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Numerical analysis of the 1992 Flores Island, Indonesia earthquake tsunami is carried out with the composite fault model consisting of two different slip values. Computed results show good agreement with the measured runup heights in the northeastern part of Flores Island, except for those in the southern shore of Hading Bay and at Riangkroko. The landslides in the southern part of Hading Bay could generate local tsunamis of more than 10 m. The circular-arc slip model proposed in this study for wave generation due to landslides shows better results than the subsidence model, It is, however, difficult to reproduce the tsunami runup height of 26.2 m at Riangkroko, which was extraordinarily high compared to other places. The wave propagation process on a sea bottom with a steep slope, as well as landslides, may be the cause of the amplification of tsunami at Riangkroko. The simulation model demonstrates that the reflected wave along the northeastern shore of Flores Island, accompanying a high hydraulic pressure, could be the main cause of severe damage in the southern coast of Babi Island.  相似文献   
We conducted hydrothermal flow-through experiments at 430 °C and 31 MPa to investigate the mechanism of silica precipitation on granite under crustal conditions. Two experiments were performed using different input solutions: a single-component Si solution, and a multi-component solution with minor Al, Na, and K. The degree of supersaturation with respect to quartz, Ω = CSi/CSi,Qtz,eq, where CSi and CSi,Qtz,eq indicate Si concentration in solutions and the solubility of quartz within water, respectively, decreased from 3-3.5 to <1.1 along the flow path. A variety of silica minerals formed during the experiments (opal-A, opal-C, chalcedony, and quartz), and their occurrences and modal abundances changed in response to Ω and the presence of additives in the solution.For near-equilibrium solutions (Ω < ∼1.2), silica precipitation occurred in a simple way in both experiments, being restricted to overgrowths on pre-existing quartz surfaces in the granite. At higher saturation levels (Ω > ∼1.2), silica minerals were deposited on other surfaces in addition to quartz. In the single-component experiment, the dominant silica minerals changed in the order of opal-A → opal-C → quartz with decreasing Si concentration along the flow path. In contrast, in the multi-component experiment, quartz and minor chalcedony formed throughout the entire reaction vessel. This finding indicates that impurities (Na, K, and Al) in the solutions inhibited the precipitation of opal and enhanced the direct nucleation of quartz. The systematic appearance of metastable silica minerals were examined by nucleation processes and macroscopic precipitation kinetics. Our experimental results indicate that different precipitation mechanisms yield contrasting textures, which in turn suggests that vein textures can be used as indicators of solution chemistry within the fracture.  相似文献   
A 3729-m-deep geothermal research well, WD-1a, provides us with a unique opportunity to study initial petrographic features of a high-temperature granite just after solidification of magma. The well succeeded in collecting three spot-cores of the Kakkonda Granite that is a pluton emplaced at a shallow depth and regarded as a heat source of the active Kakkonda geothermal system. The core samples were collected at the present formation temperatures of 370, 410 and over 500°C. These samples are granodiorite to tonalite consisting mainly of plagioclase, quartz, hornblende, biotite and K-feldspar. A sample collected at a formation temperature of over 500°C possesses the following remarkable petrographic features compared to the other two samples. Interstitial spaces are not completely sealed. K-feldspar exhibits no perthite by the exsolution of albite lamella. Quartz includes glassy melt inclusions without devitrification. Hornblende is less intensively altered to actinolite, and biotite is not altered. This study directly confirmed that perthite in K-feldspar is a recrystallization texture formed at 410–500°C based on a comparison of the in situ temperatures of the samples. Chemical compositions of minerals were analyzed to compare temperatures determined from geothermometers in several publications to the in situ temperatures of the samples.  相似文献   
K–Ar ages have been determined for 14 late Miocene to Pliocene volcanic rocks in the north of the Kanto Mountains, Japan, for tracking the location of the volcanic front through the time. These samples were collected from volcanoes located behind the trench–trench–trench (TTT) triple junction of the Pacific, Philippine Sea, and North American plates. This junction is the site of subduction of slabs of the Pacific and the Philippine Sea plates, both of which are thought to have influenced magmatism in this region. The stratigraphy and K–Ar ages of volcanic rocks in the study area indicate that volcanism occurred between the late Miocene and the Pliocene, and ceased before the Pleistocene. Volcanism in adjacent areas of the southern NE Japan and northern Izu–Bonin arcs also occurred during the Pliocene and ceased at around 3 Ma with the westward migration of the volcanic front, as reported previously. Combining our new age data with the existing data shows that before 3 Ma the volcanic front around the TTT junction was located about 50 km east of the preset‐day volcanic front. We suggest that northward subduction of the Philippine Sea Plate slab ended at ~3 Ma as a result of collision between the northern margin of the plate with the surface of the Pacific Plate slab. This collision may have caused a change in the subduction vector of the Philippine Sea Plate from the original north‐directed subduction to the present‐day northwest‐directed subduction. This indicates that the post ~3 Ma westward migration of the volcanic front was a result of this change in plate motion.  相似文献   
In 2011, Japan was hit by a tsunami that was generated by the greatest earthquake in its history. The first tsunami warning was announced 3 min after the earthquake, as is normal, but failed to estimate the actual tsunami height. Most of the structural countermeasures were not designed for the huge tsunami that was generated by the magnitude M = 9.0 earthquake; as a result, many were destroyed and did not stop the tsunami. These structures included breakwaters, seawalls, water gates, and control forests. In this paper we discuss the performance of these countermeasures, and the mechanisms by which they were damaged; we also discuss damage to residential houses, commercial and public buildings, and evacuation buildings. Some topics regarding tsunami awareness and mitigation are discussed. The failures of structural defenses are a reminder that structural (hard) measures alone were not sufficient to protect people and buildings from a major disaster such as this. These defenses might be able to reduce the impact but should be designed so that they can survive even if the tsunami flows over them. Coastal residents should also understand the function and limit of the hard measures. For this purpose, non-structural (soft) measures, for example experience and awareness, are very important for promoting rapid evacuation in the event of a tsunami. An adequate communication system for tsunami warning messages and more evacuation shelters with evacuation routes in good condition might support a safe evacuation process. The combination of both hard and soft measures is very important for reducing the loss caused by a major tsunami. This tsunami has taught us that natural disasters can occur repeatedly and that their scale is sometimes larger than expected.  相似文献   
The Asian dust events in 2008 (May 24–June 4 in 2008) and in 2009 (March 12–25, October 13–26, and December 15–28 in 2009) were analyzed with the lidar network observations, surface observations in China, Korea, Japan, and Mongolia, and with the chemical transport model CFORS. Transport of Asian dust and mixing of dust with air pollution aerosols were studied. The event of May 24 to June 4 in 2008 was a significant event unusually late in the spring dust season. The dust event of March 12–25, 2009 was an interesting example of elevated dust layer, and transport of dust from the elevated dust layer to the ground by the boundary layer activity was observed with the lidars and surface observations in Japan. The concentration of air pollution aerosols was relatively high during the dust event, and the results suggest that vertical structure as well as transport path is important for the mixing of dust and air pollution aerosols. The dust events in October and December 2009 were examples of dust events in autumn and winter. The online mode CFORS reproduced the observation data generally well, except for the event of May 24 to June 4 in 2008. The results of the fourdimensional variational assimilation of the lidar network data reproduced the dust concentration in Korea and Japan reasonably in that event.  相似文献   
l.Introducti0nTheclimateformationandvariabilityisnotonlythereflectionofatmosphericinternalbe-havi0rbutalsotheinnuencefromtheinteractionexistSintheclimatesystem.Becausetherela-tivecooIingandheatingsourcesofatmospherearelocatedinthePOlarandtropicalregionrespectively,itiseasytounderstandthattheArcticseaicecoverandSSTanomalieswhichim-pocttheatmosphericheatingtosomeextentcanexerttheirinfluenceontheremotCatmosphericcirculation-Inthisregard,thefocusrelatedtheinflueneeofArcticseaicecoverandtropica…  相似文献   
Abstract– Enstatite chondrites (ECs) were subjected to noble gas analyses using stepped crushing and pyrolysis extraction methods. ECs can be classified into subsolar gas‐carrying and subsolar gas‐free ECs based on the 36Ar/84Kr/132Xe ratios. For subsolar gas‐free ECs, elemental ratios, and Xe isotopic compositions indicate that Q gas is the dominant trapped component, the Q gas concentration can be correlated with the petrologic type, reasonably explained by gas release from a common EC parental material during subsequent heating. Atmospheric Xe with sub‐Q elemental ratios is found in Antarctic E3s at 600–800 °C and through crushing. The 132Xe released in these fractions accounts for 30–60% of the bulk concentrations. Hence, the sub‐Q signature is generally due to contamination of elementally fractionated atmosphere. Subsolar gas is mainly released (up to 78% of the bulk 36Ar) at 1300–1600 °C and through crushing, suggesting that enstatite and friable phases are the host phases. Subsolar gas is isotopically identical to solar gas, but elementally fractionated. These observations are consistent with a previous study, which suggested that subsolar gas could be fractionated solar wind having been implanted into chondrule precursors ( Okazaki et al. 2001 ). Unlike subsolar gas‐free ECs, the primordial gas concentrations of subsolar gas‐carrying ECs are not simply correlated with the petrologic type. It is inferred that subsolar gas‐rich chondrules were heterogeneously distributed in the solar nebula and accreted to form subsolar gas‐carrying ECs. Subsequent metamorphic and impact‐shock heating events have affected noble gas compositions to various degrees.  相似文献   

The needs of reservoirs grow with population, standard of living, urbanization in the form of water supply, flood control, hydroelectric generation, navigation, recreation etc. Their development inevitably involves a substantial degree of environmental impact. The impact of reservoirs, on an average, increases in an exponential way with their size. If the marginal net benefit were assessed at the margin of the capacity, many giant reservoirs for primarily hydroelectric purpose would not be justified when the negative environmental impacts are counted. The reservoir size should not exceed the size whose marginal negative environmental impact becomes more than that of any alternative means elsewhere that can provide the same level of incremental gain in the global objectives. This is called the least marginal environmental impact rule. In order to make such a rule operational, many alternative means should be made available that can be sought along a holistic approach to water problems, that is, integrated water resources management, where a reservoir is only one of many options to be chosen.  相似文献   
2004年春季(2003年12月至2004年5月)利用激光雷达在北京和呼和浩特对沙尘天气进行了连续观测。利用激光雷达的数据导出了沙尘和大气污染物气溶胶消光系数的关系,对两个地点的沙尘天气特征和大气污染特征进行了探讨。该期间在呼和浩特观测到较大型的沙尘事件(消光系数大于0.3·km-1)有9次,这些起源于蒙古国/内蒙古的沙尘事件晚于呼和浩特6~10 h在北京被观测到。在呼和浩特观测到的沙尘云块的高度普遍较低(由地表至高空1~2 km),而在北京较高一般可达到2~4 km,同一沙尘事件的最高浓度(消光系数)是呼和浩特高于北京。在北京观测到的沙尘天气共有17次,其中包括数次小规模的沙尘事件在呼和浩特未观测到。从北京及呼和浩特的观测结果可以看出,北京地区3~5月沙尘的背景浓度高于呼和浩特,北京地区具有明显的区域规模大气污染特征,而呼和浩特只具有局部规模的大气污染特征。  相似文献   
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