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Analytical solutions are derived for the dynamic characteristics of base-isolated shear buildings supported on laminated rubber bearings. The solution process takes into account the combined effects of the superstructure flexibility and the base raft inertia on the dynamic characteristics. A series of parametric studies is carried out and the effects of varying the stiffness and mass of the base-isolation system on the frequencies and mode shapes are identified. Approximate solutions for the fundamental base-isolated frequency and mode shape are obtained, which are suitable for use in the preliminary design of non-rigid base-isolated buildings. 相似文献
深远海养殖是我国发展海洋经济、建设海洋强国的重要手段。我国深远海养殖是以科技创新为基础的新兴技术产业,通过协同创新提升深远海养殖新质生产力是现阶段我国亟须解决的问题。文章运用三级编码的方法,对与深远海养殖相关新闻报道资料进行编码及理论饱和度检验,探索深远海养殖多主体协同创新价值链机制,结果表明:在政府多方位战略布局的支持与指导下,企业通过多主体协同创新获得创新知识,并多方向转化为新产品/服务、新流程、新业态,本质上实现了价值链创新,最终可以获得经济、社会与生态创新效益。 相似文献
为了研究江苏地区下击暴流的结构特征,利用常规天气资料、雷达探测资料、自动气象站观测资料和ERA5再分析资料等,选取2007—2018年江苏地区19个典型下击暴流过程进行统计分析。结果表明:江苏下击暴流的分布呈北多南少,以湿下击暴流为主,7月是下击暴流的高发月份,孤立风暴型下击暴流具有弱的天气尺度强迫和上干下湿的结构,风暴移速较慢,飑线镶嵌型下击暴流具有很强的天气尺度强迫特征,风暴移速较快。下击暴流影响期间地面温度变化剧烈,温度降低伴随有明显风速增大过程。统计显示,产生下击暴流风暴的环境温度平均垂直递减率为6.8℃/km,能够保证负浮力的维持,干冷空气被中层辐合气流夹卷进入风暴内进一步加强了下沉气流,使得下击暴流得以维持和加强。下击暴流的初生阶段,强反射率因子核心和中层径向辐合出现在下击暴流发生前20—30 min,成熟阶段,强反射率因子核心高度有明显降低,低层呈辐散结构。 相似文献
云南罗平中三叠世安尼期生物群的发现及其意义 总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15
本文介绍了云南罗平地区新发现的罗平生物群的产出层位、生物面貌、保存特征、古地理位置及其研究意义。该生物群产于关岭组二段薄层泥晶灰岩中,地层对比和化石鉴定表明其时代为中三叠世安尼期,以鱼类为主,伴生有爬行类、两栖类(?)、棘皮动物、节肢动物(甲壳类、昆虫等)、双壳类、腹足类以及植物化石;化石保存完好,分布广泛,埋藏方式独特。罗平生物群无论在丰度、分异度及化石保存上都极为罕见和独特,对研究埋藏学、古生态学、古地理以及三叠纪海洋生物尤其是海生爬行类都具有极为重要的意义。 相似文献
根据区域岩溶发育史分析认为,湖北宣恩县落马洞暗河的形成总体上可分为两个阶段:第一阶段发生在白垩纪末至晚第三纪。在该阶段中,降水主要通过发育于卧西坪岩溶坡立谷地两侧的小型洼地、落水洞汇入地下管道,往卧西坪谷地排泄,在卧西坪一带形成一小型岩溶湖泊的同时,还在谷地西侧形成了下黑槽、铜锣坪、扁洞三个近东西向地下暗河系统。第二个阶段发生在晚第三纪至今。在这一期间,随着区域构造运动的振荡性抬升,岩溶侵蚀基准面不断下降,在谷地内形成了上、下黑槽、铜锣坪落水洞与卧西坪消水洞等垂向岩溶管道,贯通早期形成的东西向管道并袭夺卧西坪和铜锣坪一带的地表岩溶湖水,使得原分散的岩溶水系统通过南北向的主管道集中排泄,形成了多进口的树枝状复杂管道暗河系统。卧西坪岩溶坡立谷内常年遭受洪涝的原因主要是由于落马洞地下暗河形成年代较晚,管道规模较小,且洞内坍塌淤积严重,排水能力小。在此基础上,提出了加强流域水土流失管理、疏通河道和新建排水隧洞等治理措施与防治对策。 相似文献
There are rising concerns about the hazardous effects of heavy metals on the environment. In this study, comet assay and DNA alkaline unwinding assay were conducted on the tissues (gills, hepatopancreas, and hemocytes) of Charybdis japonica in order to illustrate genotoxicity of three heavy metal ions (Cu2+, Pb2+, and Cd2+) on the marine crabs C. japonica. The crabs were exposed to Cu2+ (10, 50, and 100 ?g.L?1), Pb2+ (50, 250, and 500 ?g L?1) and Cd2+ (5, 25, and 50 ?g L?1), and the tissues were sampled at days 0.5, 1, 3, 6, 9, and 15. DNA alkaline unwinding assay was used for testing the DNA single strand break in gills and hepatopancreas and comet assay was employed for testing the DNA damage in hemocytes. The results showed that the DNA damage (F-value) of gills in the crabs exposed to the three heavy metals was decreased gradually during the exposure periods and there was a dose-time response relationship in certain time, suggesting that the levels of DNA single strand break in all the experimental groups increased significantly compared to the controls. Changes of F-value in hepatopancreas of the crabs exposed to the three heavy metals were similar to those in gills except that the peak values were found in the 500 ?g L?1 Pb2+ treatment group at day 3 and the 50 ?g L?1 Cd2+ treatment group at day 9. The ranks of DNA damage in gills and hepatopancreas induced by the three heavy metal ions (50 ?g L?1, day 15) were Cd2+ >Pb2+ >Cu2+ and Pb2+ >Cu2+ >Cd2+. The levels of DNA damage in gills were higher than those in hepatopancreas in the same experimental group. It can be concluded that indices of DNA damage can be used as the potential biomarkers of heavy metal pollution in marine environment. 相似文献
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