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Compound-specific Cl-isotope analysis was performed on the persistent and bioaccumulating compound tris-(4-chlorophenyl)methane (4,4′,4″-TCPMe, referred to as TCPMe in this study) to elucidate whether its main source is natural or anthropogenic. Blubber from the Baltic grey seal (Halichoerus grypus) was extracted by continuous acetonitrile partitioning, and the TCPMe was isolated from the extract by preparative-capillary gas chromatography. Chlorine isotope analysis was subsequently performed by sealed-tube combustion in conjunction with thermal-ionization mass spectrometry (TIMS). The δ37Cl of TCPMe was −3.5 ± 0.5‰, similar to the previously reported δ37Cl of technical grade p,p′-DDT (referred to as DDT in this study). The data is not consistent with a putative marine natural source of TCPMe, as enzymatic (biotic) production is reported to give values of δ37Cl < −10‰. The δ37Cl–TCPMe data thus supports the hypothesis that TCPMe is produced as a byproduct during DDT synthesis and is released to the environment through the same pathways as DDT. It is also consistent with tris-(4-chlorophenyl)methanol as the primary biotransformation product of TCPMe.  相似文献   
Remote sensing and GIS in hydrogeology   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Three reddish granites from the Gneiss Complex of south-western Sweden have been dated with the U-Pb and one of them also with the Rb-Sr method. The Gneiss Complex consists of two mega-units separated by a tectonic discontinuity. The two granites from the western mega-unit (»the Western Gneiss Segment«) yield zircon upper-intercept ages of 1552 –36 +38 and 1499 –36 +36 Ma (2). These ages are minimum estimates of the intrusion ages, but the difference between the obtained and the true age is probably small. This assumption is based on studies of the morphology and internal structures of the zircons and also on air abrasion experiments.The third granite is located in the eastern mega-unit (the »Eastern Gneiss Segment«) and forms a number of small massifs, 50 m in diameter. The U-Pb and Rb-Sr ages agree within the limits of the errors — 1140 –52 +54 Ma (upper intercept) and 1104 ± 100 Ma, respectively — but the obtained age is nevertheless dubious. Thin-section studies reveal that the zircons are heterogeneous with different types of material making up the inner and outer parts. Electron-microscopic studies as well as air abrasion and leaching experiments were performed to establish possible differences in age and chemistry between the inner and outer parts. The central parts are made up of almost pure ZrSiO4 whereas the outer parts are layered with alternating pure ZrSiO4 layers and layers rich in trace elements. The leaching and air abrasion data do not indicate any age difference between the inner and outer parts. This supports the validity of the upper-intercept age as an intrusion age.The Rb-Sr age is questionable since the obtained initial87Sr/86Sr ratio is as low as 0.7027. This cannot possibly be true for a felsic, late Proterozoic granite. A plausible explanation could be a rotation of the isochron due to migration of Rb and Sr during a low-grade event. This event is also responsible for the alteration of the biotites and plagioclases.These data provide additional evidence for extensive ensialic magmatism in the period succeeding the lithosphere-forming event.
Zusammenfassung Drei rötliche Granite aus dem Südwestschwedischen Gneiskomplex sind mit der U-Pb Methode und einer davon zusätzlich mit der Rb-Sr Methode datiert worden. Der Gneiskomplex besteht aus zwei Haupteinheiten, die tektonisch voneinander getrennt sind. Zwei Granite aus der westlichen Haupteinheit (dem sogenannten »Western Gneiss Segment«) ergeben obere Schnittpunktsalter der Zirkone von 1552 –36 +38 bzw. 1499 –36 +36 Ma (2). Diese Alter stellen Minimumalter für die Instrusionen dar, die nur geringfügig jünger sind als die wahren Instrusionsaltern. Diese Vermutung stützt sich auf Untersuchungen der Morphologie und der internen Struktur der Zirkone sowie auf Experimente mit Hilfe der Luftabriebstechnik (air abrasion technique).Der dritte Granit stammt aus der östlichen Haupteinheit (dem sogenannten »Eastern Gneiss Segment«), in der er kleine Körper von etwa 50 m Durchmesser bildet. Die U-Pb und Rb-Sr Alter von 1140 –52 +54 Ma (oberer Schnittpunkt), bzw. 1104 ± 100 Ma stimmen innerhalb des Fehlers überein. Trotzdem ist dieses Alter fragwürdig. Dünnschliffuntersuchungen zeigen, da\ die Zirkone heterogen sind, und da\ Rand und Kern unterschiedlich zusammengesetzt sind. Um Unterschiede in Alter und Chemismus zwischen Rand und Kern festzustellen, wurden Untersuchungen mit dem Elektronenmikroskop, Luftabriebsexperimente und Anätzexperimente durchgeführt. Die Kerne bestehen fast aus reinem ZrSiO4, wogegen die äu\eren Ränder aus Wechsellagerungen von reinem ZrSiO4 und Lagen mit hohem Spurenelementgehalt bestehen.Die Anätzversuche und die Luftabriebsexperimente brachten keinen Altersunterschied zwischen Rand und Kern. Diese Tatsachen sprechen dafür, da\ das obere Schnittpunktsalter dem Instrusionsalter entspricht.Das Rb-Sr Alter ist fragwürdig, zumal das87Sr/86Sr-Initialverhältnis einen sehr niedrigen Wert von 0,7027 aufweist, der für einen spätproterozoischen Granit viel zu niedrig ist. Eine mögliche Erklärung ist die Rotation der Isochrone wegen einer Migration von Rb und Sr während eines Ereignisses bei niedriger Temperatur, ein Ereignis, das auch für die Umwandlung von Biotit und Plagioklas verantwortlich zu sein scheint. Die oben aufgeführten Daten geben zusätzliche Hinweise für einen sialischen Magmatismus im Zeitraum des fortschreitenden Ereignisses der Bildung der Lithosphäre.

Résumé Trois granites rougeâtres provenant du complexe gneissique du sud-ouest de la Suède ont été datés par la méthode U-Pb et, pour l'un d'entre eux, également par la méthode Rb-Sr. Le complexe gneissique consiste en deux grandes unités séparées par une discontinuité tectonique. Les zircons de deux granites provenant de l'unité occidentale (»Western Gneiss Segment«) fournissent des âges (intersection supérieure) de 1552 –36 +38 et 1499 –36 +36 Ma (2). Ces âges constituent des estimations minimales des âges d'intrusion, la différence entre l'âge mesuré et l'âge véritable étant probablement minime. Cette supposition se base sur l'étude de la morphologie et des structures internes des zircons, ainsi que sur des expériences d'abrasion à l'air.Le troisième granite est situé dans l'unité orientale (»Eastern Gneiss Segment«) et se présente en plusieurs massifs d'une cinquantaine de mètres de diamètre. Les âges U-Pb et Rb-Sr coÏncident dans les limites des erreurs (1140 –52 +54 (point d'intersection supérieur) et 1104±100 Ma) l'âge obtenu étant néanmoins incertain. L'étude en coupes minces montre que les zircons sont hétérogènes, leurs parties centrales et périphériques présentant des constitutions différentes. Des examens au microscope électronique, ainsi que des essais d'abrasion à l'air et de corrosion à l'acide ont eté effectués afin de mettre en évidence des différences éventuelles d'âge et de composition chimique entre les parties contrales et périphériques. Tandis que les parties centrales consistent en ZrSiO4 pratiquement pur, les parties extérieures se composent de couches de ZrSiO4 pur alternant avec des couches contenant de multiples éléments en traces. Les données obtenues sur les grains corrodés à l'acide ou soumis à une abrasion à l'air n'indiquent cependant pas de différence d'âge entre les parties centrales et périphériques. Ceci confirme la validité de l'âge obtenu (point d'intersection supérieur) comme âge d'intrusion.L'âge Rb-Sr est douteux, étant donné que le rapport initial87Sr/86Sr n'est que de 0,7027, valeur improbable pour un granite felsique du ProtérozoÏque supérieur. Il paraÎt raisonnable de supposer une rotation de l'isochrone, due à une migration de Rb et Sr durant un événement à basse température. Cet événement serait également responsable de l'altération des biotites et des plagioclases. Ces données fournissent un argument supplémentaire en faveur d'un magmatisme ensialique pendant la période qui suit la formation de la lithosphère.

- U/Pb, Rb/Sr. , . — . . Western Gneiss Segments — 1552 –36 +38 1499 –36 +36 (2). . , air abrasion technique. — Eastern Gneiss Segments —, 50 . U/Pb 1140 –52 +54 Ma ( ), Rb/Sr - 1104 ± 100 ; , . . , . , : , air abrasion technique . ZrSiO4, ZrSiO4, . air abrasion technique . , ., Rb/Sr, , 87Sr/86Sr (0,7027), . . - . — , , , . , .
An analysis of the quasi-stationary sea surface topography (QSST) is carried out in the Norwegian Sea region (54°<ø<72°, -25°<<20°) using marine gravimetry and one year of Geosat ERM altimetry. As reference models the geopotential model OSU91A and the QSST model OSU89D were used. Two procedures to extract the QSST from mean sea surface heights and gravity anomalies were tested. Spherical FFT techniques were applied in both procedures. The results show that QSST associated with wavelength shorter than 4000 km exists. Relative to the OSU89D model the QSST was found to have a variance of (0.219 m)2 and a correlation length of 1.105°. The circulation pattern recovered in this paper agree with results of oceanographic analysis.  相似文献   
The Gulf of Bothnia hosted a variety of palaeo‐glaciodynamic environments throughout the growth and decay of the last Fennoscandian Ice Sheet, from the main ice‐sheet divide to a major corridor of marine‐ and lacustrine‐based deglaciation. Ice streaming through the Bothnian and Baltic basins has been widely assumed, and the damming and drainage of the huge proglacial Baltic Ice Lake has been implicated in major regional and hemispheric climate changes. However, the dynamics of palaeo‐ice flow and retreat in this large marine sector have until now been inferred only indirectly, from terrestrial, peripheral evidence. Recent acquisition of high‐resolution multibeam bathymetry opens these basins up, for the first time, to direct investigation of their glacial footprint and palaeo‐ice sheet behaviour. Here we report on a rich glacial landform record: in particular, a palaeo‐ice stream pathway, abundant traces of high subglacial meltwater volumes, and widespread basal crevasse squeeze ridges. The Bothnian Sea ice stream is a narrow flow corridor that was directed southward through the basin to a terminal zone in the south‐central Bothnian Sea. It was activated after initial margin retreat across the Åland sill and into the Bothnian basin, and the exclusive association of the ice‐stream pathway with crevasse squeeze ridges leads us to interpret a short‐lived stream event, under high extension, followed by rapid crevasse‐triggered break‐up. We link this event with a c. 150‐year ice‐rafted debris signal in peripheral varved records, at c. 10.67 cal. ka BP. Furthermore, the extensive glacifluvial system throughout the Bothnian Sea calls for considerable input of surface meltwater. We interpret strongly atmospherically driven retreat of this marine‐based ice‐sheet sector.  相似文献   
A 24-cm long sediment core from an oxic fjord basin in Ranafjord, Northern Norway, was sliced in 2 cm sections and analysed for As, Co, Cu, Ni, Hg, Pb, Zn, Mn, Fe, ignition loss and Pb-210. Partitioning of metals between silicate, non-silicate and non-detrital phases was assessed by leaching experiments, in an attempt to understand the mechanisms of surface metal enrichment in sediments. Relative to metal concentrations in sediments deposited in the 19th century, metals in near surface sediments were enriched in the following order: Pb > Mn > Hg > Zn > Cu > As > Fe. Cobalt and Ni showed no enrichment. The non-detrital fraction of Cu, Pb, Mn and Zn was significantly higher in the upper 10 cm than at greater depth in the core. This corresponds to sediments deposited since 1900, when mining activities started in the area. The enrichment of Cu, Pb and Zn is assumed to be mainly a result of mining, while Mn is apparently enriched in the surface due to migration of dissolved Mn and precipitation in the oxic surface layer. Elevated concentrations of As and Fe in the upper 4 cm are presumably due to discharges from a coke plant and an iron works respectively. The excess Hg present in the near surface sediments is tightly bound, either in coal particles or ore dust introduced by local industry, or via long distance transport of atmospheric particles. Calculations of metal flux to the sediments indicate an anthropogenic flux of Zn equal to its natural flux, while the flux of Pb shows a threefold increase above natural input.  相似文献   
Triggered by urbanization and changing land use, coastal transformation is a rapidly increasing phenomenon in the global south, driving dramatic livelihoods impacts. However, the existing literature on small-scale fisheries (SSF) has paid little attention to the way coastal transformations shape conditions for SSF livelihoods communities. This study proposes a new orientation in SSF studies by exploring the assemblage of entangled sociomaterial processes that account for coastal transformations by investigating waterfront transformation in a fishing community in Karnataka, India. Drawing on ethnographic fieldwork, we conclude that an entanglement of sociomaterial processes produces unequal outcomes among stakeholders that subsequently reinforce the political and economic marginalization of certain groups of waterfront users. Moreover, the investigated context-specific waterfront assemblage intimately connects to the broader context of national fishery policy, urbanization, and tourism, directing the way coastal space can and should be transformed. Such an analysis contributes to the understanding of changing livelihoods in SSF communities.  相似文献   
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