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Correction of sunspot intensities for scattered light usually involves fitting theoretical curves to observed aureoles (Zwaan, 1965; Staveland, 1970, 1972). In this paper we examine the inaccuracies in the determination of scattered light by this method. Earlier analyses are extended to examine uncertainties due to the choice of the expression for limb darkening, including terms up to sin12 . For the spread function we consider Lorentzians and Gaussians for which analytic expressions for the aureole can be written down. Lorentzians lead to divergence and normalization difficulties, and should not be used in scattered light determinations. Gaussian functions are more suitable.  相似文献   
Umbral flashes and running penumbral waves have been attributed by Moore (1972) to overstable oscillations in the umbra. His numerical results were derived by inserting physical conditions at two particular depths beneath the umbral surface. Seven variables must be specified at each point. We have extended Moore's analysis to examine the depth-dependence of overstable oscillations in a recently computed umbral model. Electrical conductivity is evaluated taking full account of partial ionization and magnetic fields. In the surface layers, within 250 km of the top of the umbral convection zone, the conductivity is so low that Joule dissipation is more rapid than the growth rate of oscillations. In these layers, Moore's results are therefore not applicable. At greater depths, oscillations can grow and we agree with Moore that both umbral flashes and penumbral waves may be due to overstable oscillations. However, we suggest that both phenomena can arise at the same depth in the spot, and not in two layers, as Moore suggests.The umbral model we used is based on Öpik's cellular convection model. The interaction between the vertical magnetic field and convection is included by varying the diameter of the cell, and not its height. The diameter is assumed to be proportional to the distance that gas diffuses relative to the field during its upward convection.Work supported by NASA Contract NGR-39-005-066.  相似文献   
It is currently believed that it is impossible to construct a radiative sunspot model in magnetohydrostatic equilibrium unless magnetic fields below the surface are excessively large (> 100 kG). This belief is based on results obtained using the mixing length theory of convection. We wish to point out that by using a different theory of convection, due to Öpik (1950), it is possible to compute a radiative sunspot model in which the field becomes no greater than 9000 G. By applying two boundary conditions, (i) depth of spot equals depth of convection zone, (ii) magnetic field has zero gradient at the base of the spot, we show that a radiative spot has a unique effective temperature for a given Wilson depression, . For = 650 km, we find T e = 3800K ; for = 150 km, T e = 3950K. According to our model, spots having T e cooler than these values should not exist.  相似文献   
Seasonal snow directly affects New Zealand??s economy through the energy, agriculture and tourism sectors. In New Zealand, little is known about the long-term variability of the snow cover and the expected impacts of climate change on snow cover. The lack of systematic historical snow observations in New Zealand means that information on interannual variability, trends and projections of future seasonal snow must be generated using simulation models. We use a temperature index snow model to calculate the accumulation and ablation of the current (1980?C1999) snowpack for more than 37,000 third-order river basins with 100?m contour intervals, resulting in over 200,000 individual model elements in New Zealand. Using this model, which captures the gross features of snow under the current climate, we assess the range of likely effects of climate change on seasonal snow in New Zealand using downscaled temperature and precipitation changes from the middle of the road (A1B) climate change projections from 12 general circulation models (GCMs). For each of the 12 GCMs, we consider two future time periods 2030?C2049 (mid-point reference 2040) and 2080?C2099 (mid-point reference 2090). These future time periods are compared to simulations of current, 1980?C1999 (mid-point reference 1990), seasonal snow. Our results show that on average at a national scale, at nearly all elevations, the 2040s and 2090s result in a decrease in snow as described by all of our summary statistics: snow duration, percentage of precipitation that is snow and peak snow accumulation in each year. This decrease in snow is more marked at elevations below 1,000?m but is evident at all but the very highest elevations. Relative to snow simulations for average peak snow accumulation for the present, we observe that by the 2040s, depending on the GCM used, there is a reduction of between 3 and 44?% at 1,000?m, and an increase of 8?% through to a reduction of 22?% at 2,000?m. By the 2090s, the average reduction is greater, with a decrease of between 32 and 79?% at 1,000?m and between 6 and 51?% at 2,000?m. More substantial reductions are observed below these elevations. When we consider the elevation where snow duration exceeds 3?months, we see a rise in this elevation from 1,550?m in the 1990s to between 1,550 and 1,750?m by the 2040s and 1,700 and 2,000?m by the 2090s, depending on the GCM used. The results of this work are consistent with our understanding of snow processes in general and with work from other similar mid-latitude locations.  相似文献   
Mullan  D. J. 《Solar physics》1974,38(1):9-13
Solar Physics - Although magnetic convection in all probability does operate inside the Sun, the energy flux which it can carry is 5–6 orders of magnitude smaller than the total solar flux....  相似文献   
We investigate the velocity field of the solar chromosphere at the location of 65 He i 10830 dark points (DP's). We have obtained spectra of such points in the vicinity of the Ca II K line. As a measure of differential chromospheric velocity, we use the shift of the K line center relative to a nearby photospheric Fe i line. We find that in He i DP's, the distribution of K line shifts is skewed towards the blue: the blueward skewing is more pronounced in He i DP's located in coronal holes. To the extent that He i DP's are proxies of coronal bright points, our study is relevant to previous reports of outflows from such bright points.  相似文献   
D. J. Mullan 《Solar physics》1977,54(1):183-206
Short-lived increases in the brightness of many red dwarfs have been observed for the last 30 yr, and a variety of more or less exotic models have been proposed to account for such flares. Information about flares in the Sun has progressed greatly in recent years as a result of spacecraft experiments, and properties of coronal flare plasma are becoming increasingly better known. In this paper, after briefly reviewing optical, radio and X-ray observations of stellar flares, we show how a simplified model which describes conductive plus radiative cooling of the coronal flare plasma in solar flares has been modified to apply to optical and X-ray stellar flare phenomena. This model reproduces many characteristic features of stellar flares, including the mean UBV colors of flare light, the direction of flare decay in the two-color diagram, precursors, Stillstands, secondary maxima, lack of sensitivity of flare color to flare amplitude, low flux of flare X-rays, distinction between so-called spike flares and slow flares, Balmer jumps of as much as 6–8, and emission line redshifts up to 3000 km s–1. In all probability, therefore, stellar flares involve physical processes which are no more exotic (and no less!) than those in solar flares. Advantages of observing stellar flares include the possibilities of (i) applying optical diagnostics to coronal flare plasma, whereas this is almost impossible in the Sun, and (ii) testing solar flare models in environments which are not generally accessible in the solar atmosphere.  相似文献   
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