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Zusammenfassung Die einzelnen tektonischen Einheiten des Iran werden in ihrer faziellen und strukturellen Entwicklungsgeschichte dargestellt. Fazies und Paläogeographie sprechen dafür, daß vom Infrakambrium bis in die Trias der gesamte Raum zwischen dem Persischen Golf und dem Elburs-Gebirge eine einheitliche Entwicklung genommen hat. Eine zusammenhängende Plattformsedimentation in Schelffazies kennzeichnet dieses Gebiet während des gesamten Zeitraums. Es ist ein Teil Gondwanas. Paläomagnetische Befunde stützen diese Aussage. Ozeanische Kruste und damit Hinweise auf die Tethys als eine strukturelle Einheit fehlen während dieser Zeit in diesem Gebiet. Lediglich als Faunenprovinz in Flachmeerfazies ist sie wirksam. Das offene Meer lag vom Infrakambrium bis zur oberen Trias im Norden. In der Trias tritt mit einer Heraushebung, die mit tiefgreifender Lateritisierung verbunden ist, und einer anschließenden Transgression ein grundlegender Wechsel des geodynamischen Regimes ein. Von jetzt an erfolgen die Ingressionen in den Iran von Süden. Eine engräumige fazielle Differenzierung setzt ein. Kontinental beeinflußte Sedimente im Jura zeigen, daß im Iran ein Hochgebiet entstanden ist. Gleichzeitig tretenwahrscheinlich in Anlehnung an langlebige Geosuturen — Ophiolith-Radiolarit-Zonen auf, die als das Ergebnis intrakratonischer Zerbrechung gedeutet werden. Die Ingressionen gehen wahrscheinlich von Tiefseerinnen aus, in denen auch die Ophiolithe konzentriert sind. Der Aufstieg des ophiolithischen Materials an die Oberfläche erfolgte entlang von Linien, an denen sich flach geneigte Unterschiebungen von Kruste unter Kruste ereigneten. Dabei kam es zu erheblichen Krustenverkürzungen. Möglicherweise fällt der Umbruch des tektonischen Regimes in der Obertrias mit der Plattenkollision Arabia-Iran/ Eurasia zusammen. Die Grenze zwischen Arabia-Iran und Eurasia liegt aber nicht im Gebiet des Persischen Golfes und der Zagros-Ketten, sondern muß nördlich des Elburs-Gebirges gesucht werden.
The individual tectonic units of Iran are represented with respect to the history of the development of their facies and structure. Facies and paleogeography indicate that the entire area between the Persian Gulf and the Elburz Mountains had a uniform development until the Triassic. During the whole period a coherent platform sedimentation remained characteristic of this area, which is part of Gondwana. Paleomagnetic data support this statement. Oceanic crust and thus any indications of the Tethys as a structural unit are absent in this area for that period of time. Its existence is only demonstrated in faunal provinces in shallow-marine facies. From the Infra-Cambrian to the Late Triassic the northern part of the area was open sea. During the Triassic, uplifting processes combined with deep lateritization and subsequent transgression initiated a basic change in the geodynamic regime. From this time on the ingressions into Iran proceeded from the south. At this time differentiation of facies began within small areas. Continental influences in the Jurassic sediments show that an elevated area was formed in Iran. At the same time ophiolite-radiolarite zones occurred, probably along long-lived geosutures. These zones are interpreted to be the result of processes breaking up the craton. Probably, the ingressions started from deep-sea furrows where ophiolite concentrations are found. The ascension of the ophiolitic material to the surface occurred along lines where gently dipping subduction of crust under crust took place. During this process it came to considerable crustal shortening. It is possible that the change in the tectonic regime during the Late Triassic coincided with the collision of the Arabia-Iran and Eurasia plates. The boundary between the Arabia-Iran and Eurasia plates is, however, not to be found in the area of the Persian Gulf and the Zagros mountain ranges, but is assumed to be north of the Elburz Mountains.

Résumé Chacune des unités tectoniques de l'Iran font l'objet d'un exposé concernant leur développement du point de vue de leur facies et de leur structure. Le facies et la paléogéographie indiquent que, de l'Infracambrien au Trias, tout le territoire compris entre le Golf persique et la chaîne de l'Elbours a eu un développement unitaire. Une sedimentation de plateforme cohérente, à facies de shell, caractérise cette région pendant toute cette période. C'est une partie du Gondwana. Des données paléomagnétiques appuient cette affirmation. Toute croûte océanique et, de ce fait toute indice d'une Téthys en temps qu'unité structurale, sont absent dans cette région à ce moment. Une mer ouverte s'y étend au nord de l'Infracambrien jusqu'au Trias supérieur. Au Trias, un soulèvement, auquel est liée une forte latéritisation, et la trangression qui lui est liée, entraînent un changement radical du régime géodynamique. A partir de ce moment, des ingressions se produisent en Iran à partir du sud introduisant des différences de facies. Des sédiments montrant une influence continentale montrent qu'au Jurassique un fort soulèvement s'est produit en Iran. En même temps, vraisemblablement suivant une géosuture depuis longtemps active, apparurent des zones ophiolothiques à radiolarites, qui indiquent une rupture intracratonique. Les ingressions émanent vraisemblablement d'un sillon océanique profond dans lequel sont également concentrées les ophiolithes. La montée du matériau ophiolithique à la surface s'en suivit le long de lignes suivant lesquelles se sont produits dessous-charriages intracrustaux, d'où sont résultés de notables racourcissements de la crôute. Il est possible que cette rupture du régime tectonique coïncide, au Trias supérieur, avec la collision des plaques de l'Arabie Iran et de l'Ewrasie. La limite entre l'Arabie-Iran et l'Eurasie ne se trouve donc pas dans la région du Golfe persique et des chaînes du Zagros, mais doit être recherchée au nord de la Chaîne de l'Elbours.

P . , , . , . , , , , . . . , , . . . , . -, , , , , . , , , . , , , . . , - . , .
Lensoid, irregular nodules and laminations of chert appear along the bedding planes and laminations of the Vidyanagar Dolomite Member of the Kaladgi Group, Karnataka, India. The field relations of the chert nodules with the host dolomite and evidence on polished hand-specimens clearly demonstrate that the cherts are secondary after dolomite. This contention finds extensive support from thin-sections which reveal floating relict dolomite fragments on a microcrystalline quartz mat, dolomite rhombs in various stages of progressive replacement, polycrystalline quartz rhombs apparently after dolomite. Chertification has also resulted in an aggrading neomorphic recrystallization of dolomicrite into dolomicrospar which rims the dislodged floating fragments of dolomite.Scanning electron microscopic studies revealed three distinct types of surfaces of chert; the polyhedral surface characteristic of microcrystalline quartz, the spongy surface characteristic of chalcedonic quartz (documented in thin-sections as semi-radiating to radiating aggregates of elongated crystals growing on the rhombic surfaces of dolomite, and the intermediate type showing both. The microcrystalline quartz seems to have originated through multinucleation at equally spaced centres on the dolomite mat, whereas the chalcedonic quartz originated by slow but direct and unhindered precipitation into cavities and residual pore-spaces, following dolomitisation. The silica invasion seems to have been accomplished by alkaline interstitial waters charged with silica.The occurrence and relation of chert-nodules with the host dolomite not only helps in unravelling their own origin, but also aids in drawing the dolomitisation curtain and in turn the post-dolomitisation diagenetic modifications of the host carbonates. It may be added, however, that the Kaladgi Carbonates have undergone mineralogical/textural modifications during diagenesis with superimposition of changes affected later, i.e. during tectonism which folded and cross-folded these sediments.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Am Südostrand des Münsterländer Kreidebeckens fließen alle größeren Wasserläufe im Bereich der Turonkalke nach NNE oder NE, obwohl das allgemeine Gelände- und Schichtengefälle nach NNW gerichtet ist. Die Ursachen für diese Abweichung sind im Mechanismus der Felserosion zu suchen, der im wesentlichen durch die Eigentümlichkeiten der Karstgerinne und durch die Gesteinszerklüftung bestimmt wird. Bei den Detailuntersuchungen geben sich komplexe Beziehungen zwischen Fließrichtung und Kluftrichtungen zu erkennen.Besonders bedeutend für die Entstehung der NNE gerichteten Täler sind die 170°- und 30°-streichenden Klüfte.
On the south-east border of the Cretaceous basin of Munster, Westfalia, the current directions of streams in the area of Turon-limestone go to NNE or NE, although the main dipping of land surface as well as bedding planes points towards NNW. This divergence is caused by the mechanism of rock erosion, which is determined by peculiarities of subterranean stream channels and joints in limestone. The investigations show complex relations between flow direction and direction of joints.The 170°- and 30°-striking joints are significant of the origin of the NNE direction of the valleys.

Résumé Dans le Turonien au bord sud-est du bassin Crétacé de Münster (Westphalie) toutes les rivières coulent en direction nord-nord-est ou nord-est, quoique la surface morphologique générale et les couches soient penchées en direction nord-nord-ouest. Cette divergence est expliquée par le mécanisme de l'érosion qui dépend principalement des fentes et du caractère des ruisseaux karstiques. Pendant ces études on a pu observer des relations complexes entre la direction des courants et la direction des fentes.Les fentes en direction nord-nord-est (30°) et sud-sud-est (170°) ont considérablement influencé l'origine des vallées.

- - , -. . . , NNE, , 170° 30°.

Herrn Professor Dr.Roland Brinkmann zum 70. Geburtstag gewidmet.  相似文献   
Gypsum contains liquid inclusions which fill mainly primary cavities. Analysis of inclusions may give some information about the mineral formation process. In places, diagenetic solutions have filled secondary cavities along cleavage planes or replaced initial liquid inclusions in primary cavities; the presence of such secondary inclusions must, therefore, be taken into consideration. This study presents our results on the Cl/Br ratio of liquid inclusions in gypsum. The Cl/Br ratio is practically constant in present sea water, and has been measured in many different types of waters. The Br content of halite has also been extensively studied to trace the compositional changes of a salt-depositing brine. In gypsum Br is present only in microscopic fluid inclusions. For this reason we used the neutron-activation method. We adopted the technique in order to prevent any contamination and obtain directly Cl/Br ratio within 10% accuracy. In order to ascertain that liquid inclusions reside mainly in primary cavities of gypsum, we selected our samples only after microscopic observation. Fifty-eight samples from different types of gypsum were analysed. The salinities of the inclusions, obtained through the data on freezing, and the Cl/Br ratio, obtained through activation-analysis, give us clues as to the nature of the fluids depositing the gypsum. Recent gypsum deposits from French salt-pans of Mediterranean and Atlantic coasts were sampled. The latter has apparently been diagenetically altered by meteoric water; the salinity of many inclusions having been changed while the Cl/Br ratio (315 and 350) in both remains close to the value of present sea water (#300). Liquid inclusions of Recent crystals from New Caledonia, deposited in mangrove swamps are enriched in Br (Cl/Br = 150 and 200). The enrichment might be related to the presence of abundant organic materials. Inclusions in crystals from Sebkha el Melah (Tunisia) also show high Br content (Cl/Br = 194). In this case, the brine was highly concentrated and was saturated with NaCl. The Upper Miocene gypsum from Sicily was studied to test the various models for the genesis of this important evaporite formation of the Mediterranean. Freezing data show some decrease of salinities, probably by groundwater diagenesis, but the Br content is high. The Cl/Br ratio is 175, and this value is similar to that of Sebkha el Melah. Samples from three thick Eocene and Oligocene sequences near Paris and in the South of France were studied. Freezing data and Cl/Br ratio of their inclusions indicate that those gypsum deposits have crystallized in marine environments receiving considerable influx of river-waters.  相似文献   
Modal metasomatism in the Kaapvaal craton lithosphere is well documented in upper mantle xenoliths sampled by both group I (mainly late Cretaceous) and group II (mainly early Cretaceous to late Jurassic) kimberlites in the Kimberley area. The metasomatic style is characterized by introduction of K, H and large ion lithophile/high field strength (LIL/HFS) elements into the lithospheric mantle leading to the crystallization of hydrous potassic phases such as phlogopite and/or K-amphibole. Textures indicate that the hydrous phases either replace pre-existing assemblages in peridotites, forming the metasomatized peridotite suite (phlogopite–K-richterite–peridotites: PKPs) or crystallize from K-rich melts, forming the mica–amphibole–rutile–ilmenite–diopside (MARID) suite of xenoliths. These K-rich assemblages become potential low melting source components for alkaline incompatible trace element enriched magmas. The timing of metasomatism and its temporal and possible genetic relation to kimberlite magmatism is poorly constrained because of the rarity of phases in the metasomatic assemblages suitable for precise dating. Here we present precise sensitive high resolution ion microprobe (SHRIMP) U–Pb formation ages of 88 ± 2 (1σ=1 standard deviation) and 82 ± 3 Ma data for zircons from a K-richterite–phlogopite-bearing metasomatized peridotite (PKP) and a MARID xenolith respectively, sampled by a group I kimberlite. Both average PKP and MARID zircon ages are indistinguishable from emplacement ages of group I kimberlites in the Kimberley area dated at 83 ± 4 (2σ) and 84 ± 0.9 Ma. One exceptionally old age spot of 102 ± 5 Ma from a PKP zircon provides evidence for modal metasomatism predating group I kimberlite emplacement by several millions of years with minor resetting of the U–Pb isotopic system of most analyzed PKP zircons to a group I emplacement age. Detailed textural and mineral chemical analysis, including high energy X-ray mapping and analysis of fluid inclusion daughter crystals, indicates a complex reaction history for both PKPs and MARIDs. U–Pb zircon ages from this study combined with literature data and experimentally derived models for MARID formation are used to suggest that MARID-formation is concurrent and genetically related to both group I and II kimberlite magmatism in the Kimberley area. MARID and PKP zircon ages are also consistent with the idea first proposed by Dawson and Smith (Geochim Cosmochim Acta 41: 309–323, 1977) that metasomatized peridotites may form from interaction of hydrous fluids expelled by solidifying MARID-type melts with peridotitic wall rocks. Received: 13 December 1999 / Accepted: 13 April 2000  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Bleiglanzproben aus verschiedenen Lagerstätten der Sierra de Cartagena wurden auf ihre Blei-Isotopen-Verhältnisse untersucht. Auffallend ist deren völlig identische Pb-Isotopen-Zusammensetzung, aus der sich nach dem Houtermans-Modell ein Modell-Alter von 30 Millionen Jahren errechnen läßt. Die Blei-Mineralisation im Erzdistrikt von Cartagena steht daher in einem sicheren Zusammenhang mit der Tätigkeit jungtertiärer subvulkanischer Magmenherde. Das Alter der Andesite wurde mittels Rb/Sr-Methode an einem Biotit des Atalaya-Andesites mit 44±27 m.y. bestimmt. Dieser Wert stimmt sehr gut mit einer Altersbestimmung an einem leukogranitischen Gang aus der Sierra Cabrera überein (50±3 m.y.). Die Ergebnisse der Spurenelement-bestimmung an Bleiglanzproben werden im Zusammenhang mit schon früher mitgeteilten Schwefel-Isotopen-Daten diskutiert.
Lead isotope ratios have been determined in galena samples from the Sierra de Cartagena (Spain). The range of the Pb-isotopes is extremely narrow within the ore district, which contains different types of ore deposits. The age of the galena bearing ore deposits has been determined by using the Houtermansmodel: 30 million years. The lead minertalisation in the district therefore may be linked to the subvolcanic activity of Tertiary age. Ascribing the mineralisation to three volcanic episodes of Palaeozoic, Miocene and Pliocene ages and two periodes of supergene processes is not possible. Rb/Sr ratios have been determined in a biotite sample from the Atalaya andesite. The mica age is 44±27 m.y. which is in closest agreement with the age given for rocks in the Sierra Cabrera (50±3 m.y.). The results of trace element analyses are discussed in connection with previously studied sulphur isotope composition.
The primary objective of this study is to further substantiate multistep climatic forcing of late‐glacial vegetation in southern South America. A secondary objective is to establish the age of deglaciation in Estrecho de Magallanes–Bahía Inútil. Pollen assemblages at 2‐cm intervals in a core of the mire at Puerto del Hambre (53°36′21″S, 70°55′53″W) provide the basis for reconstructing the vegetation and a detailed account of palaeoclimate in subantarctic Patagonia. Chronology over the 262‐cm length of core is regulated by 20 AMS radiocarbon dates between 14 455 and 10 089 14C yr BP. Of 13 pollen assemblage zones, the earliest representing the Oldest Dryas chronozone (14 455–13 000 14C yr BP) records impoverished steppe with decreasing frequencies and loss of southern beech (Nothofagus). Successive 100‐yr‐long episodes of grass/herbs and of heath (Empetrum/Ericaceae) before 14 000 14C yr BP infer deglacial successional communities under a climate of increased continentality prior to the establishment of grass‐dominated steppe. The Bølling–Allerød (13 000–11 000 14C yr BP) is characterised by mesic grassland under moderating climate that with abrupt change to heath dominance after 12 000 14C yr BP was warmer and not as humid. At the time of the Younger Dryas (11 000–10 000 14C yr BP), grass steppe expanded with a return of colder, more humid climate. Later, with gradual warming, communities were invaded by southern beech. The Puerto del Hambre record parallels multistep, deglacial palaeoclimatic sequences reported elsewhere in the Southern Andes and at Taylor Dome in Antarctica. Deglaciation of Estrecho de Magallanes–Bahía Inútil is dated close to 14 455 14C yr BP, invalidating earlier dates of between 15 800 and 16 590 14C yr BP. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Polarized infrared absorption spectra of thin single-crystal slabs parallel to (010) and (001) of a staurolite from Pizzo Forno, Ticino, with analyzed composition (Fe2.9Mg0.9Zn0.1Mn0.1)Al17.5Ti0.1(Si7.7Al0.3)O48H3 have been measured in the range of 3000–4000 cm?1. From the pleochroitic behaviour of the OH-vibrations three groups of bands can be distinguished: the bands of group I, a strong band at 3445 cm?1 plus a weak shoulder at 3358 cm?1, and the bands of group II, a weak band centered at 3677 cm?1 plus a shoulder at 3635 cm?1, are assigned to the H1 and H2 protons, respectively. The bands of group III, a weak band at 3577 cm?1 plus a shoulder, cannot be interpreted on the basis of the proton positions known so far. We assign them to an additional proton H3, which is bonded to O1 and shows a bifurcated hydrogen bridge to two O5 in a vacant T2 site.  相似文献   
An understanding of the irregular coordination polyhedra exhibited by the M2 cations in clinopyroxenes is of prime importance in connection with the behaviour of solid solutions and polymorphism in pyroxenes.As shown by unfolding the silica chains in pigeonite, cations with octahedral stereochemistry like Mg++and Fe++ cause kinking of the silica chains, whereas larger cations like Ca++and Na+have an opposite namely straightening effect. This is a probable factor causing immiscibility in the Mg++-Ca++ solid solutions in pyroxenes. In pyroxene structures with kinked silica chains the arrangement of oxygen atoms approaches close packing; consequently different stacking sequences will be energetically possible leading to polymorphism in pyroxenes.When Pauling's electrostatic valence rule is applied to clinopyroxenes, the charge balance will be exceedingly improved if effective coordination number of M2 cation is assigned and if the distortions of M 2 coordination polyhedron is considered.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Das Randcenoman erstreckt sich über 220 km als ein der Cenoman-Serie zugehöriger Grenzbereich gegen die Flyschzone am Nordrand der Kalkalpen vom Chiemsee bis in das Große Walsertal.An einer Anzahl durchgehender Profile wurden stratigraphische und sedimentologische Untersuchungen durchgeführt.Nach Mikrofaunen konnten neue stratigraphische Belege für eine örtliche Sedimentationsfortsetzung ohne erkennbare Schichtunterbrechung vom Alb bis in das Cenoman gefunden werden. Hinweise auf unterturones Alter ergaben sich an zwei Stellen. Die alttertiären Tratenbachschichten sind tektonisch von Randcenoman und Flysch abgegrenzt.Trotz eines heterogenen Gesteinsaufbaus in vertikaler und horizontaler Ausdehnung mit einer differenzierten Wechsellagerung von Peliten, Psammiten und Psephiten zeigt die Cenoman-Serie petrographische Konstanz in Gefüge und Mineralzusammensetzung, besonders im Geröllspektrum und der Schwermineralassoziation (Chromit-SpinellPicotit).Die Gesteine des Randcenoman sind in einem einheitlichen Ablagerungsraum sedimentiert worden. Das gilt auch für ihre Anteile in der Arosa-Zone im Allgäu und im Bregenzer Wald.Faziesbeziehungen zur Flyschzone gibt es nicht.Auf das Ablagerungsmilieu deuten Flachwasserbildungen hin, die im flachen Randbereich der Geosynklinale während langdauernder Ruhigwasserfazies mit episodischen Unterbrechungen abgelagert wurden.Die petrographische Zusammensetzung der allothigenen Gerölle, ihr Rundungsgrad, ihre metamorphe Beanspruchung und ihr Erhaltungszustand lassen Analogieschlüsse mit Gesteinen vom Verrucano-Typ zu. Im Zusammenhang mit der Tonmineralführung der Pelite (Kaolinit) und der typischen Chromit-Spinell-Beteiligung kann auf ein breites Festland geschlossen werden. An der Detritusanlieferung sind neben dem mesozoischen kalkalpinen Untergrund und Gesteinen vom Verrucano-Typ Unterostalpin und Südpenninikum beteiligt. Damit sind die nördlichen Kalkalpen im Süden der Tauern beheimatet.Der Zeitraum der Überschiebung über das Penninikum liegt nicht vor Unterturon.Mittelkretazische Bewegungen werden in der Cenoman-Serie nur untergeordnet wirksam, wo sich Konglomerate und Geröllpsammite an der Wende Alb-Cenoman horizontieren lassen.
The Randcenoman extends over a distance of 220 km as a boundary part of the Cenomanian Series along the alpine Flysch at the northern margin of the Limestone Alps from Chiem-See to the Grosses Walsertal.Series of continuous profiles have been investigated by stratigraphic and sedimentologic methods.By use of microfossils it could be proved that sedimentation lasted from Albian up to Cenomanian without visible interruption. At two different localities it was possible to find references to Turonian age.The Tratenbach layers of Tertiary age are separated tectonically from the Randcenoman and the Flysch.The rocks of Randcenoman show a very constant texture and association of minerals, especially in boulders and heavy minerals (chromite-spinel-picotite).These rocks must have been sedimented into an uniform trough. Same may be said concerning their contents within the Arosa-Zone in the Algovian region and in the Woods of Bregenz. There are no connections possible with facies of the Flysch series.Sediments of low water type show that these series have been deposed along the margin of the Alpine Geosyncline during long times of stagnant waters with episodical interruptions.The petrographic composition of the allothigenic boulders, their roundness, metamorphic stress and their state of conversation allows comparisons with rocks of the series of the Verrucano.The existance of a vast continent may be derived from the clay contents of the pelites (kaolinite) and the typical appearance of chromite-spinel minerals. The detritus has been delivered partly by the Lower Austroalpine unit and southern Penninicum, and by Mesozoic series of the Limestone Alps and rocks of Verrucano type.Concluding the origin of the Northern Limestone Alps has to be located south of the Tauern window.The movement of the Austroalpine nappes over the Penninicum cannot have happened before Lower Turonian age. The movements of Middle Cretaceous time are only of small efficiency on the series of Cenomanian where conglomerates and psammites containing boulders could be dated to be of Albanian-Cenomanian age.

Résumé Le «Randcenomanien» s'étend sur 220 Km comme un ensemble-limite appartenant au Cénomanien, au contact de la zone du Flysch à la bordure Nord des Alpes calcaires, depuis le Lac de Chiem jusqu'à la «Grosse Walsertal»,L'auteur a effectué, le long d'un certain nombre de profils, des recherches stratigraphiques et sédimentologiques.A partir des microfaunes, on peut trouver de nouvelles preuves stratigraphiques en faveur d'une continuité de la sédimentation de l'Albien jusqu'au Cénomanien, sans aucune interruption reconnaissable. A deux endroits l'auteur a trouvé des indications concernant la présence du Turonien inférieur. Les couches du «Tratenbach» appartenant au Tertiaire inférieur sont séparées par voie tectonique du «Randcenomanien» et du Flysch.Malgré une constitution lithologique hétérogène, tant suivant la verticale que l'horizontale, avec des alternances bien marquées de pélites, psammites et pséphites, la série du Cénomanien montre une constance pétrographique quant à la texture et la composition minéralogique, spécialement dans la gamme des galets et l'association des minéraux lourds (Chromite-Spinelle-Picotite).Les roches du «Randcenomanien» ont été sédimentées dans un bassin uniforme; c'est aussi le cas dans la zone d'Arosa dans l'Allgäu et de la forêt de Bregenz.Il n'y a aucune connection avec les facies de la zone du Flysch.Quant au milieu de sédimentation, is est donné par les formations d'eaux profondes qui ont été déposées dans la région de bordure peu profonde du géosynclinal au cours de périodes de longue durée, en eau calme, avec seulement quelques interruptions épisodiques.La composition pétrographique des galets allothigènes, leur degré d'arrondi, leur degré de métamorphisme et leur état de conservation permettent de faire des analogies avec des roches du type Verrucano. Compte tenu aussi des minéraux argileux intervenant dans la constitution des pélites (kaolinite) et à la participation typique de la Chromite et du spinelle, on en arrive à la conclusion que le continent fournisseur de ces sédiments a été assez vaste. Aux apports détritiques du Mésozoïque inférieur des Alpes calcaires et des roches du type «Verrucano», sont venus s'ajouter ceux en provenance de l'Austroalpin inférieur et du Pennique méridional. C'est pourquoi le lieu d'origine des «Alpes calcaires» du Nord doit se trouver au sud des Tauern.Le chevauchement sur le Penninicum n'a pas eu lieu avant le Turonien inférieur.Les mouvements Crétacé inférieur dans le Cénomanien n'ont été que peu actifs, là où des conglomérats et des psammites à galets se sont épandus entre l'Albien et le Cénomanien.

Randcenoman 220 , Chiem Große Valsertal. . . , . Tratenbach Randcenoman . , , , , , (- -). Randcenoman . Arosa Allgäu Bregenzer Wald. . . , , . , () - . , . . . Tauern. . , , / .

Erweiterte Fassung eines am 25. Februar 1972 auf der 62. Jahrestagung der Geologischen Vereinigung in Frankfurt gehaltenen Vortrages.  相似文献   
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