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本文对Nakai拟合法作了改进并应用于计算井水固体潮和气压系数。利用该方法还可以计算井水位对固体潮和气压响应的滞后时间。以鲁06井为例,用本文的方法计算出其井水位的固体潮和气压系数分别为16.9mm/10~(-3)和5.58mm/hPa,滞后时间分别为18.8和22.4分钟。校正后的中误差由8.5mm下降到6.1mm。  相似文献   
罗葆荣  段长春 《天文学报》1997,38(4):386-393
本文用1970-1995年的冕洞资料,分析了冕洞的分布规律,磁场极性的演化特征和冕洞的地磁效应,以及它们与太阳黑子周期的演化关系,得到了一些有意义的结论。特别指出赤道冕洞和极区冕洞具有相反的演化规律和不同的特征。  相似文献   
Wild barley (Hordeum vulgare spp. spontaneum) is the undisputed progenitor of cultivated barley and offers considerable potential as a genetic resource for barley improvement. Naturally occurring populations are distributed primarily across the Fertile Crescent, but secondary areas of diversity are also found in central Asia and Tibet. The pattern of its genetic diversity is non-random, and is structured on a global, regional and local scale. On a global scale, diversity follows ecogeography, while on a regional and local scale, it is more strongly determined by ecology. Populations growing in areas where the climate is unreliable and/or the soil is heterogeneous tend to retain the most diversity. A large number of accessions are currently conserved ex situ, but a high proportion of these have originated from the Fertile Crescent. Given the likelihood of future climate change, conserving germplasm both in situ and ex situ in the various regions where the species’ currently existing is a research priority. The value of H. vulgare spp. spontaneum for the improvement of cultivated barley lies largely in its potential contribution to the levels of attainable pathogen resistance and abiotic stress tolerance.  相似文献   
淡水湖库富营养化与蓝藻水华是全球性的突出水环境问题,尤其是滨岸带严重蓝藻水华堆积甚至造成了水体黑臭、威胁饮用水安全等严重危害,科学评估滨岸带蓝藻水华堆积风险、精准识别蓝藻水华易堆积区域是水环境管理与研究中亟待解决的关键科学问题.本研究以我国长江中下游的大型浅水富营养化湖泊巢湖为研究对象,依托流域水文与湖泊水动力模拟、遥...  相似文献   
东昆仑山脉的南缘,发育一条巨型的以左行走滑为主的活动断裂带,其中西大滩左行走滑断裂是东昆仑断裂带的一部分,控制着西大滩盆地的构造地貌演化。本研究在野外调查了西大滩盆地内部和盆地边缘的活动断裂,测量了这些断层的几何学参数,并对其运动学进行了研究。研究认为,晚新生代以来西大滩盆地中心发育有西大滩左行走滑断裂,而在盆地南北两侧则发育有伸展变形,存在一系列活动的高角度脆性正断层,可见清晰的断层三角面构成盆地南北两侧的山坡。这些正断层呈阶梯状产出,向盆地内部倾斜,与盆地中心的左行走滑断裂一起,在剖面上构成负花状构造,证明西大滩盆地发生了张扭性变形。走滑断裂的走滑运动往往伴随构造转换现象,在断裂弯曲或侧接部位可以形成走滑拉分盆地。西大滩盆地从其盆地形态来看,是一个狭长的张扭性盆地,盆地长宽比值约为7.5~30.0之间,大于7︰ 1,不符合典型的走滑拉分盆地的特征;控制西大滩盆地的西大滩走滑断裂并未见明显的弯曲,从而排除盆地的走滑拉分成因。本文认为西大滩盆地的形成与西大滩断裂本身的张扭性变形直接相关,反映了该地区区域上处于张扭性而非压扭性应变状态,其成因与上地壳刚性变形和下地壳塑性流变密切相关;西大滩地区构造地貌的演化受控于晚新生代以来青藏高原下地壳通道流(channel flow)的活动。结合前人的研究成果认为东昆仑活动断裂带晚期的张扭性活动可能起始于至少7Ma B.P.以前或10±2Ma B.P.,且在昆仑山垭口盆地断陷形成时期(3.6Ma B.P.)活动更加强烈,在0.6Ma B.P.的"昆仑-黄河运动"时期可能达到顶峰,奠定了东昆仑西大滩地区现今的构造地貌格局。  相似文献   
以土地利用更新调查生产中的体会.从工作前期准备、技术路线、正射影像图制作、权属界线调查几种特殊情况和表示方法的处理,提出了土地利用更新调查需要注意的几个问题和建议。  相似文献   
This work reports the application of thermodynamic models, including equations of state, to binary (salt-free) CH4-H2O fluid inclusions. A general method is presented to calculate the compositions of CH4-H2O inclusions using the phase volume fractions and dissolution temperatures of CH4 hydrate. To calculate the homogenization pressures and isolines of the CH4-H2O inclusions, an improved activity-fugacity model is developed to predict the vapor-liquid phase equilibrium. The phase equilibrium model can predict methane solubility in the liquid phase and water content in the vapor phase from 273 to 623 K and from 1 to 1000 bar (up to 2000 bar for the liquid phase), within or close to experimental uncertainties. Compared to reliable experimental phase equilibrium data, the average deviation of the water content in the vapor phase and methane solubility in the liquid phase is 4.29% and 3.63%, respectively. In the near-critical region, the predicted composition deviations increase to over 10%. The vapor-liquid phase equilibrium model together with the updated volumetric model of homogenous (single-phase) CH4-H2O fluid mixtures (Mao S., Duan Z., Hu J. and Zhang D. (2010) A model for single-phase PVTx properties of CO2-CH4-C2H6-N2-H2O-NaCl fluid mixtures from 273 to 1273 K and from 1 to 5000 bar. Chem. Geol.275, 148-160), is applied to calculate the isolines, homogenization pressures, homogenization volumes, and isochores at specified homogenization temperatures and compositions. Online calculation is on the website: http://www.geochem-model.org/.  相似文献   
袁敏  黄敏松  段炼 《气象科技》2018,46(1):170-177
2014年3月12日利用机载粒子探头(DMT)对我国宜昌及周边地区的非降水云系进行了探测时发现了少量的飞机积冰,本文分析了积冰云层中云微物理量的分布特征。垂直平均分布表明,CAS、CIP和PIP粒子数浓度分别大于300个·cm~(-3)、1个·cm~(-3)和10~(-5)个·cm~(-3),粒子中值直径最大值分别为3μm、89μm和1389μm。谱分布表明,3650m高度重力碰并和凇附过程使得CIP和PIP粒子谱较宽,3650m以下谱宽较窄,粒子以凝结增长为主,大粒子和冰晶粒子主要是由高层下落造成。平飞观测统计表明,3350m的CAS和CIP粒子平均数浓度均大于3650m的值,但PIP粒子数浓度、粒子平均和最大中值直径则相反。平飞时间变化表明,3350m高度CAS粒子数浓度和直径大致呈反相关,3650m大云滴和冰雪晶粒子的数浓度和中值直径随时间波动较大。  相似文献   
In the context of a model of tropical cyclone intensity based on an improved meso-scaleatmospheric model, numerical simulation is performed of the track and intensity variation oftropical cyclones (TC) arising from sea surface temperature (SST) variation over a specified searegion. Evidence suggests that the model is capable of modeling quite welt the track and intensityof TC: SST variation leads to an abrupt change in the cyclone intensity: the response of thecyclone to the abrupt SST change lasts 8—12 h.  相似文献   
用现今小震推断洪洞、临汾两次历史大震的震源断层   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
山西临汾地区是一个历史强震多发区,1303年和1695年发生了洪洞(M=8)和临汾(M=73/4)两次特大地震,这两次地震所在区域至今仍在持续不断的小地震活动,具有明显的大震区地震长期活动特征,我们对临汾无线传输地震台网记录的1987-1999年期间发生的1670次中,小地震重新进行了震源定位,根据对这些地震震源位置三维空间分布特征和震源机解制的分析,认为洪洞地震的震源断层应是长80km,埋深5-26km的NNE走向,高倾角的右旋走滑型断层,而临汾地震的震源断层是长70km,埋深5-22km的NWW走向,高倾角的左旋走滑型断层。这与洪洞,临汾两次大震极震区的等震线及该地区应力场的构造环境是吻合的。  相似文献   
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