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This study represents the first paleoseismic approach in Spain in which archaeological remains are considered. The ancient Roman city of Baelo Claudia (1st–4th centuries AD), located at the axial zone of the Gibraltar Strait (Cadiz, south Spain), contains abundant disrupted architectural relics and ground collapses (i.e. landsliding, liquefacion) probably related to historic earthquake damage of intensity IX–X MSK. The archaeological stratigraphy of the city evidence two major episodes of abrupt city destruction bracketed in AD 40–60 and AD 350–395 separated by an intervening horizon of demolition for city rebuilding, otherwise characteristic for many earthquake-damaged archaeological sites in the Mediterranean. The second episode led the eventual city abandonment, and it is evidenced by good examples of column collapse, distortion, failure and breakdown of house and city walls, and pavement warping and disruptions documented during different archaeological excavations, which can be catalogued as secondary coseismic effects. Main damaged relicts observable today are the set of pop-up like arrays and warping developed in the ancient Roman pavement. Their analysis indicate an anomalous westwards ground displacement oblique to the main gentle southward slope of the topography, as also evidence failures, collapses and breakdown of walls and columns, suggesting that stress acted in a broad SW–NE/WSW–ENE orientation consistent whit the expectable motion along the largest NE–SW strike-slip faults of the zone, which in turn can be catalogued as seismic sources of moderate events (ca. 5 mb). Major disruptions and city abandonment were hesitantly related to relatively far strong earthquakes occurred during the late 4th century AD in the Mediterranean or western coast of Iberia by Menanteau et al. [Menanteau, L., Vanney, J.R., Zazo, C., 1983. Belo II : Belo et son environment (Detroit de Gibraltar), Etude physique d'un site antique. Pub. Casa de Velazquez, Serie Archeologie 4., Ed. Broccard, París.]. However, this study indicates that the occurrence of close moderate earthquakes jointly with the unstable character of the ground at the zone (site effect) is a more reliable hypothesis to explain the observed deformations.  相似文献   
Denitrification rates along a salinity gradient in the eutrophic Neuse River Estuary, North Carolina, were quantified using membrane inlet mass spectrometry (MIMS) within short-term batch incubations. Denitrification rates within the system were highly variable, ranging from 0 to 275 μmol N m−2 h−1. Intrasite variability increased with salinity, but no significant differences were observed across the salinity gradient. Denitrification rates were positively correlated with sediment oxygen demand at the upstream sampling site where sediment organic carbon levels were lowest. This relationship was not observed in the more saline sampling sites. Denitrification rates were highest during winter. On an annual basis, denitrification accounted for 26% of the dissolved inorganic nitrogen and 12% of the total nitrogen supplied to the system.  相似文献   
The Indravati Basin represents an unmetamorphosed and unfossiliferous sequence and shows a broad similarity in lithological association with other Purana Basins of Central India. The carbonates belonging to Indravati Basin have on average, moderately positive δ13 C values (up to +4.5). Numerous successions reported from other parts of world, show similar δ13 C values and contain evidence to suggest that the latest Mesoproterozoic to early Neoproterozoic period may represent an isotopically recognizable interval globally. The elevated δ13 C values of Indravati Basin are also correlatable with other Purana Basins in India including Upper Vindhyan Supergroup.  相似文献   
The Khibiny Complex hosts a wide variety of carbon-bearing species that include both oxidized and reduced varieties. Oxidised varieties include carbonate minerals, especially in the carbonatite complex at the eastern end of the pluton, and Na-carbonate phases. Reduced varieties include abiogenic hydrocarbon gases, particularly methane and ethane, dispersed bitumens, solid organic substances and graphite. The majority of the carbon in the Khibiny Complex is hosted in either the carbonatite complex or within the so-called “Central Arch”. The Central Arch is a ring-shaped structure which separates khibinites (coarse-grained eudialite-bearing nepheline-syenites) in the outer part of the complex from lyavochorrites (medium-grained nepheline-syenites) and foyaites in the inner part. The Central Arch is petrologically diverse and hosts the major REE-enriched apatite–nepheline deposits for which the complex is best known. It also hosts zones with elevated hydrocarbon (dominantly methane) gas content and zones of hydrothermally deposited Na-carbonate mineralisation. The hydrocarbon gases are most likely the product of a series of post-magmatic abiogenic reactions. It is likely that the concentration of apatite-nepheline deposits, hydrocarbon gases and Na-carbonate mineralisation, is a function of long lived fluid percolation through the Central Arch. Fluid migration was facilitated by stress release during cooling and uplift of the Khibiny Complex. As a result, carbon with a mantle signature was concentrated into a narrow ring-shaped zone.  相似文献   
The preliminary study of streams and rivers from the Roşia Montană area revealed that the concntration of heavy metals— Cd, Mn, Cu, Pb, and Zn—are above accepted limits. The gold extraction method is based on flotation. The most important pollution sources are mine tailings. The determinations were performed for samples collected in: April 2004, July 2004, September 2004, November 2004, February 2005 and May 2005. The highest concentrations were found for cadmium in September 2004: 0.17 mg/L; for copper in September 2004: 1.38 mg/L; for manganese in July 2004: 239.4 mg/L; for lead in May 2005: 0.54 mg/L; and for zinc in September 2004: 35.37 mg/L;. This study involved three small rivers (streams) that flow into the Mureş River and finally into the Danube River, having a great impact on human health and environmental stability in the area. In May 2005, a sample of drinking water from the mining district was also collected.  相似文献   
Inhomogeneous aggregates of late-stage titanite enriched in Zr have been described recently from post-magmatic parageneses in silica-undersaturated rocks. In the natural samples, simple isovalent substitution of the large Zr ([vi]R4+=0.72 Å) for Ti ([vi]R4+=0.605 Å) is limited to an empirical maximum of 0.25 afu (15.3 wt.% ZrO2). As the natural material is not suitable for crystallographic study, a series of CaTi1-xZrxOSiO4 titanite samples have been synthesized by standard ceramic methods at ambient pressure in air, and their crystal structure determined by Rietveld refinement of laboratory powder X-ray diffraction patterns. All of the synthetic Zr-doped titanite varieties adopt space group A2/a and consist of distorted CaO7 polyhedra together with less distorted (Ti1-xZrx)O6 octahedra and SiO4 tetrahedra. Cell dimensions and atomic coordinates together with volumes and distortion indices are given for all polyhedra. The empirical limit for Zr substitution in synthetic (F,OH)-free titanite is 0.5 afu (29.6 wt.% ZrO2). The existence of a Zr analogue of titanite in nature is considered to be unlikely.  相似文献   
Within one decade a fundamental choice will have to be made: Should the energy system follow the historical trends of risky and unsustainable energy use patterns? Or should it take the course towards sustainable development and climate protection, giving top priority to energy efficiency and to a broad mix of renewable energies? Both roads are technically feasible. “Back-casting”-scenarios could help to answer the question, what technological options are available for climate protection and how societal goals can be achieved in a cost-effective way. Lessons learned from world energy scenarios and possible implementation options will be discussed. A case study of the German Parliament’s Enquete Commission on Sustainable Energy Systems will be taken as illustration. The analysis shows that sustainable energy systems can be financed and that economic growth can be decoupled from absolute levels of non-renewable energy consumption by stepping up energy productivity.  相似文献   
Abstract. The modern minerals industry is more environmentally responsible and socially aware than at any time in the past, and yet faces increasing challenges to improve its performance in these areas still further. Some of these expectations are reasonable and achievable, but others are unrealistic (e.g., “zero impact”) if real development is to continue. Moreover, because society is the ultimate beneficiary of the industry's products, it should be prepared to pay for the improvements it demands. Currently externalized costs, such as many environmental and social impacts, should be internalized into prices, and higher royalties should be charged on gross revenue to ensure effective capture of value of non‐renewable resources by host countries. Such costs to consumers could be offset by higher recycling value, leasing, or deposit‐return schemes. NGOs have an important role to play in working with industry to convince society to accept such changes.  相似文献   
This paper addresses size and boundary effects on wave propagation, fracture pattern development and fragmentation in small scale laboratory-size specimens for model blasting. Small block type specimens are centre-line loaded by linear explosive charges and supersonically detonated. Using elastic wave propagation theory and fracture mechanics it is shown that the type of boundary conditions which prevail at the outer boundary of the cylinder control the extension of bore-hole cracking and fragmentation within the body of the cylinder. In the case of a composite block where a cylindrical core of different material is embedded, the level of fracturing and fragmentation is controlled by the separation of the interface which in turn depends on the relative dimensions of the core and the block. The most important parameter is the ratio between the length of the pulse (space-wise or time-wise) and the characteristic dimensions of the models, i.e. in this case the dimensions of the core and the mantel. Stress wave superposition effects occur in the corner sections of the mantel. Theoretical results are in good agreement with recent experimental findings.  相似文献   
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