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Hydrogen gas was discovered within the steel casing above standing water in a percussion-drilled borehole on the Hanlord Site in south-central Washington state. In situ measurements of the borehole fluids indicated anoxic, low-Eh (<-400 mV) conditions. Ground water sampled from adjacent wells in the same formation indicated that the ground water was oxygenated. H2 was generated during percussion drilling, due to the decomposition of borehole waters as a result of aqueous reactions with drilled sediment and steel from the drilling tools or casing. The generation of H2 within percussion-drilled boreholes that extend below the water table may be more common than previously realized. The ambient concentration of H2 produced during drilling was limited by microbial activity within the casing-resident fluids. H2 was generated abiotically in the laboratory, whereby sterilized borehole slurry samples produced 100 times more H2 than unsterilizcd samples. It appears that H2 is metabolized by microorganisms and concentrations might be significantly greater if not for microbial metabolism.  相似文献   
Three finite element codes, namely TELEMAC, ADCIRC and QUODDY, are used to compute the spatial distributions of the M2, M4 and M6 components of the tide in the sea region off the west coast of Britain. This region is chosen because there is an accurate topographic dataset in the area and detailed open boundary M2 tidal forcing for driving the model. In addition, accurate solutions (based upon comparisons with extensive observations) using uniform grid finite difference models forced with these open boundary data exist for comparison purposes. By using boundary forcing, bottom topography and bottom drag coefficients identical to those used in an earlier finite difference model, there is no danger of comparing finite element solutions for “untuned unoptimised solutions” with those from a “tuned optimised solution”. In addition, by placing the open boundary in all finite element calculations at the same location as that used in a previous finite difference model and using the same M2 tidal boundary forcing and water depths, a like with like comparison of solutions derived with the various finite element models was possible. In addition, this open boundary was well removed from the shallow water region, namely the eastern Irish Sea where the higher harmonics were generated. Since these are not included in the open boundary, forcing their generation was determined by physical processes within the models. Consequently, an inter-comparison of these higher harmonics generated by the various finite element codes gives some indication of the degree of variability in the solution particularly in coastal regions from one finite element model to another. Initial calculations using high-resolution near-shore topography in the eastern Irish Sea and including “wetting and drying” showed that M2 tidal amplitudes and phases in the region computed with TELEMAC were in good agreement with observations. The ADCIRC code gave amplitudes about 30 cm lower and phases about 8° higher. For the M4 tide, in the eastern Irish Sea amplitudes computed with TELEMAC were about 4 cm higher than ADCIRC on average, with phase differences of order 5°. For the M6 component, amplitudes and phases showed significant small-scale variability in the eastern Irish Sea, and no clear bias between the models could be found. Although setting a minimum water depth of 5 m in the near-shore region, hence removing wetting and drying, reduced the small-scale variability in the models, the differences in M2 and M4 tide between models remained. For M6, a significant reduction in variability occurred in the eastern Irish Sea when a minimum 5-m water depth was specified. In this case, TELEMAC gave amplitudes that were 1 cm higher and phases 30° lower than ADCIRC on average. For QUODDY in the eastern Irish Sea, average M2 tidal amplitudes were about 10 cm higher and phase 8° higher than those computed with TELEMAC. For M4, amplitudes were approximately 2 cm higher with phases of order 15° higher in the northern part of the region and 15° lower in the southern part. For M6 in the north of the region, amplitudes were 2 cm higher and about 2 cm lower in the south. Very rapid M6 tidal-phase changes occurred in the near-shore regions. The lessons learned from this model inter-comparison study are summarised in the final section of the paper. In addition, the problems of performing a detailed model–model inter-comparison are discussed, as are the enormous difficulties of conducting a true model skill assessment that would require detailed measurements of tidal boundary forcing, near-shore topography and precise knowledge of bed types and bed forms. Such data are at present not available.  相似文献   
Changes in organic materials preserved within sediments of Saginaw Bay deposited over the past two centuries record corresponding periods in the environmental history of this part of Lake Huron and its watershed. Sediments deposited since 1940 show an increasingly greater input of aquatic organic matter in response to accelerating cultural eutrophication of Saginaw Bay. Concentrations of fatty acids, sterols, fatty alcohols, and aliphatic hydrocarbons are higher in these modern sediments than in deeper ones. Molecular distributions of these geolipids reflect less aquatic material deeper in the sediments. Prior to 1875, sediment organic matter appears to be diluted by mineral matter from enhanced erosion caused by clearing of the watershed for farming and settlement. During this period there is better preservation of carbonate minerals due to quicker burial. Since 1875, petroleum components comprise over 90% of the total aliphatic hydrocarbon content of these sediments, reflecting the advent and continued existence of chronic, low-level petroleum contamination of this part of the Great Lakes.  相似文献   
The expression of different ethnic identities in the landscape is a product of the creation, destruction and preservation of the built environment. This may illustrate the changing processes over the evolution of a landscape. In the case of Braşov, Romania, it is possible to see in the urban landscape a reflection of the changing nature of the relationship between the ethnic German and Romanian populations, and the German and Romanian governments. This paper will demonstrate the persistence of ethnic German culture in the built environment and social organisation of Braşov in spite of the exodus of the ethnic German population. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
An 840-g specimen of the Bruderheim chondrite was subjected to magnetic and heavy-liquid mineral separation procedures, resulting in a number of chemically distinct samples. These samples were analyzed for cosmogenic Al26 by non-destructive gamma-gamma coincidence counting. The observed Al26 specific activities were correlated with the chemical composition of potential target elements by a weighted least-squares fitting technique. The calculated Al26 production rates, in dpm per kilogram of target element, are: Al, 1130 ± 190; Si, 245 ± 31; S, 133 ± 11; Mg, 28 ± 30. Production rates from Ca and Ni + Fe were estimated to be 24 and 2.2 dpm/kg, respectively, from spallation systematics.  相似文献   
The spatial analysis of geochemical data has several environmental and geological applications. The present study investigated the regional distribution of Al, Ba, Ca, Ce, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, La, Li, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, Pb, Sc, Th, Ti, U, V, and Zn elements in stream sediment samples from New Mexico State. These elements were studied in order to integrate them with geological and environmental characteristics of the area. Data are used from 27,798 samples that were originally collected during the national uranium resource evaluation (NURE) Hydrogeochemical and stream sediment reconnaissance (HSSR) program in the 1970s. The original data are available as U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 97-492. The study used a variety of data processing and filtering techniques that included univariate, bivariate, factor analyses and spatial analyses to transform the data into a useable format. Principal component analysis and GIS techniques are applied to classify the elements and to identify geochemical signatures, either natural or anthropogenic. The study found that the distribution of the investigated elements is mainly controlled by the bed rock chemistry. For example, along the Rio Grande rift and Jemez lineament a strong association between Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, Sc, Ti, V and Zn was observed and indicates that elements distribution in the area controlled by the mafic factor. The rare earth elements (REE) factor which is consists of Ce, La and U, also has strong, localized, clusters in the felsic centers in New Mexico.  相似文献   

Analysing pre-earthquake signals using satellite technology are getting importance among the scientific community, since round-the-clock survey for the wider region is possible compared to ground-based monitoring techniques. Several scientists are involved in various satellites and ground-based technologies to decode the complex physical mechanism of the earthquake process since 1980. They involved in measuring anomalous variations using space-based methodologies like EM signals, SAR interferometry, GPS for ionospheric sounding, satellite gravimetry, atmospheric sounding, Outgoing Longwave Radiation (OLR), radon gas and seismo-tectonic clouds. In this paper, the authors have considered surface latent heat flux (SLHF) and OLR satellite data for detailed analysis of earthquakes took place during the year 2014 in Sumatra and Nicobar Is regions. At the surface and atmospheric interface, the anomalous variations in SLHF were observed prior to the occurrence of the earthquake. Similarly, anomalous variations in OLR have been observed 3–30 days prior to the big earthquakes and it is measured above the cloud level. From the analysis, the author has found that variations in the SLHF and OLR flux can be utilized as efficient tools to identify the impending big earthquakes. SLHF and OLR variation level can give us a clue about the probable magnitude of earthquakes and also about earthquake preparation zones. Hence, by correlating the above-mentioned parameters, it is potential to key out the impending earthquakes with reasonable accuracy.

Many of the zinc-lead deposits of NE Washington State are poorly known examples of Mississippi Valley Type (MVT) mineralization. This study compares inclusion fluids from the Josephine Breccia ores with the later cross-cutting sulfide-bearing quartz veins. The breccia ores are cemented mainly by open space fillings of dolomite, sphalerite, quartz, galena, jasperoid and calcite. Replacement is of minor importance. Ore and gangue deposition occurred over the range 150–250 °C with most of the temperatures less than 200 °C. The aqueous brines typically contain 17–23 equivalent weight percent NaCl with often substantial amounts of Ca and/or Mg chlorides. Homogenization temperatures do not delineate any cooling or paragenetic sequence. The cross-cutting vein quartz contains CO2-rich inclusions with overall densities usually less than 0.7 g/cc and homogenization temperatures from 250–325 °C. Sulfur isotope analyses yield two populations with the quartz vein ores being lighter (<13 permil CDT) than the average for the conformable ores. The later veins are not remobilized MVT sulfides but represent a separate, high-silver period of mineralization.  相似文献   
We have measured the hydrogen isotopic composition (D/H ratios) of the water from 13 carbonaceous chondritic microclasts (CCMs, size <1 mm) trapped in two howardites (Kapoeta and Yamato-793497) early in the evolution of Solar System. The division into tochilinite-rich; magnetite-rich, olivine-poor; magnetite-rich, olivine-rich CCM types is corroborated by the hydrogen isotopic compositions. Both mineralogy and hydrogen isotopic compositions demonstrate that tochilinite-rich CCMs represent CM2 chondritic matter. In contrast, there is no good match between the isotopic and mineralogical properties of the magnetite-rich CCMs and the known groups of carbonaceous chondrites, suggesting that magnetite-rich CCMs represent a new kind of chondritic matter, not yet sampled in meteorite collections. This demonstrates that the view of the asteroid belt revealed by the collection of meteorites is incomplete. The study of (micro)clasts offers a unique opportunity to better decipher the nature and relative abundance of asteroids.The average hydrogen isotopic composition of water belonging to CCMs, D/H = (152.0 ± 4.8) × 10−6 (1σm), is similar to that of Antarctic micrometeorites (AMMs), D/H = (161.2 ± 3.8) × 10−6 (1σm). The similarity, in terms of mineralogy and hydrogen isotopic composition, between CCMs and AMMs demonstrates that the composition of the micrometeorites has not been modified over the whole history of the Solar System. It indicates that the composition of the micrometeorite flux onto Earth has been, and is, dominated by a mixture of CM2-like; magnetite-rich, olivine-poor; magnetite-rich, olivine-rich carbonaceous chondritic matter exemplified by CCMs found in howardites. Because CCMs have not suffered atmospheric entry, they provide an abundant source of pristine micrometeorites.The average D/H ratio of the whole population of CCMs is identical within errors to that of the Earth (149 ± 3 × 10−6). The match between the CCMs D/H ratio and that of the Earth is especially remarkable because 1) three different populations of CCMs are needed to make the D/H ratio of the Earth; 2) there is no single carbonaceous chondrite group for which a similar match exists. This observation suggests that CCMs population might be representative of the late veneer agent(s) that delivered water to the Earth.  相似文献   
Gold partitioning in melt-vapor-brine systems   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
We used laser-ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry to measure the solubility of gold in synthetic sulfur-free vapor and brine fluid inclusions in a vapor + brine + haplogranite + magnetite + gold metal assemblage. Experiments were conducted at 800°C, oxygen fugacity buffered at Ni-NiO (NNO), and pressures ranging from 110 to 145 MPa. The wt% NaCl eq. of vapor increases from 2.3 to 19 and that of brine decreases from 57 to 35 with increasing pressure. The composition of the vapors and brines are dominated by NaCl + KCl + FeCl2 + H2O. Gold concentrations in vapor and brine decrease from 36 to 5 and 50 to 28 μg/g, respectively, and the calculated vapor:brine partition coefficients for gold decrease from 0.72 to 0.17 as pressure decreases from 145 to 110 MPa. These data are consistent with the thermodynamic boundary condition that the concentration of gold in the vapor and brine must approach a common value as the critical pressure is approached along the 800°C isotherm in the NaCl-KCl-FeCl2-HCl-H2O system.We use the equilibrium constant for gold dissolution as AuOH0, extrapolated from lower temperature and overlapping pressure range, to calculate expected concentrations of AuOH0 in our experimental vapors. These calculations suggest that a significant quantity of gold in our experimental vapors is present as a non-hydroxide species. Possible chloridogold(I) species are hypothesized based on the positively correlated gold and chloride concentrations in our experimental vapors. The absolute concentration of gold in our synthetic vapor, brine, and melt and calculated mass partition coefficients for gold between these physicochemically distinct magmatic phases suggests that gold solubility in aqueous fluids is a function of aqueous phase salinity, specifically total chloride concentration, at magmatic conditions. However, though we highlight here the effect of salinity, the combination of our data with data sets from lower temperatures evinces a significant decrease in gold solubility as temperature drops from 800°C to 600°C. This decrease in solubility has implications for gold deposition from ascending magmatic fluids.  相似文献   
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