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A method is presented fop estimation of the mode of analytical data reported by cooperating analysts in the preparation of reference materials. The method is referred to as the dominant cluster method, and the nodal value obtained is the value that shows most agreement between analysts.
Several examples demonstrate that this mode (for which approximate confidence intervals have been estimated), is not inconsistent with the recommended values that have been assigned to well-known geochemical reference samples. Features in its favour are that the calculation is simple, it is independent of the type of distribution, and outliers are automatically excluded.  相似文献   
Nutrient salt surveys in the southern North Sea have shown that the level of phosphate and nitrate off the continental coast during January, 1974 was two to three times higher than during the same period in 1962. The level of phosphate has also increased in the Thames Estuary but to a lesser degree. It is suggested that these increases are related to the discharge of waste material from terrestrial sources and that such changes must be considered in the context of eutrophication in the southern North Sea.  相似文献   
We analyzed, U, Th and230Th/232Th activity ratios for a few tholeiites from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge FAMOUS zone at 36°50′N. The results show a fairly wide scatter for both Th/U and (230Th/232Th) ratios. Seawater contamination appears to be responsible for this scatter and, for the uranium, produces an increase in content yielding a (234U/238U) ratio greater than 1 and, for the Th, an increase of the (230Th/232Th) ratio which is a very sensitive indicator for contamination. Also, the latter often is selective: U, Th and Sr are not affected in the same manner.When discarding all data for contaminated samples, the FAMOUS zone appears to be very homogeneous with aTh/U ratio value of 3.05 and a (230Th/232Th) ratio value of 1.24. Comparison with other active volcanic areas reveals a negative correlation between (230Th/232Th) and87Sr/86Sr ratios for present lavas which is indicative of a consistency in Th-U and Rb-Sr fractionation in the source regions of these magmas. The Th isotopic geochemistry can thus provide useful information for the study of present volcanism, information as valuable as that from Sr, Pb or Nd isotopes.  相似文献   
The results of calculation and analysis of the inflow of dissolved chemical substances to the estuarine area of the Northern Dvina River are considered. Based on the long-term regime hydrochemical information of the State Service of Observation and Monitoring of the Natural Environmental State, the anthropogenic load of dissolved chemical substances on the estuarine area and on the estuarine coastal water is estimated per inflow volumes. The extent of the water environment pollution of the near-delta part of the Northern Dvina River and its delta is estimated. The distribution of pollutant inflow among arms and channels in delta is under consideration.  相似文献   
Astrophysics - Photometric studies of the type SU UMa dwarf nova NY Her were made during 2017 and 2020 at the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory and at the Sanglokh Observatory over a total of 77...  相似文献   
Summary Satellite gradiometry is studied as a means to improve the geoid in local areas from a limited data coverage. Least-squares collocation is used for this purpose because it allows to combine heterogeneous data in a consistent way and to estimate the integrated effect of the attenuated spectrum. In this way accuracy studies can be performed in a general and reliable manner. It is shown that only three second-order gradients contribute significantly to the estimation of the geoidal undulations and that it is sufficient to have gradiometer data in a 5°×5° area around the estimation point. The accuracy of the geoid determination is strongly dependent on the degree and order of the reference field used. An accuracy of about ±1 m can be achieved with a reference field of (12, 12). There is an optimal satellite altitude for each reference field and this altitude may be higher than 300 km for a field of low degree and order. The influence of measuring errors is discussed and it is shown that only gradiometer data with accuracies better than ±0.05 E will give a significant improvement of the geoid. Finally, some results on the combination of satellite gradiometry and terrestrial gravity measurements are given. The proposed method seems to be well suited for local geoid determinations down to the meter range. It is especially interesting for unsurveyed and difficult areas because no terrestrial measurements are necessary. Furthermore, it has the practical advantage that only a local data coverage is needed.  相似文献   
This paper presents a new experimental campaign aimed at reproducing tsunamis generated by landslides at the flank of conical islands. In order to describe in high details the wave field around the island a special acquisition system, which consists of both fixed and movable wave gauges, has been employed. Indeed, each experiment has been repeated several times by changing the configuration of the movable gauges, then obtaining a single virtual experiment with high spatial resolution measurements. Fixed run-up gauges measure the waves at fixed locations to statistically quantify the repeatability of the experiments. Selected experimental results are illustrated within the paper that is mainly aimed at defining a benchmark dataset, available on request, for the development/calibration/validation of analytical and numerical models of tsunamis generated by landslides.  相似文献   
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