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A set of new parameterizations for the friction velocity and temperature scale over gently sloped terrain and in calm synoptic conditions are theoretically derived. The friction velocity is found to be proportional to the product of the square root of the total accumulated heating in the boundary layer and the sinusoidal function of the slope angle, while the temperature scale is proportional to the product of the boundary layer depth, the sinusoidal function of the slope angle and the potential temperature gradient in the free atmosphere. Using the new friction velocity parameterization, together with a parameterization of eddy diffusivity and an initial potential temperature profile around sunrise, an improved parameterization for the thermally induced upslope flow profile is derived by solving the Prandtl equations. The upslope flow profile is found to be simply proportional to the friction velocity.  相似文献   
应用1981-2000年逐日500hPa高度场NCEP资料对150N和50N进行纬向波谱分析得出:ENSO事件对热带低纬大气振荡有调频作用,且不同的纬度调频作用不同.El-Nino事件使热带低纬大气振荡加快,周期缩短;而La-Nina事件使热带低纬大气振荡减慢,周期延长.  相似文献   
2008年5月12日,中国四川省汶川县发生里氏8.0级地震。汶川地震是中国建国以来最为严重的地震,造成了巨大的人员伤亡以及工程结构震害。震中位于映秀镇(北纬31.015°,东经103.365°)。映秀镇的建筑结构形式多样,其中有钢筋混凝土框架结构、砖混结构、底框架结构和工业厂房。该镇的建筑多数是按照不同时期的《建筑抗震设计规范》进行设计。一部分抗震设防烈度为7度,少数抗震设防烈度为8度。由于映秀镇地震动强度大,建筑物的破坏十分严重,震害非常典型,为地震工程学提供了极具价值的材料,对工程震害的研究在理论与工程实践都具有十分重要的意义。本文对在映秀镇收集到的工程震害进行概述,讨论不同结构形式的破坏现象和特点,并给出简要的分析。  相似文献   
On the basis of hydrographic data and current measurement (the mooring system, vessel-mounted ADCP and toward ADCP) data obtained in June 1999, the circulations in the southern Huang-hai Sea (HS) and northern East China Sea (ECS) are computed by using the modified inverse method. The Kuroshio flows northeastward through eastern part of the investigated region and has the main core at Section PN, a northward flow at the easternmost part of Section PN, a weaker anti-cyclonic eddy between these two northward flows, and a weak cyclonic eddy at the western part of Section PN. The above current structure is one type of the current structures at Section PN in ECS. The net northward volume transport (VT) of the Kuroshio and the offshore branch of Taiwan Warm Current (TWCOB) through Section PN is about 26.2×106m3/s in June 1999. The VT of the inshore branch of Taiwan Warm Current (TWCIB) through the investigated region is about 0.4×106m3/s. The Taiwan Warm Current (TWC) has much effect on the currents over the  相似文献   
空间数据和地理信息系统在城市规划和决策中应用的重要性日见凸显。主要原因在于:重要的人口数据和社会变动经常表现出一定的空间特性,这种特性可以通过空间分析和统计方法被认识和解释。应用多元分析的空间分类方法编制圣保罗大都市区社会分异地图并进行相关分析。研究的主要数据来自2000年巴西全国人口普查,其中包括了圣保罗大都市的所有行政区和39个自治市的21774个人口普查区。为了把都市连绵区从数据全集中分离出来,我们采用混合技术进行互补分析,即在2000年4月30日的陆地卫星7号图像中绘制一个个多边形,这些被识别出来的多边形就是人口普查区。然后,通过目视解译出假彩色多边形集合。应用空间分类评分程序将这些多边形分成五类,并建立人口普查区的数目、覆盖的面积和都市连绵区之间的关系。这种多元分析方法是基于变量的均衡化来生成易于用分级统计图描述平均值,以促进可视化和后续的空间分布分析。基于多元分析的空间分类方法研究,清楚地展现了圣保罗大都市最重要的社会特征,也说明城市社会地图方法和多元分析的空间分类方法在大都市区的管理、公共政策规划和复杂决策中具有重要的应用价值。  相似文献   
From results of two large-eddy simulation of stratus-topped boundary layer,the structure,thermodynamic properties and role of thermals are investigated by using conditional sampling methods,which divided the thermals into the warm/moist,cool/dry,warm/dry and cool/moist events.The results show that the main turbulent circulation in the stratus-topped boundary layer is composed of the warm/moist updraft and cool/dry downdraft.Below entrainment region,the warm/moist updrafts and cool/dry downdrafts are,respectively,positively and negatively buoyant and contribute most to total fluxes and variances.Evaporative cooling has important effect on the structure and thermodynamic properties of thermals in stratus-topped boundary layer.  相似文献   
林火干扰下的大兴安岭呼中区景观动态分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用大兴安岭呼中区1979、1995年的1:50万森林分布图及1969~2001年林火数据对大兴安岭呼中区林火状况、各景观指数及火灾对景观变化的影响进行研究。结果表明:呼中区火灾轮回期823a,大大超过正常的火灾轮回期;从1979~1995年各植被类型的面积变化不是很大,其中野青茅草甸和樟子松林的面积均有所减少,兴安落叶松林和阔叶混交林的面积均有所增加;斑块数量除兴安落叶松林外均有所增加,其中阔叶混交林增加显著,这些植被类型在1979~1995年间产生较大的破碎化,兴安落叶松林的斑块数量则有所降低;形状指数除樟子松外均有较大的增加,斑块形状趋于复杂,兴安落叶松林在空间的连续性有所增加,局部的破碎化依然导致形状指数增大;聚集度增加,Simpson多样性指数有所降低;各类型的斑块在面积上均匀性降低。在呼中区,相对于自然状态下的火干扰而言,人为影响下的火干扰对景观格局变化影响的重要性显著降低。  相似文献   
我国茂密植被山区地质灾害具有高位、高隐蔽性的特点,传统地质灾害排查手段在有效解决隐患的早期识别方面存在一定困难.机载雷达技术不仅可获取地面反射的三维激光点云,同时能够提供高分辨率、高精度的地形地貌二维影像.机载雷达的多次回波技术可"穿透"地面植被,通过滤波算法能够有效去除地表植被的影响,获取真地面高程数据信息,从而可获...  相似文献   
裂隙网络管道模型弥散试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探求不同裂隙几何参数对裂隙网络溶质运移的影响,基于离散裂隙网络思想和优势流、沟槽流理论,建立裂隙管道网络概念模型,搭建不同管径、不同连通方式的管道网络试验装置,进行渗流和溶质运移实验。运用应用广泛的模拟软件CHEMFLO-2000建立等效多孔介质模型,拟合不同几何参数下等效弥散度,定量刻画不同管道网络几何参数对溶质运移的影响,讨论了不同管径、连通方式等与等效弥散度之间的关系。通过进一步分析得出:在连通方式相同的情况下,不同管径的管道网络等效弥散度存在差异,但是差异不大;溶质在小管径中的穿透时间短于大管径,穿透曲线缓和程度相差不大;管道网络连通方式越复杂,其等效弥散度越大、对溶质运移的影响越大、穿透曲线越缓和、路径越长,等效弥散度越大;用这种等效弥散度的方法表征管道网络对溶质运移的影响,与多孔介质弥散度具有相似性;管道数目、管道面数目与等效弥散度成正相关关系,且等效弥散度随尺度的增大而增加。  相似文献   
To investigate the life cycle of marine sulfate aerosols, chemicophysical characteristics of marine aerosolswere measured during five cruises in the Pacific Ocean. Dimethyl sulfide concentrations in seawater and in the air were also measured. The geographic variation of sulfate-aerosol concentrations was studied in relation to biogenic and anthropogenic sources,transport with air trajectories, and chemical transformations in the atmosphere. The highest concentrations were found near Asian and American ports, indicating anthropogenic pollution is the major sulfate aerosols source. Higher concentrations were observed in the upwelling regions than in the oligotrophic areas. Along the coastal regions, both mass and number concentrations of sulfate aerosols depended on wind direction and wind speed, and land-breeze and sea-breeze oscillations; no clear diurnal variation was detected. In pelagic areas, along the equator, the concentrations of small sulfate particles showed a maximum in the afternoon and the m  相似文献   
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