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乡村人居环境是一复杂巨系统,其可持续发展力是各子系统间物质、信息与能量相互流通与交换的结果,本文从经济发展、生产生活、生态环境3个子系统入手构建乡村人居环境可持续发展力的评价指标体系,以1997—2015年重庆市37个区县的面板数据为数据源,运用发展水平(衡量乡村人居环境可持续发展态势)、发展效率(反映乡村人居环境发展趋向可持续的快慢程度)和协调指数(反映各子系统发展水平均衡程度)构建乡村人居环境可持续发展力测度模型,分析了乡村人居环境可持续力并探究其时空分异特征,为因地制宜践行《农村人居环境整治三年行动方案》提供策略支持。结果表明:1997—2015年,乡村人居环境可持续发展力时序上总体态势向好,其中发展水平逐步上升,发展效率波动剧烈,协调性稳步提高,各子系统间可持续发展力差异性较大;乡村人居环境可持续发展力在空间上总体呈现西高东低、“中心-边缘”的分异格局,区县间差异性明显,其中经济发展子系统呈“多级核心-外围”辐射圈层式差异化增长格局、生产生活子系统呈自西向东扩散式增长格局,生态环境子系统总体上先降后升,呈波浪式不均衡增长格局;从政府“制导引导”、城乡“双轮”联动、“点-极-核”整治模式等方面提出了相关整治策略。  相似文献   
太行山南段安林地区中生代侵入岩LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb测年表明侵入岩形成于129. 1±1. 0~129. 7±1. 1 Ma,属于早白垩世,与太行山其他地区乃至整个华北地区侵入杂岩体具有相近的形成年代,表明在晚中生代太行山地区与华北地区经历了相同的地球动力学背景和构造环境,即南太行山地区处于华北克拉通岩石圈减薄范围之内。安林地区中生代侵入岩轻稀土总量(LREE平均为113. 71×10-6)明显高于重稀土总量(HREE平均为11. 97×10-6),具有相对明显的富集轻稀土元素的右倾型配分形式、Eu的弱正异常及大离子亲石元素相对富集的特征,且具有Sr、Ba含量高、Sr/Y、(La/Yb)N比值高的特征,表明壳幔岩浆混合是太行山南段安林地区中生代岩浆作用的主要成因机制。  相似文献   
针对桂林市临桂区岩溶塌陷易发区域,采用FLAC3D模拟不同降雨速率下的强降雨入渗过程,探究不同直径土洞在强降雨作用下的致塌规律,结果表明:(1)强降雨条件下,不同直径土洞最大位移均出现在洞顶部。降雨速率相同,洞顶竖向位移增长速率随土洞直径的增加呈整体加快的特点;加快降雨速率,竖向位移增长明显,竖向位移与土洞大小呈正相关。(2)相同降雨速率下,土洞直径增大会引起土洞底部剪切破坏区域进一步扩展。上覆土层在强降雨初期主要受到潜蚀作用,加快降雨速率,土洞底部水位剧烈波动对上覆土体产生的水击气爆成为主导作用,剪切破坏速率加快,洞趾剪切应变明显增加,当土洞直径达到3 m时,水位波动愈加剧烈,加速上覆土层破坏。(3)降雨速率的变化对土洞塑性区拓展范围具有不同程度的影响,较大直径的土洞在加快降雨速率时塑性区拓展范围明显扩大,即土洞大小、降雨速率对上覆土层稳定性具有较大的影响。研究结果为定量研究强降雨与上覆土层塌陷的关系提供了依据,对有效、合理地预警岩溶塌陷具有一定的意义。  相似文献   
Increasing interest in wetlands for environmental management requires an understanding of the location, spatial extent, and configuration of the resource. The National Wetlands Inventory is the most commonly used data source for this information. However, its accuracy is limited in some contexts, such as agricultural and forested wetlands. An large number of studies have mapped wetlands worldwide from the perspective of land use and land cover change. However, information on the actual wetland planting areas annually is limited, which greatly impacts ongoing research. In this case study of the West Songnen Plain, we developed a simple algorithm for the quick mapping of wetlands by utilizing their unique physical features, such as annual display of phenological land-cover change of exposed soils, shallow flooding water, and plants from multi-temporal Landsat images. Temporal variations of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Land Surface Water Index (LSWI) derived from Landsat images in 2010 for wetlands at different growth stages were analyzed. Results show that during the ante-tillering phase, the NDVI value (above zero) is lower than the LSWI value of paddies because of flooding of shallow water; during the reproductive and ripening phases, the NDVI value is higher than the LSWI value (above zero); and during the post-harvest wetland planting phase, the NDVI value is still higher than the LSWI value, but the LSWI value is negative. Wetland areas can be detected using one or two images in the optimum time window. The algorithm based on the difference of NDVI and LSWI values derived from Landsat images was used to extract the actual wetland planting area. Validated alongside statistical data, the algorithm showed high accuracy. Therefore, this algorithm highlights the unique features of wetlands and can help in mapping the actual wetland area annually on a regional scale. Results further indicate that the new method has a classification accuracy of 92 %. In comparison, two traditional methods based on Landsat-7/ETM registered accuracy rates of only 83 % and 87 % respectively.  相似文献   
So far, large uncertainties of the Indonesian throughflow(ITF) reside in the eastern Indonesian seas, such as the Maluku Sea and the Halmahera Sea. In this study, the water sources of the Maluku Sea and the Halmahera Sea are diagnosed at seasonal and interannual timescales and at different vertical layers, using the state-of-the-art simulations of the Ocean General Circulation Model(OGCM) for Earth Simulator(OFES). Asian monsoon leaves clear seasonal footprints on the eastern Indonesian seas. Consequently, the subsurface waters(around 24.5σ_θ and at ~150 m) in both the Maluku Sea and the Halmahera Sea stem from the South Pacific(SP) during winter monsoon, but during summer monsoon the Maluku Sea is from the North Pacific(NP), and the Halmahera Sea is a mixture of waters originating from the NP and the SP. The monsoon impact decreases with depth, so that in the Maluku Sea, the intermediate water(around 26.8σ_θ and at ~480 m) is always from the northern Banda Sea and the Halmahera Sea water is mainly from the SP in winter and the Banda Sea in summer. The deep waters(around27.2σ_θ and at ~1 040 m) in both seas are from the SP, with weak seasonal variability. At the interannual timescale,the subsurface water in the Maluku Sea originates from the NP/SP during El Ni?o/La Ni?a, while the subsurface water in the Halmahera Sea always originates from the SP. Similar to the seasonal variability, the intermediate water in Maluku Sea mainly comes from the Banda Sea and the Halmahera Sea always originates from the SP. The deep waters in both seas are from the SP. Our findings are helpful for drawing a comprehensive picture of the water properties in the Indonesian seas and will contribute to a better understanding of the ocean-atmosphere interaction over the maritime continent.  相似文献   
本文利用World Ocean Atlas 2013 (WOA13)和Simple Ocean Data Assimilation version 3.1.1 (SODA v3.3.1)温盐资料,分析印尼贯穿流(ITF)路径及所经印度尼西亚海及周边西太平洋、南海和东印度洋海域的层结强度(N2)和跃层特征的三维时空变化特征。结果表明,气候态下ITF 3条路径上跃层平均N2差异较小,其中中部路径平均值最大,为10−3.68 s−2,东部路径平均值最小,为10−3.71 s−2;各路径跃层深度和厚度存在明显差异,东部路径跃层深度和厚度最大,分别为124 m和192 m,中部次之,西部最小为99 m和143 m,并且印尼海的跃层深度和厚度平均值均小于其他海域。印尼海N2存在显著的季节变化和4~7 a的多年周期变化,其中年际变化可能主要受厄尔尼诺−南方涛动事件影响。季节上,在印尼海域内,ITF 3条路径夏季层结强度均小于冬季(北半球夏冬季),夏、冬两季N2差值最大可达到两个量级。1993−2015年的长期变化趋势显示,印尼海及周边大部分海域的层结强度呈现增强趋势,其中印度洋中部和哈马黑拉海23 a内最大层结增强近0.1个量级。  相似文献   
此温度传感器检测仪采用半导体制冷技术制作温度发生器,采用智能PID温控技术设计了温度控制装置,通过单片机来实现数据采集和检测过程智能控制功能。经试验验证其各项指标均达到了野外检测的技术要求。对比检测仪与常规实验室检定装置和国家级自动气象站现场校准装置的业务试用结果,3种检测结果基本一致。且此检测仪升温和降温速度快,操作简单,方便携带,检测的精度可满足区域自动气象站的温度探测数据的质量评估要求,为区域自动气象站温度传感器的现场检测提供了有效且可行的技术保障。  相似文献   
陆架坡折带特殊的地形地貌反映了其独特的水动力和沉积特征。根据水深和高分辨率单道地震资料对琼东南盆地陆架坡折带特征进行分析,旨在探讨现代陆架坡折带的成因及其沉积作用。研究结果表明,琼东南现代陆架坡折带呈NE-SW向展布,水深变化大,形态复杂,自西向东陆架坡折差异较大。西部陆架坡折带水深范围为250~700 m,宽约7 km,高差450 m,坡度平均为2°,地形平缓,槽谷不发育;中部陆架坡折带水深范围为250~750 m,宽约10 km,高差500 m,地形平均坡度为7°,槽谷呈V型或U型,长约5~6 km,宽约3~8 km,下切深度100~300 m;东部陆架坡折带水深范围为400~1 500 m,宽约30 km,高差达1 100 m,平均坡度为10°,槽谷呈"V"型,长约13~28 km,宽约为3~4 km,下切深度最大达500 m。结合琼东南盆地构造区划和物源特征,对琼东南陆架坡折带沉积作用进行分析,划分坡折带类型。西部陆架坡折带以大量的沉积物不断加积为主,地形平缓,槽谷不发育,属堆积型陆架坡折;中部属过渡型陆架坡折带,沉积物供应量小,侵蚀和堆积作用同时存在,相互制约,槽谷规模小,滑塌作用较弱;东部为侵蚀型陆架坡折,以底流冲刷侵蚀为主,槽谷及滑塌发育。总体反映了不同区段位置沉积物供给,沉积物堆积,底流侵蚀等作用的差异,是形成现今陆架坡折地貌格局的重要因素。  相似文献   
在当今海洋地质调查作业中,声学通信技术、ADSL通信技术、卫星通信技术、局域网络通信技术等现代通信技术得到广泛应用,本文对应用到的几种主要现代通信技术原理及其应用实例进行了介绍。  相似文献   
鄂西岩溶槽谷区洼地的水位响应特征及产流阈值估算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
廖春来  罗明明  周宏 《中国岩溶》2020,39(6):802-809
以湖北省兴山县黄粮镇刘家坝和龙湾两处岩溶洼地作为研究对象,利用其降雨、水文和土壤水等监测数据,探讨灌入式补给条件下洼地汇流的水位响应特征和产流特点,并基于降雨量和洼地内明渠流量的关系,采用数学拟合方程,估算两处洼地的降雨产流阈值,进而分析了影响产流阈值的因素。结果表明:降雨强度增大,产流阈值减小;土壤前期含水率越大,越有利于坡面产流;落水洞和岩溶泉水位与降雨有较好的同步响应关系,水位变化曲线随雨强大小分别表现出“陡升陡降”和“缓升缓降”的特点;刘家坝和龙湾洼地的产流阈值分别为7.4 mm和10.6 mm。  相似文献   
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