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Groundwater movement and availability in crystalline and metamorphosed rocks is dominated by the secondary porosity generated through fracturing. The distributions of fractures and fracture zones determine permeable pathways and the productivity of these rocks. Controls on how these distributions vary with depth in the shallow subsurface (<300 m) and their resulting influence on groundwater flow is not well understood. The results of a subsurface study in the Nashoba and Avalon terranes of eastern Massachusetts (USA), which is a region experiencing expanded use of the fractured bedrock as a potable-supply aquifer, are presented. The study logged the distribution of fractures in 17 boreholes, identified flowing fractures, and hydraulically characterized the rock mass intersecting the boreholes. Of all fractures encountered, 2.5% are hydraulically active. Boreholes show decreasing fracture frequency up to 300 m depth, with hydraulically active fractures showing a similar trend; this restricts topographically driven flow. Borehole temperature profiles corroborate this, with minimal hydrologically altered flow observed in the profiles below 100 m. Results from this study suggest that active flow systems in these geologic settings are shallow and that fracture permeability outside of the influence of large-scale structures will follow a decreasing trend with depth.  相似文献   
On December 4, 1983 an eruption started at vents located 1.5 km southwest of the summit of Piton de la Fournaise at the base of the central cone. After 31 months of quiescence this was one of the longest repose period in the last fifty years. The eruption had two phases: December 4 to January 18 and January 18 to February 18. Phase 1 produced about 8 × 106 m3 of lava and Phase II about 9 × 106 m3. The erupted lava is an aphyric basalt whose mineralogical and geochemical composition is close to that of other lavas emitted since 1977.The precursors of the December 4 outbreak were limited to two-week shallow (1.5–3 km) seismic crisis of fewer than 50 events. No long-term increase was noted in the local seismicity which is very quiet during repose periods and no long-term ground inflation preceded the eruption. Outbreaks of Phases I and II were preceded by short (2.5 hours and 1.5 hours) seismic swarms corresponding to the rise of magma toward the surface from a shallow reservoir. Large ground deformation explained by the emplacement of the shallow intrusions, was recorded during the seismic swarms. A summit inflation was observed in early January, before the phase II outbreak, while the phase I eruption was still continuing.Piton de la Fournaise volcanological observatory was installed in 1980. Seismic and ground deformation data now available for a period of 4 years including the 1981 and the 1983–1984 eruptions, allow us to describe the physical behavior of the volcano during this period. These observations lead us to propose that the magma transfer from deep levels to the shallow magma reservoir is not a continuous process but a periodic one and that the shallow magma reservoir was not resupplied before the 1981 and 1983–1984 eruptions. Considerations on the eruptive history and the composition of recent lavas indicate that the reservoir was refilled in 1977.  相似文献   
All of the major deep-water sedimentary provinces of the Gulf of Mexico were sampled with 48 piston cores, representative of the late Quaternary. The amount (per cent) and δ5C13 of the organic carbon in the sediment was measured at intervals within each core.Graphs of δC13 versus depth for each core give an indication of the sedimentological history of the Gulf. They show the extent of terrestrial influence on the Gulf during the late Pleistocene.Changes in δC13 of up to 6.0%.(from ~ ?19%.to ?25%. vs NBS-20) were measured across the Pleistocene-Holocene boundary in cores from the abyssal plain. These changes are consistent with a model wherein varying amounts of land-derived organic carbon were transported to the Gulf basin during glacial periods.By comparing graphs for cores from different areas, it was concluded that the major parameter affecting the δC13 values of organic carbon from marine sediments is the relative amount of terrestrial material present in the sediment. The maximum possible effect of the Pleistocene-Holocene temperature change in the Gulf was determined to be ~1.0%, if such an effect occurs at all.  相似文献   
An automatic technique is presented for systematic shape preferred orientation (SPO) analysis of crystal fabrics in rocks. This technique is based on digitization of an image with a CCD camera and separation of an object population from its matrix. The image is analysed globally using a rotating grid that is superimposed on the square pixel grid of the computer screen. The parametric method is based on counting intercepts in all directions. The interceps rose provides information on both the orientation and strength of the SPO. Problems of hardware-related counting noise anisotropy are avoided using an original method of filtering the intercept function with a linear, sliding mask on the counting grid. The technique was tested both on single objects of different shapes and on different populations of identical objects. A very high degree of accuracy was obtained for orientation measurements. Fabric shape parameters are introduced which are specific to this intercept technique; they compare favourably with shape parameters used in axial fabric analysis.  相似文献   
Volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits contain variable amounts of gold, both in terms of average grade and total gold content, with some VMS deposits hosting world-class gold mines with more than 100?t Au. Previous studies have identified gold-rich VMS as having an average gold grade, expressed in g/t, exceeding the total abundance of base metals, expressed in wt.%. However, statistically meaningful criteria for the identification of truly anomalous deposits have not been established. This paper presents a more extensive analysis of gold grades and tonnages of 513 VMS deposits worldwide, revealing a number of important features in the distribution of the data. A large proportion of deposits are characterized by a relatively low gold grade (<2?g/t), with a gradual decrease in frequency towards maximum gold grades, defining a log-normal distribution. In the analysis presented in this paper, the geometric mean and geometric standard deviation appear to be the simplest metric for identifying subclasses of VMS deposits based on gold grade, especially when comparing deposits within individual belts and districts. The geometric mean gold grade of 513 VMS deposits worldwide is 0.76?g/t; the geometric standard deviation is +2.70?g/t Au. In this analysis, deposits with more than 3.46?g/t Au (geometric mean plus one geometric standard deviation) are considered auriferous. The geometric mean gold content is 4.7?t Au, with a geometric standard deviation of +26.3?t Au. Deposits containing 31?t Au or more (geometric mean plus one geometric standard deviation) are also considered to be anomalous in terms of gold content, irrespective of the gold grade. Deposits with more than 3.46?g/t Au and 31?t Au are considered gold-rich VMS. A large proportion of the total gold hosted in VMS worldwide is found in a relatively small number of such deposits. The identification of these truly anomalous systems helps shed light on the geological parameters that control unusual enrichment of gold in VMS. At the district scale, the gold-rich deposits occupy a stratigraphic position and volcanic setting that commonly differs from other deposits of the district possibly due to a step change in the geodynamic and magmatic evolution of local volcanic complexes. The gold-rich VMS are commonly associated with transitional to calc-alkaline intermediate to felsic volcanic rocks, which may reflect a particularly fertile geodynamic setting and/or timing (e.g., early arc rifting or rifting front). At the deposit scale, uncommon alteration assemblages (e.g., advanced argillic, aluminous, strongly siliceous, or potassium feldspar alteration) and trace element signatures may be recognized (e.g., Au?CAg?CAs?CSb ± Bi?CHg?CTe), suggesting a direct magmatic input in some systems.  相似文献   
Glaciation and deglaciation in Fennoscandia during the last glacial cycles has significantly perturbed the Earth's equilibrium figure. Changes in the Earth's solid and geoidal surfaces due to external and internal mass redistributions are recorded in sequences of ancient coastlines, now either submerged or uplifted, and are still visible in observations of present‐day motions of the surface and glacially induced anomalies in the Earth's gravitational field. These observations become increasingly sophisticated with the availability of GPS measurements and new satellite gravity missions.
Observational evidence of the mass changes is widely used to constrain the radial viscosity structure of the Earth's mantle. However, lateral changes in earth model properties are usually not taken into account, as most global models of glacial isostatic adjustment assume radial symmetry for the earth model. This simplifying assumption contrasts with seismological evidence of significant lateral variations in the Earth's crust and upper mantle throughout the Fennoscandian region.
We compare predictions of glacial isostatic adjustment based on an ice model over the Fennoscandian region for the last glacial cycle for both radially symmetric and fully 3‐D earth models. Our results clearly reveal the importance of lateral variations in lithospheric thickness and asthenospheric viscosity for glacially induced model predictions. Relative sea‐level predictions can differ by up to 10–20 m, uplift rate predictions by 1–3 mm yr−1 and free‐air gravity anomaly predictions by 2–4 mGal when a realistic 3‐D earth structure as proposed by seismic modelling is taken into account.  相似文献   
Interannual variability of the sea surface height (SSH) over the northeast Pacific Ocean is hindcast with a reduced-gravity, quasi-geostrophic model that includes linear damping. The model is forced with monthly Ekman pumping fields derived from the NCEP reanalysis wind stresses. The numerical solution is compared with SSH observations derived from satellite altimeter data and gridded at a lateral resolution of 1 degree. Provided that the reduced gravity parameter is chosen appropriately, the results demonstrate that the model has significant hindcast skill over interior regions of the basin, away from continental boundaries. A damping time scale of 2 to 3 years is close to optimal, although the hindcast skill is not strongly dependent on this parameter.A simplification of the quasi-geostrophic model is considered in which Rossby waves are eliminated, yielding a Markov model driven by local Ekman pumping. The results approximately reproduce the hindcast skill of the more complete quasi-geostrophic model and indicate that the interannual SSH variability is dominated by the local response to wind forcing. There is a close correspondence the two leading empirical orthogonal modes of the local model and those of the observed SSH anomalies. The latter account for over half of the variance of the interannual signal over the region.  相似文献   
Models of the collapse of a protostellar cloud and the formation of the solar nebula reveal that the size of the nebula produced will be the larger of RCF ≡ J2/k2GM3and RV ≡ (GMv/2cc3)12 (where J, M, and cs are the total angular momentum, total mass, and sound speed of the protosetellar material; G is the gravitational constant; k is a number of order unity; and v is the effective viscosity in the nebula). From this result it can be deduced that low-mass nebulas are produced if P ≡ (RV/RCF)2 ? 1; “massive” nebulas result if P ? 1. Gravitational instabilities are expected to be important for the evolution of P ? 1 nebulas. The value of J distinguishes most current models of the solar nebula, since PJ?4. Analytic expressions for the surface density, nebular mass flux, and photospheric temperature distributions during the formation stage are presented for some simple models that illustrate the general properties of growing protostellar disks. It does not yet seem possible to rule out either P ? 1 or P < 1 for the solar nebula, but observed or possible heterogeneities in composition and angular-momentum orientation favor P < 1 models.  相似文献   
Hydropeaking leads to artificial fluctuations in discharge and corresponding water levels with pronounced dewatering areas between base and peak flow along gravel bars and channel banks. In the present study, 16 hydropeaking reaches in Austria were investigated to assess possible differences in the estimated stranding risk for young of the year brown trout according to different gravel bar types and differences in microtopography roughness. Based on hydrodynamic‐numerical modelling, a predictive habitat modelling approach was implemented in the study design. Accompanied by grain size sampling along the various channel bars, a conceptual stranding risk model (SRM) was developed. The results showed that a high variability in estimated stranding risk exists for the tested sites considering discharge ratios of 1:3, 1:5 and 1:10. With respect to the discussion of establishing legal thresholds for ramping ratios in discharge, it was documented that, exemplarily, a discharge ratio base flow/peak flow of 1:5 (winter base flow conditions) could cause minor differences in the spatial extent of dewatering areas and the related estimated stranding risk for juvenile brown trout compared to a ratio of 1:2 for summer base flow conditions. Microtopographic roughness was addressed due to sampling and analysis of grain size distributions. Statistical testing of grain size distributions revealed significant differences between the surface material compositions of the investigated gravel bars. Those differences are evident, particularly for the coarser fraction (d90), which is important as cover for young of the year brown trout. These aspects of grain size in habitat use and hydraulics have been addressed in the conceptual SRM. The results showed that point bar morphology, in particular, was less sensitive to the risk of stranding compared to, for example, alternating gravel bars. Considering the multiple pressures for alpine rivers, the improvement of structural features due to bar formation and related self‐forming processes is discussed as a possible alternative for future mitigation measures to reduce the negative impacts of hydropeaking. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study investigates the ability of the regional climate model Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) in simulating the seasonal and interannual variability of hydrometeorological variables in the Tana River basin (TRB) in Kenya, East Africa. The impact of two different land use classifications, i.e., the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) and the US Geological Survey (USGS) at two horizontal resolutions (50 and 25 km) is investigated. Simulated precipitation and temperature for the period 2011–2014 are compared with Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM), Climate Research Unit (CRU), and station data. The ability of Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) and Climate Research Unit (CRU) data in reproducing in situ observation in the TRB is analyzed. All considered WRF simulations capture well the annual as well as the interannual and spatial distribution of precipitation in the TRB according to station data and the TRMM estimates. Our results demonstrate that the increase of horizontal resolution from 50 to 25 km, together with the use of the MODIS land use classification, significantly improves the precipitation results. In the case of temperature, spatial patterns and seasonal cycle are well reproduced, although there is a systematic cold bias with respect to both station and CRU data. Our results contribute to the identification of suitable and regionally adapted regional climate models (RCMs) for East Africa.

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