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本文就在藏北草资源调查中,应用空间实验室量测摄影机(MC)摄得的彩色红外影像,及根据遥感影像目视判读所利用的信息空间特点和草场分类原理进行计算机自动分类的理论与方法,对利用辅助数据和影像数据复合技术的几种尝试进行了讨论,并依实地调查资料和专家判读结果对各种分类结果进行了评价。说明利用这种航天遥感资料,辅以Landsat影像生物量指标、DTM和坡度、坡向数据以及计算机自动分类技术,进行资源调查是可行的,可以达到最佳效果。  相似文献   
A global mean ocean model including atmospheric heating, heat capacity of the mixed layer ocean, and vertical thermal diffusivity in the lower ocean, proposed by Cess and Goldenberg (1981), is used in this paper to study the sen-sitivity of global warming to the vertical diffusivity. The results suggest that the behaviour of upper ocean tempera-ture is mainly determined by the magnitude of upper layer diffusivity and an ocean with a larger diffusivity leads to a less increase of sea surface temperature and a longer time delay for the global warming induced by increasing CO2 than that with smaller one. The global warming relative to four scenarios of CO2 emission assumed by Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change (IPCC) is also estimated by using the model with two kinds of thermal diffusivities. The result shows that for various combinations of the CO2 emission scenarios and the diffusivities, the oceanic time delay to the global warming varies from 15 years to 70 years.  相似文献   
澜沧江上游德钦县亚高山、高山草地群落类型及其特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
摘要:采用样方调查方法获得94个草地群落样方,对澜沧江上游德钦县亚高山、高山草地群落类型及其特点进行了初步分析。结果表明,该县亚高山、高山草地群落类型存在20个类型。在放牧干扰下,大多数群落类型处于退化状态,相互之间存在明显的群落替代关系;调查发现群落中每平方米内平均含8种草本植物,平均盖度62.4%,地上平均生物量是4859kg/hm^2,平均可食率为61.5%;鸢尾群落、牛旁群落和小狼毒群落是草地严重退化后形成的典型有毒害群落类型;长期的高强度放牧虽然增加了群落类型多样性,但减少了群落内物种多样性。总体而言,长期的放牧干扰降低了德钦草地的生物多样性的质量及其生态服务功能,导致草地生态系统的非持续发展。  相似文献   
梵净山区新元古界下部喀斯特不整合的确认及其地质意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张慧  陈明华  彭成龙  蒋开源  于宁 《贵州地质》2005,22(4):221-223,228
本文描述了梵净山区新元古界下部鸟叶组与甲路组之间的喀斯特不整合的空间分布、地质特征,从而进一步确认了它的存在;指出该不整合是格林威尔碰撞造山之后强烈隆升的产物,代表了Rodinia超大陆在新元古代裂解前地壳经历的隆起并遭受剥蚀侵蚀的历程,从而对研究该时期地层的空间变异、沉积环境,特别是探讨Rodinia超大陆岩相演化都具有重要的科学意义。  相似文献   
From systemic research of microstructure, geochemistry, uranium-series and 10Be isotope dating on a new-type deepwater ferromanganese crust from the East Philippine Sea, the paleoenvironment evolu-tion of the target area since the terminal Late Miocene was recovered. The vertical section changes of microstructure and chemical composition are consistent in the studied crust, which indicate three major accretion periods and corresponding paleoenvironment evolution of the crust. The bottom crust zone was formed in the terminal Late Miocene (5.6 Ma) with loose microstructure, high detritus content and high growth rate. Reductions of mineral element content, accretion rate and positive Ce-anomaly degree at 4.6 Ma indicate temporal warming, which went against the crust accretion and finally formed an accretion gap in the terminal Middle Pliocene (2.8―2.7 Ma). The more active Antarctic bottom sea-waters in the Late Pliocene (2.7 Ma) facilitated the fast transfer to the top pure crust zone. Hereafter, with the further apart of volcanic source and the keeping increase of eolian material (1.0 Ma), although surrounding conditions were still favorable, mineral element content still shows an obvious reducing trend. It thereby offers new carrier and data for the unclear paleoceanographic research of the target area since the terminal Late Miocene.  相似文献   
岩土工程渗流参数反问题   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:10  
刘杰  王媛  刘宁 《岩土力学》2002,23(2):152-161
系统介绍了目前国内外岩土工程渗流参数反问题研究的现状和进展,对参数辨识不适定性等问题做了讨论,并结合计算实践着重对几种典型求解方法的优缺点进行了比较和评述。对今后岩土工程渗流反问题研究提出了初浅的看法。  相似文献   
根据钢筋混凝土构件耐久性评估的特点,借助模糊数学的理论,将结构构件的损伤程度作为构件这一论域U上的模糊子集A,利用所构造的多元隶属函数,对构件的损伤程度进行评价,提出了一种耐久性分极评定方法,这一方法克服了以往在结构构件评价中存在的主观、经验等因素,该法的特点是使耐久性的每一级别都有确切的剩余寿命的内涵,而多元隶属函数法的引入减小了主观因素对评定结果的影响。经实例验算,该法准确率可达90%。  相似文献   
岩体与锚固体间粘结强度的确定   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
张发明  陈祖煜  刘宁 《岩土力学》2001,22(4):470-473
在预应力锚索设计参数的确定中,岩体与锚固体间粘结强度的确定是其十分重要的环节。现有的确定方法大多基于经验与现场试验的结合,费时费工,故有必要根据已有的试验资料确定一种定量方法。通过对国内30余例工程的统计分析表明,岩体与锚固体的粘强度不仅与岩石单轴抗压强度有关,还与内锚固段裂隙的分布与性质有关。通过室内外试验进一步建立了适合国内岩体质量指标确定的粘结强度经验公式与内锚段长度设计系数的图系,同时,也可为岩锚加固数值仿真提供经验判据。实例计算表明,所提供的确定方法与岩锚试验结果较为吻合。  相似文献   
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