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Petrographic and geochemical analyses performed on a North Sea core from the Gryphon Field reveal the presence of palaeo-degassing features surrounded by injected sandstones in the Eocene interval. The injected sandstones are oil-stained and poorly cemented by carbonate and quartz. 18O isotope analyses indicate that carbonate cementation occurred during shallow burial (likely less than about 300 m). Depleted 13C (around –30 V-PDB) carbonate cement suggests that bicarbonate was derived from the microbial oxidation of oil and gas. Late quartz overgrowths enclose oil present in the injected units. The tubular degassing conduits are composed of zoned cements and have 18O and 13C isotope values similar to the injected sandstones, indicating that oil and gas seepage induced the precipitation of authigenic carbonate in the shallow subsurface. Oil inclusions in inter- and intra-crystal cement sites in both injected sandstones and degassing conduits indicate that oil seepage was an ongoing feature at shallow burial. A proposed model involves oil and gas seepage and the formation of the degassing conduits, followed by a sand injection phase. It seems likely that oil and gas continued to leak towards the seabed by exploiting the network of permeable injected sandstones and the horizons of porous degassing features.  相似文献   
Ecotone or Ecocline: Ecological Boundaries in Estuaries   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two main ecological boundaries, ecotone and ecocline, have been defined in landscape ecology. At this scale, the estuary represents a boundary between rivers and the sea, but there has been no attempt to fit empirical data for estuaries to these boundary models. An extensive data set from the Thames estuary was analysed using multivariate techniques and species-range analysis, in order to investigate whether the ecocline or the ecotone model was most relevant to this estuary. Data for periods of high and low freshwater flow allowed the impact of large-scale fluctuations implicit in both models to be determined.A continuum of assemblages existed along the salinity gradient from freshwater river to the North Sea, with shifts in the ranges of organisms apparent in response to changes in freshwater flow. This pattern closely fits an ecocline model. However, the estuary differs from previously defined ecoclines in having two overlapping gradients in the major stressor: from river to mid-estuary for freshwater species and from sea to mid-estuary for marine species. We propose, therefore, that the estuary represents a two-ecocline model, with fauna inhabiting the mid-estuary being either freshwater or marine species at the edge of their range, rather than ‘ true estuarine organisms ’. This allows a redefinition of the Remane diagram, with estuarine species removed, and supports previous arguments that brackish-water species do not exist. Such two-ecocline models may also exist in other marine systems, such as rocky shores.  相似文献   
This paper presents seismic reflection and refraction data from the Mozambique Channel, collected between 1971 and 1973. A deep sedimentary basin (up to 5 km of sediments) opens southwards to the Mozambique Basin, and is bounded to the east by the Davie Ridge and beyond by the marginal plateau of Malagasy. A continuous reflector (C), possibly of Cretaceous age, is identified between layers having seismic interval velocities of 2.4–2.8 km/s and 3.1–3.4 km/s. The deepest sediments have velocities of 4.5–4.9 km/s and overlie a layer with velocity 5.5 km/s, which may be volcanic in the north-east of the Channel.The crust occupying most of the Channel is probably pre-Cretaceous in age, and may be largely continental in nature. This is supported by subdued magnetic anomalies and the possibility of a continuous Karroo sedimentary section across the northern Channel. The oceanic crust of the Mozambique Basin may extend as far north as 24°S, into the western Channel only. The problem of the origin of the Mozambique Channel remains unresolved, although a long sedimentary history indicates that Malagasy may have separated from Mainland Africa prior to Karroo times. The Davie Ridge may possibly represent a relict strike-slip fault, which permitted movement along a north-south line.  相似文献   
Data collected from 20 years of observations by the P. P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology (about 250 comprehensive ecosystem stations) are summarized to evaluate the primary production and biomass of the principal groups of plankton in the Pacific Ocean. The stations were classified into geographical regions according to satellite determined criteria. The areas of these regions were evaluated according to CZCS data from 1978 to 1986. The total value of primary production was evaluated as 26·9 Gt C year−1. Taking the “bottle effect” correction into account, this value may be as high as 45.6 Gt C year−1. Total biomass values of phytoplankton (134 Mt C), bacteria (86 Mt C), protozoa (26 Mt C) and mesoplankton (184 Mt C) were also calculated. Seasonal variabilities of all these values were remarkably insignificant.  相似文献   
If the equation of state is nonlinear, a given flux of heat across a double diffusive interface causes different buoyancy fluxes in the upper and lower layers. This results in different convective activity in the two layers and can lead to preferential entrainment across the interface in one direction (i.e. a migration of the interface). In this paper we derive the conservation equations for properties (e.g. heat and a solute) across a double diffusive interface between two well-mixed layers. A nondimensional measure of the entrainment across an interface and the most suitable choice for the buoyancy flux ratio are presented. Some surprising facts emerge. First, even for a linear equation of state and in the absence of direct entrainment across the interface, the flux of water across a finger interface is shown to be important. Second, for the heat-solute system, the heat balance equations for each well-mixed layer contain terms proportional to the heat of solution of the solute and the partial specific enthalpy of pure water in a seawater solution. Third, the rate of change of gravitational potential energy of the two-layer system is shown to have several extra terms in addition to the two commonly quoted major terms.  相似文献   
The BIO Mark 8 thrust anemometer measures the drag of the wind on a perforated table tennis ball mounted on a vertical beam. The tri-axial displacement of the beam is sensed by eddy current proximity sensors. This anemometer has a flat frequency response from 0 to 10 Hz and can measure wind from 0 to 28 m s−1 at temperature from − 19 to + 28°C. It is designed for remote operation for extended periods of time such as on stable towers at sea.  相似文献   
Nitrate reductase activity and the concentrations of selenite and selenate were monitored for six months at the mouth of Chesapeake Bay (USA). A positive correlation was found between nitrate reductase activity and the concentration of selenite, suggesting that selenite may be formed in coastal waters and nitrate reductase may be involved in the process.  相似文献   
Analysis of microbiological and chitinase activities relative to the white shrimpPenaeus setiferus, and its chitinoclastic endosymbionts, have demonstrated the relevance of total chitinolytic processes in penaeid biology. Microorganisms may serve as a direct source of nutrients for the animal as well as in the elaboration of extracellularin situ chitinase enzymes. The enzyme produced by the predominant gut bacteria,Beneckea neptuna, is a moderately actively inducible chitinase while the shrimp has an indigenous constitutive chitinase and chitobiase system. Factors of temperature, pH, ion inhibition and reducing sugar ratios have been compared for the bacterial and animal enzymes. This dual enzyme system suggests that metabolic chitin transformation may play a vital role in crustacean metabolism.  相似文献   
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