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Soils from two catenas on north-and south-facing slopes of a kame were analyzed to determine the effect of lithology, topography, and microclimate on profile development. In loess on the north-facing slope, where microclimate favored CaCO3 dissolution and clay translocation, pedogenesis was rapid and an A-E-Bt-C profile developed. In contrast, an A-Bt-C profile developed on the south-facing slope. In gravel where limestone/dolostone dissolution was slow, A-C profiles were found and CaCO3 was depleted to a ≤ 25-cm depth, 20± cm less than reported for similar Michigan soils. Slopewash and runoff are inferred to have caused silt accumulations and greater infiltration at the base of ≥ 20° slopes, resulting in a thicker solum in foot-and toe-slope positions, whereas on slopes of ≤ 7° infiltration and interflow are the dominant processes, resulting in a thicker solum on the transportational midslope. The differences in soil profile development are attributed to sediment facies changes at 25- to 50-cm depth and resulting groundwater movement. [Key words: soil development, soil spatial variability, kame slope catena, Wisconsin.]  相似文献   
Glauconite pellets from the Lower Silurian Brassfield Formation on both limbs of the Cincinnati Arch in Ohio and Indiana give a RbSr age of 370 ± 11 Ma, which is substantially younger than the stratigraphic age of the formation. The age is concordantcwith conventional KAr ages of 355 ± 6 and 368 ± 5 Ma for two of the same glauconites. Concordant ages were also obtained from the Viburnum Trend in Missouri, where glauconite pellets from the Davis Formation in an ore-zone collapse structure into the underlying Bonneterre Formation give a RbSr age of 387 ± 21 Ma and conventional KAr ages of 368 ± 5 and 369 ± 5 and 369 ± 5 Ma. A third suite of glauconite from the Bonneterre Formation in the Old Lead Belt ~ 10 km from the nearest ore body has given a RbSr age of 423 ± 7 Ma and slightly older conventional KAr ages of 434 ± 6, 445 ± 6 and 441 ± 11 Ma.Because these glauconite-bearing rocks have been buried to depths of less than 1 km, thermal resetting of the RbSr and KAr systematics appears unlikely. The initial 87Sr86Sr ratios of the RbSr isochrons are similar to the ratios for vein- and vug-filling dolomite and calcite. This is consistent with resetting of the RbSr and KAr systems during diagenetic changes which included the isotopic equilibration (perhaps by cation exchange) of the Sr in the glauconite with that in the diagenetic and Mississippi Valley-type ore fluids. This interpretation implies that the age of the Mississippi Valley-type mineralization in the Viburnum Trend is Devonian rather than Carboniferous—Permian as has been inferred from paleomagnetic measurements.Cation-exchange experiments with a dilute Sr-bearing solution and an artificial oilfield brine indicate that glauconite adsorbs large amounts of Sr, some of which is sufficiently strongly attached to the glauconite lattice as to resist leaching with ammonium acetate. The introduction of this strongly attached Sr may be the first step in the resetting of the RbSr systematics of glauconite by cation exchange.  相似文献   
Spinel lherzolite and wehrlite xenoliths from the Cenozoic Calatrava volcanic field carry the geochemical imprint of metasomatic agents that have affected the subcontinental lithospheric mantle beneath Central Iberia. Some xenoliths (mainly wehrlites) were enriched in REE, Sr, P, and CO2 by silicic-carbonate-rich metasomatic melts/fluids, while others record the effects of subduction-related hydrous silicate fluids that have precipitated amphibole and induced high Ti/Eu in primary clinopyroxene. The petrographic observations and geochemical data suggest that interstitial glass in the xenoliths represent the quenched products of Si-rich melts that infiltrated the mantle peridotite shortly before the entrainment of the xenoliths in the host magmas that erupted ca 2 million years ago. During their infiltration, the metasomatic melts reacted with peridotite, resulting in silica enrichment, while remobilizing grains of iron-rich monosulfide solid solution (Fe-rich Mss) initially enclosed in, or intergranular to, primary olivine and pyroxenes. In situ laser ablation inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry analysis of single sulfide grains reveals that the Fe-rich Mss in glass shows platinum-group element (PGE) patterns and 187Os/188Os compositions identical to the Fe-rich Mss occurring as inclusions in, or at grain boundaries of primary silicates. Moreover, independent of its microstructural position, Fe-rich Mss exhibits PGE and 187Os/188Os signatures typical of Mss either residual after partial melting or crystallized directly from sulfide melts. Our findings reveal that young metasomatic melt(s)/fluid(s) may carry remobilized sulfides with PGE and Os-isotopic signatures identical to those of texturally older sulfides in the peridotite xenolith. These sulfides thus still provide useful information about the timing and nature of older magmatic events in the subcontinental mantle.  相似文献   
Here we report uranium and thorium isotopic ratios and elemental concentrations measured in solid reference materials from the USGS (BHVO‐2G, BCR‐2G, NKT‐1G), as well as those from the MPI‐DING series (T1‐G, ATHO‐G). Specifically created for microanalysis, these naturally‐sourced glasses were fused from rock powders. They cover a range of compositions, elemental concentrations and expected isotopic ratios. The U‐Th isotopic ratios of two powdered source materials (BCR‐2, BHVO‐2) were also characterised. These new measurements via multi‐collector thermal ionisation mass spectrometry and multi‐collector inductively coupled plasma‐mass spectrometry can now be used to assess the relative performance of techniques and facilitate comparison of U‐Th data amongst laboratories in the geoscience community for in situ and bulk analyses.  相似文献   
The LA‐ICP‐MS U‐(Th‐)Pb geochronology international community has defined new standards for the determination of U‐(Th‐)Pb ages. A new workflow defines the appropriate propagation of uncertainties for these data, identifying random and systematic components. Only data with uncertainties relating to random error should be used in weighted mean calculations of population ages; uncertainty components for systematic errors are propagated after this stage, preventing their erroneous reduction. Following this improved uncertainty propagation protocol, data can be compared at different uncertainty levels to better resolve age differences. New reference values for commonly used zircon, monazite and titanite reference materials are defined (based on ID‐TIMS) after removing corrections for common lead and the effects of excess 230Th. These values more accurately reflect the material sampled during the determination of calibration factors by LA‐ICP‐MS analysis. Recommendations are made to graphically represent data only with uncertainty ellipses at 2s and to submit or cite validation data with sample data when submitting data for publication. New data‐reporting standards are defined to help improve the peer‐review process. With these improvements, LA‐ICP‐MS U‐(Th‐)Pb data can be considered more robust, accurate, better documented and quantified, directly contributing to their improved scientific interpretation.  相似文献   
An avulsion of the lower Saskatchewan River in the 1870s inundated a large segment of peat-covered floodplain that subsequently has become aggraded with a broad (500 km2) belt of alluvium deposited by the redirected flow. Routing of water and sediment discharge through the avulsion-affected area has been accomplished mainly by networks of sandy bedded anastomosed channels that have formed, evolved, and abandoned as the alluvial belt prograded down the floodplain slope. These processes continue today, though at a much-reduced rate. New channels, formed by crevassing and basinward extension of distributaries, are initially small and shallow, with bottom elevations situated within the avulsive alluvium but above the pre-avulsion peat (floodplain) surface. Subsequent enlargement and downcutting of many of these channels eventually uncovers the underlying peat layer whose resistance to erosion exerts significant influence on cross-sectional shape and further channel development. Peat-floored channels tend to have rectangular cross-sections, high ratios of average to maximum depth (D/Dmax), and a large range of width-to-depth ratios. If the channel continues to enlarge, the peat layer eventually becomes breached, commonly leading to temporarily irregular cross-sections caused by localized scouring at the breach sites. Eventually, the peat layer is completely eroded from the channel floor by undercutting and slumping, after which channel shape becomes governed mainly by other perimeter characteristics. Channels unaffected by peat, either before the peat layer is encountered during early channel development or after it is entirely removed, tend to have low width/depth ratios and a large range of D/Dmax values.  相似文献   
Pathogenicity of vibrios in fish: An overview   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Bacteria of the genus Vibrio are ubiquitously distributed in the marine environment. Due to the rapid expansion of intensive mariculture and the consequent deterioration of culture conditions, more and more Vibrio spp. have been recognized as pathogenic agents in outbreaks of vibriosis, a serious epizootic disease affecting most wild and farmed fish species worldwide, which has become the most important limiting factor for the development of intensive mariculture industry. Attempts have been made to understand the pathogenicity of vibrios in host fish with the ultimate aim of elucidating the best means for disease control. After an extensive literature survey of the recent advances in the field of fish vibriosis, the pathological changes, virulence factors and associated potential pathogenic mechanisms, transmission routes and related environmental factors involved in outbreak of vibriosis, as well as the controlling strategies are reviewed in the present paper.  相似文献   
The two important classes of Archean Fe-Ni-Cu sulphide deposits in Western Australia are those hosted by (1) coarse-grained adcumulate dunites (e.g. Agnew, Mount Keith) and (2) komatiitic lavas (e.g. Kambalda). Close similarities in compositions of relict olivine, pyroxene, and chromite from dunitic and komatiitic host rocks and compositional and textural similarities between chilled margins of some dunites and some komatiites indicate origins from similar komatiitic liquids which contained 20%–32% MgO. As field relations suggest that the dunites are probably lateral stratigraphic equivalents of spinifextextured komatiites, they are interpreted as the slowcooled end member of a continuum from spinifex-textured komatiites (former liquids) through cumulate komatiites (40%–90% olivine) to adcumulate komatiitic dunite (>90% olivine). Previous classification of these Ni deposits as intrusive- and volcanic-related deposits now appears unwarranted, and the terms komatiitic dunite-hosted and komatiite-hosted deposits are preferred.  相似文献   
The Holocene history of the Danube Delta has been studied using 14C analyses of faunal material. The principal phases of development include: (1) initial Letea Caroarman spit, 11,700–9800 yr B.P. in its central part, 8800-5500 yr B.P. in its southern part; (2) Sf. Gheorghe I Delta, 8900-7200 yr B.P.; (3) Sulina Delta, 7200-2000 yr B.P., and (4) Sf. Gheorghe II Delta-Chilia Delta 2000 yr B.P.-present. Other smaller-scale features have also been dated, including secondary deltas (Co?na and Sinoe Deltas) and littoral bars. Age determinations carried out on whole samples were erratic and it was found that individual species had to be separated and dated. In all cases, the older dates were of transported material whereas the younger dates gave the true age of the formation.  相似文献   
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