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Previous studies have shown that Regional Climate Models (RCM) internal variability (IV) fluctuates in time depending on synoptic events. This study focuses on the physical understanding of episodes with rapid growth of IV. An ensemble of 21 simulations, differing only in their initial conditions, was run over North America using version 5 of the Canadian RCM (CRCM). The IV is quantified in terms of energy of CRCM perturbations with respect to a reference simulation. The working hypothesis is that IV is arising through rapidly growing perturbations developed in dynamically unstable regions. If indeed IV is triggered by the growth of unstable perturbations, a large proportion of the CRCM perturbations must project onto the most unstable singular vectors (SVs). A set of ten SVs was computed to identify the orthogonal set of perturbations that provide the maximum growth with respect to the dry total-energy norm during the course of the CRCM ensemble of simulations. CRCM perturbations were then projected onto the subspace of SVs. The analysis of one episode of rapid growth of IV is presented in detail. It is shown that a large part of the IV growth is explained by initially small-amplitude unstable perturbations represented by the ten leading SVs, the SV subspace accounting for over 70% of the CRCM IV growth in 36?h. The projection on the leading SV at final time is greater than the projection on the remaining SVs and there is a high similarity between the CRCM perturbations and the leading SV after 24–36?h tangent-linear model integration. The vertical structure of perturbations revealed that the baroclinic conversion is the dominant process in IV growth for this particular episode.  相似文献   
This paper provides an overview of the development of the ‘Regional Impact Simulator’ – a user friendly software tool designed to allow stakeholders to perform integrated assessments of the effects of climate and/or socio-economic change on the important sectors and resources of two contrasting UK regions. This includes the assessment of agriculture, water resources, biodiversity and coastal and river flooding. The tool arose from the need to further develop the methods applied in the earlier RegIS project, which was the first local to regional integrated assessment in the UK. The limitations of RegIS included very long run times, a limited number of simulations, incomplete linkages between models and no allowance for scenario uncertainty. Based upon the stakeholder needs identified within RegIS, a series of guiding principles were developed with Steering Committee stakeholders, which informed the concept of the ‘Regional Impact Simulator’ including functionality, appearance and complexity. An Integrated Assessment Methodology based upon the Drivers-Pressure-State-Impact-Response (DPSIR) framework facilitated the integration of multiple models, scenarios and datasets within the software interface. The development of the ‘Regional Impact Simulator’ provides a test-bed for further studies of stakeholder-led, regional, integrated assessment, and provides an opportunity to learn the many lessons in undertaking such studies.  相似文献   
The SIRGAS permanent GPS network which is in fact the IGS network densification for the American continent, consists today of more than 200 stations covering the continent and islands. It is currently processed by the IGS RNAAC SIR centre at Deutsches Geodätisches Forschungsinstitut producing weekly free solutions relying on IGS final orbits and EOP that contribute to the ITRF through IGS. By August 2006, the SIRGAS Working Group I had accepted five proposals for experimental processing centers within the region that would collaborate with IGS RNAAC SIR. One of them, Centro de Procesamiento La Plata (CPLat) in Argentina, began processing 60 stations on October 2006. By January 2007 CPLat reached operational capability, delivering weekly free solution SINEX files, with an internal consistency of 1.5 mm average for the horizontal components, and 3 mm in the vertical. Comparisons with IGS global and IGS RNAAC SIR weekly solutions were taken as external consistency indications, showing average RMS residuals of 1.8, 2.4 and 5 mm for the north, east, and vertical component, respectively. Analysis and comparison of adjusted solution time series from CPLat and other processing centers has proved to be highly valuable for solution QC, namely detection and identification of station anomalous behavior or modelling problems. These procedures will ensure the maintenance of the performance specifications for CPLat solutions. Action is being taken in order to guarantee the continuity of this effort beyond the experimental phase.  相似文献   
Lidar (laser scanning) technology has been proven as a prominent technique for the acquisition of high-density and accurate topographic information. Because of systematic errors in the lidar measurements (drifts in the position and orientation information and biases in the mirror angles and ranges) and/or in the parameters relating the system components (mounting parameters), adjacent lidar strips may exhibit discrepancies. Although position and orientation drifts can have a more significant impact, these errors and their impact do not come as a surprise if the quality of the GPS/INS integration process is carefully examined. Therefore, the mounting errors are singled out in this work. The ideal solution for improving the compatibility of neighbouring strips in the presence of errors in the mounting parameters is the implementation of a rigorous calibration procedure. However, such a calibration requires the original observations, which may not be usually available. In this paper, a strip adjustment procedure to improve the compatibility between parallel lidar strips with moderate flight dynamics (for example, acquired by a fixed-wing aircraft) over an area with moderately varying elevation is proposed. The proposed method is similar to the photogrammetric block adjustment of independent models. Instead of point features, planar patches and linear features, which are represented by sets of non-conjugate points, are used for the strip adjustment. The feasibility and the performance of the proposed procedure together with its impact on subsequent activities are illustrated using experimental results from real data.  相似文献   
The Alto Garças Sub-basin in the northern part of the Paraná Basin evolved differently from the Apucarana Sub-basin in the south. The marine environment was shallower in the Alto Garças Sub-basin, which contains proportionately more silty and arenaceous rocks. The formations and members defined in the Apucarana Sub-basin are therefore difficult to apply in the Alto Garças Sub-basin, where the Chapada Group (units 1–4) is more applicable. An integrated miospore and chitinozoan biozonation of the Chapada Group facilitates direct correlation between the Chapada Group’s units and the classical formations of the Paraná Basin as defined in the Apucarana Sub-basin. The Furnas Formation and Chapada unit 1 constitute the same lithostratigraphic unit. Beds with rhyniophytes in the uppermost part of the Furnas Formation contain palynomorphs representative of the Si phylozone within the MN spore Zone (late Lochkovian), and the rhyniophyte beds occupy the same stratigraphic interval within Chapada unit 1 (the Lochkovian of the Paraná Basin lacks chitinozoans). The lower part of Chapada unit 2 contains spores of the PoW Su spore Zone and chitinozoans of the Ramochitina magnifica and Ancyrochitina pachycerata zones, together indicating a late Pragian–early Emsian age-span. The upper part of Chapada unit 2 corresponds to the GS (AP) and Per (AD pre-Lem) spore Zones, and chitinozoans of the Ancyrochitina parisi, the informal Ancyrochitina varispinosa and Alpenachitina eisenacki chitinozoan zones, thus suggestive of a late Emsian – earliest Givetian age-span. Unit 3 is a proximal and lateral facies equivalent of the upper part of unit 2. The lower part of unit 4 includes spores typical of the early Givetian Lli (AD Lem) spore Zone and chitinozoans of the Ramochitina stiphrospinata chitinozoan Zone; the uppermost (early late Frasnian) part contains spores of the lower BMu (IV) spore Zone and chitinozoans of the Lagenochitina avelinoi chitinozoan Zone. The sandstones of unit 3 were inundated during the earliest Givetian, and the resultant flooding surface marks the base of unit 4 basin-wide. Clearly, the two sub-basins were distinct depositional centers during the Devonian.  相似文献   
The Lower Tagus Valley has experienced significant (M 6–7) historical seismicity, evidencing the presence of seismogenic faults. These are still deficiently known due to the low strain rates and the recent alluvial sedimentation of the Tagus River that buries most of the structures, though Paleoseismic evidence was allegedly found by a research team in the Tagus valley, at a site 60 km N of Lisbon, near Vila Chã de Ourique (VCO). According to this team, trenching at the VCO site exposed an active thrust fault, evidencing the surface rupture of a large earthquake that occurred in 1531. Our studies performed at this site, comprising field observations with a reappraisal of the trench outcrops previously excavated, borehole drilling, soil mechanics laboratory testing, and seismic reflection acquisition, pointed to the alternative interpretation that the outcropping structures are gravitational and not of tectonic origin. The interpretation of new outcrops crosscutting the structures exposed at the trenches, as well as newly acquired high-resolution seismic reflection data, definitely exclude the active thrust fault explanation and support a gravitational slip model for all the observed structures. Gravitational slip in the river bank slope was promoted by low shear strength clays and high pore water pressure coupled with slope toe river erosion. Gravitational slides must have occurred prior to development of the present sedimentation level of the Tagus alluvial plain, which was attained in the last few thousand years as indicated by borehole data and estimations of sedimentation rates.  相似文献   
Paleolimnology of the McMurdo Dry Valleys,Antarctica   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The McMurdo Dry Valleys presently contain more than 20 permanent lakes and ponds, which vary markedly in character. All, with the exception of a hypersaline pond, have a perennial ice-cover. The dry valley lakes, and lakes in other ice-free regions of continental Antarctica, are unique on this planet in that they consistently maintain a thick year-round ice cover (2.8–6.0 m) over liquid water. The persistent ice covers minimize wind-generated currents and reduce light penetration, as well as restricting sediment deposition into a lake and the exchange of atmospheric gases between the water column and the atmosphere. From a paleolimnological perspective, the dry valley lakes offer an important record of catchment and environmental changes. These lakes are also modern-day equivalents of periglacial lakes that were common during glacial periods at temperature latitudes. The present lakes are mostly remnants of larger glacial lakes that occupied the valleys in the past, perhaps up to 4.6 Ma ago. Two of the valleys contain evidence of being filled with large glacial lakes within the last 10000 years. Repeated drying and filling events since then have left a characteristic impression on the salt profiles of some lakes creating a unique paleo-indicator within the water column. These events are also marked in the sediments by the concentration and dilution of certain chemical constituents, particularly salts, and are also corroborated by carbonate speciation and oxygen isotope analysis. Stratigraphic analysis of dry valley lake sediments is made difficult by the occurrence of an old carbon reservoir creating spurious radiocarbon dates, and by the high degree of spatial variability in lake sedimentation. From a biological perspective, the lakes are relatively simple, containing various taxa of planktonic and benthic microorganisms, but no higher forms of life, which is an advantage to paleolimnologists because there is no bioturbation in the sediments. Useful biological paleo-indicators found in the sediments include cyanobacterial filament sheaths, diatom frustules and other eukaryotic algal cells, protozoan cysts, photosynthetic pigments, and minerals (e.g. carbonates) associated with microbial activity. Future work will benefit from fully characterizing the connection between the ice covers, environmental conditions, and paleo-indicators, thereby allowing refinement of inferences made concerning the paleoenvironment. New dating techniques need to be tested in this environment to overcome the problems associated with radiocarbon dating. The establishment of a detailed and focused paleolimnological campaign is proposed.  相似文献   
We present galactic spectroscopic data from a pencil beam of 10.75×7.5 centered on the X-ray cluster RXJ0054.0-2823 at z=0.29.We study the spectral evolution of galaxies from z=1 down to the cluster redshift in a magnitude-limited sample at R≤23,for which the statistical properties of the sample are well understood.We divide emission-line galaxies into star-forming galaxies,Low Ionization Nuclear Emission line Regions(LINERs) ,and Seyferts by using emission-line ratios of[OII],Hβ,and[OIII],and derive stella...  相似文献   
Water samples were collected from 10 locations along the Truckee River system, 14 locations along the Walker River system, and 12 locations along the Carson River, and analyzed for B, Mo, V, W, Na, Cl, and pH. Boron concentrations ranged from approximately 2 mol/kg in the upper reaches of the Truckee River to almost 1,200 mol/kg in Pyramid Lake. Molybdenum, V, and W had concentrations in the nanomolal range; Mo varied from a low of about 12 nmol/kg to a high of 3,200 nmol/kg (Walker Lake); V ranged from 9 nmol/kg to approximately 470 nmol/kg; and W varied from a low value around 0.8 nmol/kg (West Walker River) to 1,030 nmol/kg. The high concentrations of these oxyanion-forming trace elements in the rivers reflects (1) the relative stability of these oxyanions (e.g., MoO4 2-, HVO4 2-, WO4 2-, B(OH)3, and/or B(OH)4 -) in the alkaline, well oxygenated river and lake waters, (2) contributions of hydrothermal waters (especially for B), and (3) weathering of rocks/regolith with high concentrations of these elements. In the case of Mo, V, and W, each exhibited relatively conservative behavior in the upper, oxygenated reaches of all three rivers. During the study period the region experienced a prolonged drought such that the lower reaches of each river were typified by no flow or stagnant waters and probably low oxygen and/or anoxic conditions (although not measured). Reductive processes occurring in the low flow to stagnant reaches of each river could have led to removal of Mo, V, and W from solution as coprecipitates with Fe monosulfides, or via sorption to Fe oxides/oxyhydroxides and/or organic matter. Boron, however, exhibited essentially no or minor removal from these rivers, and instead was added to each river via B-rich hydrothermal waters (e.g., Steamboat Creek from Steamboat Hot Springs), or by B-rich groundwaters via base-flow during the extensive drought.  相似文献   
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