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Presence of high levels of Radon (222Rn) gas was reported from groundwater in Bangalore. To ascertain the ground reality and the nature of the hazards, if any, a study was conducted by the Central Ground Water Board, Bangalore in and around Bangalore city. Groundwater samples from borewells and a dug well were collected and analysed. Available data on Radon gas from both groundwater and surface water sources were also compared. The presence of Radon gas and its concentration in groundwater were examined with respect to geology and well depths. The results are discussed in the paper.  相似文献   
In this study, the hydrochemical characteristics of shallow groundwater in a coastal region (Khulna) of southwest Bangladesh have been evaluated based on different indices for drinking and irrigation uses. Water samples were collected from 26 boreholes and analyzed for major cations and anions. Other physico-chemical parameters like pH, electrical conductivity (EC), and total dissolved solids were also measured. Most groundwater is slightly alkaline and largely varies in chemical composition, e.g. EC ranges from 962 to 9,370 μs/cm. The abundance of the major ions is as follows: Na+ > Ca2+ > Mg2+ > K+ = Cl > HCO3  > SO4 2− > NO3 . Interpretation of analytical data shows two major hydrochemical facies (Na+–K+–Cl–SO4 2− and Na+–K+–HCO3 ) in the study area. Salinity, total hardness, and sodium percentage (Na%) indicate that most of the groundwater samples are not suitable for irrigation as well as for domestic purposes and far from drinking water standard. Results suggest that the brackish nature in most of the groundwaters is due to the seawater influence and hydrogeochemical processes.  相似文献   
Short-duration (5 minutes to 24 hours) rainfall extremes are important for a number of purposes, including engineering infrastructure design, because they represent the different meteorological scales of extreme rainfall events. Both single location and regional analyses of the changes in short-duration extreme rainfall amounts across Canada, as observed by tipping bucket rain gauges from 1965 to 2005, are presented. The single station analysis shows a general lack of a detectable trend signal, at the 5% significance level, because of the large variability and the relatively short period of record of the extreme short-duration rainfall amounts. The single station 30-minute to 24-hour durations show that, on average, 4% of the total number of stations have statistically significant increasing amounts of rainfall, whereas 1.6% of the cases have significantly decreasing amounts. However, regional spatial patterns are apparent in the single station trend results. Thus, for the same durations regional trends are presented by grouping the single station trend statistics across Canada. This regional trend analysis shows that at least two-thirds of the regions across Canada have increasing trends in extreme rainfall amounts, with up to 33% being significant (depending on location and duration). Both the southwest and the east (Newfoundland) coastal regions generally show significant increasing regional trends for 1- and 2-hour extreme rainfall durations. For the shortest durations of 5–15 minutes, the general overall regional trends in the extreme amounts are more variable, with increasing and decreasing trends occurring with similar frequency; however, there is no evidence of statistically significant decreasing regional trends in extreme rainfall amounts. The decreasing regional trends for the 5- to 15-minute duration amounts tend to be located in the St. Lawrence region of southern Quebec and in the Atlantic provinces. Additional analysis using criteria specified for traditional water management practice (e.g., Intensity-Duration-Frequency (IDF)) shows that fewer than 5.6% and 3.4% of the stations have significant increasing and decreasing trends, respectively, in extreme annual maximum single location observation amounts. This indicates that at most locations across Canada the traditional single station IDF assumption that historical extreme rainfall observations are stationary (in terms of the mean) over the period of record for an individual station is not violated. However, the trend information is still useful complementary information that can be considered for water management purposes, especially in terms of regional analysis.  相似文献   
In this work, 17-polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin/furan (PCDD/Fs) isomers were measured in ambient air at four urban sites in Seoul, Korea (from February to June 2009). The concentrations of their summed values (ΣPCDD/Fs) across all four sites ranged from 1,947 (271 WHO05 TEQ) (Jong Ro) to 2,600 (349 WHO05 TEQ) fg/m3 (Yang Jae) with a mean of 2,125 (± 317) fg/m3 (292 WHO05 TEQ fg/m3). The sum values for the two isomer groups of ΣPCDD and ΣPCDF were 527 (30 WHO05 TEQ) and 1,598 (263 WHO05 TEQ) fg/m3, respectively. The concentration profile of individual species was dominated by the 2,3,4,7,8-PeCDF isomer, which contributed approximately 36 % of the ΣPCDD/Fs value. The observed temporal trends in PCDD/F concentrations were characterized by relative enhancement in the winter and spring. The relative contribution of different sources, when assessed by principal component analysis, is explained by the dominance of vehicular emissions along with coal (or gas) burning as the key source of ambient PCDD/Fs in the residential areas studied.  相似文献   
Horizontal sub-surface flow wetlands are essentially a bed of porous material in which suitable plants are grown to facilitate the removal of organic matter and particulates from wastewater. The aim of this study is to assess the reliability and accuracy of magnetic resonance transverse relaxation time for monitoring clogging development in a constructed wetland. In this study, three different horizontal sub-surface flow constructed wetland models have been produced using tubes packed with different sizes of glass beads with diameter 3, 8 and 14 mm. Accelerated clogging has been achieved by pumping sludge extracted from a real clogged wetland through the bead pack. A desktop MRI tomography system has been used to monitor the transverse relaxation rate as a function of position along the tube and hydraulic conductivity. To corroborate the clogging with magnetic resonance measurements, the head loss was monitored to determine the hydraulic conductivity. Using a bi-exponential fit to the spin echo train data, the slow relaxation rate contribution shows good correlation with the changing hydraulic conductivity. Both fast and slow contributions map well to the expected clog patterns for a constructed wetland. We have demonstrated that there is a linear correlation between the hydraulic conductivity and both parameters of a bi-exponential fit to R 2 eff , but particularly for the case of the short T 2 component.  相似文献   
The ability of ochre to remove Pb(II) and Cu(II) from aqueous media has been studied by batch sorption studies varying the contact time, initial metal concentration, initial solution pH and temperature to understand the adsorption behaviour of these metals through adsorption kinetics and isotherms. The pH of the solution and the temperature controlled the adsorption of metal ions by ochre and rapid uptake occurred in the first 30 min of reaction. The kinetics of adsorption followed a pseudo-second-order rate equation (R 2 > 0.99) and the isotherms are well described by the Freundlich model. Adsorption of metals onto ochre is endothermic in nature. Between the two metals, Pb(II) showed more preference towards the exchangeable sites on ochre than Cu(II). This study indicates that ochre is a very effective adsorbent in removing Pb(II) and Cu(II) from the aqueous environment with an adsorptive capacity of 0.996 and 0.628 mg g?1 and removal efficiency of 99.68 and 62.80 %, respectively.  相似文献   
The ever-increasing and rapidly growing volume of waste electrical and electronic equipment has become a serious threat to the environment in many countries. The inevitability of e-waste management and the development of a holistic system to deal with it has become an indispensable socio-economic and environmental issue for the sustainable development of Malaysia. However, no comprehensive research has yet been carried out, and only a few works in a discreet manner have been begun. In view of the above, and as a small endeavor towards achieving the country’s Vision 2020, this study explores the present status and future perspectives of the management of waste electrical and electronic equipment in Malaysia. This article presents an overview of e-waste management practices around the world, including the generation of e-waste, the implementation of management strategies, and collection and recovery activities in Malaysia. It also presents the corresponding responses adopted so far with respect to legislation and other infrastructural development. Finally, through the use of structured and semi-structured interviews, it reveals the barriers and challenges, as well as future perspectives and sustainability issues related to the e-waste management system in this fast developing country.  相似文献   
This contribution aims to model the dominant processes that control sedimentation within the ocean inlet to intermittently open–closed coastal lagoons; focussing on the role of infilling, backfilling and morphodynamic feedback. The key elements that have been included in the present model are: (1) the delivery of sediment to the mouth of the estuary by littoral processes; (2) sediment transport processes within the inlet due to non-linear tidal flow; and (3) the down-slope diffusion of sediment. The model discussed here includes a simple one-dimensional (1-D), non-linear flow parameterisation that predicts the spatial variability in the magnitude and non-linearity of the tidal flow. The predicted third and fourth velocity moments are used to drive a morphodynamic module. Down-slope diffusion of sediment is dealt with in a separate diffusion term in the bed-evolution equation. Feedback between the evolving morphology and the flow field are integral to the model. Numerical simulations are used to investigate different modes of evolution for this type of inlet system. Inlet closure due to infilling is critically controlled by the balance between sediment addition at the mouth due to littoral processes and the removal of sediment by non-linear tidal flow. Rapid widening or deepening of the inlet at its landward margin leads to the deposition of a flood shoal. Under conditions of high sedimentation (and low diffusion) the flood shoal can become sufficiently well developed to present a physical barrier to sediment entering the lagoon. Under these circumstances backfilling can become significant. The infilling and backfilling processes are ameliorated by efficient down-slope diffusion which is controlled in the present model by a diffusion parameter, D. High diffusion coefficients slow inlet closure and allow sediment to propagate further into the lagoon.  相似文献   
The scientific exploitation of adaptive optics (AO) with natural guide stars is severely constrained by the limited presence of bright guide stars for wavefront sensing. Use of a laser beam as an alternative means to provide a source for wavefront sensing has the potential of drastically improving the sky coverage for AO. For this reason at the 4.2-m William Herschel Telescope a project was started to develop a Rayleigh laser beacon to work together with the existing NAOMI adaptive optics instrumentation and the OASIS integral field spectrograph. This paper presents the rationale for this development, highlights some of the technical aspects, and gives some expected performance measures.  相似文献   
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