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Geostatistical analysis of soil moisture and ion accumulation can provide a deep understanding of aspects of a region’s hydrology such as recharge rates and flow paths. By combining this approach with detrended canonical correspondence analysis, the present study investigated the vertical and spatial variation of soil moisture and chloride (Cl?) in vadose profiles of megadunes near lakes in the southeastern Badain Jaran Desert, northwestern China. Soil moisture varied vertically within the dune profiles following exponential, logarithmic, or log-normal distributions at different sites as a result of regulation by different local controls. The main local controls for Cl? concentration were slope and orientation of the dune. Cl? was not affected by local controls at depths >5 m. Sills of spatial variation in soil moisture and Cl? in the variogram analysis were highly sensitive to local controls in the top 4 m of the profiles, and the values were three times those at depths >4 m. The lag for soil moisture was insensitive to local controls, and was 50–60 m in the top 4 m of the profiles and 20 m in deeper layers, whereas the lag for Cl? was about 20 m at all depths. The results demonstrate that understanding recharge rates using factors such as Cl? accumulation requires a careful survey to ensure that the local controls that regulate these factors are adequately accounted for.  相似文献   
We show the evaluation of ENSEMBLES regional climate models (RCMs) driven by reanalysis ERA40 over a region centered at the Czech Republic. Attention is paid especially to the model ALADIN-CLIMATE/CZ, being used as the basis of the new climate change scenarios simulation for the Czech Republic. The validation criteria used here are based on monthly or seasonal mean air temperature and precipitation. We concentrate not only on spatiotemporal mean values but also on temporal standard deviation, inter-annual variability, the mean annual cycle, and the skill of the models to represent the observed spatial patterns of these quantities. Model ALADIN-CLIMATE/CZ performs quite well in comparison to the other RCMs; we find its performance satisfactory for further use for impact studies. However, it is also shown that the results of evaluation of the RCMs’ skill in simulating observed climate strongly depend on the criteria incorporated for the evaluation.  相似文献   
β-环糊精包合态三氟氯氰杀虫剂的制备   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了进一步提高三氟氯氰菊酯农药的防治效果。寻找适宜的农药新剂型,我们用液相法制备了三氟氯氰菊酯-β-环糊精包合物,并以水为基质进行了稳定性观察,同时又以差热分析法和气相色谱法确认了包合物的形成,以旋光度法证明两者间的包合比。结果表明,三氟氯氰菊酯与β-环糊精可形成1:1型包合物,该包合物稳定性高,具有一定的水溶性,而且在水中稳定,所以有望通过环糊 包合作用将三氟氯氰菊酯帛成水剂;当以气相法测试包合态三氟氯氰菊酯含量时,必须将其解络,使之成为游离状态,然后按常规方法进行含量测定。  相似文献   
Sandstones and shales from the Upper Neoproterozoic (UN) succession in the Central Iberian Zone (CIZ) show parallel REE patterns and relatively restricted and similar ranges and average values of some element ratios such as Al2O3/TiO2, Ti/Nb, Eu/Eu*, (La/Yb)n, (Gd/Yb)n and Th/U. This remarkable geochemical homogeneity for related medium- and fine-grained rocks is unusual, and strongly suggests a recycled source area. However, the Lower Cambrian (LC) equivalent rocks are, in general terms, geochemically less mature, more heterogeneous and more fractionated. Their average REE patterns are practically coincident, probably as a consequence of REE redistribution related to the reworking of sediments during a stage of sea level fall in Lower Cambrian times. Ti and Zr abundances, chemical index of alteration (CIA) values and element ratios such as Al2O3/TiO2, K/Rb, Ti/Nb and Rb/Zr can be used for discriminating purposes between the UN and LC siliciclastic rocks. Detrital zircons from a UN and a LC sandstone display morphological differences. However, U-Pb data are discordant and cannot be interpreted in a straightforward manner. Nevertheless, age data are compatible with a model in which the continent of Gondwana would have supplied zircons, showing a bimodal age distribution, in variable proportions to the respective sandstone units.  相似文献   
We have experimentally investigated the kinetics of melting of an aplitic leucogranite (quartz+sodic plagioclase of ≈Ab90+K-feldspar+traces of biotite) at 690, 740, and 800°C, all at 200 MPa H2O. Leucogranite cylinders, 3.5 mm in diameter and 7 mm in length, were run in the presence of excess H2O using cold-seal pressure vessels for 11–2,925 h. At 690 and 740°C and any experimental time, and 800°C and short run times, silicate glass (melt at run conditions) occurs as interconnected films along most of the mineral boundaries and in fractures, with the predominant volume occurring along quartz/feldspars boundaries and quartz/plagioclase/K-feldspar triple junctions. Glass film thickness is roughly constant throughout a given experimental charge and increases with experimental temperature and run duration. The results indicate that H2O-saturated partial melting of a quartzo-feldspathic protolith will produce an interconnected melt phase even at very low degrees (<5 vol%) of partial melting. Crystal grain boundaries are therefore completely occluded with melt films even at the lowest degrees of partial melting, resulting in a change in the mechanism of mass transport through the rock from advection of aqueous vapor to diffusion through silicate melt. At 690 and 740°C the compositions of glasses are homogeneous and (at both temperatures) close to, but not on, the H2O-saturated 200 MPa haplogranite eutectic; glass compositions do not change with run duration. At 800°C glasses are heterogeneous and plot away from the minimum, although their molar ratios ASI (=mol Al2O3/CaO+Na2O+K2O) and Al/Na are constant throughout the entire charge at any experimental time. Glass compositions within individual 800°C experiments form linear trends in (wt%) normative quartz–albite–orthoclase space. The linear trends are oriented perpendicular to the 200 MPa H2O haplogranite cotectic line, reflecting nearly constant albite/orthoclase ratio versus variable quartz/feldspar ratio, and have endpoints between the 800°C isotherms on the quartz and feldspar liquidus surfaces. With increasing experimental duration the trends migrate from the potassic side of the minimum toward the bulk rock composition located on the sodic side, due to more rapid (and complete) dissolution of K-feldspar relative to plagioclase. The results indicate that partial melting at or slightly above the solidus (690–740°C) is interface reaction-controlled, and produces disequilibrium melts of near-minimum composition that persist metastably for up to at least 3 months. Relict feldspars show no change in composition or texture, and equilibration between melt and feldspars might take from a few to tens of millions of years. Partial melting at temperatures well above the solidus (800°C) produces heterogeneous, disequilibrium liquids whose compositions are determined by the diffusive transport properties of the melt and local equilibrium with neighboring mineral phases. Feldspars recrystallize and change composition rapidly. Partial melting and equilibration between liquids and feldspars might take from a few to tens of years (H2O-saturated conditions) at these temperatures well above the solidus.  相似文献   
The sediment backscatter strength measured by multibeam echosounders is a key feature for seafloor mapping either qualitative (image mosaics) or quantitative (extraction of classifying features). An important phenomenon, often underestimated, is the dependence of the backscatter level on the azimuth angle imposed by the survey line directions: strong level differences at varying azimuth can be observed in case of organized roughness of the seabed, usually caused by tide currents over sandy sediments. This paper presents a number of experimental results obtained from shallow-water cruises using a 300-kHz multibeam echosounder and specially dedicated to the study of this azimuthal effect, with a specific configuration of the survey strategy involving a systematic coverage of reference areas following “compass rose” patterns. The results show for some areas a very strong dependence of the backscatter level, up to about 10-dB differences at intermediate oblique angles, although the presence of these ripples cannot be observed directly—neither from the bathymetry data nor from the sonar image, due to the insufficient resolution capability of the sonar. An elementary modeling of backscattering from rippled interfaces explains and comforts these observations. The consequences of this backscatter dependence upon survey azimuth on the current strategies of backscatter data acquisition and exploitation are discussed.  相似文献   
This paper analyses winter severity and snow conditions in the Karkonosze Mountains and Jizera Mountains and examines their long-term trends. The analysis used modified comprehensive winter snowiness (WSW) and winter severity (WOW) indices as defined by Paczos (1982). An attempt was also made to determine the relationship between the WSW and WOW indices. Measurement data were obtained from eight stations operated by the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management – National Research Institute (IMGW–PIB), from eight stations operated by the Czech Hydrological and Meteorological Institute (CHMI) and also from the Meteorological Observatory of the University of Wroc?aw (UWr) on Mount Szrenica. Essentially, the study covered the period from 1961 to 2015. In some cases, however, the period analysed was shorter due to the limited availability of data, which was conditioned, inter alia, by the period of operation of the station in question, and its type.Viewed on a macroscale, snow conditions in the Karkonosze Mountains and Jizera Mountains (in similar altitude zones) are clearly more favourable on southern slopes than on northern ones. In the study area, negative trends have been observed with respect to both the WSW and WOW indices—winters have become less snowy and warmer. The correlation between the WOW and WSW indices is positive. At stations with northern macroexposure, WOW and WSW show greater correlation than at ones with southern macroexposure. This relationship is the weakest for stations that are situated in the upper ranges (Mount ?nie?ka and Mount Szrenica).  相似文献   
Vein-type tin mineralization in the Dadoushan deposit, Laochang ore field, Gejiu district, SW China, is predominantly hosted in Triassic carbonate rocks (Gejiu Formation) over cupolas of the unexposed Laochang equigranular granite intrusion. The most common vein mineral is tourmaline, accompanied by skarn minerals (garnet, diopside, epidote, phlogopite) and beryl. The main ore mineral is cassiterite, accompanied by minor chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite, and pyrite, as well as scheelite. The tin ore grade varies with depth, with the highest grades (~1.2 % Sn) prevalent in the lower part of the vein zone. Muscovite 40Ar–39Ar dating yielded a plateau age of 82.7 ± 0.7 Ma which defines the age of the vein-type mineralization. Measured sulfur isotope compositions (δ 34S = −4.1 to 3.9 ‰) of the sulfides (arsenopyrite, chalcopyrite, pyrite, and pyrrhotite) indicate that the sulfur in veins is mainly derived from a magmatic source. The sulfur isotope values of the ores are consistent with those from the underlying granite (Laochang equigranular granite, −3.7 to 0.1 ‰) but are different from the carbonate wall rocks of the Gejiu Formation (7.1 to 11.1 ‰). The calculated and measured oxygen and hydrogen isotope compositions of the ore-forming fluids (δ 18OH2O = −2.4 to 5.5 ‰, δD = −86 to −77 ‰) suggest an initially magmatic fluid which gradually evolved towards meteoric water during tin mineralization.  相似文献   
Two-dimensional tidal open boundary conditions of the M2 constituent in the Bohai and Yellow Seas(BYS) have been estimated by assimilating T/P altimeter data.During inversion,independent point(IP) strategy was used,in which several IPs on the open boundary is assumed,values at these IPs can be optimized with an adjoint method,and those at other grid points are determined by linearly interpolating the values at IPs.The reasonability and feasibility of the model are tested by ideal twin experiments.In the practical experiment(PE) after assimilation,the cost function may reach 1% or less of its initial value.Mean absolute errors in amplitude and phase can be less than 5 cm and 5°,respectively,and the obtained co-chart can show the character of the M2 constituent in the BYS.The results of the PE indicate that using only two IPs on the open boundary can yield better simulated results.  相似文献   
Highly resolved sediment stratigraphic and stable isotope records from a lake in south-central Sweden give evidence of relatively humid summers during the wide-spread cold event at c. 8200 cal. BP. A transient lake-level rise led to increased catchment erosion followed by enhanced phytoplankton production and disturbance of the Chara-dominated algal community. An associated increase in the deposition of organic material resulted in hypolimnetic oxygen deficit and methane formation as inferred from elevated sulphur content of the sediments and strong depletion in 13C of bulk organic material. In combination with dry and cold winter conditions as revealed by other proxy records, these data suggest the development of a strongly seasonal climate in northwestern Europe in response to altered atmospheric circulation at this stage. Enhanced zonal circulation with frequent cyclonic activity and increased effective humidity probably characterized the summer climate of southern and central Scandinavia, consistent with conditions inferred for continental Europe. In contrast, the winter climate was dominated by blocking high-pressure circulation, giving rise to cold and dry conditions.  相似文献   
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