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利用星载闪电探测仪OTD(optical transient detecter)和LIS(lightning imaging sensor)所获取的1995年6月—2006年4月的卫星闪电资料,结合NOAA Optimum Interpolation SST 海温资料,分析我国近海海域的闪电分布时空特征以及闪电活动与该海域海温之间的相关性。结果表明:我国近海闪电密度平均值为3.39 fl·km-2·a-1,其中,南海和渤海的闪电活动相对频繁,随着与海岸线间距离以及纬度的增加,该海域闪电密度逐渐下降;在春季和冬季,黑潮主干海域的海温值相对较高,该处闪电活动也明显强于同纬度的东海近海和太平洋海域,表明黑潮海域是强闪电活动区;在季节变化上,我国近海海域闪电活动与同海域海温呈明显正相关,相关系数达0.797,闪电活动与海温变化体现出了一致的变化趋势;而在年际变化上,我国近海海域闪电活动与该海域海温的线性相关不显著,说明我国近海海域海温的年际变化并不是引起该海域闪电活动年际变化的主要原因。  相似文献   
“十五”期间,四川强震台网将达到211个子台的规模。若仅按强震观测最基本的技术目标,用足够长的时间收集足够多的强震记录为抗震设计理论服务,显然未能尽其投资潜力。为此,我们将中国地震局工程力学研究所固化在该所GDQJ-1A数字强震仪内的烈度模式识别算法提取到台网中心计算机的后台,使“十五”建设采用的所有强震仪均“升级”成为可以现场测定地震烈度的设备。本文以2005年1月5日马尔康日部5.0级地震为例,展开强震台网的烈度测定和震灾快速评估。  相似文献   

A simple diagnostic scheme, which combines a low‐pass temporal filter (with an 18‐month cutoff time) with a regular empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis, is used to delineate the synchronous evolution of El Nino‐Southern Oscillation‐related (ENSO‐related) modes in various variables of the ocean‐atmosphere system. Based on the causal relation chain of diabatic heating, divergent circulation and rotational flow, the diagnostic scheme extracts ENSO modes from the following data sources: the Pacific sea surface temperature (SST), the past 14‐years (1979–1992) of data generated by the Global Data Assimilation System of the National Meteorological Center, and a 10‐year (1979–1988) general circulation model climate simulation made at the Goddard Laboratory for Atmospheres. The analysis reveals the following: (a) the eigencoefficient time series of the first eigenmodes of selected filtered variables, which explain about 40–50% of their total variance, synchronize with the filtered SST averaged over Area NINO‐3; (b) the spatial structures of the first eigenmodes resemble the ensemble departures associated with ENSO events of these variables from their long term means; and (c) the results show that the proposed scheme can be easily applied to isolate and illustrate the time evolution of ENSO modes which exist in the long term observational database as well as in climate simulations.  相似文献   
通过对2008年4月20日汕头市大暴雨过程的环流背景进行分析,着重讨论汕头新一代天气雷达资料在这次暴雨临近预报中的应用。分析表明:低空急流和逆风区是此次暴雨的重要特征。“浣熊”减弱后的低压环流受高空槽的引导向东移动,3股低空急流在粤东沿海辐合,为强降水提供有利的水汽条件和上升运动;雨团的移动受700hPa气流引导;强降水区雷达回波反射率因子为40~55dBz,强降水出现在850hPa暖式切变过境阶段;风向的辐合为维持强降水起到重要作用,汕头强降水出现之前,上游地区在速度场上出现中小尺度逆风区。  相似文献   
为了澄清微秒时间尺度脉冲活动是否属于K过程的一个必要特征,分析了16次地闪和12次云闪后期对应电场K变化期间的VLF/LF(磁场)脉冲活动和VHF辐射特征。结果显示,微秒时间尺度脉冲活动是K过程的一个必要特征:(1)绝大多数K过程其VLF/LF脉冲活动表现为一个密集的小幅度脉冲簇,脉冲间隔从几微秒到十几微秒不等,其幅度比同期地闪回击幅度弱一个数量级,偶尔上面叠加了与地闪回击幅度可以比拟的大脉冲;(2)另有一部分K过程VLF/LF脉冲活动则类似于地闪或者云闪初始击穿过程的大双极性脉冲列。K过程同时伴随了准连续的Q噪声形态和分立脉冲形态的VHF辐射,这些VHF辐射倾向于与VLF/LF脉冲活动同时在K阶梯电场变化一开始即启动并伴随着K阶梯电场变化,但是二者之间并不存在固定的强度对应关系。K过程放电期间,这些VLF/LF脉冲源的入射方位演变特征表明,它们产生于一个云内不断扩展的源。K过程微秒时间尺度脉冲活动和VHF辐射特征以及它们与K变化之间的时间对应关系支持K过程是云内流光过程的结论。  相似文献   
At 21:45 hr (Beijing time) on Oct. 31, 1990 the Yanzhuang meteorite hit the ground at the Yanzhuang village, Wenyuan County, Guangdong Province. Several fragments, totalling 3.5 kg, were recovered during the field survey. This meteorite is a rare one of its kind due to its heavily shocked features and thick veins made up of black molten materials. Olivine and low-calcium pyroxene are compositionally homogeneous with Fa=18.59, Fs=16.35 and Wo=1.29. The chemical composition (total Fe=28.0%) and recrystallized texture of the chondritic mass show that the Yanzhuang is an H6 chondrite. The black molten materials occur in the form of blocks (up to 2×3×4 cm in size) and veins (0.1–15 mm in width), and contain a lot of rounded and elliptic FeNi-FeS blobs (up to 6–10 mm in length). The metal in these blobs exhibits distinct dendritic structure characteristic of rapid cooling. Unmolten and molten samples are very similar in chemical composition, fitting well with the average H-chondrites. Partial melting and FeNi/FeS-silicate separation have not been observed in the molten materials of the Yanzhuang. This project was financially supported by the Science Foundation of Guangdong Province.  相似文献   
为了研究酸碱环境对泥质页岩崩解特性的影响,分别对同一风化程度的泥质页岩进行了不同pH溶液中的静态崩解试验和耐崩解试验,得到了pH值变化对泥质页岩崩解的影响规律。结果表明:pH值对泥质页岩的崩解性影响较大,pH值越小的泥质页岩的崩解性越强。崩解物的耐崩解指数随着崩解物粒径减小而增大,随着pH值的减小而减小,酸性条件对泥质页岩耐崩解性的作用效果更明显。  相似文献   
Fluid inclusion studies of 5 gold deposits connected with alkaline rocks show that quartz separated from auriferous quartz veins contains abundant three-phase CO2-NaCl-H2O inclusions and two-phase CO2-dominated ones,measuring 5-20um in diameter,Homogenization temperatures of the fluid inclusions are mostly within the range of 150-300℃,and the salinities,mainly 0.2wt%-12 wt%(NaCl),Gold mineralizations occurred at depths of 1.4-2.8km,The most striking character of fluid composition is that among the cations,Na^ in dominant,followed by K^ ,Ca^2 ,among the anions,Cl^- is slightly higher than SO4^2-,In the evaporate,H2O is dominant,followed by CO2,The pH values are mainly within the range of 6.5-8.5,indicating that the ore-forming solutions are alkaline in nature.The hydrogen and oxygen isotopic ratios indicate that the ore fluid is composed mainly of magmatic water.With the dropping of temperature in the ore fluid,the contents of CO2 decreased while the salinity increased.The relations between Au and other components of the ore fluid are discussed in the paper,and it is concluded that in these deposits,Chlorides,H2S,SiO2,CO2,etc.in the fluid all are involved in the migration and concentration of Au.  相似文献   
刘青  王鸣  郭文华  闫海涛  喻平 《海洋学报》2010,32(10):7086-7090
设计了一种胶体光子晶体修饰的光纤. 采用恒温快速蒸发法直接在经切割刀处理后的光纤端面生长胶体晶体,再与另一根切割后的光纤在毛细玻璃管中完成对接,制备成胶体光子晶体修饰的光纤. 用扫描电子显微镜和光谱分析仪对样品的形貌、结构以及光学特性进行分析. 实验结果表明,粒径为640 nm、体积分数约为0.5%的SiO2胶体微球溶液在60 ℃的情况下沉积,大约12 h后可得到质量较高的胶体光子晶体. 在SEM下,观察到端面的胶体晶体为面心立方(fcc)结构. 透射光谱证明,该结构在(111)面上  相似文献   
烃源岩排烃作用研究现状及展望   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
烃源岩排烃作用的研究在20世纪80年代以后取得了很大进展,主要体现在对烃源岩的排烃机理及控制因素的分析、煤成油排驱的理论研究及勘探突破、幕式排液的探讨及压实—压裂双端元排烃模型的建立等方面。在针对研究现状分析的基础上,提出了几点研究方向及展望:加强对烃源岩剖面排烃特征的高分辨率研究,建立压实—欠压实—压裂三端元排烃模型,对存在严重非均质性的烃源岩进行烃源岩排烃分级评价,深入探讨排烃与油气成藏的关系。  相似文献   
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