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一、导言 Erickson 和 Winston,(1972)第一次从气象卫星云图上观测到从西北太平洋的一个命名热带气旋(以下不管其强度,一概称为台风)的中心偶尔有范围很大的一股含有中云和高云的云流向东北方流出。作者们指出,这种云流是由大量的热带的热量和水汽输送到西风带里去造成的。Ramage(1974)研究了中国南海1970年10月的3个台风,得到的结论是:高空云流外流是由于在对流层上层有西风槽逼近而在槽前又有热通量的辐散所引起的。他还发现,在槽线以东的涡度平流会增强台风上空的质量辐散,而在云流形成时,风速也随之加大。他的这个发现与Riehl(1972)的结论是一致的,  相似文献   
科马提岩熔融体的化学的和热力的模拟试验进行了我们对卡姆巴尔达型镍矿床成因的认识。化学模拟的价值明显地受工程使用资料的质量的限制。现有的模式是以Rajamani和Naldrett(1978)提出的镍分配系数的实验测定为根据的。这些系数是在1200℃和1300℃间温度的玄武岩熔融体在未知S及O逸度条件下测定的。如果把这些资料用于模拟科马提熔融体的分馏,就可外推更多超镁铁质成分和超过1500℃温度条件下的结果。  相似文献   
安德拜(Enderby)极地的早期前寒武系克拉通(纳皮尔杂岩),如同其他太古宙克拉通一样,也被较年轻的活动带包围。但是它与众所熟知的花岗岩—绿岩克拉通被高级麻粒岩相片麻岩包围为特征的区域情况不同。安德拜极地克拉通的热力构造特征和复杂类型与编录良好的西格陵兰太古宙地层具有明显的相似性。在安德拜极地,发育良好的水平层理和平行强烈压扁及伸长的LS组构是称之为伏  相似文献   
本研究项目包括澳大利亚西北部皮尔巴拉太古宙地块的两处地方。一处为瓦拉武山峡(Warrawie Gap),在那里,库甘溪(Coongan Creek)切过出露于下瓦拉沃纳群的库甘同斜东侧。集块岩、一些酸性火山岩和一处保存完好的枕状熔岩块状部分均被钠质花岗岩—花岗闪长岩和粉红色长石石英二长岩等深成岩所侵入。这些岩体有在形成主要穹丘时(或以前)所生成的片理—褶皱幕F-_2。横切的细晶岩并未受F_2的影响。用λ~(87)Rb  相似文献   
The long-term variability of the Indian summer monsoon rain-fall and related regional and global param-eters are studied. The cubic spline is used as a digital filter to smooth the high frequency signals in the time series of the various parameters. The length of the data series varies from 95 to 115 years during the period 1871-1985. The parameters studied within the monsoon system are: (a) monsoon rainfall of the country as a whole; (b) number of break-monsoon days during July and August; (c) number of storms/ depressions in Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea during summer monsoon season; and (d) dates of onset of summer monsoon over South Kerala Coast. The parameters studied outside the monsoon system are: (a) the Wright’s Southern Oscillation Index (June-July-August); (b) the January mean Northern Hemi-spheric surface air temperature anomaly; and (c) the East-equatorial Pacific sea surface temperature anomaly.In order to examine the variability under various degrees of the smoothing, the series are filtered with splines of 50% variance reduction frequency of one cycle per 10, 20 and 30 years. It is observed that the smoothed time series of the parameters within the monsoon system comprise a common slowly varying com-ponent in an episodic manner distinctly showing the excess and deficient rainfall epochs. The change of intercorrelations between the time series with increasing degree of smoothing throws some light on the time scales of the dominant interactions. The relation between Southern Oscillation and East equatorial Pacific sea surface temperature and the Indian summer monsoon seems to be dominant on the interannual scale. The low frequency variations are found to have significantly contributed to the instability of the correlations of monsoon rainfall with parameters outside the monsoon system.  相似文献   
自十九世纪后期以来,在世界范围资料交换的基础上,已有可能由直接仪器测量来估计地球的平均地面温度。这些年来,提供温度记录的观测站在逐渐增加。有了这些温度记录,就有可能确定温度趋势。100年来的温度趋势曲线表明温度呈增暖的趋势,而去年(即1987年)是仪器记录上记载的最暖的一年。  相似文献   
Linear Alkylbenzene Sulfonates (LAS) are ubiquitous surfactants. Traces can be found in coastal environments. Sorption and toxicity of C12-LAS congeners were studied in controlled conditions (2-3500 μg C12LAS/L) in five marine phytoplanktonic species, using standardized methods. IC50 values ranged from 0.5 to 2 mg LAS/L. Sorption of 14C12-6 LAS isomer was measured at environmentally relevant trace levels (4 μg/L) using liquid scintillation counting. Steady-state sorption on algae was reached within 5 h in the order dinoflagellate > diatoms > green algae. The sorption data, fitted a L-type Freundlich isotherm, indicating saturation. Desorption was rapid but a low LAS fraction was still sorbed after 24 h. Toxic cell concentration was 0.38 ± 0.09 mg/g for the studied species. LAS toxicity results from sorption on biological membranes leading to non-specific disturbance of algal growth. Results indicate that LAS concentrations in coastal environments do not represent a risk for these organisms.  相似文献   
This study reports the annual amount of heavy metals discharged by industrial activity into the estuary of the Ría of Huelva (SW Spain). The findings showed that the discharged metals found in highest amounts were Fe (11 t y−1), Zn (3.4 t y−1) and Mo (0.88 t y−1). There were other metals with high pollutant charge, such as Ti (232 kg y−1), As (228 kg y−1), Ni (195 kg y−1), Pb (100 kg y−1), Cr (39 kg y−1) and Cd (33 kg y−1). These results were compared with pollutants transported via the Tinto and Odiel rivers from abandoned mining activities in the Iberian Pyrite Belt (IPB), and it was deduced that the amounts spilled exclusively by industries were less than 1% in relation to the total discharge. Hence, the treatment of residues from the IPB should be the priority goal to improve water quality in the estuary.  相似文献   
利用水饱和法制备含天然气水合物试样,进行等向压缩试验和不排水三轴试验.采用天然气水合物临界状态(M HCS)模型同时预测排水条件和不排水条件下的三轴试验,并进行变动参数分析.不排水条件下,密实纯砂发生应变硬化,而相近密实度的含水合物试样出现应变软化,峰值偏应力随水合物饱和度和围压增大.通过与排水和不排水三轴试验结果的对...  相似文献   
Eddying global ocean models are now routinely used for ocean prediction, and the value-added of a better representation of the observed ocean variability and western boundary currents at that resolution is currently being evaluated in climate models. This overview article begins with a brief summary of the impact on ocean model biases of resolving eddies in several global ocean–sea ice numerical simulations. Then, a series of North and Equatorial Atlantic configurations are used to show that an increase of the horizontal resolution from eddy-resolving to submesoscale-enabled together with the inclusion of high-resolution bathymetry and tides significantly improve the models' abilities to represent the observed ocean variability and western boundary currents. However, the computational cost of these simulations is extremely large, and for these simulations to become routine, close collaborations with computer scientists are essential to ensure that numerical codes can take full advantage of the latest computing architecture.  相似文献   
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