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Zusammenfassung Die auf ihre Erdbebentätigkeit hin untersuchte Traverse ist 1300 km lang und erstreckt sich von der Doggerbank (54° N) bis zum nördlichen Apennin (44° N). In einem Tiefenschnitt entlang der Traverse wird die räumliche Verteilung der Erdbebenherde betrachtet. In der Zahl der Herde und ihrer Anordnung zeigen sich Unterschiede zwischen den verschiedenen Teilgebieten der Traverse (Niederrheinische Bucht, Oberrhein-Graben, Schwäbische Alb, Alpen, Apennin). Bezüglich der Herdtiefe ist ein gemeinsames Merkmal fast aller Gebiete, daß sich die Erdbebenherde auf die oberen 20–25 km der Erdkruste beschränken. Die stärkste seismische Aktivität ist im Tiefenbereich von 2–12 km festzustellen. Dieses Ergebnis ist für das Verhalten der einzelnen Krustenabschnitte bei rezenter Bruchtektonik von Bedeutung. Lediglich im Bereich der Doggerbank scheinen die Herde an der Basis der Erdkruste oder im obersten Erdmantel zu liegen, was auf besondere seismotektonische Verhältnisse in diesem Gebiet hindeutet. Demgegenüber zeigt die Herdtiefenverteilung im Alpengebiet trotz abweichender Krustenstruktur keine Besonderheiten gegenüber dem nördlichen und südlichen Vorland. Vergleicht man den aus seismographischen Messungen abgeleiteten rezenten Spannungszustand von Erdbebengebiet zu Erdbebengebiet, so ergibt sich für die Alpen und das nördlich anschließende Gebiet bis zur Nordsee ein sehr einheitliches Bild für die Orientierung der horizontalen Hauptspannungen (größte Hauptspannung NW-SE, kleinste Hauptspannung SW-NE). Im Apennin ist die Spannungsverteilung gerade umgekehrt.
The seismic activity has been studied along a profile reaching from the North Sea to the northern part of the Apennine mountains covering 1300 km in length. A cross section of the Earth's crust along the profile forms the basis for this study. There are differences in number and spatial distribution of the foci between the different structure units of the studied region as the Lower Rhine Basin, the Upper Rhinegraben, the Swabian Jura, the Alps and the Apennines. It is a common feature of all epicentral regions that nearly all earthquake foci are situated inside the upper crust. This result is important regarding the behavior of different parts of the Earth's crust under the conditions of recent fracture tectonics. It seems that only in the North Sea region the foci reach depths near the Moho indicating the special seismotectonic situation of this area. On the other hand there could not be found any remarkable differences in the distribution of focal depths between the Alps and their northern and southern forelands although the crustal structure is quite different. Comparing the recent stress distribution as deduced from seismograph records for the different focal regions there results a very uniform picture for the orientation of the principal stress directions.

Résumé Le présent travail étude l'activité séismique d'un profil qui s'étend sur 1300 km de longeur du Doggerbank (54° N) jusqu'à 1' Apennin septentrional et dans lequel on considère la distribution spatiale des foyers séismiques. Il existe, tant dans le nombre des foyers que dans leur distribution, des différences selon les régions traversées par le profil (Bassin du Rhin inférieur, le fossé rhénan, le Jura souabe, les Alpes et les Apennins). Caractéristique commune à presque toutes les régions, les foyers des séismes sont confinés aux quelque 20–25 km supérieurs de la croûte terrestre. Il faut signaler que l'activité séismique la plus marquée se trouve dans les profondeurs de 2 à 12 km. Ce résultat est important quand on regarde le comportement de chacun des secteurs de la croûte terrestre au cours de la tectonique récente. C'est seulement dans la région du Doggerbank que les foyers semblent se trouver à la base de la croûte terrestre ou dans la partie tout à fait supérieure du Manteau, ce qui indique des conditions séismoteetoniques particulières dans cette région. Par contre, la distribution des hypocentres dans les Alpes ne montre rien de particulier par rapport à l'avant-pays du sud et du nord, malgré la constitution différente de la croûte terrestre. Si l'on compare, en partant des mesures séismographiques, l'état récent de tension de région à région, on trouve pour les Alpes et la région attenant au Nord jusqu'à la Mer du Nord, une image très homogène concernant l'orientation des tensions principales suivant l'horizontale (tension principale la plus forte, direction NW-SE; tension la plus faible, direction SW-NE). Dans les Apennins, la répartition des tensions est inverse.

, , 1300 Doggerbank (54°N) (44°N). . ( , , , , ). , 20–25 . 2–12 . . Doggerbank, , , , . , , . , , ( NW-SE, — SW-NE). .
The suggestion that Sudbury-type ores may be formed by the introduction of country rock sulfur into still hot intrusions (i.e., sulfurization) suffers from a reputed lack of field evidence. Permissive evidence for sulfurization includes the epigenetic nature of many Sudbury-type ores and that many Sudbury-type ores crystallized from sulfide melts. Visual evidence exists for sulfurization of a gabbro in Zambia. The lead isotopic composition of ore minerals at Sudbury implies that at least some of the metals were derived from the erruptive. Published sulfur isotopic data from several Sudbury-type ores differ from and do not exhibit a common pattern of isotopic enrichment with respect to sulfides within associated intrusions. Evidently the sulfur was derived from the country rocks. Sudbury-type ores exhibiting magmatic textures commonly occur within more siliceous dikes than the host intrusions. Inorganic reduction of sulfate occurs only above 600° C. Reduction of sulfate with resultant sulfurization of ferrous iron and traces of other metals originally present in the still hot parental intrusive rock would make the rock more siliceous. Above 1100° C the silicate-residue and newly formed sulfides would form immiscible magmas. Therefore, ore magmas within and near mafic intrusives can be epigenetic. The processes by which sulfur is introduced into intrusions are still speculative.
Zusammenfassung Für die Annahme, daß Erze vom Sudbury-Typus sich durch Zuführung von Nebengesteinsschwefel in noch heiße Intrusionen bilden können (sulfurization), fehlt es angeblich an Feldunterlagen. Folgende Tatsachen lassen sich mit einer Schwefelung (sulfurization) vereinigen: der epigenetische Charakter vieler Erze vom Sudbury-Typ; auch sind viele Erze von Sudbury-Typus aus sulfidischen Schmelzen kristallisiert. In einem Gabbro in Zambia ist der Beweis für Schwefelung (sulfurization) direkt sichtbar. Die Isotopen-Zusammensetzung von Blei in Erzmineralien in Sudbury zeigt, daß mindestens einige der Metalle aus dem Eruptivgestein stammen. Schwefelisotop-Daten, die für mehrere Lagerstätten von Sudbury-Typen veröffentlicht worden sind, haben hinsichtlich der Isotop-Anreicherung keine gemeinsamen Züge. Offensichtlich stammt der Schwefel aus dem Nebengestein. Erze vom Sudbury-Typ mit magmatischem Gefüge finden sich oft in Gängen, die saurer sind als das Wirtsgestein. Anorganische Reduktion von Sulfat findet nur oberhalb 600°C statt. Reduktion von Sulfat und die entstehende Schwefelung (sulfurization) von zweiwertigem Eisen und Spuren anderer Metalle, die ursprünglich in dem noch heiß eruptiven Gestein anwesend sind, machen das Gestein noch saurer. Oberhalb 1100°C würden der Silicat-Rest und die neugeformten Sulfide nicht mischbare Magmen bilden. Deshalb können sich sulfidische Schmelzen innerhalb und in der Nähe von Mafic-Intrusionen später gebildet haben. Die Prozesse, durch die Schwefel in Intrusionen eingeführt wird, sind noch unbekannt.
Zusammenfassung Das Paläozoikum von Sierra Grande, Prov. Rio Negro, Argentinien, besteht aus zwei Haupteinheiten: aus phyllitischen Schiefern, Metagrauwacken, Metabasalten von wahrscheinlich kambrischem oder ordovizischem Alter, überlagert von der Erzformation, bestehend aus einem Transgressionskonglomerat, Quarziten, Tonschiefern und einem oolithischen Eisenerz. Beide Einheiten sind durch eine ausgeprägte Winkeldiskordanz der altkaledonischen Ära getrennt. Diese Diskordanz ist auch in der Sierra de la Ventana, Prov. Buenos Aires, nachweisbar.
The palaeocoic sequence of Sierra Grande, Prov. Rio Negro, Argentina, is built up of two main systems: the lower palaeocoic with phyllitic slates, metagraywakes, metadiabases of Cambrian or perhaps ordovician age and the middle palaeocoic with a transgressing basal conglomerate, quarzites, shales and an oolithic iron ore of silurian (and partly perhaps lower devonian) age. Both systems are separated by a sharp unconformitiy of the early ialedonian orogeny, which parallels an equivalent unconformity in the Sierra de la Ventana, Prov. Buenos Aires.

Résumé Le Paléozoïque de la Sierra Grande, Province de Rio Negro, en Argentine, comprend deux unités principales: des phyllites, des métagrauwackes, des métadiabases d'âge probablement cambrien ou ordovicien recouvertes par la formation métallifère comprenant un conglomérat de transgression, des quartzites, des schistes argileux et du minerai de fer oolithique. Les deux unités sont séparées par une discordance angulaire bien nette. Cette discordance existe également dans la Sierra de la Ventana, Province de Buenos Aires.

( , ) : 1. , , , ; 2. , , , .

Herrn Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c.Erich Bederke zum 70. Geburtstag gewidmet.  相似文献   
UBV magnitude differences in visual binaries are presented and their accuracy is discussed. Typical observed image profiles of double stars, including sample profiles of Antares, are shown. This contribution will appear jointly with the earlier one (p. 20) inLowell Obs. Bull., No. 154. The work has been supported by NSF Grant GP-6983.  相似文献   
Aerobic mineralisation of Corg in surface sedimentsof the deep (>2000 m water depth) eastern Mediterranean Sea has been quantified by analysis of detailedbox core Corg concentration versus depth profiles and the modelling environment for early diageneticproblems MEDIA. The reactive fraction comprises 60–80% of the total Corg reachingthe sediments and is largely oxidised within the surficial 10 cm. A non-reactive C orgfraction (GNR) dominates at depths >10 cm, and makes up20–40% of the total C org flux to the sediments. First-order rateconstants for decomposition of the reactive fraction calculated from theC org profiles range from 5.4 × 10-3 to8.0 × 10-3 y-1 to 8.0 × 10-3 y-1. Total mineralization rates in thesurface sediment are between 1.7 and 2.6 mol C cm-2 y-1 and thus are typical for oligotrophic, deep-seaenvironments. The low fluxes and rapid remineralisation of C org are accompanied by210Pbexcess surface mixed layers which are only 2 cm deep, among the thinnest reported for oxygenated marine sediments.Model results indicate a mismatch between the C org profiles and O2 microprofileswhich were measured onboard ship. This can be attributed to a combination of decompression artefactsaffecting onboard measurement of the O2 profiles or the leakage ofoxygen into the core during handling on deck. Furthermore, the used Db values, based on 210Pb, may not befully appropriate; calculations with higher Db values improve the O2 fits. The surficial sediment13C org values of -22 become less negative with increasing depth and decreasing C orgconcentrations. The major 13C change occurs in the top 3 to 4 cm and coincides with the interval weremost of the organic carbon oxidation takes place. This indicates that the reactive fractionof organic matter, commonly assumed to be marine, has a more negative 13C orgthan the refractory fraction, usually held to be terrestrial. Palaeoproductivity estimates calculated from thesediment data by means of literature algorithms yield low surface productivities(12–88 gC m-2 y-1), which are in good agreement with field measurements of primary productivity in otherstudies. Such values are, however, significantly lower than those indicated by recent productivitymaps of the area derived from satellite imagery (>100 gC m-2 y-1).  相似文献   
Biomass burning has important impacts on atmospheric chemistry and climate. Fires in tropical forests and savannas release large quantities of trace gases and particulate matter. Combustion of biofuels for cooking and heating constitutes a less spectacular but similarly widespread biomass burning activity. To provide the groundwork for a quantification of this source, we determined in rural Zimbabwe the emissions of CO2, CO, and NO from more than 100 domestic fires fueled by wood, agricultural residues, and dung. The results indicate that, compared to open savanna fires, emissions from domestic fires are shifted towards products of incomplete combustion. A tentative global analysis shows that the source strength of domestic biomass burning is on the order of 1500 Tg CO2–C yr–1, 140 Tg CO–C yr–1, and 2.5 Tg NO–N yr–1. This represents contributions of about 7 to 20% to the global budget of these gases.  相似文献   
俄罗斯科学家西伯利亚分院研制了几种型号的超大功率振动源,其特点是功率大,信号传播距离远,探测深度大。目前,我国首都圈地区已建成由100多个子台组成的数字化地震台网。文章介绍了俄罗斯超大功率振动源及其在我国首都圈地区地震监测预报中的应用研究。  相似文献   
A 230Th-234U-238U dating study on pedogenic silica-carbonate clast rinds and matrix laminae from alluvium in Crater Flat, Nevada was conducted using small-sample thermal-ionization mass spectrometry (TIMS) analyses on a large suite of samples. Though the 232Th content of these soils is not particularly low (mostly 0.1-9 ppm), the high U content of the silica component (mostly 4-26 ppm) makes them particularly suitable for 230Th/U dating on single, 10 to 200 mg totally-digested samples using TIMS. We observed that (1) both micro- (within-rind) and macro-stratigraphic (mappable deposit) order of the 230Th/U ages were preserved in all cases; (2) back-calculated initial 234U/238U fall in a restricted range (typically 1.67±0.19), so that 234U/238U ages with errors of about 100 kyr (2σ) could be reliably determined for the oldest, 400 to 1000 ka rinds; and (3) though 13 of the samples were >350 ka, only three showed evidence for an open-system history, even though the sensitivity of such old samples to isotopic disruption is very high. An attempt to use leach-residue techniques to separate pedogenic from detrital U and Th failed, yielding corrupt 230Th/U ages. We conclude that 230Th/U ages determined from totally dissolved, multiple sub-mm size subsamples provide more reliable estimates of soil chronology than methods employing larger samples, chemical enhancement of 238U/232Th, or isochrons.  相似文献   
We determined the He, Ne, and Ar isotopic abundances in the four acapulcoites Dhofar (DHO) 125, DHO 290, DHO 312, and Graves Nunataks 98028, the metal-rich diogenite Northwest Africa (NWA) 1982, and a unique achondrite, NWA 1058, that resembles the acapulcoites in its chemical composition. The noble gases in these meteorites consist of three components: trapped gases, cosmic-ray produced nuclides, and nuclides produced by K, Th, and U decay. The four acapulcoites yield cosmic-ray exposure (CRE) ages in the range of 5.0-5.7 Ma and confirm earlier conclusions concerning break-up of all acapulcoites from a common S-type parent asteroid, possibly in three events 4.9, 5.9, and 14.8 Ma ago. We also discuss the other characteristics (mineralogy, chemistry, formation ages, and oxygen and trapped noble gas isotopes) of all other acapulcoites and their relatives, the lodranites. We propose that the acapulcoite/lodranite parent asteroid had a shell structure similar to that of the H chondrites: The less metamorphosed acapulcoites correspond to the H3 and H4 chondrites and originate from the exterior layers, whereas the more severely metamorphosed lodranites, similar to the H5 and H6 chondrites, represent the inner regions of their parent body. Ungrouped achondrite NWA 1982, probably a diogenite, shows a CRE age of 18.9 ± 2.0 Ma that falls on the major exposure age cluster of the diogenites. The unique achondrite NWA 1058 differs in cosmic-ray exposure age (38.9 ± 4.0 Ma) and in oxygen-isotopic composition from the acapulcoites and lodranites and is probably a winonaite.  相似文献   
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