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南海北缘东部盆地油气资源研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
南海北缘东部的珠江口盆地及台西南盆地蕴藏着十分丰富的油气资源,根据区域构造背景、盆地发育分布的特点及中、新生代的油气地质条件,结合含油气构造、油气田、油气井的分布规律,利用油气资源评价的理论、方法,对区内的油气资源进行了综合研究,并按照油气资源状况划分出油气富集区、油气潜力区、油气远景区,在此基础上,再进一步划分出4条油气富集带、11条油气潜力带、8条油气远景带,充分显示了该区石油、天然气的分布规律和油气地质特点,为商业性的勘探开发和理论研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   
REEdistributioninwater-sedimentinterfacesystematdeepoceanfloor¥ZhangLijie;LiuJihuaandYaoDe(ReceivedFebruary1,1994;acceptedMay...  相似文献   
Emission fluxes of CN, C2 and C3 carbon-bearing molecular species observed in the coma of comets Bennett (1969i 1970II), West (1975n 1976VI), P Halley (1982i), Hartley-Good (19851) and Bradfield (1987s) are analysed in the framework of Haser model. CN, C2 and C3 production rates are determined using recently derived fluorescence efficiencies. The dependence of CN, C2 and C3 production rates on the heliocentric distance and the possible correlations among these radicals is studied and briefly discussed.  相似文献   
Improvements in the technology of laser ablation and ICP-MS instruments make LA-MC-ICPMS a rapid, precise and accurate method for U–Pb zircon geochronology. In this review we describe the main stages of the evolution of this in situ approach from the early 1990s to the present time. Some key points have been progressively improved. The crater size has been reduced to achieve real in situ measurements. The laser wavelength has been reduced as well as the duration of each pulse in order to lower inter-element fractionation. The blank from the gas has to be lowered as far as possible. Double focusing instruments and magnetic field sectors allow flat-topped peaks required for precise isotope ratio measurement to be obtained. The use of a multi-ion counting system significantly improves the sensitivity of the method and the static mode of integration favours the precision of measurement of the transient signal originating from a noisy laser ablated particle beam.Combining the use of a 213 nm UV laser and a MC-ICPMS equipped with a multi-ion counting system operating in static mode, the common precisions achieved for the key ratios 207Pb/206Pb and 206Pb/238U are better than 1% and 3% (2σ) respectively, including error propagation associated with standard normalization. Until now, the use of a zircon standard has remained necessary to ensure the accuracy of the calculated age. A strategy for common-Pb correction is proposed according to the age of the zircon and according to the Th/U ratio of the grains. After recording sixteen to twenty spot analyses the precision usually achieved on the age is about 1% and even significantly better for Proterozoic samples.In order to show the performance achieved by modern LA-MC-ICPMS geochronology, we tested four zircon samples covering a wide age range from 290 to 2440 Ma. These new age determinations can be compared in term of precision and accuracy since they have already been dated by reference methods (ID-TIMS and SHRIMP). Further developments in the technology of ion counters equipping modern MC-ICPMS and in laser systems will certainly be applied to a large field of geochronology studies in the near future as an alternative to SIMS for in situ age determination.  相似文献   
Maxwell's displacement current equation is interpreted in the light of recent work to show that static magnetic field in free space should have a colocated and contemporaneous mass that is neither embodied in, nor can be anticipated from, the mass-energy relation. Thus magnetostatic field in the universe represents an invisible mass. Some consequences are discussed.  相似文献   
We present a detailed, quantitative study of the standard [WC10] Wolf-Rayet central star CPD-56o 8032 based on new high resolution AAT UCLES observations and the Hillier (1990) WR standard model. Our analysis of CPD-56o 8032 gives the wind properties (T *=34500K, lg (L/L )=3.8, lg (M/M a–1)=–5.4,v =225 km s–1) and chemistry (C/He=0.5, O/He=0.1, by number), the latter suggesting an intimate relationship with the Ovi PN central stars and the PG 1159-035 objects. A comparison between the wind properties of CPD-56o 8032 and Sk-66o 40 (WN 10) indicates that low excitation, low wind velocity WR winds are common to both low mass PN central stars (WC sequence) and high mass post-LBV's (WN sequence).  相似文献   
The inner regions of the circumstellar disk around Pictoris might be dust-free due to a possible planet which may have cleared up dust particles. We present a new observational technique based on the use of an anti-blooming CCD in order to directly image this zone. The structure of the disk is revealed down to 2 arcsec from the star (30 AU). We show that the Pic disk brightness is neutral inV, R, andI C , but drops down when going inward inB, possibly related to a change in the dust composition. Also, a slight disk asymmetry is present but inverted from the outer to the inner zones.Paper presented at the Conference onPlanetary Systems: Formation, Evolution, and Detection held 7–10 December, 1992 at CalTech, Pasadena, California, U.S.A.  相似文献   
A WKB approach, based on the method of Connor, Hastie, and Taylor (1979), is used to obtain simple estimates of the critical conditions for the onset of ideal MHD instabilities in line-tied solar coronal loops. The method is illustrated for the constant twist, Gold-Hoyle (1960) field, and the critical conditions are compared with previous and new numerical results. For the force-free case, the WKB estimate for the critical loop length reduces to . For the sufficiently non-force-free case the critical length can be expressed in the forml 0 +l 1/m. The results confirm the findings of De Bruyne and Hood (1992) that for force-free fields them = 1 mode is the first mode to become unstable but for the sufficiently strong non-force-free case this reverses with them → ∞ mode being excited first.  相似文献   
A set of micro-meteorological data collected over a horizontal, uniform terrain (the plain of La Crau, France) in June 1987 is analysed. Conditions were predominantly sunny and arid, while due to the Mistral the wind speed could exceed 10 m/s. Verification of several methods to evaluate surface fluxes of heat, momentum and water vapour from the standard deviation of temperature, wind and specific humidity is presented. Also, a similar approach using the structure parameter of temperature is considered. These methods are all based on Monin-Obukhov (M-O) similarity theory. It is found that the standard deviation of temperature, vertical and horizontal wind speed as well as the structure parameter for temperature behave according to M-O similarity. It is shown that the sensible heat flux and friction velocity can be determined from a fast response thermometer and a cup anemometer. Also, it appears that the analytic solution of the set of governing equations as derived by the first author yields good results. M-O theory does not appear to work for the standard deviation of specific humidity. This may be due to the relative importance of large eddies.  相似文献   
De Lange N 《Erdkunde》1993,47(1):61-74
The reduction of the rate of growth of the Brazilian population from 3% in the 1960s to 2% by 1993 resulted from a significant reduction of fertility. According to the 1986 national maternal-child health and family planning survey (PNSMIPF) results, 43.3% of women were using some type of contraception: 65.6% of married or cohabiting women. Women relied most on sterilization (17.2%), followed by oral contraceptives (OCs) (17%), the rhythm method (2.8%), the condom (1.1%), and others (5.2%). Only in the south was OC use more prevalent (28.5%) than sterilization (12.2%). The proportion of sterilization reached 27.8% in the north/center-east urban regions. In urban areas sterilization averaged 18.7% vs. 12.7% in rural areas. 26.9% of currently married women in the age range of 15-44 years had been sterilized. A 1990 international estimation indicated that the proportion of sterilization amounted to 36.9% in China, 30.95 in India, 29.7% in Brazil, 47.6% in South Korea, 30.4% in Thailand, and 36.5% in the Dominican Republic. The 1986 PNSMIPF survey also indicated that sterilized women were better informed than other women about contraception. 75% of the former had used OCs, 5% had used the diaphragm, 3% the IUD, 30% the condom, and 35% coitus interruptus at one time or other. The sterilized women had an average of 1.7 more children than those who were using other methods of contraception. 48.6% of women were sterilized before the age of 30, when they had had an average of 3.6 children. 66.6% of the sterilized women who had given birth before the age of 20 had 4 or more live births as compared to 5.9% of sterilized women aged 30 with the same number of children. 47% of women without any schooling were using some kind of contraception vs. 77% of those who had completed secondary school. A multivariate analysis also showed that the age of the mother, the number of live births, the educational status of the mother, and family income were positively correlated with sterilization.  相似文献   
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