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It is becoming easier to combine geographical data and dynamic models to provide information for problem solving and geographical cognition. However, the scale dependencies of the data, model, and process can confuse the results. This study extends traditional scale research in static geographical patterns to dynamic processes and focuses on the combined scale effect of multiscale geographical data and dynamic models. The capacity for topographical expression under the combined scale effect was investigated by taking multiscale topographical data and meteorological processes in Hong Kong as a case study. A meteorological simulation of the combined scale effect was evaluated against data from Hong Kong Observatory stations. The experiments showed that (1) a digital elevation model (DEM) using 3 arc sec data with a 1 km resolution Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model gives better topographical expression and meteorological reproduction in Hong Kong; (2) a fine-scale model is sensitive to the resolution of the DEM data, whereas a coarse-scale model is less sensitive to it; (3) better topographical expression alone does not improve weather process simulation; and (4) uncertainty arising from a scale mismatch between the DEM data and the dynamic model may account for 38 % of the variance in certain meteorological variables (e.g., temperature). This case study gives a clear explanation of the significance and implementation of scale matching for multiscale geographical data and dynamic models.  相似文献   
分析了TDRS卫星的轨道特性及传统的地基测距跟踪技术定轨精度不高的现状,研究了基于空基的用户星精密轨道的TDRS卫星定轨,解决了基于空基的一般GEO卫星定轨问题。  相似文献   
To study the deep dynamic mechanism leading to the difference in rifting pattern and basin structure from shelf to oceanic basin in passive continental margin,we constructed long geological sections across the shelf,slope and oceanic basin using new seismic data.Integrated gravity-magnetic inversion and interpretation of these sections were made with the advanced dissection method.Results show that the basement composition changes from intermediate-acid intrusive rocks in the sheff to intermediate-basic rocks in the slope.The Moho surface shoals gradually from 31 km in the sheff to 22.5 km in the uplift and then 19 km in the slope and finally to 13 km in the oceanic basin.The crust thickness also decreases gradually from 30 km in the northern fault belt to 9 km in the oceanic basin.The crustal stretching factor increases from the shelf toward the oceanic basin,with the strongest extension under the sags and the oceanic basin.The intensity of mantle upwelling controlled the style of basin structures from sheff to oceanic basin.In the Zhu 1 depression on the shelf,the crust is nearly normal,the brittle and cold upper crust mainly controlled the fault development;so the combinative grabens with single symmetric graben are characteristic.In the slope,the crust thinned with a large stretching factor,affected by the mantle upwelling.The ductile deformation controlled the faults,so there developed an asymmetric complex graben in the Baiyun (白云) sag.  相似文献   
目前城市高层建筑越来越多,它的使用安全性也随之受到人们的关注。对城市高层建筑垂直沉降观测进行了详尽的阐述,介绍了沉降基准点、观测点的布设与设计原则,沉降观测的方法与施测精度,建筑物的沉降趋势以及观测成果的整理与分析,并进行了实例分析,对实际工作应用具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   
The new interactive ensemble modeling strategy is used to diagnose how noise due to internal atmospheric dynamics impacts the forced climate response during the twentieth century (i.e., 1870?C1999). The interactive ensemble uses multiple realizations of the atmospheric component model coupled to a single realization of the land, ocean and ice component models in order to reduce the noise due to internal atmospheric dynamics in the flux exchange at the interface of the component models. A control ensemble of so-called climate of the twentieth century simulations of the Community Climate Simulation Model version 3 (CCSM3) are compared with a similar simulation with the interactive ensemble version of CCSM3. Despite substantial differences in the overall mean climate, the global mean trends in surface temperature, 500?mb geopotential and precipitation are largely indistinguishable between the control ensemble and the interactive ensemble. Large differences in the forced response; however, are detected particularly in the surface temperature of the North Atlantic. Associated with the forced North Atlantic surface temperature differences are local differences in the forced precipitation and a substantial remote rainfall response in the deep tropical Pacific. We also introduce a simple variance analysis to separately compare the variance due to noise and the forced response. We find that the noise variance is decreased when external forcing is included. In terms of the forced variance, we find that the interactive ensemble increases this variance relative to the control.  相似文献   
为掌握江苏盐城滨海湿地獐(Hydripotes inermis)的最新种群数量与分布状况,于2007年3~5月,在江苏省盐城滨海湿地用样线法对獐的春季种群数量与分布进行了调查.调查结果表明,獐在盐城滨海湿地有2个分布区,一个在射阳县境内,以盐城国家级珍禽自然保护区核心区为中心,扩散至射阳芦苇公司及其周边区域;另一个位于大丰县境内,从大丰麋鹿保护区的第一核心区至第三核心区及周边荒地.獐在盐城滨海湿地的总数量在372只左右,其中盐城国家级自然保护区核心区分布獐的数量和密度最高,其数量约为327只,密度为1.9只/km2.与20世纪90年代调查数据相比,獐的分布范围和数量均显著下降.  相似文献   
云南保山核桃坪铅-锌矿床地质特征   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
保山核桃坪铅-锌矿为一中型铅-锌矿床。矿体赋存于上寒武统核桃坪组,主要受近SN向的层间断裂(F1)及次级断裂构造控制,岩石(性)控矿也十分明显,成矿作用与矽卡岩化密切相关。通过对该矿床地质特征的系统分析以及对矿床围岩蚀变、控矿因素的深入研究,认为该矿床主要矿化作用是深部高温成矿流体贯入并与围岩发生矽卡岩化蚀变,随后发生矿化作用。矿床应属矽卡岩型铅-锌矿床。  相似文献   
研究并开发应用于水下自主航行观测平台的高可靠CAN总线技术,实现高可靠性、实时、单多帧、大数据量数据传输。具有很好的系统兼容性,能够同基于8051、PC104、ARM等不同硬件系统的CAN节点进行高速数据通讯,为复杂分布式系统集成提供极具应用价值的通讯网络。  相似文献   
中国人口城镇化质量评价及省际差异分析   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
薛德升  曾献君 《地理学报》2016,71(2):194-39
新型城镇化是中国的重要国策,对人的城镇(市)化的科学评价是正确认识城镇化和制定相关政策的重要基础.目前城--乡二元分析框架下的以城镇化率和城镇(或区域)城镇化质量为主的评价方法,难以反映城镇化过程中社会结构的变化,同时乡村人口的城镇化发展也被忽略.本文提出人口城镇化质量的概念,建立了衡量人口城镇化质量的指标体系.对1995,2000,2005,2010和2012年全国及各省市的城镇人口,乡村人口及总人口的城镇化质量进行了分析.研究发现:① 尽管城镇人口的城镇化速度显著快于乡村人口,但城镇化并非城镇人口独有的社会过程.② 城乡两类人口的城镇化质量在省域尺度上正逐步形成差异明显的空间格局.③ 北京,上海,浙江等少数省市乡村人口的城镇化质量已经超越部分内地省市城镇人口的城镇化质量.建议更新对城镇化的认识和评价标准,探索在城镇化发达的地区调整城--乡二元体制的新途径,促进中国城镇化的健康发展.  相似文献   
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