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A new conglomerate test in palaeomagnetism   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The conglomerate test is widely used in palaeomagnetism to date components of natural remanent magnetization with respect to deposition of conglomerates. It has been demonstrated, however, that this test may be positive even if the data are strongly contaminated by a secondary remanence, especially for the commonly used small number of clasts Starkey & Palmer 1970). Here we show with the aid of numerical simulations that different statistical procedures employed in this test have similar low sensitivities to remagnetization. We suggest a new conglomerate test which incorporates additional information on the direction of a secondary palaeomagnetic component which is isolated from either clasts themselves or their host rocks. Numerical simulations show that this new test is about twice as sensitive to remagnetization as the previous procedures and is robust with respect to small errors in the direction of a secondary component.  相似文献   
Deposits of the “porphyry” family (essentially porphyry copper and gold-porphyry copper, gold-bearing porphyry molybdenum-copper, gold-containing porphyry copper-molybdenum and porphyry molybdenum deposits) are associated in time and space with granitoid magmatism mainly in Phaerozoic volcano-plutonic belts. Whatever their age, the deposits belong to two types of belts: basaltic belts, representing axial zones of island arcs, or andesitic belts formed within active continental (Andean-type) margins.The petrochemistry of ore-bearing magmatism related to the nature of the substratum of volcano-plutonic belts, reveals a number of essential characteristics, both in composition and zonation of wallrock alteration and ore mineralization. These characterisics enabled previous researchers to establish four models of porphyry copper deposits based on their lithologic associations, e.g., “diorite”, “granodiorite”, “monzonite” and “granite”.Pophyry copper deposits are thought to be the product of self-generating “two-fluid mixing” ore-magmatic systems. Porphyry intrusions are pathways for energy and metals from deep-seated magma chambers, of which the upper mineralized parts are accessible for observation. The relationship between magmatic fluids and meteoric water participating in the ore-forming processes (dependent on the structural-petrophysical conditions of formation), provide a subdivision for the porphyry copper ore-magmatic systems into three types: “open”, “closed” and “transitional”.Concurrently, a common trend in the evolution of the systems has been established, from a nearly autoclave regime of structural-and ore-forming processes to a gradual increase in the importance of hydrothermal recycling. The completeness of the OMS (ore-magmatic system) development according to this scheme, which determines the existence of various OMS types, depends on many factors, the most important being the depth of formation of porphyry intrusive bodies, the petrophysical peculiarities of the host rocks and the palaeohydrogeological conditions of ore deposition.Although rock fracturing (especially defluidization: second boiling) and contraction are caused by the same mechanisms, the stockwork growth in “open” and “closed” systems, relative to the wall rock, takes place in opposite directions, primarily due to different petrophysical parameters of the near-stock environment.In “open” systems structural and ore metasomatic processes are finalized. Fractures extend progressively from porhyry stocks into the marginal parts of the intrusive framework and extension of large-scale recycling of magmatic and activated meteoric water, in the same direction, result in the formation of ore-bearing stockworks. These are large in all dimensions, cover mainly hanging-wall zones and are characterized by clearly defined concentric mineral zoning and extensive geochemical haloes.In a “closed” OMS with centripetal growing fractures, hydrothermal convection is stunted. The vertical extension of recycling cells is restricted and the volume of meteoric water involved in circulation during the period of ore deposition is relatively small. As a result, relatively small intra-intrusive lenticular stockworks are developed which are characterized by close co-existence of several generations of mineralization with fragmentary preservation of the earliest ones. These are characterized by the elements of “reverse” zoning, increased density of the veinlets and metal content, as well as poorly developed hanging-wall dispersion haloes.  相似文献   
We analyze the Wolf number daily series WN (1849 to present) as well as two other related series characterizing solar activity. Our analysis consists in computing the amplitude of a given Fourier component in a sliding time window and examining its long-term evolution. We start with the well-known 27.03- and 27.6-day periods and observe strong decadal variations of this amplitude as well as a sharp increase of the average value starting around 1905. We then consider a packet of 31 lines with periods from 25.743 to 28.453 days, which is shown to be a better representation of the synodic solar rotation. We first examine the temporal evolution of individual lines, then the energy of the packet. The energy of the packet increases sharply at the beginning of the 20th century, leading by more than two decades the well-known increase of the Wolf number. The nonaxisymmetry of sunspots increases before the total increase of activity and may be considered as a precursor. We discuss briefly and tentatively this observation in terms of solar dynamo theory.  相似文献   
In this study we present a recent compilation of 286 modern surface pollen spectra from the southern part of the Russian Far East (42–54°N, 131–141°E) and use it to test the biome reconstruction method. Seventy terrestrial pollen taxa were assigned to plant functional types and then classified to eight regional biomes. When applied to 286 surface pollen spectra, the method assigns about 70% (201 sites) of the samples to the cool mixed forest biome, 17% – to the taiga, 2% – to the cool conifer forest, 3% – to the temperate deciduous forest, and 7% – to the steppe. The steppe reconstruction is characteristic of the pollen spectra from the agricultural areas around Lake Khanka. A visual comparison shows good agreement between pollen-derived biomes and actual vegetation distribution in the region. However, pollen and botanical data, compared with the potential vegetation distribution simulated from the modern climate dataset using the BIOME1 model, demonstrate that spatial distribution of cool mixed forest is underrepresented in the model simulation. The model sets the mean temperature of the coldest month of −15 °C as the factor limiting distribution of the temperate deciduous broadleaf taxa, while vegetation and pollen data from the region demonstrate that this limit should be lowered to −26 °C. Application of the method to the Gur 3–99 pollen record (50°00N, 137°03E) demonstrates that tundra vegetation predominated around the site prior to 14 ka BP (1 ka = 1000 cal. years). However, the local presence of boreal trees and mixed forest-tundra vegetation is suggested by relatively high taiga scores. Soon after 14 ka BP the scores of taiga become slightly higher than tundra scores. During 11.4–10.5 ka BP a cool conifer forest is reconstructed. Establishment of the full interglacial conditions is marked by the onset of cool mixed forest by 10.5 ka BP. Between 10.3 and 2.5 ka BP the scores of temperate deciduous forest are close to those of cool mixed forest and become distinctly lower during the late Holocene.  相似文献   
The analysis of sediment chemistry and biota in drill cores from Lake Khubsugul in Mongolia (KDP-01) and Lake Baikal in Siberia (BDP-96/1), two great Eurasian freshwater lakes, detected prominent climate and biological events at 460–420 and 670 kyrs BP in addition to the orbital cycles of precession, tilt and eccentricity. The revealed long-term events were associated with notable changes in biodiversity and geography/landscapes, mainly in water budgets and weathering patterns. The span between 460–420 and 670 kyrs BP was the time when the climate and geographic conditions differed from those before and after these events. The corresponding 33–24 m (670–460 kyr) interval of the Khubsugul core lacked the usual signature of the Milankovitch glacial/interglacial cycles. Events of approximately these ages were found in some other continental ecosystems and in oceanic δ13C records. The two events may mark the phases of a 300–500-kyr long supercycle (or megastadial) in the evolution of continental ecosystems. Among other causes (e.g., regional tectonic events), this periodicity, being globally correlated, may be associated with the 400-kyr cycle of the Earth’s orbital eccentricity.  相似文献   
The Kostenki–Borshchevo localities include 26 Upper Paleolithic sites on the first and second terraces along the west bank of the Don River, near Voronezh on the central East European Plain. Geoarchaeological research from 2001 through 2004 focused on sites Kostenki 1, 12, and 14, with additional work at Kostenki 11 and 16, and Borshchevo 5. The strata are grouped into three units (bottom up): Unit 1, > 50 ka, consists of coarse alluvium (representing upper terrace 2 deposits) and colluvium, overlain by fine‐grained sediments. Unit 2 includes archaeological horizons sealed within two sets of thin lenses of silt, carbonate, chalk fragments, and organic‐rich soils (termed the Lower Humic Bed and Upper Humic Bed) dating 50–30 ka. Separating the humic beds is a volcanic ash lens identified as the Campanian Ignimbrite Y5 tephra, dated elsewhere by Ar/Ar to ca. 40 ka. The humic beds appear to result from the complex interplay of soil formation, spring deposition, slope action, and other processes. Several horizons buried in the lower part of Unit 2 contain Upper Paleolithic assemblages. The springs and seeps, which are still present in the area today, emanated from the bedrock valley wall. Their presence may account for the unusually high concentration of Upper Paleolithic sites in this part of the central East European Plain. Unit 3, < 30 ka, contains redeposited loess with a buried soil (Gmelin Soil) overlain by a primary full‐glacial loess with an associated Chernozem (Mollisol), forming the surface of the second terrace. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
Abstract— Thermodynamic calculations of metastable equilibria were used to evaluate the potential for abiotic synthesis of aliphatic and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the martian meteorite Allan Hills (ALH) 84001. The calculations show that PAHs and normal alkanes could form metastably from CO, CO2, and H2 below approximately 250–300°C during rapid cooling of trapped magmatic or impact‐generated gases. Depending on temperature, bulk composition, and oxidation‐reduction conditions, PAHs and normal alkanes can form simultaneously or separately. Moreover, PAHs can form at lower H/C ratios, higher CO/CO2 ratios, and higher temperatures than normal alkanes. Dry conditions with H/C ratios less than approximately 0.01–0.001 together with high CO/CO2 ratios also favor the formation of unalkylated PAHs. The observed abundance of PAHs, their low alkylation, and a variable but high aromatic to aliphatic ratio in ALH 84001 all correspond to low H/C and high CO/CO2 ratios in magmatic and impact gases and can be used to deduce spatial variations of these ratios. Some hydrocarbons could have been formed from trapped magmatic gases, especially if the cooling was fast enough to prevent reequilibration. We propose that subsequent impact heating(s) in ALH 84001 could have led to dissociation of ferrous carbonates to yield fine‐grain magnetite, formation of a CO‐rich local gas phase, reduction of water vapor to H2, reequilibration of the trapped magmatic gases, aromatization of hydrocarbons formed previously, and overprinting of the synthesis from magmatic gases, if any. Rapid cooling and high‐temperature quenching of CO‐, H2‐rich impact gases could have led to magnetite‐catalyzed hydrocarbon synthesis  相似文献   
Sedimentary records from the southwestern Kara Sea were investigated to better understand the extent of the last glaciation on the Eurasian Arctic shelf, sea-level change, and history of the Ob' and Yenisey river discharge. Sediment-core and seismic-reflection data indicate that the Quaternary depositional sequence in the southwestern Kara Sea consists of glacial, glaciomarine, and marine sedimentary units. Glaciogenic sediments in the deep Novaya Zemlya Trough are presumably related to the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), whereas further east they may represent an earlier glaciation. Thus, it is inferred that the southeastern margin of the LGM Barents-Kara ice sheet was contained in the southwestern Kara Sea east of the Novaya Zemlya Trough. Changes in mineralogical, foraminiferal, and stable-isotopic composition of sediment cores indicate that riverine discharge strongly influenced sedimentary and biotic environments in the study area during the Late Weichselian and early Holocene until ca. 9 ka, consistent with lowered sea levels. Subsequent proxy records reflect minor changes in the Holocene hydrographic regime, generally characterized by reduced riverine inputs.  相似文献   
Deep ice drilling in Polar Regions plays a key role in paleo-climate, microbiological and glaciological researches. For deep ice and subglacial coring the special purpose-built electromechanical cable-suspended drills with bottom-hole circulation are designed and explored. Used at present drilling fluid circulation systems are specified by very high fluid wastes during processing. Measurements in deep drilling projects in Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets showed that 25%-40% of the drilling fluid, pumped into the hole, is retrieved to the surface with cable and drill, and up to 45% of retrieved fluid goes to waste. This leads not only to increasing of the fluid consumption and cost of the project in general but also to severe contamination of air, surface and near-surface snow-firn layers at the drilling site. In order to reduce wastes and environmental impact, it is proposed to modify drilling fluid processing system by avoiding of evaporation and leakages of fluid as far as practicable. Drilling fluid is prepared and pumped into the hole according to predetermined program on semiautomatic mode, and volume and density of blended and pumped into the hole drilling fluid are measured continuously. Components of the drilling fluid are stored and mixed in the special closed containers equipped by pressure relief valves. Separation of drilling fluid from ice cuttings is carried out by two steps: firstly, fluid is separated with hydro extractor and then with thermal separator. To reduce the amount of removed drilling fluid with cable special squeezing collar is installed on the borehole mouth. All these arrangements are able to decrease drilling fluid wastes in many times.  相似文献   
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