmium and Mo downcore profiles suggest considerable contribution to UEO/WO sediments by a biodetrital phase, whereas Re presumably accumulates via diffusion across the sediment-water interface to precipitation depth. Uranium is distinctly enriched in WO sediments (due to sulfidic conditions) and in some BO sediments (due to phosphorites). Silver transfer to suboxic BO sediments is likely governed by diatomaceous matter input, whereas in anoxic WO sediments Ag is presumably trapped due to sulfide precipitation. Cadmium, Cu, Zn, Ni, Cr, Ag, and T1 predominantly accumulate via biogenic pre-concentration in plankton remains. Rhenium, Sb, As, V, U and Mo are enriched in accordance with seawater TE availability. Lead and Bi enrichment in UEO surface sediments is likely contributed by anthropogenic activity (mining). Accumulation rates of TOC, Cd, Mo, U, and V from Peruvian and Namibian sediments exceed those from the Oman Margin and Gulf of California due to enhanced preservation off Peru and Namibia.  相似文献   
A provenance and stratigraphic study of the Neoproterozoic Pontas do Salso Complex (PSC), western portion of the Dom Feliciano Belt (DFB), was conducted with U–Pb zircon geochronological analysis of the metasediments and the host rocks. The U–Pb isotopic data from detrital zircon of the metasediments indicate the source from the latest Middle Tonian to Late Cryogenian (between 897 and 684 Ma) and maximum depositional age of 685 ± 18 Ma in an arc-related basin setting adjacent in the Sao Gabriel Arc. The metasediments of the PSC form an elongated body in the N35°E direction and occur in the central portion of the São Gabriel Terrane (SGT), which is constituted by ophiolitic complexes and arc-related rocks, generated probably during the final consolidation of Rodinia supercontinent, although this question is still open. Low- to medium-K calc-alkaline, metaluminous affinity, and trace-element geochemistry suggest that the chemical composition of the protoliths was generated from metasomatized mantle sources in subduction zones. The PSC is composed of meta-arkoses, with subordinate metaconglomerates and metapelites. The meta-arkoses are disposed in plane-parallel layers, which also internally feature small-scale cross-bedding structures. The matrix has a blastopsammitic, poorly selected, fine to coarse texture, and hexagonal quartz and plagioclase porphyroclasts with superimposed thermal metamorphism. The polymict metaconglomerates are matrix-supported, with 15–55% of clasts of metavolcanic rocks, metasediments, undeformed granites, and quartz veins. The metapelites comprise mainly muscovite phyllites with syn-tectonic garnet and chloritoid porphyroblasts. The PSC represents a sedimentary succession deposited on an arc-related basin formed during the collapse and uplift of the SGT.  相似文献   
Peatlands are widespread and important natural archives of environmental change. Here we explore the potential of the recently introduced MBT-CBT proxy (methylation index and cyclisation ratio of branched tetraethers) to estimate past annual mean air temperature (MAT) based on the distribution of bacterially-derived branched glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraether (GDGT) membrane lipids in peat and coal. To this end, branched GDGTs in an ombrotrophic peat bog from Switzerland and three coal deposits of increasing maturity were analysed.For the surface of the bog, reconstructed annual MAT is higher than both measured annual MAT and measured in situ pore water temperature. Changes in the CBT ratio, considered a proxy for pH, with depth in the bog do not match with present day in situ pore water pH, but coincide with a peat stratigraphic boundary. This indicates that GDGTs down the bog profile are predominantly fossil and not derived from extant biomass. The MBT-CBT derived annual MAT record also shows a large drop at this stratigraphic boundary, which likely relates to past change in trophic status of the bog. Branched GDGTs are abundant in an immature lignite (vitrinite reflectance, Ro 0.25%), but occur in low amount in a slightly more mature coal (Ro 0.32%). Annual MAT could be reconstructed for the lignite alone and is higher than other proxy-based estimates from approximately the same time and location.Our results indicate potential for the application of the MBT-CBT proxy in peat and immature coals, but improved constraints on the effects of different types of peat on branched GDGT distributions as well as improved calibration of MAT estimates are needed before the method can be confidently applied.  相似文献   
The wetlands of the Okavango Delta accommodate a multitude of ecosystems with a large diversity in fauna and flora. They not only provide the traditional livelihood of the local communities but are also the basis of a tourism industry that generates substantial revenue for the whole of Botswana. For the global community, the wetlands retain a tremendous pool of biodiversity. As the upstream states Angola and Namibia are developing, however, changes in the use of the water of the Okavango River and in the ecological status of the wetlands are to be expected. To predict these impacts, the hydrology of the Delta has to be understood. This article reviews scientific work done for that purpose, focussing on the hydrological modelling of surface water and groundwater. Research providing input data to hydrological models is also presented. It relies heavily on all types of remote sensing. The history of hydrologic models of the Delta is retraced from the early box models to state-of-the-art distributed hydrological models. The knowledge gained from hydrological models and its relevance for the management of the Delta are discussed.  相似文献   
This report summarizes the seismicity in Switzerland and surrounding regions in the years 2015 and 2016. In 2015, the Swiss Seismological Service detected and located 735 earthquakes in the region under consideration. With a total of 20 earthquakes of magnitude ML ≥ 2.5, the seismic activity of potentially felt events in 2015 was close to the average of 23 earthquakes over the previous 40 years. Seismic activity was above average in 2016 with 872 located earthquakes of which 31 events had ML ≥ 2.5. The strongest event in the analyzed period was the ML 4.1 Salgesch earthquake, which occurred northeast of Sierre (VS) in October 2016. The event was felt in large parts of Switzerland and had a maximum intensity of V. Derived focal mechanisms and relative hypocenter relocations of aftershocks image a SSE dipping reverse fault, which likely also hosted an ML 3.9 earthquake in 2003. Another remarkable earthquake sequence in the Valais occurred close to Sion with four felt events (ML 2.7–3.2) in 2015/16. We associate this sequence with a system of WNW-ESE striking fault segments north of the Rhône valley. Similarities with a sequence in 2011, which was located about 10 km to the NE, suggest the existence of an en-echelon system of basement faults accommodating dextral slip along the Rhône-Simplon line in this area. Another exceptional earthquake sequence occurred close to Singen (Germany) in November 2016. Relocated hypocenters and focal mechanisms image a SW dipping transtensional fault segment, which is likely associated with a branch of the Hegau-Bodensee Graben. On the western boundary of this graben, micro-earthquakes close to Schlattingen (TG) in 2015/16 are possibly related to a NE dipping branch of the Neuhausen Fault. Other cases of earthquakes felt by the public during 2015/16 include earthquakes in the region of Biel, Vallorcine, Solothurn, and Savognin.  相似文献   
Single crystals of B2O3 are needed for the precise determination of the refractive indices used to calculate the electronic polarizability α of 3-coordinated boron. The α(B) values in turn are used to predict mean refractive indices of borate minerals. Since the contribution of boron to the total polarizability of a mineral is very low, the synthetic compound B2O3 represents an ideal model system because of its high molar content of boron. Millimeter-sized crystals were synthesized at 1 GPa in a piston-cylinder apparatus. The samples were heated above the liquidus (800 °C), subsequently cooled at 15 °C/h to 500 °C and finally quenched. The refractive indices were determined by the immersion method using a microrefractometer spindle stage. The refractive indices n o = 1.653 (3) and n e = 1.632 (3) correspond to a total polarizability for B2O3 of α = 4.877 Å3. These values were used to determine the electronic polarizability of boron of α(B) = 0.16 Å3. Although the surface of the B2O3 crystals was coated with a hydrous film immediately after being exposed to air, its bulk crystallinity is retained for a period of at least 2 months.  相似文献   
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