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为探讨曹妃甸近岸及周边海区沉积物碎屑矿物组成特征以及曹妃甸大规模围填海工程对其影响,作者对2013年10月采自曹妃甸及周边海区的表层沉积物样品采用轻重矿物分离的方法进行了鉴定。结果表明:大规模围填海工程在改变曹妃甸岸线形态的同时也改变了其冲淤环境,使得碎屑矿物组分在大规模围填海前后发生一定变化。研究区的沉积物整体以轻矿物为主,平均含量为97.83%,其中曹妃甸近岸平均含量为95.57%;重矿物平均含量为2.17%,其中曹妃甸近岸平均含量为4.43%。研究区的重矿物优势矿物主要有普通角闪石、绿帘石和自生黄铁矿,其中普通角闪石所占比例在曹妃甸近岸达到最高值(36.41%);轻矿物的优势矿物主要有石英、斜长石和风化碎屑,其中石英所占比例也在曹妃甸近岸达到最高值(62.72%)。研究发现,曹妃甸近岸沉积物碎屑矿物相对含量增加而重矿物基本不变,这在一定程度上揭示了大规模人工围填海工程对曹妃甸近岸及周边海区沉积环境的影响。  相似文献   
在实验室条件下,对大连蜈蚣藻(Grateloupia dalianensis H.W.Wang et D.Zhao)的孢子早期发育、盘状体的形成和直立枝生长进行了详细研究,对其生活史进行了详细观察,并进行了温度和光照强度对孢子发育影响的研究。结果表明:(1)孢子发育类型为间接盘状体型;(2)生活史由雌、雄配子体、四分孢子体和果孢子体三相世代组成,配子体与孢子体形态相同,属于同型世代交替,与属模蜈蚣藻(G.filicina)一致;(3)温度对盘状体和直立枝生长均有影响,最适温度均为16℃;(4)光照强度对盘状体和直立枝生长均有影响,最适光照强度分别为7 500 lx和10 000 lx。  相似文献   
HY-2A卫星雷达高度计数据的全球统计评价及质量分析   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
自HY-2A卫星发射以来,针对HY-2A卫星雷达高度计产品的交叉定标、真实性检验及质量评估工作一直在持续开展。本文主要以HY-2A卫星高度计第44周期的IGDR产品数据为例,通过使用全球分布图、二维直方图和每日均值统计的方法完成了与Jason-2IGDR产品的比对验证,同时对主要环境校正参数及地球物理产品的数据质量稳定性进行了分析,结果显示高度计产品数据质量较稳定,此外利用HY-2A卫星升降轨交叉点海面高度差、与Jason-2卫星交叉点海面高度差以及沿轨海平面异常数据分析的方法进行了HY-2A卫星高度计观测系统的性能评估,结果显示,HY-2A卫星海面高度精度约为7.48cm,精度接近Jason-2,能满足海洋应用与科学研究的需要。  相似文献   
21世纪海上丝绸之路建设在海洋经济活动、海上综合保障等方面对海洋科技领域提出了新命题。在分析我国海洋技术优势领域的基础上,围绕科技创新政策伙伴关系、培育创新品牌、推进海洋经济和产业发展等方面,深入阐述了海洋科技领域在21世纪海上丝绸之路建设中的支撑作用,同时提出具体工作思路。  相似文献   
为从一种组成未知的商用复合菌中分离并筛选出优势发酵菌株,本实验采用稀释平板培养法,对菌种进行分离纯化,同时参照《真菌鉴定手册》和《常见细菌鉴定手册》,根据其形态学特征、生理生化特性,并分别结合16S r DNA和18S r DNA序列的比对分析对菌种进行鉴定。另外,本研究通过生长曲线测定,单菌种发酵试验以及多菌种混合发酵发酵试验,以游离氨基酸态氮为指标,以期筛选出发酵低值水产品制备菌肥的最佳菌株组合。结果显示,共分离得到4株菌,分别为a热带假丝酵母、b罗伦隐球菌、c枯草芽孢杆菌、d蜡样芽胞杆菌。且菌种组合acd发酵后游离氨基酸态氮的含量较对照组上升最显著,为8.276g/L。故可确定最佳发酵菌株配方为acd(热带假丝酵母+枯草芽孢杆菌+蜡样芽胞杆菌)。  相似文献   
Sun  Kai  Ma  Hui-huan  Guo  Cheng-chao  Li  Tao  Cao  Ding-feng  Xie  Peng  Wang  Fu-ming 《中国海洋工程》2022,36(5):743-754

During the self-weight penetration process of the suction foundation on the dense sand seabed, due to the shallow penetration depth, the excess seepage seawater from the outside to the inside of the foundation may cause the negative pressure penetration process failure. Increasing the self-weight penetration depth has become an important problem for the safe construction of the suction foundation. The new suction anchor foundation has been proposed, and the self-weight penetration characteristics of the traditional suction foundation and the new suction anchor foundation are studied and compared through laboratory experiments and analysis. For the above two foundation types, by considering five foundation diameters and two bottom shapes, 20 models are tested with the same penetration energy. The effects of different foundation diameters on the penetration depth, the soil plug characteristics, and the surrounding sand layer are studied. The results show that the penetration depth of the new suction foundation is smaller than that of the traditional suction foundation. With the same penetration energy, the penetration depth of the suction foundation becomes shallower as the diameter increases. The smaller the diameter of the suction foundation, the more likely it is to be fully plugged, and the smaller the height of the soil plug will be. In the stage of self-weight penetration, the impact cavity appears around the foundation, which may affect the stability of the suction foundation.

Sparsity constrained deconvolution can improve the resolution of band-limited seismic data compared to conventional deconvolution. However, such deconvolution methods result in nonunique solutions and suppress weak reflections. The Cauchy function, modified Cauchy function, and Huber function are commonly used constraint criteria in sparse deconvolution. We used numerical experiments to analyze the ability of sparsity constrained deconvolution to restore reflectivity sequences and protect weak reflections under different constraint criteria. The experimental results demonstrate that the performance of sparsity constrained deconvolution depends on the agreement between the constraint criteria and the probability distribution of the reflectivity sequences; furthermore, the modified Cauchyconstrained criterion protects the weak reflections better than the other criteria. Based on the model experiments, the probability distribution of the reflectivity sequences of carbonate and clastic formations is statistically analyzed by using well-logging data and then the modified Cauchy-constrained deconvolution is applied to real seismic data much improving the resolution.  相似文献   
Winkler地基梁在温度场中受简谐激励的1/3次亚谐共振分析   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
研究W inkler地基梁在温度场中受简谐激励作用的1/3次亚谐共振问题。应用弹性理论和Galerk in方法建立W inkler地基梁在温度场中受简谐激励作用的非线性动力方程,根据非线性振动的多尺度法求得系统满足1/3次亚谐共振情况的一次近似解,并对其进行数值计算,分析了温度、调谐值、激励、阻尼、地基刚度等参数对系统的影响。  相似文献   
迟缓爱德华氏茵(Edwardsiella tarda)是水产养殖动物重要的病原茵,引起鱼类爱德华氏茵病,免疫防治是针对该病的一个有效途径.OppA是迟缓爱德华氏茵的一个寡肽透过酶组分,作者开展OppA的免疫原性及免疫保护性的研究,旨在评价其作为鱼类爱德华氏菌病疫苗候选抗原的可行性.将致病性的迟缓爱德华氏菌LSE40的o...  相似文献   
A coupled physical–biological model was developed to simulate the low-silicate, high-nitrate, and low-chlorophyll (LSHNLC) conditions in the equatorial Pacific Ocean and used to compute a detailed budget in the Wyrtki box (5°N–5°S, 180–90°W) for the major sources and cycling of nitrogen and silicon in the equatorial Pacific. With the incorporation of biogenic silicon dissolution, NH4 regeneration from organic nitrogen and nitrification of ammonia in the model, we show that silicon recycling in the upper ocean is less efficient than nitrogen. As the major source of nutrients to the equatorial Pacific, the Equatorial Undercurrent provides slightly less Si(OH)4 than NO3 to the upwelling zone, which is defined as 2.5°N–2.5°S. As a result, the equatorial upwelling supplies less Si(OH)4 than NO3 into the euphotic zone in the Wyrtki box, having a Si/N supply ratio of about 0.85 (2.5 vs. 2.96 mmolm−2 day−1). More Si(OH)4 than NO3 is taken up with a Si/N ratio of 1.17 (2.72 vs. 2.33 mmolm−2 day−1) within the euphotic zone. The difference between upwelling supply and biological uptake is balanced by nutrient regeneration and horizontal advection. Excluding regeneration, the net silicate and nitrate uptakes are nearly equal (1.76 vs. 1.84 mmolm−2 day−1). However, biogenic silica export production is slightly higher than organic nitrogen (1.74 vs. 1.59 mmolm−2 day−1) following a 1.1 Si/N ratio. In the central equatorial Pacific, low silicate concentrations limit diatom growth; therefore non-diatom new production accounts for most of the new production. Higher silicate supply in the east maintains elevated diatom growth rates and new production associated with diatoms dominate upwelling zone. In contrast, the new production associated with small phytoplankton is nearly constant or decreases eastward along the equator. The total new production has a higher rate in the east than in the west, following the pattern of surface silicate. This suggests that silicate regulates the diatom production, total new production, and thereby carbon cycle in this area. The modeled mean primary production is 48.4 mmolCm−2 day−1, representing the lower end of direct field measurements, while new production is 15.0 mmolCm−2 day−1, which compares well with previous estimates.  相似文献   
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