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The anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM) with sulphate is the most important sink for methane in marine environments. This process is mediated by a consortium of methanotrophic archaea and sulphate reducing bacteria. So far, three groups of anaerobic methane oxidisers (ANME-1, -2 and -3) related to the methanogenic Methanosarcinales and Methanomicrobiales were discovered. The sulphate reducing partner of ANME-1 and -2 are two different eco-types of SRB related to the Desulfosarcina/Desulfococcus cluster (Seep-SRB1), whereas ANME-3 is associated with Desulfobulbus spp. (DBB). In this article, we reviewed literature data to assign statistically significant lipid biomarker signatures for a chemotaxonomic identification of the three known AOM communities. The lipid signatures of ANME-2/Seep-SRB1 and ANME-3/DBB are intriguingly similar, whereas ANME-1/Seep-SRB1 shows substantial differences to these AOM communities. ANME-1 can be distinguished from ANME-2 and -3 by a low ratio of the isoprenoidal dialkyl glycerol diethers sn2-hydroxyarchaeol and archaeol combined with a comparably low stable carbon isotope difference of archaeol relative to the source methane. Furthermore, only ANME-1 contains substantial amounts of isoprenoidal glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (GDGTs), however, with the probable exception of the ANME-2c sub-cluster. In contrast to the ANME-1 archaea, the tail to tail linked hydrocarbon tetramethylhexadecane (crocetane) is unique to ANME-2, whereas pentamethylicosenes (PMIs) with 4 and 5 double bonds without any higher saturated homologues were only found in ANME-3. The sulphate reducing partner of ANME-1 can be discerned from those of ANME-2 and -3 by a low ratio of the fatty acids (FAs) C16:1ω5 relative to i-C15:0 and, although to a lesser degree, by a high abundance of ai-C15:0 relative to i-C15:0. Furthermore, substantial amounts of 13C depleted non-isoprenoidal monoalkyl glycerol ethers (MAGEs) were only found in the sulphate reducing partners of ANME-2 and -3. A differentiation of these SRB is possible based on the characteristic presence of the FAs cy-C17:0ω5,6 and C17:1ω6, respectively. Generally, the data analysed here show overlaps between the different AOM communities, which highlights the need to use multiple lipid signatures for a robust identification of the dominating microbes involved.  相似文献   
A melt‐bearing impactite unit is preserved in the 2.7 km diameter shallow marine Ritland impact structure. The main exposure of the melt‐bearing unit is in an approximately 100 m long cliff about 700 m southwest of the center of the structure. The melt and clast content vary through this maximum 2 m thick unit, so that lithology ranges from impact melt rock to suevite. Stratigraphic variations with respect to the melt content, texture, mineralogy, and geochemistry have been studied in the field, and by laboratory analysis, including thin section microscopy. The base of the melt‐bearing unit marks the transition from the underlying lithic basement breccia, and the unit may have been emplaced by an outward flow during the excavation stage. There is an upward development from a melt matrix‐dominated lower part, that commonly shows flow structures, to an upper part characterized by more particulate matrix with patchy melt matrix domains, commonly as deformed melt slivers intermingled with small lithic clasts. Melt and lithic fragments in the upper part display a variety of shapes and compositions, some of which possibly represent fallback material from the ejecta cloud. The upper boundary of the melt‐bearing impactite unit has been placed where the deposits are mainly clastic, probably representing slump and avalanche deposits from the modification stage. These deposits are therefore considered sedimentary and not impactites, despite the component of small melt fragments and shocked minerals within the lowermost part, which was probably incorporated as the debris moved down the steep crater walls.  相似文献   
The feathers of 277 Black, Common and Brünnich's Guillemot from the Baltic, Kattegat, Faroe Islands and Greenland were analysed for mercury. The levels were found to be higher in the Baltic and the Kattegat compared to the Faroe Islands and Greenland. While the levels were almost constant for the last two areas a substantial increase during this century was found for the Baltic and the Kattegat. In Common Guillemots from the Baltic a decrease was indicated after 1969. In general the mercury levels were higher for Black Guillemots living close to the coast compared to the Uria sp. living off-shore. The inhomogeniety of the mercury load near the shore was indicated by a large individual variation within a colony of Black Guillemots. This variation was reinforced by differences in migration and feeding habits. It has been shown by analysis of individuals recaptured during successive years that the year to year variation of one individual is considerably smaller.It is concluded that chronological series based on feathers from sea birds and museum collections may contribute to the elucidation of the long term trend of mercury pollution at sea.  相似文献   
Accurate simulation of flow and transport processes in fractured rocks requires that flow in fractures and shear zones to be coupled with flow in the porous rock matrix. To this end, we will herein consider a single-continuum approach in which both fractures and the porous rock are represented as volumetric objects, i.e., as cells in an unstructured triangular grid with a permeability and a porosity value associated with each cell. Hence, from a numerical point of view, there is no distinction between flow in the fractures and the rock matrix. This enables modelling of realistic cases with very complex structures. To compute single-phase advective transport in such a model, we propose to use a family of higher-order discontinuous Galerkin methods. Single-phase transport equations are hyperbolic and have an inherent causality in the sense that information propagates along streamlines. This causality is preserved in our discontinuous Galerkin discretization. We can therefore use a simple topological sort of the graph of discrete fluxes to reorder the degrees-of-freedom such that the discretized linear system gets a lower block-triangular form, from which the solution can be computed very efficiently using a single-pass forward block substitution. The accuracy and utility of the resulting transport solver is illustrated through several numerical experiments.  相似文献   
In this study, the effects of volcanic forcing on North Pacific climate variability, on interannual to decadal time scales, are examined using climate model simulations covering the last 600?years. The model used is the Bergen Climate Model, a fully coupled atmosphere–ocean general circulation model. It is found that natural external forcings, such as tropical strong volcanic eruptions (SVEs) and variations in total solar irradiance, play an important role in regulating North Pacific Decadal Variability (NPDV). In response to tropical SVEs the lower stratospheric pole–to–equator temperature gradient is enhanced. The North polar vortex is strengthened, which forces a significant positive Arctic Oscillation. At the same time, dipole zonal wind anomalies associated with strong polar vortex propagate downward from the lower stratosphere. Through positive feedbacks in the troposphere, the surface westerly winds across the central North Pacific are significantly weakened, and positive sea level pressure anomalies are formed in the North Pacific. This anomalous surface circulation results in changes in the net heat fluxes and the oceanic advection across the North Pacific. As a result of this, warm water converges in the subtropical western North Pacific, where the surface waters in addition are heated by significantly reduced latent and sensible heat fluxes from the ocean. In the eastern and high–latitude North Pacific the ocean loses more heat, and large–scale decreases in sea surface temperatures are found. The overall response of this chain of events is that the North Pacific enters a negative phase of the Pacific decadal oscillation (PDO), and this negative phase of the PDO is maintained for several years. It is thus concluded that the volcanic forcing plays a key role in the phasing of the PDO. The model results furthermore highlight the important role of troposphere–stratosphere coupling, tropical–extratropical teleconnections and extratropical ocean–atmosphere interactions for describing NPDV.  相似文献   
In this paper, we study the use of virtual element method (VEM) for geomechanics. Our emphasis is on applications to reservoir simulations. The physical processes behind the formation of the reservoirs, such as sedimentation, erosion, and faulting, lead to complex geometrical structures. A minimal representation, with respect to the physical parameters of the system, then naturally leads to general polyhedral grids. Numerical methods which can directly handle this representation will be highly favorable, in particular in the setting of advanced work-flows. The virtual element method is a promising candidate to solve the linear elasticity equations on such models. In this paper, we investigate some of the limits of the VEM method when used on reservoir models. First, we demonstrate that care must be taken to make the method robust for highly elongated cells, which is common in these applications, and show the importance of calculating forces in terms of traction on the boundary of the elements for elongated distorted cells. Second, we study the effect of triangulations on the surfaces of curved faces, which also naturally occur in subsurface models. We also demonstrate how a more stable stabilization term for reservoir application can be derived.  相似文献   
检验了一个全球海气耦合模式对北大西洋年际气候变率的模拟,讨论了导致这种年际变率型的物理机制,并分析了其对年代际变率的可能影响。北大西洋冬季SST的主导变率模态,在经向上表现为三核型,自北而南出现“- -”的带状距平型;最大距平中心位于副极地大洋、中纬度大洋的西部以及热带海域,耦合模式较为真实地再现了这一特征。与三核型SST异常相对应的大气环流型表现为北大西洋涛动,具有显著的正压结构。上述异常型主要发生在年际尺度,具有3—4年的谱峰;在次年代际尺度上,也存在谱峰。分析表明,模式中三核型SST异常的产生,主要来自大气的强迫,NAO增强,中纬度大洋上的西风减弱,海洋感热和潜热通量损失减少,中纬度大洋得到的净热通量增加,导致SST出现正距平;在包括Labrador海在内的副极地大洋,NAO增强、冰岛低压加深,气旋性环流增强,来自高纬度的冷空气吹过洋面,海气温差加大,大洋的感热通量损失增加,SST降低。热带地区东风的增强,也是导致那里SST降低的重要机制。三核型SST异常对大气的反馈作用较弱,文中没有证据表明它能够影响到北大西洋地区的年代际气候变率。  相似文献   
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