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We assess the status of channel networks and pools of two tidal salt marshes recovering from more than a century of agricultural reclamation on the Bay of Fundy, Canada. A process of largely unmanaged restoration occurred at these sites since abandonment of agricultural activities during the first half of the twentieth century. Each recovering marsh was compared to a reference marsh that was never drained or ditched. We field mapped channel networks at all marshes and used aerial photographs to map the pre-abandonment channel network at one of the sites. The recovering marshes have hybrid channel networks that feature highly variable channel morphologies, loss of original channels, and incorporation of drainage ditches. Although channel networks in recovering marshes integrate agricultural ditches, the recovering marsh networks may not be substantially increased in length or density. Our aerial photograph analysis shows that channel density at one of the recovering marshes is comparable to the pre-abandonment density, but with reduced sinuosity. Field mapping of permanent tidal pools on the lower Bay marshes revealed that pools cover 13% of the recovering marsh, compared to ∼5% of the reference marsh. This study demonstrates that these essential marsh features can be regained through restoration or simple abandonment of drainage infrastructure.  相似文献   
A thorough geostatistical analysis of spatial data, observed at given spatial locations, includes exploratory data analysis, spatial-model building, diagnosing the model fit, and inference on unknown model parameters or unobserved values (at known locations). Using results from mathematical analysis, exact and asymptotic distribution theory, and simulation studies, we argue that, when used sensibly, the geostatistical method is reassuringly stable.  相似文献   
Application of multiple chronometers (including U–Pb and 40Ar/39Ar geochronology and zircon and apatite (U–Th)/He thermochronology) to porphyry intrusions at the Bajo de la Alumbrera porphyry copper–gold deposit, Argentina, reveals a complex history of reheating that spans millions of years. Previous U–Pb geochronology, combined with our new 40Ar/39Ar data, shows that the multiple porphyritic intrusions at Bajo de la Alumbrera were emplaced during two episodes, the first at about 8.0 Ma (P2 and associated porphyries) and the second about a million years later (Early and Late P3 porphyries). Complex overprinting alteration events have obscured the earliest hydrothermal history of the deposit. By contrast, 40Ar/39Ar data reveal the close temporal relationship of ore-bearing potassic alteration assemblages (7.12 ± 0.13 Ma; biotite) to the emplacement of the P3 intrusions. Consistent with low closure temperatures, younger ages have been determined for associated hydrothermal alkali feldspar (6.82 ± 0.05 Ma and 6.64 ± 0.09 Ma). The temperature-sensitive Ar data also record an unexpected prolonged cooling history (to below 200°C) extending to 5.9 Ma. Our data suggest that the Bajo de la Alumbrera system underwent protracted cooling, after the collapse of the main hydrothermal system, or that one or more low-temperature (~100–200°C) reheating events occurred after emplacement of the porphyritic intrusions at Bajo de la Alumbrera. These have been constrained in part by our new 40Ar/39Ar data (including multidomain diffusion modeling) and (U–Th)/He ages. Single-grain (U–Th)/He ages (n = 5) for phenocrystic zircon from P2 and P3 intrusive phases bracket these thermal events to between 6.9 (youngest crystallization of intrusion) and 5.1 Ma. Multidomain modeling of alkali feldspar data (from both igneous and hydrothermal crystals) is consistent with the deposit cooling rapidly from magmatic temperatures to below about 300°C, with a more protracted history down to 150°C. We conclude that the late-stage low-temperature (150 to 200°C) thermal anomaly localized at Bajo de la Alumbrera resulted from radiation of heat and/or fluids sourced from deeper-seated magma bodies, emplaced beneath the deposit. To produce the observed thermal longevity of the porphyry system, magma bodies underlying the Bajo de la Alumbrera deposit must have been repeatedly replenished by new magma batches. Without replenishment, crystallization of the source magma will occur, and heat release will stop, leading to rapid cooling (in less than ten thousand years). The influx of deep-seated magma may have caused the development of late low-temperature hydrothermal alteration assemblages at Bajo de la Alumbrera, at the same time that mineralization formed at Agua Rica, some 25 km away. All available chronologic data for the Bajo de la Alumbrera deposit suggest that the hydrothermal system was active episodically over at least a three-million and possibly up to a four-million-year period. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
Sequential aerial photographs of a small headwater catchment in the Waiapu basin, East Coast Region, North Island, New Zealand, were interpreted to measure and analyse temporal changes in active area of gullies and gully complexes for a longer time span (1939–2003) and with higher temporal resolution compared to previous studies. We focus on the conditions leading to the development of gullies and gully complexes under pasture and forest by using topographic thresholds (slope–area relationships) of catchments for the initiation of gullies and gully complexes. In addition, the influence of two different lithologies as well as the occurrence of major rainfall events was related to gully activity. Twenty gullies and four gully complexes (occupying 62·5 ha or 12·5 per cent of the catchment area) occurred in the study catchment between 1939 and 2003. However, the majority of these were not active at all of the dates studied. Gullies developed in the sandstone‐dominated Tapuwaeroa Formation tended to attain their maximum size by 1957 with a mean catchment area of 2·1 ha. Gullies developed in mudstone of the Whangai Formation attained their maximum size in 1939 with a mean catchment area of 4·31 ha. Exceptions are gullies which developed into mass movement deposits or into an earth flow deposit as well as gullies developed under indigenous forest. Topographic threshold values for gullies under pasture and indigenous forest show that values for gullies under forest plot far above the threshold line of gullies under pasture, indicating that the topographical threshold for gully development under forest is higher compared to under pasture. A threshold value of 9·4 ha in catchment area is needed for the development of gully complexes under pasture, all located in the Whangai Formation and with the same orientation as the strike of the mudstones. Gully‐complex area and dominance of mass‐movement erosion increased with larger catchment area. A decreasing distance to the threshold line for gullies under pasture indicates a later development for gully complexes. No gully complexes developed under indigenous forest, indicating that the threshold value for gully‐complex development is higher than for gully complexes under pasture and was not reached in the study area. A model of shifting topographical threshold for gully development for a given catchment is developed which depends on land use. When a catchment has an indigenous forest cover the topographical threshold is very high. After conversion to pasture, threshold values decrease drastically. With the invasion of scrub, the threshold slowly increases and returns to a similar level to that under indigenous forest after reforestation. Development of gullies and gully complexes is a highly dynamic phenomenon, and phases of expansion and inactivity indicate that models describing only unidirectional advancing stages without periods of inactivity are not suitable. Therefore, this study adds more phases to models of gully and gully‐complex development in the East Coast Region. The threshold line for gully initiation under pasture and a value of 9·4 ha in catchment area for gully‐complex initiation permits one to predict which catchments, under similar environmental settings, develop gullies and gully complexes on a physical basis. This enables land managers to implement sustainable land‐use strategies to reduce erosion rates of gullies and gully complexes. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Applying a two-dimensional, non-linear hydrodynamic numerical model in combination with a semiempirical equation for bedload sediment transport, the influence of geometry on the formation of sandbanks is investigated. In the first experiment, the formation of sandbanks in an ideal rectangular basin, resembling the Taylor’s problem, was calculated. Sandbanks occur in a small area at the closed boundary. Similar experiments were carried out for a range of wavelengths of the incident Kelvin wave. The results reveal that large wavelengths favor the generation of sandbanks. In subsequent calculations, the basin was modified by introducing new geographical features like bays and peninsulas. The numerical experiments show that geometry is a fundamental factor to determine the position where groups of sandbanks appear. The results suggest that in regions where the Kelvin wave is diffracted, the formation of sandbanks occurs. An experiment, in which we applied an ideal geometric configuration representing that of the Southern Bight of the North Sea, generated sandbank patterns resembling those observed in the region.  相似文献   
We present new space geodetic data indicating that the present slip rate on the Hunter Mountain–Panamint Valley fault zone in Eastern California (5.0 ± 0.5 mm/yr) is significantly faster than geologic estimates based on fault total offset and inception time. We interpret this discrepancy as evidence for an accelerating fault and propose a new model for fault initiation and evolution. In this model, fault slip rate initially increases with time; hence geologic estimates averaged over the early stages of the fault's activity will tend to underestimate the present-day rate. The model is based on geologic data (total offset and fault initiation time) and geodetic data (present day slip rate). The model assumes a monotonic increase in slip rate with time as the fault matures and straightens. The rate increase follows a simple Rayleigh cumulative distribution. Integrating the rate-time path from fault inception to present-day gives the total fault offset.  相似文献   
Two ore and three alteration types were identified in the Lascogon Project of Philex Gold Philippines, in Surigao del Norte, Mindanao Island, Philippines. The jasperoid ore is the host to the Carlin‐like gold mineralization in the Lascogon and Danao prospects. The ore occurs in a decalcified and silicified horizon, with minor chlorite and goethite, stibnite, pyrite and quartz crystals ranging from cryptocrystalline to botryoidal. The stringer–stockwork type Cu‐Au mineralization in the Suyoc prospect is hosted in argillized andesitic rocks of the Mabuhay Formation. The primary ore minerals are chalcopyrite with minor amounts of sphalerite. The alteration types identified are propylitic alteration, argillic alteration and silicification. The propylitized basaltic and andesitic flows of the Bacuag Formation bound the jasperoid mineralization in the Lascogon prospect. Stratigraphically, the relationship between propylitized basalts and stringer–stockwork Cu‐Au is not clear but a lateral change can be inferred from jasperoid in the center and stringer–stockwork towards the east.  相似文献   
Summary. This paper describes the magnetic remanence and susceptibility anisotropy of 42 samples of laminated clay from Peak Cavern. The sediments are shown to have acquired a stable remanent magnetization due to the depositional alignment of magnetite grains. The magnetic fabric data confirm the existence of alteration within a reddened surface layer. A record of geomagnetic secular variation in the underlying clay is compared to a dated lake sediment magnetostratigraphy to suggest that deposition occurred around 7000 yr bp . A method for estimating water current directions based on the remanence and magnetic fabric data is critically assessed before deducing the sense of palaeoflow in the cave.  相似文献   
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