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定降深抽水引起的泰斯承压含水层水平运动   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
根据Darcy-Gersevanov广义渗流关系式,导出了单井定降深抽水引起的泰斯含水层水平位移和水平应变解析表达式。数值计算分析表明,定降深抽水引起的含水层水平运运方向沿径向向内,水平运动速度随抽水时间增长呈指数衰减,位移量则随抽水时间增加呈指数增长。定降深抽水引起的含水层径向应变在空间上具有近井挤压,远井拉张的分区特征,且近井挤压区随抽水时间增加不断向外扩展;切向应变主要表现为环向挤压,且其应变大小随半径增大迅速衰减,随时间增长呈指数增大。  相似文献   
青藏高原地壳水平差异运动的GPS观测研究   总被引:25,自引:8,他引:17  
青藏高原及其周边580多个GPS站点的观测资料为基础,通过消除青藏高原的整体刚性运动,将GPS水平速度场归化到“青藏高原整体固定”的参考框架下,使青藏高原内部不同区域的水平差异运动得以获得最大限度的突出。所得速度场图像显示:①以玛尼-玉树-鲜水河断裂为界的青藏高原东南部区域,最突出的内部水平形变表现为一条绕喜马拉雅东构造结的挤出式顺时针“流滑带”。而这一流滑带前缘速度场在青藏高原东南角呈现扇形发散特征,表明整个流滑带起因于高塑性上地壳物质在挤压和重力共同作用下的侧向逃逸;②介于玛尼-玉树-鲜水河断裂和海原断裂之间的青藏高原东北部区域,总体上表现出比较均匀的左旋剪切带特性,但这种左旋剪切在青藏高原东缘的龙门山一带已不再明显,且四川盆地及其以北区域,并未承受强烈挤压。因此,青藏高原东北部区域,相对于高原整体,并无明显的东向逃逸。③在整个青藏高原区域内,阿尔金断裂、海原断裂及玛尼-玉树-鲜水河断裂两侧的速度场显示了明显的差异,反映出这三条断裂带现今强烈的活动性。由于位于玛尼-玉树-鲜水河断裂和喀喇昆仑-嘉黎断裂之间的塑性流滑带的独立东向“逃逸”所产生的“拖拽”使流滑带以北区域表现为整体均匀的左旋剪切,而流滑带以南区域呈现了一定的右旋剪切。  相似文献   
地壳形变与地下水异常关系研究进展   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:11  
地壳形变异常是地壳构造变动中直接的表现,也是物理含义最为明确的地震前兆之一。地下水异常能够提供多种形式的构造活动过程(包括地震)。这两类异常能够以不同的力式和特点反映出地震孕育过程中伴随的前兆信息,并成为地震预报的重要手段;而它们之间既相互联系又相互影响。因此,对两类异常关系的研究对于识别地震前兆特别是短临前兆至关重要。归类了地震孕育模型及其前兆异常机理,并对前兆异常机理进行归纳整理和简述,然后从机理和前兆方面综述了地壳形变与地下水异常关系的研究成果。  相似文献   
Based on the existing cumulus convective parameterization schemes,a mass flux scheme(MFS)for cumulus convective parameterization has been successfully developed by reference to thework of Chen et al.(1996).The MFS is a comprehensive scheme.In MFS,not only theimportance of the large-scale moisture convergence is taken into account,but also it includes thecumulus updrafts and downdrafts,cumulus-induced subsidence in the environmental air.entrainment,detrainment and evaporation.The interaction between the cumulus and theenvironment is described by using a one-dimensional bulk model.At the same time the schemeincludes the penetrative and shallow convections.The MFS has been successfully incorporated into the regional climate model RegCM2developed by NCAR.The new model has been applied to simulate summer monsoon characteristicsand their variations of heavy rainfall process in the Changjiang-Huaihe River Basins for threemonths from May to July 1991.The results show that the new model can successfully simulate thisrainfall prolonged process.By comparising the model outputs of RegCM2.using the Kuo schemeand the MFS.it is found that the MFS is better in simulating the surface temperature,rainfallposition and amount,and rainfall duration.  相似文献   
Based on Chen et al. (2006), the scheme of the combination of the pentad-mean zonal height departure nonlinear prediction with the T42L9 model prediction was designed, in which the pentad zonal heights at all the 12-initial-value-input isobar levels from 50 hPa to 1000 hPa except 200, 300, 500, and 700 hPa were derived from nonlinear forecasts of the four levels by means of a good correlation between neighboring levels. Then the above pentad zonal heights at 12 isobar-levels were transformed to the spectrum coefficients of the temperature at each integration step of T42L9 model. At last, the nudging was made. On account of a variety of error accumulation, the pentad zonal components of the monthly height at isobar levels output by T42L9 model were replaced by the corresponding nonlinear results once more when integration was over. Multiple case experiments showed that such combination of two kinds of prediction made an improvement in the wave component as a result of wave-flow nonlinear interaction while reducing the systematical forecast errors. Namely the monthly-mean height anomaly correlation coefficients over the high- and mid-latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere, over the Southern Hemisphere and over the globe increased respectively from 0.249 to 0.347, from 0.286 to 0.387, and from 0.343 to 0.414 (relative changes of 31.5%, 41.0%, and 18.3%). The monthly-mean root-mean-square error (RMSE) of T42L9 model over the three areas was considerably decreased, the relative change over the globe reached 44.2%. The monthly-mean anomaly correlation coefficients of wave 4-9 over the areas were up to 0.392, 0.200, and 0.295, with the relative change of 53.8%, 94.1%, and 61.2%, and correspondingly their RMSEs were decreased respectively with the rate of 8.5%, 6.3%, and 8.1%. At the same time the monthly-mean pattern of parts of cases were presented better.  相似文献   
根据点源孕震力学模型 ,应用福建 台湾地区GPS位移速度资料反演 1999年台湾南投Mw7.6大震前的孕震参数。反演所得的震中与实际发生的地震震中相差 6 7km ,主压应力场方向为 319.9°,倾角 - 2 8.6° ,即仰角2 8.6° ,与用震源机制解得到的P轴方向和倾角分别相差 17°和 8.6° ,与菲律宾板块向亚洲板块挤压的方向是一致的。用土耳其地区GPS位移速率资料反演 1999年土耳其Mw7.6地震前的孕震参数 ,反演得到的震中与实际震中相差 70km ,主应力方位角和倾角分别为 16 2 .5°、11.5°,与震源机制解结果分别差 2 4 .5°和 1.5°。  相似文献   
Systematic errors have recently been founded to be distinct in the zonal mean component forecasts, which account for a large portion of the total monthly-mean forecast errors. To overcome the difficulty of numerical model, the monthly pentad-riean nonlinear dynamic regional prediction models of the zonal mean geopotential height at 200, 300, 500, and 700 hPa based on a large number of historical data (NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data) were constituted by employing the local approximation of the phase space reconstruction theory and nonlinear spatio-temporal series prediction method. The 12-month forecast experiments of 1996 indicated that the results of the nonlinear model are better than those of the persistent, climatic prediction, and T42L9 model either over the high- and mid-latitude areas of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres or the tropical area. The root-mean-square of the monthly-mean height of T42L9 model was considerably decreased with a change of 30.4%, 26.6%, 82.6%, and 39.4%, respectively, over the high- and mid-latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere, over the high- and mid-latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere, over the tropics and over the globe, and also the corresponding anomaly correlation coefficients over the four areas were respectively increased by 0.306-0.312, 0.304-0.429, 0.739-0.746, and 0.360-0.400 (averagely a relative change of 11.0% over the globe) by nonlinear correction after integration, implying that the forecasts given by nonlinear model include more useful information than those of T42L9 model.  相似文献   
The Antarctic Continent has become the largest natural preservatory of meteorites in the world because of its unique geographical position and climatic conditions. Mt. Grove is located in the inland area of the Antarctic Continent where the conditions are favorable for the preservation of meteorites. During China's 15th, 16th and 19th Antarctic Scientific Explorations a large number of meteorites were recovered in the Mt. Grove region. Especially during the 19th Exploration in 2002/03 a total of 4448 meteorites were recovered, which at one stroke put China among countries that have recovered most numbers of meteorites. Here, we report mainly the results of microscope and electron microprobe studies of 28 meteorites recovered during the 16th Exploration. The meteorites are chemically classified based on their mean Fa contents of olivine, mean Fs contents of low-Ca pyroxene and abundances of Fe-Ni metal. We also give a brief account of the meteorite recovery during the three Explorations and of some preli  相似文献   
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