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Single-core and to a certain extent multi-core lead-rubber bearings have been extensively used in seismic isolation. Yet their behavior is not well understood and experimentation is required to obtain their mechanical properties. A recently developed and validated theory contributed to the understanding of the effects of heating of the lead core on the characteristic strength and ability to dissipate energy of these bearings. Additional results on the theory of heating of lead-rubber bearings are presented in this paper, including readily useable data on the rise of temperature in the steel shim and end plates of these bearings. The results may be used in the assessment of the validity of the theory of lead core heating in single and multi-core lead-rubber bearings and in recently developed multi-core lead-rubber dampers. Examples are presented (including some experimental data) to illustrate the application of the theory. The utility of the presented theory is to reduce the requirements for physical testing of lead-rubber bearings and dampers.  相似文献   
The French government has committed to launch the satellite TARANIS to study transient coupling processes between the Earth’s atmosphere and near-Earth space. The prime objective of TARANIS is to detect energetic charged particles and hard radiation emanating from thunderclouds. The British Nobel prize winner C.T.R. Wilson predicted lightning discharges from the top of thunderclouds into space almost a century ago. However, new experiments have only recently confirmed energetic discharge processes which transfer energy from the top of thunderclouds into the upper atmosphere and near-Earth space; they are now denoted as transient luminous events, terrestrial gamma-ray flashes and relativistic electron beams. This meeting report builds on the current state of scientific knowledge on the physics of plasmas in the laboratory and naturally occurring plasmas in the Earth’s atmosphere to propose areas of future research. The report specifically reflects presentations delivered by the members of a novel Franco-British collaboration during a meeting at the French Embassy in London held in November 2011. The scientific subjects of the report tackle ionization processes leading to electrical discharge processes, observations of transient luminous events, electromagnetic emissions, energetic charged particles and their impact on the Earth’s atmosphere. The importance of future research in this area for science and society, and towards spacecraft protection, is emphasized.  相似文献   
Preliminary results of a seasonal study of the pelagic community at a station on the outer edge of the Cornwallis Estuary suggest that the seasonal variation in plankton community respiration (PCR) is related to organic inputs from nearby salt marshes. Annual phytoplankton production is low (<30 g C m−2 y−1) and exhibits a seasonal cycle very different from PCR. There is no indication that resuspension of benthic diatoms is an important energy input to the pelagic system. PCR, however, is quite high and exhibits a seasonal trend similar to the export of salt marsh detritus. Zooplankton densities (5–200 l−1) and biomass (<0.4 g m−3) appear to be much greater than could be supported by phytoplankton alone. The Cornwallis Estuary may be an estuarine system exhibiting a net export of organic matter to nearby offshore waters.  相似文献   
Three distinct models from earlier work are combined to: (1) produce probabilistically weighted scenarios of greenhouse-gas-induced sea-level rise; (2) support estimates of the expected discounted value of the cost of sea-level rise to the developed coastline of the United States, and (3) develop reduced-form estimates of the functional relationship between those costs to anticipated sea-level rise, the cost of protection, and the anticipated rate of property-value appreciation. Four alternative representations of future sulfate emissions, each tied consistently to the forces that drive the initial trajectories of the greenhouse gases, are considered. Sea-level rise has a nonlinear effect on expected cost in all cases, but the estimated sensitivity falls short of being quadratic. The mean estimate for the expected discounted cost across the United States is approximately $2 billion (with a 3% real discount rate), but the range of uncertainty around that estimate is enormous; indeed, the 10th and 90th percentile estimates run from less than $0.2 billion up to more than $4.6 billion. In addition, the mean estimate is very sensitive to associated sulfate emissions; it is, specifically, diminished by nearly 25% when base-case sulfate emission trajectories are considered and by more than 55% when high-sulfate trajectories are allowed.  相似文献   
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