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The vegetation dynamics and land use/land cover types of Birantiya Kalan watershed located in the arid tracts of western Rajasthan have been characterized and evaluated using Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System (GIS). The watershed under study falls in the transitional plain of Luni Basin and is characterized by Aravali ranges in the eastern half and vast alluvial plains in the west. The land use/land cover types, as identified are cropland, fallow, forest, land with scrub, land without scrub, sandy area and the water body. Land with scrub occupied maximum area (39% area of the watershed) in 1996 in place of crop land which was dominant (43% of total area) in the year 1988. During eight years period, seasonal fallow land increased significantly and the areal extent of water body decreased to almost half. Vegetation vigour types have been classified into very poor, poor. moderate, good and very good categories. Moderate vigour type reduced from 62 to 27% and poor type increased from 34 to 68% during the period 1988 to 1996. Other vegetation vigour types have not shown any significant changes. To quantify the changes over the years in both vegetation and land use/land cover, weightages have been given to each type and composite values of both vegetation vigour and land use types for 1996 and 1988 have been calculated. It has been observed that the ratio for vegetation vigour has been found to be 0.85 showing that the overall vegetation have not improved after the treatment. The ratio for land use is found to be 1.01, which indicates negligible change in land use.  相似文献   

Widespread forest fire events occurred in the foothills of North Western Himalaya during 24 April to 2 May 2016 (Event-1) and 20–30 May 2018 (Event-2). Their impacts were investigated on the distribution of pollutant gases ozone (O3), carbon monoxide (CO), and oxides of nitrogen (NOx) over Uttarakhand using simulations of Weather Research and Forecasting model coupled with chemistry (WRF-Chem) and in-situ observations of these gases over Dehradun, the capital of Uttarakhand. During Event-1, the observed CO mixing ratio over Dehradun increased from 25 April 2016 onwards, attained maximum (705.8 ± 258 ppbv) on 2 May 2016 and subsequently decreased. The rate of increase of daily baseline CO was 29 ppbv/day during HFAP (High Fire Activity Period). During Event-2, daily average concentrations of CO, O3, and NOx showed systematic increase over Dehradun during HFAP period. The rate of increase of CO was 9 ppbv/day, while it was very small for NOx and O3. To quantitatively estimate the influence of forest fire emissions, two WRF-Chem simulations were made: one with biomass burning (BB) emissions and other without BB emissions. These simulations showed 52% (34%) enhancement in CO, 52% (32%) enhancement in NOx, and 11% (9%) enhancement in O3 during HFAP for Event-1 (Event-2). A clear positive correlation (r = 0.89 for Event-1, r = 0.69 for Event-2) was found between ?O3 (O3with BB minus O3without BB) and ?CO (COwith BB minus COwithout BB), indicating rapid production of ozone in the fire plumes. For both the events, the vertical distribution of ?O3, ?CO, and ?NOx showed that forest fire emissions influenced the air quality upto 6.5 km altitude. Peaks in ?O3, ?CO, and ?NOx during different days suggested the role of varying dispersion and horizontal mixing of fire plumes.  相似文献   
Wang  Sai  Nath  Debashis  Chen  Wen  Ma  Tianjiao 《Climate Dynamics》2020,54(11):4499-4513
Climate Dynamics - The second empirical orthogonal function mode (EOF2) of winter surface air temperature (SAT) over 0°–180° E, 40°–90° N during 1979–2005 is...  相似文献   
The presence of light-absorbing aerosols(LAA) in snow profoundly influence the surface energy balance and water budget.However,most snow-process schemes in land-surface and climate models currently do not take this into consideration.To better represent the snow process and to evaluate the impacts of LAA on snow,this study presents an improved snow albedo parameterization in the Snow–Atmosphere–Soil Transfer(SAST) model,which includes the impacts of LAA on snow.Specifically,the Snow,Ice and Aerosol Radiation(SNICAR) model is incorporated into the SAST model with an LAA mass stratigraphy scheme.The new coupled model is validated against in-situ measurements at the Swamp Angel Study Plot(SASP),Colorado,USA.Results show that the snow albedo and snow depth are better reproduced than those in the original SAST,particularly during the period of snow ablation.Furthermore,the impacts of LAA on snow are estimated in the coupled model through case comparisons of the snowpack,with or without LAA.The LAA particles directly absorb extra solar radiation,which accelerates the growth rate of the snow grain size.Meanwhile,these larger snow particles favor more radiative absorption.The average total radiative forcing of the LAA at the SASP is 47.5Wm~(-2).This extra radiative absorption enhances the snowmelt rate.As a result,the peak runoff time and "snow all gone" day have shifted 18 and 19.5 days earlier,respectively,which could further impose substantial impacts on the hydrologic cycle and atmospheric processes.  相似文献   

A finite element model to simulate runoff and soil erosion from agricultural lands has been developed. The sequential solutions of the governing differential equations were found: Richards' equation with a sink term for infiltration and soil water dynamics under cropped conditions; St Venant equation with kinematic wave approximation for overland and channel flow; and sediment continuity equation, for soil erosion. The model developed earlier has been improved to simulate erosion/deposition in impoundments and predicted and observed soil loss values were in reasonably good agreement when the model was tested for a conservation bench terrace (CBT) system. The finite element model was extensively applied to study the hydrological behaviour of a CBT system vis-à-vis the conventional system of sloping borders. The model estimates runoff and soil loss reasonably well, under varying conditions of rainfall and at different crop growth stages. The probable reasons for discrepancies between observation and simulation are reported and discussed. Sensitivity analysis was carried out to study the effect of various hydrological, soil and topographical parameters, such as ratio of contributing to receiving areas, weir length, depth of impoundment, slope of contributing area, etc. on the flow behaviour in a CBT system.  相似文献   
The present study demonstrates the importance of hydrogeochemical characteristics (groundwater flow and recharge) of an aquifer in the release of As to groundwater. The study area (∼20 km2) is located in Chakdaha block, Nadia district, West Bengal, which hosts groundwaters of variable As content. The spatial distribution pattern of As is patchy with areas containing groundwater that is high in As (>200 μg L−1) found in close vicinity to low As (<50 μg L−1) groundwaters (within 100 m). The concentration of groundwater As is found to decrease with depth. In addition, the data shows that there is no conspicuous relationship between high groundwater As concentration and high groundwater abstraction, although the central cone of depression has enlarged over 2 a and is extending towards the SE of the study area. The river Hooghly, which forms the NW boundary of the study site, shows dual behaviour (effluent and influent during pre- and post-monsoon periods, respectively), complicating the site hydrogeology. The observed groundwater flow lines tend to be deflected away from the high As portion of the aquifer, indicating that groundwater movement is very sluggish in the As-rich area. This leads to a high residence time for this groundwater package, prolonging sediment–water interaction, and hence facilitating groundwater As release.  相似文献   
塔克拉玛干沙漠是亚洲沙尘气溶胶的重要源地。为探讨塔克拉玛干地区沙尘气溶胶的理化特性与时空变化,研究其环境与气候效应,本文分析了四个季节在中国敦煌(塔克拉玛干沙漠内)取得的探空气球观测数据,包括气溶胶的数浓度、粒径分布、质量浓度及在西风主导下的水平输送通量。气溶胶数浓度的垂直廓线显示,来自沙漠地区的矿物粒子对局地环境与气候有重要影响,且所有季节都存在长距离输送。粒子谱分布显示局地有大量粗粒子输入。结果说明,源于塔克拉玛干沙漠的沙尘气溶胶的背景输送有着重要的科学意义,需进一步研究其对东亚和西太平洋地区环境与气候的影响。  相似文献   
Planetary wave reflection from the stratosphere played a significant role in changing the tropospheric circulation pattern over Eurasia in mid-January 2008. We studied the 2008 event and compared with composite analysis(winters of 2002/2003,2004/2005, 2006/2007, 2007/2008, 2010/2011 and 2011/2012), when the downward coupling was stronger, by employing time-lagged singular value decomposition analysis on the geopotential height field. In the Northern Hemisphere, the geopotential fields were decomposed into zonal mean and wave components to compare the relative covariance patterns. It was found that the wavenumber 1(WN1) component was dominant compared with the wavenumber 2(WN2) component and zonal mean process. For the WN1 field, the covariance was much higher(lower) for the negative(positive) lag, with a prominent peak around +15 days when the leading stratosphere coupled strongly with the troposphere. It contributed to the downward coupling due to reflection, when the stratosphere exhibited a partially reflective background state. We also analyzed the evolution of the WN1 anomaly and heat flux anomaly, both in the troposphere and stratosphere, during January–March 2008. The amplitude of the tropospheric WN1 pattern reached a maximum and was consistent with a downward wave coupling event influenced by the stratospheric WN1 anomaly at 10 h Pa. This was consistent with the reflection of the WN1 component over Eurasia, which triggered an anomalous blocking high in the Urals–Siberia region. We further clarified the impact of reflection on the tropospheric WN1 field and hence the tropospheric circulation pattern by changing the propagation direction during and after the event.  相似文献   
This study aims at finding out possible relation between lithology and spatial pattern of dissolved arsenic (As) in groundwater around Chakdaha municipality, West Bengal, India. Satellite image, coupled with electrical resistivity survey and borehole drilling helps to delineate surface and sub-surface lithological framework of the As affected alluvial aquifers. The satellite imagery demonstrate that the high As area are presumably under active flood plain environment (low-lying areas), that constantly receive organics due to periodic flooding. Thick low resistive (fine-grained) layer was observed at the top around the high As areas, which, however, not found in low As areas. The result suggests that hydraulic properties of the surface/sub-surface soil/sediment have an important control on the fate and transport of As in the aquifer. This study demonstrates that electrical resistivity tools can be effectively used for the reconnaissance survey in characterizing the plausible lithological framework of an alluvial aquifer containing As.  相似文献   
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