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1 INTaoDUCTIONMany blazar-boe active galedes have recelltly been detected in MeVGeV 7-ray energyrange by detectors on board the Compton Ganuna-Ray Obsewtory (Von Mootigny et al. 1995;Hartman et al. 1999). More recently, TeV ends8ion is obsemd in some object8, such as Mrk421 (z = 0.031, Punch et al. l992), Mrk 501 (z = 0.034, Qbo et al. 1996), 1ES 2344 514(z == 0.044, Catanese et al. 1998), PKS 2155304 (z = 0.117, Chadwick et al. 1999), and1ES 1959 650 (z = 0.048, NisWa 1999). Th…  相似文献   
本文从高斯型的初始质量密度扰动出发,采用球对称演化模型计算了星系大尺度本动速度随尺度的分布。采用这样一种模型可以避免通常流体模型中线性增长以及窗函数的假设,对不同的宇宙物质主导成分的讨论表明,在各种情况下本动速度的期待值v_p在大尺度上的分布是随着尺度的增大而逐渐减小,这与流体模型以及宇宙弦模型下的趋势是一致的,但对所有参数的可能取值所作的计算表明,理论结果很难解释Dressler等人在r~60h~(-1)Mpc的尺度上观测到的大的本动速度,这很可能是由于在本星系群(LG)之外r 60h~(-1)Mpc的远处存在着一个大质量的物质凝聚区域。  相似文献   
Yunnan is famous for its attractive karst landscapes especially shilins, fengcong and fenglin. The development of caves beneath the shilins in the vicinity of Lunan is closely connected with the formation of shilins. Most of the waters percolating through shilins run through the caves beneath them and are responsible for their formation. The study of cave speleogenesis deepens knowledge about both the development of shilins and karst structure. In the vicinity of the Lunan Shilin, speleological, morphological and structural geological studies of four karst caves have been accomplished. At Puzhehei, Qiubei, which is characterised by numerous fenglin, fengcong and caves, speleological and morphological studies have been performed. Cave sediments for paleomagnetic analyses have been taken from all studied areas (samples CH 1-9). Karst caves in SE Yunnan are probably much older than the age of the cave sediments (<780,000 years B.P.). The studied areas are located in the vicinity of the Xiaojiang fault (N-S  相似文献   
The opening-closing tectonics theory, a theory about opening-closing tectonics, is a viewpoint regarding geotectonics suggested by a group of Chinese scientists. Opening and closing are two basic geological movements, which may result in a series of structures. The highest level of opening is the appearance of oceans and the highest level of closing is the consolidation of continents. Based on field investigations, the authors consider that identifying the marks of opening-closing tectonics is the basis of the issue and classifying the types of opening-closing tectonics is the key of the issue. This paper briefly discusses the substance and the future of the study on the opening-closing tecton cs in China. The authors hope to share relevant information with geoscientists in the world in this field.  相似文献   
Lake geomorphology and high-level lacustrine deposits since the mid-late Pleistocene are well preserved in lakes of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. According to geological surveys of 17 lake districts in different locations of the plateau, combined with interpretations of satellite images and topographic maps, the authors studied the timing of formation and scopes of the pan-lake areas of the plateau and their paleoclimate. The latest two high lake levels (overflow surfaces) on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in the Quaternary occurred at N40 to 30/35 ka and N65 to 53 ka respectively. In these time intervals, the plateau was covered by huge interconnected pan-lake systems with a total area of -36 km^2 and a total volume of lake water of 〉530 million km^2, which are about 38 times and 659 times larger than those of the modern lakes respectively. Before this pan-lake period in the late Pleistocene, there had been three high lake levels that occurred at N 132-112 ka, 110-95 ka and 91-72/-83-75 ka respectively, suggesting that the late Quaternary climate on the plateau was unstable and changed rapidly. The -40-30 ka high lake level also appeared in the Tengger desert north of the plateau, suggesting that there existed very strong summer monsoons from South Asia then; the variation in solar radiation with a 20,000 precessional period has special importance for the high-altitude Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in the low-latitude zone of the Earth. Around 30 ka, the pan-lakes at the peripheries of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau drained out suddenly with rapid uplift of the plateau and cooling. In a short time the huge amount of cold lake water emptied into the Indian Ocean and Western Pacific. The draining event of the pan-lakes brought about the environmental changes of rivers and lakes at peripheries of the plateau.  相似文献   
高分辨率层序地层学在陆相地层研究中若干问题的讨论   总被引:27,自引:3,他引:24  
高分辨率层序地层学在实际应用中尚存在若干值得注意的问题。理论上要深刻理解基准面概念的涵义,认识到基准面的相对性属性;注意区分地层记录中存在着自旋回和异旋回两种不同成因机制的沉积旋回。在基准面旋回的划分和识别上,原有的短期、中期和长期旋回三级划分方案在定义上过于含糊,易产生歧义,建议以多数学者比较认同的旋回时限进行五级划分为宜。在应用上,以相组合和相序特征为依据划分基准面旋回,避免以粒序特征为凭识别基准面旋回,结合实践提出陆相沉积环境中从冲积平原→深湖相的五级基准面旋回识别模式和实例。  相似文献   
填隙矿物的流体包裹体研究与矿物的同位素地球化学研究可较好地揭示高放废物深地质处置库预选场址的深部热环境及古地下水热历史。中国高放废物深地质处置库第一个预选场深部花岗岩内填隙矿物的同位素、矿物学以及流体包裹体研究结果显示,甘肃北山地区花岗岩深部至少存在两种环境:浅部花岗岩(0~150m)填隙方解石的δ^18O=-18.2‰~-15.8‰(PDB),δ^13C=-9.5‰~-8.4‰(PDB),包裹体的均一温度(th)为140~160℃,包裹体的冰点温度为-2.5~-1.5℃,地下水可能以大气降水成因为主,且可能混合了盆地卤水并与花岗岩反应,形成温度、盐度(2%~5%,NaCleq)均较低的地下水;在350~550m区段内(深部花岗岩),其δ^18O值为-32.6‰~-17.6‰(PDB),δ^13C值为-10.5‰~-6.2‰(PDB),流体包裹体的均一温度较其上部的稍高,为160~190℃,而其冰点温度则较低,为-4~-3.2℃(盐度5%~8%,NaCleq),地下水类型为大气降水与盆地古卤水的混合,以大气降水为主。石英的氧同位素组成和计算的古地下水氧同位素组成则进一步表明,花岗岩深部(350~550m)也存在两种温度环境:较低温度(140~160℃)、较高盐度(5.5%~8%,NaCleq)的地下水;较高温度(220~240℃)、较低盐度(3%~5.5%,NaCleq)的地下水,其地下水类型为大气降水和与花岗岩平衡的卤水。  相似文献   
利用三河—平谷8.0级大震区实施的深地震反射剖面与宽角反射剖面探测方法获得的结果进行了综合研究和解释. 结果表明:两种探测方法给出的地壳基本分层是一致的,在三河—平谷大震区上地壳的埋深为21~23km,莫霍界面的深度为36~37km;该地区基底结构起伏变化较大,浅部断裂发育,在确定的数条断裂构造带中夏垫断裂是一条特征明显、深浅共存的断裂构造带;震源区周围差异明显的速度异常结构和特殊而复杂的地质构造环境意味着这些部位是发生大地震的有利部位;该地区莫霍界面起伏变化和较厚的反射叠层以及局部复杂的楔形反射带的存在等现象表明,该地区地壳结构发生过强烈的挤压、变形,同时也反映出岩浆活动对下地壳结构进行了物质的和结构的强烈改造,从而构成了该地区复杂的地壳深部结构,可将其视为三河—平谷8.0级大地震孕育和发生的深部要素.  相似文献   
重力波诱导OH气辉分布的变化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
利用全隐欧拉格式和全球热层-电离层-中间层-电动力学环流耦合模式(TIME GCM) ,本文分析了非线性重力波在向上传播过程中对OH气辉廓线的影响,结果表明,当较小垂直 尺度重力波经过OH气辉发射层时,对其峰值分布有明显的影响,有时会出现双峰现象,说明 非线性重力波传播是引起气辉双峰分布的一个直接原因;重力波在中层顶区域的破碎 在OH气辉分布均有不同程度的表现,这不仅可以解释一些实际的观测,同时也对利用OH气辉 观测分析重力波传播特性有明显的指示意义.   相似文献   
激发态氮分子N*2在电离层F区中起着重要的作用,它使F区占主导地位的O+离子的损失率增大,从而使该区的电子浓度减少. 本文利用理论电离层数值模型,通过考虑与不考虑N*2的作用,对包括1990年6月、1997年5月、1998年5月以及2000年4月磁暴事件在内的时间区间的电离层响应情形进行模拟研究,并与实测结果进行对比. 结果表明,N*2对电离层电子浓度的影响在太阳活动高年非常明显,在太阳活动低年虽有些影响,但效果并不明显,其程度远不如高年. 在太阳活动高年,不仅是磁暴期间,在较宁静期间也必须考虑N*2的影响. 而且,在考虑N*2的作用时,还与激发态振动温度Tν有关,在采用Tν=Tn(其中Tn为背景中性大气的温度)的简化处理时,所得结果与观测结果的符合程度不如对Tν进行精确计算时所得的结果好. 模拟结果还表明,太阳活动高年,N*2作用的结果主要是使150km高度以上的F区电离层电子浓度减少,而对150km以下高度的电离层电子浓度则影响不大. 另外,N*2基本不影响F2层峰高hmF2的值.  相似文献   
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