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Ambiguity resolution (AR) for a single receiver has been a popular topic in Global Positioning System (GPS) recently. Ambiguity-resolution methods for precise point positioning (PPP) have been well documented in recent years, demonstrating that it can improve the accuracy of PPP. However, users are often concerned about the reliability of ambiguity-fixed PPP solution in practical applications. If ambiguities are fixed to wrong integers, large errors would be introduced into position estimates. In this paper, we aim to assess the correct fixing rate (CFR), i.e., number of ambiguities correctly fixing to the total number of ambiguities correctly and incorrectly fixing, for PPP user ambiguity resolution on a global scale. A practical procedure is presented to evaluate the CFR of PPP user ambiguity resolution. GPS data of the first 3 days in each month of 2010 from about 390 IGS stations are used for experiments. Firstly, we use GPS data collected from about 320 IGS stations to estimate global single-differenced (SD) wide-lane and narrow-lane satellite uncalibrated phase delays (UPDs). The quality of UPDs is evaluated. We found that wide-lane UPD estimates have a rather small standard deviation (Std) between 0.003 and 0.004 cycles while most of Std of narrow-lane estimates are from 0.01 to 0.02 cycles. Secondly, many experiments have been conducted to investigate the CFR of integer ambiguity resolution we can achieve under different conditions, including reference station density, observation session length and the ionospheric activity. The results show that the CFR of PPP can exceed 98.0 % with only 1 h of observations for most user stations. No obvious correlation between the CFR and the reference station density is found. Therefore, nearly homogeneous CFR can be achieved in PPP AR for global users. At user end, higher CFR could be achieved with longer observations. The average CFR for 30-min, 1-h, 2-h and 4-h observation is 92.3, 98.2, 99.5 and 99.7 %, respectively. In order to get acceptable CFR, 1 h is a recommended minimum observation time. Furthermore, the CFR of PPP can be affected by diurnal variation and geomagnetic latitude variation in the ionosphere. During one day at the hours when rapid ionospheric variations occur or in low geomagnetic latitude regions where equatorial electron density irregularities are produced relatively frequently, a significant degradation of the CFR is demonstrated.  相似文献   
The impact of domestic sewage effluent (SE) on the dynamics of phytoplankton assemblages from Bedford Basin was evaluated in the laboratory. Phytoplankton production and chlorophyll a increased proportionally with SE enrichment. Phytoplankton species composition also changed. The potentially harmful diatoms, Pseudonitzschia spp., present initially in small numbers (600 cells 1−1) in Bedford Basin seawater, and became dominant (3–5×106 cells 1−1) when the seawater was enriched with 0.5–5% untreated SE. With higher proportions of SE, other harmful species such as Fragilaria spp. and Euglena spp. became dominant (7−15×106 and 2.2×104 cells 1−1, respectively). Treatment of SE with UV light or activated charcoal seems to favour growth of benign species, such as Chaetoceros socialis, Skeletonema costatum and Thalassiosira spp., but not harmful species such as Pseudonitzschia spp. Further research on UV treatment of domestic sewage is recommended.  相似文献   
根据1981—2021年福建省热带气旋风雨资料,采用极差标准化、相关系数客观赋权法和自然断点法建立热带气旋致灾因子危险性评估模型,评估结果表明:选择降水7个因子和大风4个因子作为评估指标体系合理;雨高危险性区域位于沿海,南平和三明地区雨危险性较低;风较高危险性区域明显窄于雨较高危险性区域,危险性等级向内陆降低远快于降水,其中罗源湾至崇武沿海因受台湾岛地形屏障保护,危险性比沿海南北部小1个等级;风雨综合致灾危险性,沿海县市皆为较高危险性区域,其中中部沿海高危险性区域小,沿海南北部大,另外登陆粤东热带气旋沿海北上滞留在闽西上空的低压云团造成闽西北部存在较高危险性区域;在热带气旋登陆影响过程中,精细化致灾因子危险性评估更具有针对性,且与灾情相符,为气象灾害决策服务提供了更有价值的参考信息。  相似文献   
利用Hadley气候预测与研究中心的区域气候模式系统PRECIS单向嵌套该中心全球海-气耦合气候模式HadCM3高分辨率的大气部分HadAM3H,分析了SRES A2情景下2071-2100年相对于气候基准时段(1961-1990年)中国区域的气候变化,包括气温和降水的年际、季节和日时间尺度的变化以及极端气候事件的变化趋势。模拟结果表明:气温呈明显增加趋势,其中新疆和东北地区增温明显。而降水表现了更大的年际变化和季节变化,冬季南方降水减少,但沿黄河流域的降水明显增加,夏季与冬季相比呈现出相反的趋势。此外,连续高温日数呈现增加趋势,而连续霜冻日数呈现减少趋势。连续湿日数也表现出一定的增加趋势。  相似文献   
选取2014年11月6—11日一次典型污染过程,以北京城区为重点关注的目标区域,基于印痕分析技术判别对该区域影响较大的敏感源区,设计重点区域减排试验和敏感源区逐日动态减排试验,利用区域化学传输模式WRF-Chem进行模拟对比。结果显示:上述两种方案对源强较高的减排当地PM2.5浓度降低均有明显的改善作用,且在传输作用下会辐射影响到下游地区;但仅就目标区域而言,敏感源区减排方案的减排效率要远远高于重点区域减排方案。为了验证基于敏感源分析的动态减排方法的适用性,进一步开展了不同季节以及不同背景浓度的个例模拟。结果表明:基于敏感源区分析结果制定动态逐日减排措施,可降低削减成本、提高减排效率,以达到最具经济环境效益的减排效果。  相似文献   
闽东北地区的历史地震调查   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以闽东北地区为例,阐述了重大建设工程场地历史地震调查的新思路和研究内容:① 根据地区文化发展史和灾异记载状况,进行地震资料完整性考证;② 由实际记载资料进行历史地震影响状况评价,并复核确认破坏性地震的震中位置和强度. 按照这种新的技术思路开展研究工作,能够对历史地震调查赋予文化历史和可信时间域的内涵,增强了研究结果的科学性. 其目的在于促进历史地震调查更好地服务于工程建设.  相似文献   
五大连池近代火山老黑山火烧山火山喷发过程的考察研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
作者在已有工作的基础上,以当代火山学的研究思路和观点,为恢复五大连池两个近代火山,老黑山火烧山的喷发历史过程进行了野外考察研究工作。老黑山火山锥是由三套不同的碎屑堆积物组成。在锥体的南侧、东侧和西侧以及北测和北西侧有5个熔岩溢出口,按它们形成先后关系,认为有早、中、晚三期熔岩流。本文还对老黑山火山锥上的寄生火山、结壳熔岩与渣状熔岩的分布、流动特点及形成的控制因素进行了分析讨论。最后得出结论:老黑山火山是经多期次喷发活动形成的。火烧山火山锥是一碎屑化泡沫化程度很低的浮岩块和熔岩碎块组成,同老黑山有明显区别。  相似文献   
中国土壤有机碳库及其演变与应对气候变化   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
 通过综述和评价中国土壤,特别是农田土壤有机碳库(以下简称碳库)的现状与演变态势, 讨论其对我国应对气候变化的意义, 提出了我国土壤碳库及其演变与应对气候变化的基本国情是:1) 我国土壤背景碳储量较低且区域分布不均衡;2) 我国土壤固碳效应明显,未来固碳减排潜力显著;3) 技术和政策是实现和提高我国土壤碳汇、促进我国应对气候变化能力建设的重要途径。建议进一步加强对我国农田土壤固碳减排的研发投入, 完善农业应对气候变化的相关政策和鼓励措施体系,研究构建气候友好的新型农业,以期在提高和稳定农业生产力与应对气候变化能力上获得双赢。  相似文献   
The disease resistance and humoral immunomodulatory effects of vitamin C administered orally to grouper,Epinephelus awoara maintained on a frozen fish diet supplemented with vitamin C at 500, 1000, 1500 and 2000 mg/kg were investigated. After 20 weeks, the growth rates of the groups with high level of vitamin C apparently increased. The untreated fish had symptoms of vitamin C deficiency. The endogenous liver tissue vitamin C levels were found to reflect well the dietary treatments. After intraperitoneal injection or bath challenge with a virulent strain ofVibrio vulnificus, fish fed with high level vitamin C showed significantly higher survival rate compared with the normal control group. Vaccination with formalin inactivatedV. vulnificus significantly enhanced the specific antibody production in fish treated with vitamin C, and completely protected from strong bacterial challenge the groups fed on fish with vitamin C 1500 and 2000 mg/kg diet. Project 39500113 supported by NSFC and also by Guangdong Science Research Foundation (Grant No. 950711).  相似文献   
改革开放以来,民族自治区的经济、社会都得到了前所未有的快速发展,但是民族自治区的发展水平与东部沿海发达地区相比仍存在一定的差距。这种背景下,如何提高民族自治区人民的生活水平,缩小地区间的收入差距,就成为我国目前民生问题研究中亟待解决的重要课题。在参考同类研究的基础上,运用购买力平价重新计算了1990—2010年我国31个省、市、自治区的人均收入,得到反映居民真实生活水平的综合可支配收入及表示区域差距的变异系数。数据表明:我国各地区长期存在收入差距较大的态势,一些民族自治区的收入水平远低于东部地区甚至全国的平均收入水平。对此提出了提高民族自治区居民的收入、改善实际生活水平、缩小与全国和东部地区收入差距的调控对策。  相似文献   
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